SIDEWALK AGREEMENT (131) ,.,"~.,,,.~,.,,,, --'"." d"'" -wm --" ___..?io'.>'ijIoiO. ~.....,_.~~~'_il"'_~I<W;" ~JIt. .:..'-"........._,&:...iII5~.t;aj,..;.~,.~' ";;Z""'~S:",:i"""",,~a',"'~~'!"!"Iii."'"_,,,:,.1.l...(,\4~,=,~~~~V~ ". -. ~ , .' PI"ELLA co. fLORlDA ~.... 1)7 ~2~'~"--2-9 d..., , , ~ _. ...tr}~_."""" I ',2004593 ' ,~.R. ~ ~AGE' f/' ~L;~U';:;ll^GREE'U:I'T I G&,'tJ) 01,,-,D\'" I \Q TillS AG}U:I~lll=NT, made Clnd entered into this 30th duy of December ,197 1 ~ by and bct\,}cen the CI?Y or CLE^l\\-Jl\'fER, FL01GD^, aI1i:li1ICipt11 corp0r:iTron, -- ))8):,einaftel'\ referred to as "City"; and Edward B, '~enson & Dorothy M. Jenson -(His Wife) hel"einilftcr- l"efQrred to as "O\..Jnep'I'; \HTNESSETll ~ ,'- HHERE^S ~ l..~he O,'111cr Q\.J'ns - the follO\vinl!. de scribed real property situated l'- the City of Clear\'later, -Pinellas County, Florida: 'Lot 7, Block 23, Highland Pines Subdivision 5th Addition 1216 Nelson Ave.,' Clearwater, Flo:rida and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1219 of the Citv"requires that all land tllat abut5 a public right of way, wl1ich is to have new-construction on it, either for residential, commerci~l, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by the ownrir on, across or adjacqnt thereto; and WHEREAS, tlle Owner is erecting certain new construction on said property and has requested the City at this time not to reouire the-immediate install~- tion and construction of sidewalks in connection {herewith; and HHERE/\S ~ the O\,mE;r has agreed that if in the future the City, in its sole: .discretion, detcrm~ne~ that it is advisable and necccssary to have such sidc\-wlksinstalled) that the Ovmer vIill" upon not~fication by the City) hav~ sidei.Jalks immediately installed at his ex'pense, and if he should fail to db ~~c then the Ci tv mav have said installa-tion made -and impose a lien again$_;1::~t-he desc)'\~bed real property fol" the cost thereof.; ------<, - NOH, THEREfORE) in. consideration of the foregoing pl"'erni~es and other' goe::.: and viluable consideration between the p~rties, receipt of which is hereby __ ackno\-Jledged ~ the par-ties her(~to covenant and' agr'ee as_ follo\o18: .1. The City will not at this time ~equire the installation and construction of sidewalks as Dart of the er'ection of the building and improvements by the O'vmer ~ri the, above d'es'cribed real property. .- , . 2_. The City J:1ay at any time in the future notify the Ovmer, his heirs) pe~t9n~1 representatives, successors or as~ighs that the City in its sole discretion has determined that it is advisable and neccessarv to have sidewal~: installed in connection with said described real property. - 3. The Owne~ or his heirs, personal represenative~, successors or ass~~: shall at his expense within ninety (90) days from the notification by the Ci~: have_sidewalks installed for said described.real property in accordance with City specifications and standards as established.' . q. If the Owner Or' his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assiBns shall fail to have sidewalks installed for tlle described real propc~t:: in accordance with City soecifications and standards within ninety (90) days from the notification by ~he City, then the City may have the sid~walks - installed and .assess andirnpose a li~n against the describedreal:r)l~operty fa: the cost of the work. 5. This agreement is to be regar~e~ as a. covenant running with tlle land. regardless of whether it is specifically mentioned in any deeds or conveyance_ subsequently executed, and this ar;recr:-:ent shall,t)e binding on all parties, l::- heirs, personal representatives, successors or assiBns. .' .' , . 6. All notices pursuant to this a~reef!lent shall he 'furnisheo to the rcsl)ective parties at the follO\.Jin~ acldresse~>, until receipt of vlritten instruct ions notify ing the other party of a: dif fcrcnt ildclress: City: O\-mer: Hr. l1errett R. S"ticl"'heim City Himar,0r P. O. Box 11711 [J CleilPHatcr, rJ.oriclll 33[,10 ~~ Edward B. Je.nson 1216 Nelson Ave. Clearwater '. Florida This instrument was prepared by:' HERBERT M. BROvVN, City Attorney City of. ClearwaJer.,.P; ,,0. Box 4748 .,plear:water, flo:r:ida a36i~_' l.l~) 07,"O/C'-O~ ..., Q,R.3702 PAGE 280 ,IN V.I,IT)))::;S \'JllCFJ:Or, ItllC' h-Jl",tic:; }Wl-'cto i:,'.'/(' C,IJ~-J:c1 c:-:ccutcd the day and yeju'" L\~;t above \.Jf'ittcn. nlcr:;c 1n'C'~;(:nL~ in ~'" ~ -j~ :t:::: ~i-n , , '''' ,,',.. .,. I" Clot )[ ~12Trr(.l i;;cTi;;.----:-.. ---- Approved as to ~~. - .1.- Y "ttOl'nc y Hitnesses: STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS) , I }JEREB?: CERTIFY ~ that on thiS-Lr~y. of.__ _ ~. A.D. 197. ~, before me pCr'sonally appeared 11erret't R. StlerIH m, Herb :>t !'J. Brm.m, R.G. Whitehead and H. Everett Hougen, respectiv~ly City J1anager, City Attorney, City Clerk and Mayor-Commissioner"~f the cttyof Clear'water, a municipal corporation existing under' the -laws of the State of Florida;-to me knOwn to be the individuals and officers'described in_and who executed the -foregoing Agreement and sever'ally acknowledied the execution ther00f to be their free act and deed as such officer's thereunto duly authorized; and that ,the official seal of said municipal corporation is- duly affixed thereto" and the,said agreement is the act and deed-of sai.d corporation. -WITNESS my signature and official seal at Clearwater in the County of Pinellas and State of Florida, the day and year last above \-1rittelh l~ -------- X'~%3~ . Notary:PubllC.: , . , . ," My Commission Expires: .NotaiY Pll~l:(. Sbtc 01 flori~iI at Large iViy (om;;.;,.:iiOil hjJil'cS Od, 22, 1974 Ii'ill....~ i..\ ^ h' ~ . Fir" 1) r..~....lty r... -,' .' .' ... .~ STATE OF FLORIDA )' COUNTY OF PINELLAS) ." ;: / ! , . " '\\\\\\'i,~nl I~LJ" to me VIell KnO\.m and KnO\.Jn to me to be the "individuals ..:~~:~PJ.1:l ' "),.n and executed the foreGoin~ agrcer;:snt and ackr.01.,}ledred hef~"'...f~'l 'le~t.~.'6ttr,~y executed the same for the purposes therein expres sed.J""" l .')o.'~';::;. ':. ;.; _ c...",~ : 1--- WITHESS my hand arid official seal this3~day o0..~.ItOf),l' ./19;1 L. '~,~:,"~ ~~.'" _ .,~""W_..,_~:,.:. <.. . :j/;;;;/-" \ otary Publlc _ _ Befor_em~' pcrsonallyappeared \'lho ,l1tsOf~9mm~5si_on l:xpircs: M ry, PUb.he.. Sfate of Florida at I:.r e BO~d~~~mlss~onc~x?;res Oct. 30, 1 g7~ .Y Tr..:..n ,...rt,prlC:J. Irl\..;ur~lne8 (\F\