AGREEMENT (2) /.;.;. ~ ,. , I I . < >.." r ~ . t.... " -k/ AGREEMENT TElIS AGREEJ\ffiNT, Made and entered into this 10th day of October, 1946, by and between the CITY OF CLEARViATER, a municipal corporation within the state of Florida, hereinafter called the . "Munioipa1ity, tt and. FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, "Jereinaf'ter called the "Company".; VITTNESSETEI: That in consideration of the sum of One, Dollar ($1.00) paid by each of the parties hereto to the other, the receipt of wbich is hereby aclOlow1edged, and in :f'urther consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained to be performed by the parties hereto, it is mutually covenanted and agreed: I. That the Company binds itself, its legal representatives, suocessors and assigns, to furnish and to sell to the MUnicipality, and the ~unicipality hereby binds itself to buy of Florida POTh~r Corpora- tion, its legal representatives, successors and assigns, all of the electric energy required by the Municipality, exoept for resale and as hereinafter provided, for the operation of its water pumping plants, gas works, sewage disposal pumping stations, causeway drawbridge, i'or the street lighting systems (overhead and ornamental post) an(f :rot" ' lighting service to all miscellaneous situations now connected, and for similar situations that t:.ereafter may be added, and not to generate . -' &,..,:;' ( I .. p,:J,jj'" U\ I ''\ "~'h,.. \_~ ) \..... .... " I I " , . such energy itself, except as hereinafter provided for the supply 01' emergency service, or purchase it elsewhere, except as and when the Company is unable to furnish it or refuses v.rithout legal excuse to do so. II. In consideration 01' the above agreement, the Municipality, during the entire period 01' this agreement, binds itself to pay to the Company monthly for all electric energy used and consumed at the 1'01- lowing rates, to-.tit: RATE P::;;R EONTlI: 1.25Jt per KViI Fuel Adjustment: Energy charge shall be increased or decreased ~.OO015 (15/100 of a mill) per KWH for each five cents (5st) above $1.05 or below $.90 per barrel, respectively, in the pub- liShed price 01' Bunker "e" fuel oil, f.o.b. storage tanks at Port Tampa, Florida rihere servioes can be consolidated, the Municipality will provide such consolidations to eliminate separate metering. /'., "'"" III. It is agreed that the electric energy supplied under this ... ~ ... . I -, I agreement shall be delivered as follows: To Water Pumping Plants and Gas Works (Served from 2300-volt master- metered circuit): Service sapplied at 2300 volts and delivered at junction pole located on Maple street, one span west of Alden Avenue, and measured by 2300-voltmetering equipment installed on pole located adjacent to gas plant engine room. To,iater Pumping Plants (Not served from master-metered circuit) J Sewage Disposal Pumping Stations and Causeway Drawbridge: Jervice delivered at each location and measured ~t primary voltage at Company's option. The Municipality shall furnish and main- tain the necessary stepdown transformers and provide meter connection at each location. street Lighting Systems (except Clearwater Beach) At bus bar of Company's substation. Service delivered and measured at approximately 4,000 volts, three phase. Clearwater Beach (Street Lighting) At Island end of causeway. Service delivered and measured at approximately 2300 volts, single ph~se. - 3 - '.. ,,~ .",' t' * I I " " l.Iiscellaneous Situations (per schedule attached) Service delivered and metered at each location, single phase, 115 or 115/230 volts. The CompaIJiY' will furnish and install the necessary meters adjacent to each location. the registration of whioh meters shall con- stitute the basis of computation of bills for energy consumption,. IV. Bills for electric energy shall be rendered monthly by the Company and shall be due and payable Vli thin ten days from date rendered; and it is further stipulated that the Company shall have the right to discontinue the delivery of electric energy to the Municipality under this agreement in the event the ~Ilunicipalityshall fail to pay any sum due hereunder from the Municipality to the Company, as herein provided. or in the event the Municipality otherwise/violates this agreement, provided