. I
1 illll 1:1 :.
tHIS AS......, .... aDd enUf.tMcl lnto 11h1. / tJ -4&7
ot June, 1940, by anti" beiiween the CITY OP OLEARWATER, a mun1 e1pa.).
of>J,;Ipofttlon w1 tbtn '\M....t. ot Plor14a, MNlaaft... called i;be
ltM1U'delpall t,. ."an4 FLORIDA POWER CORf'OJU,TION ~ a corporation
organi.ed and exl.t,1ns _del" the 1... of th&t ltat. or Florida,
hereinafter called. the .OompanT' J
WITNESSftHI That In oona14eratlon of the sum. of
One Dollar '$1.00) pU,4 _ eaoh ot the partie. hereto to the
other, the reoeipt 01' which 1. heN'" acknowledged, and ln1\1rther
...l.d..ratlon of the mu.tualeovenante and agre.menta M"ln eon...
t8"~d to .. pe.:loNlt4.iW..... ........ M"'_, 1t 18 _tut.U,..
covenanted and agre...t
'l'bat the C_patlJ" bia48 1 t.elf, ita legal repre..nt-
at1..., lUoo..aora and a.signa, to 1Um1ah and to..l1 to the
Jllm1clp-.11 ty, and the hnlclpal1 tt hereby binds its.lf to 'bu7
of Florida PowerOol;'pOMtleJ1, lia legal np~...ntatlv.., successors
and a.aips, all Of the .leotr10 energy required bJ the Muniolp-
alit,.., _..,t tor re.a1e and u bere1narter prov1de4, :for the
operation oE It, water paplng plants, gas work., disp08al
p'UDlplng station., oaus.waY' drawbridge, tor street 11ghtingsystema
(oyerhead. an4o.....Jli-dpo.')_4,,... Up"'''' I ..~Y1c:. to &11-
misoellaneous 81tua\loa. Dowoonnected <with the exception ot
the 01 ty hall) and for .1m1lar 81 tuat10ns that hereafter may
be adde", anA not to generate neh enerQ ltael.t, .acept ...
bre1natter provl4e4 for the supply ot e.rgency .."10e, or
purchase .1 t .l....her., except U &Del when the CompC1 18 unable
to :furnieh 1t or refu... without legal excuse to do so.
Xt 1e agrH4 that tbe eleotrie ene1'l7 supp11ed under
th1aagl"eement shall be delivered al 1'o11owII
, I
lOr 'enl.. to Water hmping Plant. and GaB Worb (Served tro.
~SOo-volt .lter-_qre4 01"'4 t;l!.
Semo. 8\1,pplied at 8$00 volta and delivered at junction pole
lecatea_ bplea..." .e.pan weat of Alden Avenue. and .., _terlq .........1; .tuftl1a.4 ..4 1u.u~ l11 the
O~ on pol. 100.'.4 a43&oen.t top. p1_1; Mglne "_.
For Servioe to Water Pumping Plante (not .erved from master-
metered circuit), Se..~. Pl.po.ell Pumping Stations and Cause-
I.e.:!" Dra1fbr~*el , 1 ,.~ .1
,ani.. _11.81'84 at .a. l..atlon and .&8\U'eCl at 230 Tolta,
"phaa.. The Mu1l101pall t., .hall tumlffh Eind 1Q1nta1n th*
neoe..&r"8tepdown trtu'lsfo1'm8rl snd pronde uteI' conneotlon
at each locu~tlon.
"r st:r..t i!lMU~ S~~. (exeept CleaJ.!'Watel'" huh)
At bus bu ot O~t8 8ub.tatlon. S.~o. 4111Y8red an4
meaRNd at .pproxl.ate17 2~ volt., 3-pba...
For Cleas-water Be~ (street Lighting)
At Island end ot cau....a.,. Serviee delivered and mea.ured
at flpprouutel.,.2300 volta, 81ngle ph1l...
B21~~.o.ll.~Ja.~l_~l1a~''''1 (,.r aohedul. attMbttd.) I
8e1'.,1e.-d~1v..ed aa4 _~ ., e.aob. 100..10n, 8ingle p...,
U5 or 115/230 volta.
f..Oo...., w111 ~lan aa4 lJ1.~alltbe neo..aar,. meter.
ad3acent to e.oh 100at1oll, the registration of 1ihloh _ter. .ball
coutltllte the baaI. ot computation of billa torenel'Q conaumption.
