SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (37) I :. _ _.._. " ~.., ftl ,\ \I.' 4 ls~M 'lll .,1016138 I , o,~. 3484 fAG:647 A G R E E MEN T krCOROED ", 'mlfl"!aftisEIIlT.~2R. and entered into this lQth day of January ,197,tll by and"~~lft~R9 CllY OF CLEAR\~^TER, FLORIDA, a municipal corporati.on, hCl"cinahcr refe~.l.'ed to as "City"; nnd ^ (M,..1=l.) EUQlyn D. Sullivan f1 'Iddow hcre:Lnafter rcferred to as "Oivncr"; , WITNESSETH: \~HEREAS, the OI,'ncr o~ms the fo1lm,'ing described real property situated in the City of Clearwater, Pinallas County, Florida: Lot 1, B lock A , Skycrest Unit 2 1727 Cleveland st. Clearwater, Florida, 33515 and (single dwelling) w1IEREAS, Ordinance No. 1219 of the City :::~quircs :::hat all land that abuts a public right of way, which is to have new construction on it, either for residential, commercial, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by the owner on, across or adjacent thereto; and \-JHEREAS, the OImer is ei"ec ting cer tain nC\-l cons truc tion on said proper ty and has reque1;tcd the City at this time not to require the immediate installation and construction of sidewalks in connection therewith; and ';;0,. WHEREAS, the O,mer has agreed that if in the future the City, in its sole dis..,' ~ ~~ cretion, determines that it is advisable and necessary to have such sidewalks .0 .8!; installed, that tl1e O,-rner "1ill, upon notification by the City, have side~valks ] < ~ ~nm1ediat:ely installed at his expense, and if he should fail to do so, then the City ~.cr.2 ~~nay have si1id installatjon made and impose a lien against the described real property ~ (:~. ci 'or the cos t thereof; ~, - ,'"d en ;-:-t ~ .~ ~:: ~~. NOH, THEREFO]~E, in consideration of tl1e fOl:egoing premises and other good and ~~, ~~ ~aluable consideration between the parties, reci;ipt of uhich is hereby acl<::no'i-lledged, ..~~ ~ ... ~ ~j ~ ~he parties hereto covenant and agree as follmvs;. ~~~ ~~ ~ ,-.-", C) ;:~ ~, ~.1 . .!.,... .' S.1. 1.. . I- . !3 f: u~ :-.. i. Th.e L;)~CY \'J)~l.l fJ.(j[ ilL Cl"ll.S L-~nle l:cqu:LJ:-e the: installation :Jl1.d C'011St.'!:'uctio!:"1 """.:-1< ClS, :;:: ~ "H ~f sidm"1i1lks ;:lS part of the erection of the building and improvements by the Oi'nH~r :tl 0 c.aln the above described real property. :E~-a ~.r:tJo )l:l;1 2. The City may at any ti.me in the future notify the Oimer, his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns that the City i.n it.s sole discretion has determined that it is advisable and necessary to h~ve sidewalks installed in connection with said aes6ribed real property. 3. The (X:.mer or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns shall at his expense \\Tithin ninety (90) days from the notification by the City have sidewalks installed for said described real property in accOrdance with City s~ecifications and,standards as established. 4. If the ();,mer or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns shall fail to _have sidc~valks installed for the describe,c1 real property in accordance with City specifications and standards within ninety (90) days from the notification by the City, then the City may have the side,valks installed ~md assess and impose a lien against the described real property for the cost of the work. 0_5-. '.i:hls-agreement [8-10 Ijcrcgardcd-a-s-uaccovc11<.,..-,t-L11ni1:fng-\oli~h -t-hc-lcmd,--- regardless of whether it is specifically mentioned in any deed~ or conveyances subsequently executed, and tl1is agreement shall be binding on all parties, their heirs, personal representatives, successors or assi~ns. 6. All notices pursuant to this Llgrecment shall be furnished to the respective parties at the following addresses, until receipt of \\Tritt en instructions notifying the other party of a different address: City: Mr. Merrett R. Stierhcim City Hanager P.O. Box 4748 C1enrwatcr, Florida 33518 '. 'f.--Owne r : (Mrs.) Evelyn D. Sul~ivan. (a widow) 1727 Cleveland St., Clearwater, Florida, 33515 -1- (5) o I"OI3-()(} I I o,~ 348(PME648 IN lHTNESS HIIEREOF, the p;1rties hereto have caused these presents to be executed the day and year last above \o1rittcn. l-Jitnesscs: I; -, ~~ ::.v..S~ l ~ Ownbr . . STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS) ...J ;d;J 4' ,d. . / q "1/ I HEREBY CEl~TlFY, that on this ~.~__day of ~~~, A.D. ~ before me personally appeared Herrett R. Sticrheim, llerbC'rt H. Bror@.1, H..G.HhiteIH,ad and H. .Everett Hougen, respectivel~ City Hanagcr, City Attorney, City Clerk and Mayor- Commissioner of: the City of Clear\vater, a municipal corpol:ation existing under the laws of the State of ~lorida, to me known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed t11e foregoing Ar,reement and severally aclmOlvlcdge~l the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers thereunto duly,authorized; and that the official seal of said municipal corporation is cll1lyaffixed thereto,. and the said Dgrecment is the act and deed of said corporation. WITt~ES_S"nlifsign'ature and official seal at Cleani.Tater in tIle County of Pinellas and St:,at&~k'>t-l~r"Qrida, the day Dnd year l.ast above written. 'f\:;~7. .. j~{-~ ,)1: ) ~;~ :+..' ;;(!~ ~~ Notary Public H:X,,~-?nuriission Exp ~"repf.i;-::l ':~;;-~' _.",:,: "., " .,.i:.,,;.4 8onc;;}d by A.T.~r;~;Jil fjr~ e.. Co:;uiil;y Co.. ~"\~ I l'fItIA .STATJ~_.Qf . ....... ~..)__ COUNTY OF ) 4",1. '~A. Before e personally --':-:-= --::-::-.., appeared ~LK-~l" 0, Su/~V"~ to me \'1e11 known and knO\.Jn to 1:1C to be tlw indjvic1u~ls described in and \.1ho C'xe<::1:.1tcd the forcgoinr, agrecment and <lckno\-lledged before me that they executed the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and offic,ial seal this 10/ ~ . H H~y ..... uurd.1jsion Expires: J&-~ / flfj>~