SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (180) .1' .~ :..... /~ ~. I 71025913 I idle td ~V7/ p/ . ti;l99 P,18E 722 c!)3:::= day of ~~'-, 197 L 1 c r p 0 r' t ion, 11 C' rei n ~d: t c r ' " A G R E E J.I J: N T TillS ^CnEHIENT, m.,c!e ancl entered into this by an.cI bctllcen ll~~' CITY OF C]~\IU~i\':ER, referred La J:, "elt)'''; and l ~ hereinafter referrec! to as "O.mer"; WITNESSETH: HHERE!l.S, the Di'.'11er O~.,7ns the follm\,ing de~;cribed real property City of Clearwater, Pincllas County, Florida: Ilf fl. ~ -o(~:.~ the if11d-- ... HHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1219 of the City requires t11.:1t all land that abuts a public right of \\'.:1y, \,)llich is to have nCH construction on it, either for residentiDl, COffiJncrcinl, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidcHnlks constructed by t11e o\'mer on, across 6r adjacent tbereto; and HHEREAS, the Dimer is ci'ccting certain nelv construction on said property and has rcquc~;t('cl t11i.? City at this timQ not to require the immediate installation and construc tion of side\,?alks in connec tion ther('\.,7i tll; and WllEREAS, t1w O,mer has agreed tbat if in the future the City, in its sol(~ dis",,' cretion, determines that it is advisable :md neccssnry to have sllch :>i,del-Jalks .. ii:;CIJ installed, that t1w O;.mer Hill, upon notification by the City, bave sic1e1valks E ~;;! immccliDtely installed at his expense, and if he S110ulcl fail to do so, then the City "d ~ "'l' odnay Iwv('. snid install.:1U_on nwde and impose a lien against the described real property C) <:.-1 >~ H . 10-, 'I 0 :ofor the cas t thereof; oj ,,':1 cr.I ~~. " '-: ,.' cYj ~ '<'~.g NO\'~, TllEn.EFO}~].~, in consideration of the foregoing premises and other 8,ooc1 and 2' ~z;,:., '~a1t1able consickralion bct:l-lcen the parti(~s, rcci~ipt of uhich is hereby ad:::nm'llec1gcd, ~;':i~the parties hereto covenant and agree as follm'Js:' "",.~ ... r~'I', ' ~., ~ }~ f~ ~,~~i ;~ ~f ~ ,..--~ ~ ] ;'.';_:: ~n ~~ 0 U Wr"-1 ~ :E r,..: ~ E-i ~~ U ..... 1'. Th(~ sidcHalks tbe clbove City \-75-11 not <It this time require the iilstallation and c'onstnlction as part or the erection of the building and improvements by the O\,;ncr described real property. 2. l'be City n10Y at any ti.me in tb'c future notify the O;.mer, his heirs, personal . . representatives, successors or assir,n~; that the City in its sol(~ discretion h<ls .determined that it is ac1visDb1e and necess~ry to h~ve sidewalks installed in connection \.,7ith said descrilled re<11 property. 3. The. O"mer or his heirs, personal represcntntivcs, successors or assigns shall at his expense \.]ithin ninety (90) days from tIw 110tification by the City have sidc\.Jal1(s ins tal led for said deser ibeo re31 proper ty in acc6n1ance Hi t11 City . s~ecifications and. standards as established. " , 4. If the O;'711er or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assir,ns shall fail to ,11<1\'e' side\-lnlks installed for the c1escribc,cl' real property in accordance ,,]ith City specifications <1nc1 st<1nclnnls \.]it11in ninety (90) dnys from the notification by the City, then the City r:lay have the sidc\l.11ks installed nnd assess and impose a lien against tl,le described real prope:rty for the cost of the \"ork. 5. This .1grcement is to' be regarded as a covenant running Hith the land, regardless of \,]hother it is specifically mentioned in .1ny ,deeds' or conveyances suT>sequently executed, and this agreement shall be binding on all parties, their heirs, personal rcpresc~tatives, succcss6rs or assigns. 6. All notices pursuant to this .1grcc'ment shall be furnished to the respective parties at the follo'.ving ,1c1clrcsses, until receipt of vJritten instructions notifying the other party of a different addrc:ss: City:' " Mr. Merrett n. Stierheim City llall<lgC'r 1'.0. JloY. 4748 Clc:lnw te r J Florida 33518 M_ I .. l!i pll ~n,#vr ~ad W HI IW kW;i;-~~~" l' II~fl~~_ ~I~EH AS ~O, rl:q~IQ" ~f.../f"/ ItA~O~p "\.I~~~"VQ~;I C'IR~ ~ 1- (5) 07~OI50 -, .: fI;' ,-,,-~' ... I I o R 3499 PAGE 723 IN \HTNESS HlIEI~EOF) the pi1rtics hereto have caused these presents to be executed the day and year l:lst above Hrittcn. ~~rCClncss: C1.ty Attorney Hitnesscs ratJ~14t!- 1nA L(~eQ'Y'/ ~/!J;b # Owner ~VC--{~ ~~~ xa-d~/OA~C . .~ Ast~ ~tJ~ C:::<~L A- 6~ As to; Oi\7I1Cr . . ,ii,'llii,';; \ W1TNE;S'g/,}ny signntll1~c and official se.al at: Clcan:!ater in t]1C County of Pincllas arl.(l statc of i~lorida) the day ['Ind year "last above Hritlen. . , .X::~..?3~/ . Notary Public Hi Commission Exr.irefi: Notary Pt~~!;{, Std~ of flonda at large H r~m~";.. ;"'. .1.t:.~iZ> Od. 22, 1974 MY',,'! ",..,....,'. .." d 11 J ,nft, '1l11 !:;~A p~ Casualty Co. PQn...e .1 ~. : \I~._~'~~H~;,~.. ."(,:",.(~,, ,. ~:~l.i':NFSS ~;'~';:':)",,: . my hand and oHicJ;:tl seal this 2J dny of -r E i2. A.D. 197/ -' ii~ .. "..'... ;,;,.;.;''''';;'; ~~y I~'- ';'i: '." ~;..., ,1;'. ~~:i' ~~<'! a. ~- ,-,'! -~, '-- - '~'<.4" ~.~>:"J~:> .~~ . " ,.;j~~~~~~ll~J~t{~~ ~t1TPiH VtO-J11riIAT lAICi MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 23, 1971 ""....5'- :l11 WI> u... "IU;Q w. QIESTEL.t10IUlt.