B1lla for eleo'l"loenergy ahall be rendered. I!Onthlybl'
the Company and.hAll bedu. and P&7ablewlth1a ten cla:ys from date
renderedJ ..114 1 t 1. f'wther atipu1ate4 that the a_pany .bal-l have
the rIght to dIaoontinue the dellve17 of electrio energJ' to the
Munioipalitv under this agreement In the event the Municipality
.-11 taU. 1';0 pq .... aua duo Ml'eUll4er trom the llunioipal1 t7 'to
the Company, ... berein provideA. or 1n the event the MUD1clpall tJ'
otherw18e violates th11 agreement, provided the Company .hall give
the Mun1clpallt, at least 812t.t7ela," written notloe of ita In-
tention to a.aoon:'in.. deli...., ot eleotz-lo el1e1'81 IU\ld the reaaon
therefor, and. th. 1luA101paJ,1 tJ' .ball ban '\lOb pe11.04 in wb10h
to pay the awa due 01' make good such violation.
tna..-cnas tbB JiNale1pallty baa installed a boiler
b1 ocmn.etlon 1rlth 1t. lne1Mn.tctrpl..t to.. tl;tt dl.po.a1 of
,11ibl48h and ....-..., ... hat wtaUe' .. .... Q1 "en g......ttng
un1 t roX' the util:1aatlon of such steam as may be produoec;i by the
...14 lnol..2:'atol' M11D, 1'1. -:n"D7 UQI'*'ood and agre.4 tbat
the Mu:t11clpall tJ ehall have the right IlUld pr1 Yilege oroonne.ting
1ta ..lres from lta generator, suitable p:roteot1ve 8q.ulp-
ment to b$&PPJ."'f)'Yed by the CQIIPan-, and .1 th *1QohroD1a1ngequ1p.-
.-nt, all to M t"urrd...4 by the JIun.101pallt7, with the 1neom1ns
eleotrlc .ervloe aupJll.le4 b7 the Oompany to the gas plant and
1IateX' pumping atatlon. for the purpo.. of permitting the Kunic-
ipal1 t'1 to c,.rat. 1 ta genera torln paraJ..,J.el w1 th the o omp any , 8
qstemand to _t1UH to tbe .tu11e.t..t-.t.ueh ..r81 ... mq
be generated. trom the .... M1PPlledbr 1d.e taotlle.."" -'"341'
a. inoident to the QP8"at1onof: the incinerator. The Municipality
acne. that 1t will .,.ft- 1t. ......'tor at prop.. exoitation
and tbatlt ",111 not 118. .te.. ft'olll the boiler. of tbO ga. plant
tor the op.ratlon of s.1d ate.. engine unless the COmpan7. for
&nJ' 4&\1... t. unable to eu.pp17 the requ1rementa of the .\U11oIpal...
it,.. The COlQUf 1:1... Soaatall.A dlaoonnectlngaw1tc:mus at or
near 1 t. meter .bloh ""1" ;la .upplS.a4 1-0 the lthmlolp.u-
It,. t'tl1JI, water p'WlQ)tng and sa plant uaag. '0 that the.e nitohe.
maybe opened in the .",ent the CODlpaDJ 18 unable to aupp11 energy
to the!lull1clpe.llt., tor water pumpIng, wb1,ch will permit the
It\mle1pallt,. to aupp17 1n ...... P\11l'Plas ....tton. f'J'Qm It. ate..
41'1... generator, It beins und....too. ... apeed. how.ver, that
.hEln such interrupt:1on of a8"10. haS been corrected, the Company
.~11 hav. the :tlpt $0 ..~.ot 1 t. the elrclU ts
auppl71ng the' lNIlP1n.g .tatton. and. gal plant. and the
lfuniclpul t7 rill l11D1841at&1,. rewae tak1ng .8rv108 tro. the
It 18 ~th&r eovenanied and agreed that tbe CGmpan7
.ball not be llto})l. t.~ d.fuDaae or injury to per.on. or property
Ul111lfh ocourtna er "8\11'1118 1n tbe "O.1Tlng, UN .>> app11.-
ation ot e1..trle ....,_ op.~..1;tOI1 ot mublne.,. ...,u>>
on tbeM\xn1clpal1t.,'" a14. of tn.PQint. 01 deli veT!J (except
.. MHlnane.. pM"l." III tM .....0114\1.' 01' MIllS.... Oil
the part of the QomP8D7 11'1 the operation and ma1B'tenane. .t
."erhea4atr..t 11ghtlq8,..tem), an4 tbe JI\m101palltJ' ah..l1n.ot
be liable tOl' or ta3Ul'J to person. Ol" preperty arising,
occurrIng or rehlt!as 1n the oon.tnotlon, m.t.1nt__ee and
operation of the COJapaD.1'. line, and e,u1pment on the Oompany' 8
ald. of the point. or dellverJJ and the Company and. the Klm101.p...
