SIDEWALK WAIVER (25) ".t'JI//~I'/",,~, ~ t!" ~\H"r~'6--;.. \1~'~--~0':.;. \ ~ "", ,--'" ~i::i ,..\..I...,.ft........:"l'. '.. ~ ~ ~c--, , . ~cd ~~ ..... . C::H ~~\- ~~ \.~~-,.~~l -;...--_J4 TE\\'/II"" "'*"""111 I C IT Y OF I CLEARWATER City Manager POST OFFICE BOX 4748 CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33518 - 4748 March 1, 1985 RECEIVED Espana Business Center 2170 Sunnyda1e Blvd. Suite W Clearwater, Florida 33575 MAR 12 1985 ~ r, \ r, CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Reference: 1674-1688 N. Belc~1O(adc;LEFU( 2181-2189 Logan Gentlemen: In accordance with Section 133.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clearwater, I have reviewed your request for a temporary sidewalk installation waiver. Since there are no sidewalks within 200 feet of the above-referenced property, you meet the requirements as set forth in the aforementioned Code section. Therefore, I am pleased to inform you that a temporary waiver of the sidewalk installation requirement is granted on the above-referenced property. Should it be determined that a sidewalk is required at this location in the future, it will he installed by the assessment process. cc: Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Assistant City Manager Edward V. Bethel, Director of Building Inspections Dept. ~ith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director viucille Williams, City Clerk "Equal Employment and Affinnatil'e Action Employer" O,\Dt)~ ~ .' (21 CITY OF CLEARWATER APPLiFATION FOR SIDEWALK WAIVEt '1674-1688 N. Belcher Road. ADDRESS (Sidewalk Location) 2181-2189 Logan /' ~....."'-- .. ................. -r.~._.._._._.".-------y .......... Receipt No.~-/-~GV ~//-' /'7(;, ~ ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Sidewalk Location) (Lot, Block, Subdivision) A portion of Lot 14, Clearwater Industrial Park, as recorded in Plat Book 44, Page 46, Public Records of Pinellas COlmty, Florida (across from fire station, southwest intersection) OWNER. S NAME Espana Business Center PHONE 447-7500 ADDRESS 2170 Surmydale Blvd. Suite W, Clearwater, FL 33575 REPRESENTATIVE (If any) ADDRESS same REASON FOR REQUEST The project is located in an industrial area (Clearwater Industrial Park) and all existing developments adjacent to the north and south plus all other developments in the inmediate industrial park area presently do not have sidewalks. Please note that the COlmty has required us to install a de-acceleration/acceleration lane, which means there is ve little room tween our line and the ed avement. Enclosed is a co of sidewalk waiver letter granted to Jack Si i.nmediatel south of and ad"acent to our roperty. Ronald P. Nisk ,as trustee ection 133.09- of the Code of Ordinances of the City requires that all land hat abuts a public right-of-way, which is to have new construct~on on it, ither for residentia1, commercial, industrial or other purposes, shall have idewalks constructed by the Owner on, across or adjacent thereto. understands and agrees that if the waiver is granted, the City may sidewalks at a future date and assess the owner for the full cost of as TTIJStee January 24, 1985 Date ubscribed and sworn to before me this 24 day of January , 1985 . .... . p. ~n D -vi Jt>.",24 '835 . ClEf\~~!\1tR C\1'l 01 ~ Of"pl ON. BU\lOn~U ~ . rES 22 193) y Commission Expires: ~CT!~Y f~~LIC $Tl~ OF rlO~ID. ~~ c~~\r~~'a~ [T~ :~PT 17.i;E6 E:'::o: '",,:iJ ,,~:::- ~ 1:'5.. Li:.J. 910-62 TRAFFIC EtJGIN~t~~1 - .- -, .-..-. ... ~--_. -----".._-~- " --.....1...-.,.. "'-,.a -.C'.....- I ~ I CITY IOF CLEARWATER Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet 11): Elizabeth Haeseker. A~st. City Manager ~OM: Keith Crawford. Traffic Engineering Director CX>PIES: Ed Bethel. Building Dept. Director ~: Sidewalk Waiver - 1674-1688 N. Belcher Road/2181-2189 Logan DATE: February 26. 1985 The above location has been examined and found that there are no other sidewalks in this area. The Fire Station, which is to the north, did not put in a sidewalk and the property to the south was granted a waiver. Since this location satisfies the criteria in the Ordinance for granting a waiver, it is my recommendation that the waiver be granted. ~ KC/sn Attachment (Copy)