the Company shall give the :Municipality at least sixty days' written notice of its intention to discontinue delivery of electric energy and the reason therefor, and the l.!unicipality shall have such period in which to pay the sum. due or make good such violation. V. Inasmuch as the Municipality has installed a boiler in con- nection witit its incinerator plant for the disposal of rubbish and garbage, and has installed a steam driven generating unit for the utilization of such steam as may be produced by the said incinerator boiler, it is hereby understood and agreed that the Municipality shall - 4 - .' I I '. . . have the right and privilege of oonnecting its wires from its generator, through suitable protective equipment to be approved by the Company and with synohronizing equipment, all to be furnished by the lIiunicipality, wi th the incoming electric service supplied by the Company to the gas plant and water pumping stations for the purpose of pennitting the I'unicipali ty to operate its generator in parallel ....ri th the ComPanY's system and to utilize to the fullest extent suoh energy as may be generated from the steam supplied by the incinerator boiler. The l~unicipality agrees that it will operate its generator at proper exci- tation and th~t it will not use steam from the boilers of the gas plant for the operation of said steam engine unless the Company, for any cause, is unable to supply the requirements of the Munioipality. The Compa:cy has installed disconnecting switches at or near its meter through which service is supplied to the Municipality for water pumping and gas plant usage so that these svritches may be opened in the event the Company is unable to supply energy to the Mmlicipality for water pump- ing, 'which will permit the Munioipality to supply its water pumping stations from its steam driven cenerator; it being understood and agreed, however, that when such interruption of servioe has been cor- rected, the Company shall have the right to reconnect its servioe to the circuits supplying the water pumping stations and gas plant, and the ~unicipaIity ,viII immediately resume taking service from the Company. Ill. It is further covenanted and agreed that the Company shall - 5 - ~,. ",., I I .., not be liable for damage or injury to persons or property arising, oc- . curring or resulting in the receiving, use or application of electric energy or operation of machinery or equipment on the !ilunicipality's side of the points of delivery (except as hereinafter provided in the misconduct or negligence on the part of the Company in the operation and maintenance of overhead street lighting system), and the Munici- pality shall not be liable for damage or injury to persons or proper~J aris ing, occurring or resulting in the construction, maintenance and operation of the Company's lines and equipment on the Company's side of the points of delivery; and the Company and the Municipality shall hold and save each other harmless against such loss or damage sustained on their respective sides of the points of delivery. VII. It is further oovenanted and agreed that the Municipality at any reasonable time, upon notice to the Company, shall have the right in the presence of an officer, agent or designated employee of the Com- pany to read and check the comp~1 s meters and/or metering equipment, should it so desire, and should there be any disagreement as to the correctness Of readings and/or accuracy of said meters or metering equip- ment, the parties hereto shall jointly test said meters, but it is here- by agreed that the said meters and/or metering equipment shall be con- sidered within the percent average accuracy provided calibration is within two percell't (2%) of accuracy. Should the meters be beyond the said range of aocuracy, an adjustment shall be made based on the average of the three months' oonsumption immediately prior to the period - 6 - I I '. in question, but no adjustment shall extend over a period of more than three months. VIII. It is further covenanted and agreed that inasmuch as the Company owns the overhead street lighting system and equipment, and will ovm the ornamental post street lighting system and equipment installed by the company, the rate for energy herein