alitJ .hall bo14u4 ...... ...ohother hanole.s against 8'lleb1.oI8
C)r d'.'a. auttd..iIl .. tbes,s- ".~ctlve aide. of '... polat. Of
It 1. tutho oeTena'ed p4 .......4 talat _.JI1Ja101...
pall t7 at an,. reaaonable t~; upon notice to the a_pen,- I .hall
bt:.. the right in tbe pre,.n.. of an offioer, agent or designated
.-plo,.ee of the Cem.puf to. read and check the OOBtpanl'lmeter.
and/or ..tering .qdpaeat ,..\114 1. t sodealre, and abo\114 then
be an,., .. to the .or"otne.. of "ding. V1d/or
accur&o7 of add metol'aor _ter1ng equ1paent, the parti.. hereto
shall 301ntl,. sald metera, but 1 t 18 herebJ' agree4 that
the Q.tcl ..t.... .4/0'1: _terIng equipmeJ1t ahell. be considered
w1thin the per oent ...... ..o_a.,. pf'oYlilM'ati_ 1t
Witbi8 bo per centull (.-) or uO'U'a.,.. Sbo'U1d the meters be
bOJOa4 the a&tel .--se of accura.,. .ana4ju.etJaent ,ball 'be
b...d an the fl...... of the thne aontb.t' e.aWIIPtlon 111'.1tled-
1&tel,. prior to tbe "1'104 in que.ti.n, but no adjustment shall
extend 011e1'" a perlod of Dl9" than three lIlOnthe.
I '
It 1. f'urther cOve:naatecl and &greM that 1n&IaUOl'.l ..
the Oompa1l7 Olm. the exist1ng overhead street lighting system end
.q,u1p.ntan4 tn. .....ipa11tlJ .... 'tM .a18t1ngo~nt;al post
."..e.Ugh.lng .".u., ,. 1'.'. to. -..Il_"lln .tl~t.4
ahall Include the malntenanoe b7 the Company, at it. coat and
e.%"n.. __ C!' the.a.14 lighting .yat.. aD4 equipment
a,nd "plaoement of 1_ bulb. 1n it. own _y.t_ and 1-. tbat ott~
Mun1c1pal1 ty, provided, howeyer, that 1-. bulb. -.1101o:u117 an<<
wl11.t\1117 brOken by l1DkD01m persona 8hall. be paid for b7 the
!4'U1').101pallty at .Nt price. and. 1t laruttther underato04 and agNed
that upon 1fn tten of the Mun1elpal~ ty the aGill:pa.u7 w111
maintain the ornaaental poat atHet lighting a,.ate. of the
Municipal1t}' now e:x1atlng, or such addition. .a hereafter m&'1
be 1ll8tallM 'b1 theJIW.lo1palltJ',. ona bu1. of coat Plu ten
pelt' ee.. (1Q%).
It 1s further .greed that the Munic1pality re8~rve8
the :r1gbt ...,...dl. power of laa,pa to be u..4 and to
r.gu1ate the hour. of buJ'a1q .t .aid street li.;b.t$.ng .,..t....
It 18 .tvth.:t covenanted and agt'eed that upon rea80n-
able notice hom the MwUolpa.11 t,., 1n w1"1 ting, the Companr w111
trlUla:re1" anr lamp la.tallatlon 1n the ov.mea4 str..t lighting
.~t_ now e.x18ting or aa hereafter -7 be ad.40d, and install
the same in an,. other location in the ensting 87stem, prov1ded,
howeve"", that the Mun:1.01pa11t7 wUl w1 thin thirty day. atter th&
o~.tlouor the t.,r...f8r ~ re-1.tlSt~1..t1on of Rld 1...,,,
lamps, reimburse the CompanJ tor the actual coat I lnclwU.aa
transfer and re-lnstallatlon of poles, eros.arms, wlreslJld
Tbe oOmpan,. .fWltther acr... that, upOn written notioe
Itom the PIun1c1paJ.l 'J'. :1. t wUl 1nItall add1 t1 onal lUlP or l.p.
