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, .' PI"ELLA co. fLORlDA ~.... 1)7 ~2~'~"--2-9 d...,
, , ~ _.}~_."""" I ',2004593 ' ,~.R. ~ ~AGE'
f/' ~L;~U';:;ll^GREE'U:I'T I G&,'tJ) 01,,-,D\'" I
TillS AG}U:I~lll=NT, made Clnd entered into this 30th duy of December ,197 1 ~
by and bct\,}cen the CI?Y or CLE^l\\-Jl\'fER, FL01GD^, aI1i:li1ICipt11 corp0r:iTron, --
))8):,einaftel'\ referred to as "City"; and Edward B, '~enson & Dorothy M. Jenson -(His Wife)
hel"einilftcr- l"efQrred to as "O\..Jnep'I';
HHERE^S ~ l..~he O,'111cr Q\.J'ns - the follO\vinl!. de scribed real property situated l'-
the City of Clear\'later, -Pinellas County, Florida:
'Lot 7, Block 23, Highland Pines Subdivision 5th Addition
1216 Nelson Ave.,' Clearwater, Flo:rida
WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1219 of the Citv"requires that all land tllat abut5
a public right of way, wl1ich is to have new-construction on it, either for
residential, commerci~l, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks
constructed by the ownrir on, across or adjacqnt thereto; and
WHEREAS, tlle Owner is erecting certain new construction on said property
and has requested the City at this time not to reouire the-immediate install~-
tion and construction of sidewalks in connection {herewith; and
HHERE/\S ~ the O\,mE;r has agreed that if in the future the City, in its sole:
.discretion, detcrm~ne~ that it is advisable and necccssary to have such
sidc\-wlksinstalled) that the Ovmer vIill" upon not~fication by the City) hav~
sidei.Jalks immediately installed at his ex'pense, and if he should fail to db ~~c
then the Ci tv mav have said installa-tion made -and impose a lien again$_;1::~t-he
desc)'\~bed real property fol" the cost thereof.; ------<, -
NOH, THEREfORE) in. consideration of the foregoing pl"'erni~es and other' goe::.:
and viluable consideration between the p~rties, receipt of which is hereby
__ ackno\-Jledged ~ the par-ties her(~to covenant and' agr'ee as_ follo\o18:
.1. The City will not at this time ~equire the installation and
construction of sidewalks as Dart of the er'ection of the building and
improvements by the O'vmer ~ri the, above d'es'cribed real property. .-
, .
2_. The City J:1ay at any time in the future notify the Ovmer, his heirs)
pe~t9n~1 representatives, successors or as~ighs that the City in its sole
discretion has determined that it is advisable and neccessarv to have sidewal~:
installed in connection with said described real property. -
3. The Owne~ or his heirs, personal represenative~, successors or ass~~:
shall at his expense within ninety (90) days from the notification by the Ci~:
have_sidewalks installed for said described.real property in accordance with
City specifications and standards as established.'
q. If the Owner Or' his heirs, personal representatives, successors or
assiBns shall fail to have sidewalks installed for tlle described real propc~t::
in accordance with City soecifications and standards within ninety (90) days
from the notification by ~he City, then the City may have the sid~walks -
installed and .assess andirnpose a li~n against the describedreal:r)l~operty fa:
the cost of the work.
5. This agreement is to be regar~e~ as a. covenant running with tlle land.
regardless of whether it is specifically mentioned in any deeds or conveyance_
subsequently executed, and this ar;recr:-:ent shall,t)e binding on all parties, l::-
heirs, personal representatives, successors or assiBns. .'
, .
6. All notices pursuant to this a~reef!lent shall he 'furnisheo to the
rcsl)ective parties at the follO\.Jin~ acldresse~>, until receipt of vlritten
instruct ions notify ing the other party of a: dif fcrcnt ildclress:
City: O\-mer:
Hr. l1errett R. S"ticl"'heim
City Himar,0r
P. O. Box 11711 [J
CleilPHatcr, rJ.oriclll 33[,10
Edward B. Je.nson
1216 Nelson Ave.
Clearwater '. Florida
This instrument was prepared by:'
HERBERT M. BROvVN, City Attorney
City of. ClearwaJer.,.P; ,,0. Box 4748
.,plear:water, flo:r:ida a36i~_'
Q,R.3702 PAGE 280
,IN V.I,IT)))::;S \'JllCFJ:Or, ItllC' h-Jl",tic:; }Wl-'cto i:,'.'/(' C,IJ~-J:c1
c:-:ccutcd the day and yeju'" L\~;t above \.Jf'ittcn.
nlcr:;c 1n'C'~;(:nL~ in ~'"
-j~ :t::::
, ,
'''' ,,',.. .,. I"
Clot )[ ~12Trr(.l i;;cTi;;.----:-.. ----
Approved as to
- .1.- Y "ttOl'nc y
, I }JEREB?: CERTIFY ~ that on thiS-Lr~y. of.__ _ ~. A.D. 197. ~,
before me pCr'sonally appeared 11erret't R. StlerIH m, Herb :>t !'J. Brm.m,
R.G. Whitehead and H. Everett Hougen, respectiv~ly City J1anager, City
Attorney, City Clerk and Mayor-Commissioner"~f the cttyof Clear'water,
a municipal corporation existing under' the -laws of the State of Florida;-to
me knOwn to be the individuals and officers'described in_and who executed the
-foregoing Agreement and sever'ally acknowledied the execution ther00f to be
their free act and deed as such officer's thereunto duly authorized; and that
,the official seal of said municipal corporation is- duly affixed thereto" and
the,said agreement is the act and deed-of sai.d corporation.
-WITNESS my signature and official seal at Clearwater in the County of
Pinellas and State of Florida, the day and year last above \-1rittelh
. Notary:PubllC.:
, . ,
My Commission Expires:
.NotaiY Pll~l:(. Sbtc 01 flori~iI at Large
iViy (om;;.;,.:iiOil hjJil'cS Od, 22, 1974
Ii'ill....~ i..\ ^ h' ~ . Fir" 1) r..~....lty r...
." ;:
! ,
. " '\\\\\\'i,~nl I~LJ"
to me VIell KnO\.m and KnO\.Jn to me to be the "individuals ..:~~:~PJ.1:l ' "),.n and
executed the foreGoin~ agrcer;:snt and ackr.01.,}ledred hef~"'...f~'l 'le~t.~.'6ttr,~y
executed the same for the purposes therein expres sed.J""" l .')o.'~';::;. ':.
;.; _ c...",~ : 1---
WITHESS my hand arid official seal this3~day o0..~.ItOf),l' ./19;1 L.
'~,~:,"~ ~~.'" _ .,~""W_..,_~:,.:. <.. .
:j/;;;;/-" \
otary Publlc
_ _ Befor_em~' pcrsonallyappeared
,l1tsOf~9mm~5si_on l:xpircs:
M ry, PUb.he.. Sfate of Florida at I:.r e
BO~d~~~mlss~onc~x?;res Oct. 30, 1 g7~
.Y Tr..:..n ,...rt,prlC:J. Irl\..;ur~lne8 (\F\