stipulated shall include the maintenance by the company, at its cost and expense, of the overhead street lighting system and equipment and said orna- mental post street lighting system and equipment installed by the company, and replacement of lamp bulbs in its said systems; ~and it is further understood and agreed that upon written request of the Municipali ty the Company will maintain the ornamental post street lighting system owned by the Municipality now existing, or such addi- tions as hereafter may be installed by the Municipality, on a basis of cost plus ten percent (lO%).v It is further agl"eed that the Municipality reserves the right to specify the candle power of lamps to be used and to regulate the hours of burning of said street lighting systems. IX. It is further covenanted and agreed that upon reasonable notice from the Municipality, in writing, the Company will transfer any lamp installation in the overhead street lighting system now existing - 7 - . . I t " or as hereafter may be added, and insta.ll the same in any other loca- tion in the existing system. provided, however, that the Municipality will within tlur~j days after the completion of the transfer and reinstallation of said lamp or lamps, reimburse the Company for the actual cost, including transfer and reinstallation of poles, cross- arms, wires and fixtures. The Company further agrees that, upon written notice from the MUnicipality, it will install additional lamp or lamps to the exist- ing overhead street lighting system, provided that such additional lamps shall not be plaoed more than four hundred (400) feet apart, and further provided that the Company will not be required to make additions to the said overhead street lighting system wi thin six months from the expiration date of e:ny contraot period. x. It is further agreed that the Company will use all reasonable care and diligence to provide the :Municipality with an uninterrupted supply of electric energy when it is required by the Municipality, but it vnll not be responsible for interrupted service which may occur from time to time on account of damage to any portion of its machinery or equipment, and if' service shall be defective or be interrupted or fail by reason of acts of God, or by the acts of persons or circumstances over which the Comp~ has no control, or by any emergencies in which the Comp~ may be compelled to act to prevent injuries to life, person or property, except upon willful default of' the Company, the Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting therefrom. but in - 8 - .' I I ~ the event the supply of energy shall be interrupted, the Company vJill exercise all reasonable. diligence to remove the cause of inter- ruption from whatever source and to resume the normal supply of energy as quickly as possible. XI. It is further covenanted and agreed that the Company shall assume all liability for damage or personal injury caused by its negligence in construction, operation and maintenanoe of said over- head street lighting system, but the Company shall not be liable to any inhabitant of the Municipality or to any other person, firm or corporation, for any claim, demand, loss or damage of .vhatsoever nature or character due to or arising out of aIW failure or interrup- tion of lighting service hereunder; that nothing in this agreement expressed or implied is intended or shall be construed to confer upon or give to any inhabitant or citizen of the Municipality or to any person, firm or corporation other than the parties hereto, any right, remedy or claim under or by reason.of this agreement or any covenant, condition or stipulation hereof; and that all covenants, stipulations, promises and agreements in this agreement contained for or on behalf of the Company shall be for the benefit of the parties hereto. XII. It is further agreed :that if by ~ lawful authori'ty, Federal, State or :r.:::unicipal, there shall be imposed upon the CompaIW rolY KViH generation, sales tax or gross revenue tax, in addition to - 9 - I I .. those now in effect, Which shall increase the Company's cost of serv- ing the Municipality under this agreement, the said tax shall be added to the rate stipulated in Paragraph II hereunder. In the event that the Company requires said