to exiating overhead atr..' lighting 8yatem, provided, however,
that 1 t Ihall not be required to. est end 1 t. line s, ohange it.
clro\l1ta or install an,. poles tor the addition of &rq sald lamp
O)'t llUlS.ta. '.rh.eCompanll ,agre,es that upon wr~,tten request
tN. t~ JllID.lo1plditr tor ad4l Uon. to tbet'ov.rb6all atreetllgb.t-
tllg .,..t.. Jie4U1rlag __ .steaa1on ot ",.wl.... a4/_ ,,'bM a4d1tlO11
of poles , the Oompe.I17, upon reoeipt of such notice J will make
..t,...r the _at .. Va, th. Coap_., aM. the 1l\m1clpa11t711&7
conal_I' and agr.. upon the allo.ation of said eoat between the
Oompany and. tbe Municipallt7. the Compan,., however t .~..
In estimating a&14 coat to aUow 300 t..t of cl",ut (oonductora
and. lnaulat.. onl7) withOut eO$t to the 14un1clpa11ty 1'01) .aoh
a4dltlonal inatallec1, and .UIJ cost to~ additional. pol..
paid tor b1 the Mun181pal1t7 ahall be refunded to the ~ic1palltJ'
when such pole. are u.ed for o011JD1e"lal olrcui t..
It t. ,.......'........... ..' .....,.' w111 u.. all
1'....011..b1. oave ~d diligenoe to provide the Municipality wi th an
uninterrupted aupply ., el..'rlo .nerg when 2. t 1. l".,,'UHd 'b7
the Municipality, but it will not be reaponaS. ble tor interlUpted
.ervlce which may occur from time to time on account of damage
to &n1 portion ofite _.hln8J7 orequlpD1$nt, end lts8n10e
lhall be d.teotlve 0" be lnt.~pted or tall b7 re..ton of act.
of GOd, or by t11. ut. of pex-aona or clroumatdC.. over whioh th$
COmp-7 haa no oontrol, or b7 aD7 emergencle. in which theCODJPanJ'
may be compelled to aot to preTent injuries to life, perlon or
properl7, upon wl11tull de:faul t of the Company, the Compa.n:y
.ball not be 11..1:11.,. ..., .1... .. ...... "alU.'in8 turetroa"
but in the event the supply of _ur.. shall be interrupte4,the
Company will ex.:r01.. all re..aonab;l.edillgence to remove the
cau.. of lnte1"nPt1on from what-..... sowo_ and to 1"..ume the
nox-mal 8uppl'1 of -.neJt8Y aaqu1cld,. ... po..t bl..
It i8 further oovenanted and agreed that the company
Ihall all liability for damage or personal lnj'UJ'7 oau...
by 1 ta negllgenc. in oona~X'Uotlon. operation and malntenanee
of uld.overh..d strtet lighting .,..tem, but the Company shall
not be liable t. _,. lahablt._ .t the lI.clP*11t., or to 1U17
ot;l::).$. perllQa, An ..oo.,...:t4on.. tOJ* ta7 01-., '-.~, 10..
O~ damage of whataoever nature or character due to or arising out
otllU'lf faUure QJt la'.l"np*1. or l1ptl1n8 ..PVt.. heNWlderJ
that n.oth1ng1n this apeement expNsae4 or lmpl184 1e intended
or shall be eonatl"U&d to conrer upon or give to &rq'inhab1 tant or
c1 tl.en of the Munioipa11 t,. or to &n7 person, firm or eorpofttlon
other than the puu... hereto. an,. riSh', H..41 or clalll under
or b,. reason of this agreement or aD7 COV_lImt, oon41t10n or
stipulation hereot) awd that all covenant., atlpulatlotla.prom1s..
and agreementa 1n tb1. agreement eont.ioed 1'01' or on behalf of
.eCcap8.D.7 _U ..'b1t tor the 'baAf'lt 01' the partie.
It 1. t'u.rthel' agreed that 11' by any law1'ul authOr1 t.,. ~
"".t-a1,atate &J" JhlId...lpal, $_1'. abaU be 1mp.Ie" .pon the
Oompany an., DH ~el'atlon, .ale. tax or gJ"o.. "".u._a,1n
addition to tho.. now in ettect, whieh ahall inQrea.. the Company-.
ooat of' .e1"flDg the MtQUclpall t7 l1nder tb1. agreement ~ t:m add.
tax ahall be added to t,he t-ate atlpul.ated 1n Ii nereunder.
In the event that the Company x-.quires sald tax ao 1$.po..4 to be
pai4 by ita other oueto..ra .."8d 1n the Cit., ot Clearwater,
then "the MuDielpa11t7 agrees to a..ume and pay the 8.1d tax wh1ch
1Jba11 be added to the rat. stipulated. In the event the COlllPtul7
40.. aot;. ft,.... 'taw tlUM ~..4 to be pa1d brit, other eustom-
eJ"D 8et'Ve4 in the 01t,. of Cl..:rwate;J-_ and tbe Kutde1pallty 18 't.ll\-W'
willing to aocept such increase 1n ra,te caus$-a by such tu imposed,
then t:beJtua1c1p.u '" _, "s.i_this coatraet' end the OQmpDJ'
aull gift the Muaiolpa11tl not 1... than slx JIOntha' not1cllt in
wrlthtg before discontinuing the supp17 of electric enerO' to the
MunlclpaU t.,.
It 18 turtber eovenanted and agr..d that thi. agreement
an.l1 btJOOll8etteetlve aaOf the let day ot .ay, 1940, and shall
be in tull tOft. _4 etf..t hom the let -7 of ....,. 19~. to
the ,th QJ' of .....h, lMI.
1 t. n.. to be he.._tlO lIUb..rl'be4 bJ tM Or.'l 1& ..14
elt7, conf"ll"1Ud 'b1 the MaJOr of 8a14 Cltyand .t"8te4 b1 tbeCl1;7
Olerk on th. 48.1 and 78- f1r.t abon ...rl ttenJ and the PLORXPA
POWBR CORPORA'fJOB baa oa.8e4 th1. agN..nt to be executed 'b,- 1t.
.Ph.ldent and 1ta oo"'1"at. .eal to be affixed and .twated
'by 1 t. SeoretaJlT, the da7 and .,.ar first aboTe wr1 tt811.
.lJt(2~ ~~~--~
Sign.ed. ,..11.4 an4 Mil.......
.. in the pr..eno. of;
Appr0ft4 .. ~,4 , oor"etn..~
~Ci?~/J -
'1 ome7
- -' ,,-~~,-, ~
U, f,
NfSlii, .Tal ~T CU10POllAMAIB
~. of .Un _4J11...U~.ou. POW1' Situation.. _'.Nil
..parate17. and conneeted a. ot Ma,. 1, 1940. 'the DB con.
.UldPtlonot tb1. group $lulll be oonaol14atedmd bl11edat
~. Po... Rat..
1. JIa1n Po..r Ket.r tor Ga. Plmtand waterPwlptDs Statton.
.er... ~ma.te....'.re4 por.~ ol~cult.
a. Wat..r ,., .. Gulf to k7 Bl'Yd. and Highland A.....
I. S....g. p~ ... Woodlawn and 01'0.. Lm.
" " . ... Plnell.. and Plant st.
n " " ... O'Ge~la at Nicholson
.. ., " ... Jl4U'eball ,a.nQ B..,.
" " .' .. La1l.... A...
.. If .. ... M...n4.alay Ave.
. " If .. 1ir.rn' an4 Car).o_l
" " " -- IIv.h&ll St...,
11. CaueR.,. Dra.br1dge
C0ll1petl8.tlo. torL~, end T~&\,rmer Loa"I'
10~ 11'111 be added to the total DB eonaumptlon or
It... a to 11 Inclu.lve.
,~tj.,t>-t Sf!vi.." I
, I
JlQr a1 t\t&'tlon., .. ,tdf& ..ft.no_ ......,.,..
ma.ter-meten<< po... o1~eul t, conn.o~d .ub....nt to
Mal: 1, 1140 I and to 'be eonaol14ate4 fo~ billing l'lurpose.,
10% w111 be added to to tal KWH consumption of' eaeh
81 tuat10n to e014p$n...te tol' line and trlUl,CQJ."JI$J!' 10.....
fiJ!2!UL.IIilZQI, Xi oW JOlfC~~~WATER
8.0>>4. .t It".' Up,t.. (e",.l'hu4 _, o~W '..ti)
aDd. ....11..0\1. Lip'lngSt tua'lou, .ete:red ..pan..,.',
oonnected aa ot Ka,. 1, 10~. '1'he KWH cona.ptlon or thi.