tax so imposed to be paid by its other customers served in the City of Clearwater~ then the Municipality agrees to aSBU1Il.El and pay the said tax which shall be added to the rate stipulated~ except where City is excluded from the operation of any such tax. In the event the Company does not require the tax so imposed to be paid by its other customers served in the City of Clearwater, and the Municipality is unwilling to accept such increase in rate caused by such tax imposed, then the Municipality :may rescind this con- tract and the Company shall give the Municipality not less than six months' notice in writing before disoontinuing the supply of electrio energy to the Municipality. XIII. It is further covenanted and agreed that this agreement shall becoue effective on the I!!" day of October ~ 1946, and shall be in full force and effect for a period of five (S) years thereafter, and shall continue automatically thereafter for like periods, and be in full force and effeot until one of the parties notifies the other, in Yrriting~ of its intention to terminate this agreement, ~lich notifica- tion shall be given not less than. six (6) months prior to the da1;e of termination of any contraot period. - IO - I I ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF ~ the CITY OF CLEARWATER, has caused its name to be hereunto subsoribed by the City Manager of said City, confirmed by the :.~yor of said City and attested by the Ci~1 Clerk on the day and year first above written; and the FLORIDA POVWER CORPORATION has caused this agreement to be executed by its Vice President and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and attested by its Assistant Secretary, the day and year first above written. Signed~ sealed and delivered in the presence of: ~~~ Wd/~ /-t2;/4~ ~ t ..." By t~"~4~ uayor Co ss~oner.. ~ C~tj~ Clerk Signed, sealed and delivered @J.Of: ~) D - \- FLORIDA PO~~R CORPORATION ~t2 > . , "::- By . jf - - ice f(.eirft Attest: ~v!..0?~.. " -. ~, a~~<""\ Assist~~t Secretary ,. , I I STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) Personally appeared before me, the undersigned authorit,y, th~s/"~ day of 1~7;;JI!.Y , 1946, 1:~.//t:fl~.'x G,o. J( Seq?, and -:r;qll} ~ Goo /~ I to me well 10lOwn to be the City Manager, the Mayor and the Clerk, , .~, respectively, of the Cit,y of Clearwater, Florida, and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing instrmnent as such.. for and on be- half of the said City of Clearwater, Florida.. for the uses and purposes therein expressed and that they did so under and by virtue of authority lawfully oonferred upon them under the laws of the State of Florida; and that the seal annexed thereto is the true and genuine corporate seal of the City of Clearwater, Florida. ...-......~'-.... ...--"... -- "-.~ '..." . ~ 'WITNESS my hand and official seal the date aforesaid. A: _':' ~ _ _ _ ..-.;,. _ /' - - - - - . - .- - .... ..............'- My commission expires: fit. t 1-/,;1 I I STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) Personally appeared before me, the undersigned author- ity, this lOth day of October, 1946. J. F. BAILEY and G. F. FOLEY. J to me well known to be the Vice President and Assistant i:iecretary. respectively, of Florida Power Corporation, ~o severally acknowledged that they executed the foregoing instrument as said officers for and on behalf of said corporation, for the purposes and uses therein expressed, and that they did so under and by virtue of authority lawfully conferred upon them by said corpora- tionj that the seal annexed thereto is the true and genuine cor- porate seal of the corporation. - , :.. . -' ~- - -. ',/ ' . ,- . -.. - - ~~.y::;~ Notary Public ,..:. ..-r:y-i~ssiol1 expires: - ,. , -: :.. :~rfQMry Public, State of Fl6fidaat large "~'~ ,.:.,."My Commission Expires April 22, 1949. .. . " I I EXHIBIT "A" POWER SERVICE LOCATIONS Schedule of L=ain and lIiscellaneous Power Situations, metered separately, and oonnected as of October I, 1946. The KWH consumption shall be consolidated and billed at the rate. l. Llam Power 1Ieter for Gas Plant and ',Tater Pumping Stations served from master-metered power circuit. 