POUP, ,ahal,' ' 1 be oonaoll4ated ~d billed at the street Llght-
inS R....
l r
J. ..-.
1. .aln street L18ht1nc "'er tor O.erbtad md t:h.....'al
Cau...a,. W&7
Cau...a,. UJltl4ge Light.
Sem1nQl. 8t1'..'Pl.1'
Tr::t"t1C 81rUl1 : =-1.:0:: =: Ft.lur18on Ave.
" ".. lIaadal.,. Drive - Cleanater Beath
" ".. Woodla1m and. SOuth n. Barrile>n ....
" "... Dr\\14 Road at South F1;. Jlarrl.on Ave.
" "- 'fune.. St,. and South Ft. Harrlaon Ave.
" n... Baven it. and Southf1h Barr1aon Ave.
'Ib1te ...,- ., S.A..L.It.R. DepOt
flood L1ghtlq .. DNold.p. 11.14
.... ..uN- ,- "
Plood Ll~ll18 ... 01'_. ,"1.4
Club Rou.. - "It
110'04 Llght1n; ... OolQ~.4 Ball PUk
Shutt1abOaNQ_.' .. O,..I1-.ok
"71- """ Clt,.,u1c
" ,,~ ee.t..1e Street
Public L1 bral7
Flre Station and lail
W.P.A. W$~kroom ... Park S'r..t
lIwlo1pa1 Au41torlua
It It _ Ez1 t Light.
Mwalo1pal Tenn1. Court.
01 tr Park ... COllDlUlll tv Boue.
" ".... V. F. W. Bul1ti1l.l
ft "... ... Bowling COUl't
Flood Lights - Be_at
,ft." Statton ... MancJala7 Blvd.
Colore4 PlaJ'g1'0UD4 .... 1Iad1lOn Aye.
Add! tlC>U.l sem... '
tu _,."'U..,0:6 .s."'io".ildlu
to the abeY. (01'" Ball and 01
0...1'..' ."""'), oonneote4aub..quent
to Ik7 1, 1940, w1ll be OOl'lsolldatedand
billed at the Street Lighting Rate.
OOUH'fY 0 P PI1tRtJ,&8 J
'..1IODaU.7appeued betore ... the lBUiel'-
.1gned autborlt7. th1a /f1 ~r June, l'40,~X~,.
~ ;;~~' W7 I VIA $:..~J:~);, to .. ".11 bon
to be thf$ 01"1ana8.rt~ "PI' andtbeClerk, re.peot1vell,
of the 01t7 otGleanat..., Florida, and acknowledged that the,.
e:uoute4 the foregOlng lutl'Wll8Jlt a. auoh, :tor and on behalf
of the la1d 01 t7 of Clearwate.., Florida, tor the u... an4
purpose. ther.ln.~"...d, and that t.,. d1dso under and OJ'
rtrtueof.ut1U'.U~1.", bwtu11., eoatene4 upon tUalmder the 1....
ot tbe Stat. ot 1'10i'l_, .. that ... ..... ann.... the.... 1.
the true and i~u1n. c_porate .eal of' the 0lty-or Cleanater,
WITDU JJl7 hand and ott10181 .eal t. dat. afore.ald.
,,':/ .
~- - - .... -
, ........ ~.~ - - -- ~ .
My commi..ion explr.'1
.~,4' //1:2',
"" .. *
I ,~
'.JtH.na117tLPpoare4 betore me, the under...
.1~.d authorl',., tJd.. ~Oth, UJ' or June, 1940,
, to .. .ell kno'lm to bEll tM pr.aldeat
and S.or.'a17, reapeotlve17, of F'lorldaPQ..or Oo~pofttton,
1f1'1o .."e"aU" tbat the., ..outed. the .foregoing
lnetwmal'l t a8 add ofi1.oer. for and on bel:lal.fof .a14 oorpor-
atlon, toP '1$ purpo... and us.. therein expr...ed. and that
tbey did '0 under and by" virtue of author1tJ' lawtul17 conferred
upon them bJ' aatd Corporation, that the seal annexed thereto
1. t;he ~ and S-..1dll. '.J1pOa...a1 et the eorporatlon, and
.1., affixed thereto 'b7 the Secretal'J' J he being the proper
oustodian thereof.
WHIESS ., hq4 aDd ottl_ala.a]. the date ator..a14.
.., ::.~ -
M7 com."111881on expire..
Notary Public, State of Florida at Large
My Commission Expires June 11. 1944.