2. riater Pump - Gulf to Bay Boulevard and Highland Avenue 3. Vlater Pump - North side Gulf to Bay Boulevard. East of Skyview 4. Water Pump - Jeffords Street and Prospect Avenue 5. Water Pump - Madison Avenue and Lakevievr Drive 6. Sewage Disposal Pump - Woodlawn and Cross Lane 7. Sewage Disposal Pump - Pinellas and Plant Streets 8. Sewage Disposal ~ - Osceola at Nicholson 9. Sewage Disposal Pump - Marshall and Bay IO. Sewage Disposal Pump - Lantana Avenue 11. Sewage Disposal Pump - 1Iandalay Avenue 12. Sewage Disposal Pump - Bruce and Carlouel 13. Sewage Disposal Pump - Marshall Street 14. Gas Booster Pump - Harborhill Street at Safety Harbor lS. Causeway Drawbri.dge .. .. I I EAHIBIT "B" LIGHTING SERVICE LOCATIONS Schedule of Street Lighting (Overhead and Ornamental Post) and l.Iiscellaneous Lighting Situations, metered separately, connected as of October 1, 1946 (Ch~frber of Commerce ex- cepted). The KVffi consumption shall be consolidated and billed at the rate. 1. Main Street Lighting Meter for Overhead and Ornarn.ental Post LightUig Systems 2. Causeway White Way 3. Causeway Bridge Li~ts 4. Seminole Street Pier 5. Traffic Signal- Sunset Point Drive 6. Traffic Signal -Drew Street and North Ft. Harrison Avenue 7. Traffic Signal - Drew Street and Garden Avenue 8. Traffic Signal - Mandalay Drive, Clearwater Beach 9. Traffic Signal - Woodlawn and South Ft. Harrison Avenue IO. Traffic Signal - Druid Road at South Ft. Harrison Avenue 11. Traffic Signal - Turner Street and South Ft. Harrison Avenue l2. Traffic Signal - Haven Street and South Ft. Harrison A venue 13. Traffic Signal - Eldridge Street and North Ft. Harrison Avenue l4. White ifay at S.A.L4R.R. Depot l5. Flood Lighting - Brooklyn Field lB. Club House - Brooklyn Field 17. Flood Lighting - Green Field 18. Club House - Green Field 19. Flood Lighting - Colored Ball Park 20. Shuffleboard Court - Overbrook 2l. Shuffleboard Court - City Park 22. Shuffleboard Court - Seminole Street 23. Public Library 24. Fire Station and Jail 25. Horseshoe Clubhouse - City Park 26. Municipal Auditorium 27. Eunicipal Auditorium - Exit Lie;hts 28. 11unicipal Tennis Courts 29. City Park - Community House 30. City Park - V.F .W. Building 3l. Ci ty Park - New Bowling Court 32. Flood Lights - Belmont 33. Fire Station - Mandalay Boulevard 34. Colored Playground - lladison Avenue 35 . City Hall For Additional Locations: ThelOiIconSUIilptdiell ,o:t"<'S1~'bibn8 silnilarto the above, connected subsequent to October l, 1946, will be consolidated and billed at the rate. I :- I City of Clearwater Pinellas County, Florida Amendment to contract dated Oct. 10, 1946 covering the fur- nishing of electric energy and service for municipal purposes; said contract effective for an initial period of Five years from Oc.t 1, 1q4h , automatically renewable. EFFECTIVE DATE; This amendment shall become effective with the billing period which begins during the month of July, 1963. AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT: All terms and conditions are the same ~s stipulated in the contract, with the following exception: Street Lighting: The contract is hereby amended to reflect the reduction in the amount of the monthly Fixed Charge for 20,000 Lumen (400 watt) Mercury Vapor Luminaires from $1.50 to $1.35 each. Number of 20,000 Lumen (400 watt) Mercury Vapor Luminaires in service at effective date of this amendment 197 All other terms and conditions of the contract will remain in full force and effect. ,/" /-- ./ ," C' , 1963 tJ.,))' Approved: June 17 , 1963 FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION By .LJ/l/Z.-lid/ - Vice'President ,-', Attes-t: >-~~~ ,>-", - Cl k ,,--,.-/.-; 7'- -:' er (-.... - -~i-"ve.'(L-:a5 to Form and " ~" co~q''-c.t"ri~S:S : -~a '=~~ -'City" ttorney Attest: ~~ 4 ~~~--~ Secretary - .- I .. I ('\ i1 I /' ~ ' I _ I i r.~l ,,/~ ".. \_'" '...-..~r-.>.-. , 13517 July 19, 1863 Mr. H.rol'l. Du.PW DIY1.1.. ......1' , 10r1 d. Power CorpO~.t1o. C 1. '.1.... St !te.t C J....".t.l'. 'l..J.d. 0..1' Nr. O..ph" We .... .nclott., Il....h. ... cop, ., tile .......nt t. the Plorid. ,..... C....CII... to.. ......t li,lIch,. 1'Ilh ........n ".. ..,....... ., n. Ch, CO.lUlSh. .t It. a... 1... IIHtt., of ".ly 15 . 186. an. ... bo.. prop. ..1)' ".e.t.d .)' ol,t.hlo ., tll. 'Cit, 01 Cl.......t.... St...rel,. 'our.. J.... I. St...rt City H.n8.or ~Sl)100 -..-'" -.----.-