SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANT LETTER AND AGREEMENT ~ .. ....-, ftL 7-:~vJ ~/"., " 'rHJS A~REEME:tT. mad~ and ,cntcr~d inl~ this ,,-lc-- _ __ ,__day ofl2p~CH ~' 19 at ' by aDd Dd_wcl:n the CITY OJ: Cl.,:F:::ARtrA~}JR, 1- L,ORIDA, a )!,1JT,lC A. ~-orati~creinafter referred toas "City"; and E/71~/q&gt!.'!J4R._._. cO p ... hereinLl.ftcr 'referred to a8 "Owner"; ---~ . , -~ .... ..j ~ Wr::LNESSETH: De WBERE-A..S, the OvTner awnS the fol1Ow~J.g described real property situ<,.terl City. of Clearv;.c.ter, Pineilas County, Florid2-, to wit: . rjZ9;/(o ,/)GL- C//ZO .G'n/2PErI-S, in J-OT ~Z (3/3'7 5fiH ?c/)l2t.1 ) WfIEREAS, Section 7-6 of the Code of Ordi]:l2J1CeS of the City Te~uLi:t::S th3.t ;:: 12nd that abuts a public right-of-way, which is to hdve ne'rl co:c.stT-o.ction on it, eitbe for residential, cOInrneroal, industTial or other purposes, s}211 bave side'\~2.1"J-cs consrructed by the Q-wner on, acros s or adjace~t -thereto; 2Dd 9Cf, ! (p qr~ a.nd' W.P..ER1"=.AS, the aifected propel-ty O'wiler has <'_ppealed Tequest-il1.g a ten-l?Or<i..'Z. ~--a1 ver of tbe side-.....-aJ'k 0stalL3. tion r equirer:J.en.t; and WlIEREAS, tbe City Ma2l.2.ger PUi-SU2...I!t to Section 7 -6 (4) (a) has fOU2:ld ~~)e iollOYTing conc..i.Eons e:cist, 2.5 set out in his iiudi.:lgs ~ti:acbed heTeto 2.S E~~bibit A, such as \"V2.:::-:;:.-a.:nt tbe gra:QG-'-'g of a tem?orary YR-iver; 22ld WEEREAS, the owner of the property desc:::-ibed herein undersb...:rJ.cs tD.2t tbe w<'-l ver granted herein is only tem?orary in character 2..Ild -that till 5 agTe c:"..JJeIl1: ~T:.US-:: provide a re?S OIl2- b~e period of time for the w2i ver to be effective; NOW, THE.REFORE, in consideration of the foregoing prerruses 2~Dd ot~er good and vah:..able consideration beb;;reen the parties, receipt of which is he.reby acknowledged, the parties herero coveD..2-':':lt 3.D.d agree as follaws: - L The City in light of the facts found 2.S set fo~h in Exhibit A at'-0\.ched bereto d...:."J.d m..ade a part herein 2.S if fully rewritten, gT?...nts to the Owner a teLl"J.po:::-d:;:'- -;:;raiver of the 5ide~ ingtaJlatio~ requiTement imposed by Section 7 -6 of tbe Code of Ordin2Bces of the City of Clea:r-vR-ter. z. The te:rr::.porary ~ver gT2..Ilted sb~ COID..L-n.e::l~e on ~ I," I !t-~I--.-~- and r= until the cODuhon or reason fOT gr2..::::lting t~e ~lver as set out: lTI Ex.hlbtt A 15 reJDoved or otherw---ise cb2_nged. 3. -=-hc Q-v;;-;Jcr unders~.:Llds ;.<....nd 2.grces that t.~e ~-2,lver granted herein is tCIr..pO r ar y iIl Ch;l::-2.c--te r ?--=:d t.h.2..t it doe: s not e:XC"'LlS e tbe OW-ilC r or suc c e 55 or s in iLte rest frmn the b::do~;llk r cquiT CITlc:nts i..:I:=lpos c d by Section 7 - 6 of the Cod c of OniiT-:.ances of Clear;;.--a1cr. Tbe D-wner-ro.::t':1er ?_g-rees t'::.at should the condit1.clll ~ct out in :Sxhibit A -.;::;chich prest'::ltly e::C.sts on L~c :?roper-ty <L:1d 'Wuich =-2.S 3ui;-icic=~ to =-2.rra..=:1t gra:r:tiTIg the =<'_ivcr be cor::-ec-ted GU7i::::lg tbe per~oa. of this ~2.i7er, tnc::J. tbe Q..:.:.-ncr ,,"--ill i.I:iJ=c<iiatcly cOE.::..?ly ~~th tbe r-eq12.J_TCI::-1e=tS or Section 7~6 as it r c1 ;>~ t c ~ t 0 ~ i d c =<!~! k i.c-:':3 t 21lA t2 on... ~ '. If t~l c O"C"TlJ. c r 0 r hi ~ b e 1 ::- s, p c :- ~ C ::J 2..l T e p r c ~ C::J t 2. ~ "" e :"I. ~ 'U C C C 5 S 0 r ~ 0 r :;l.~.-d';-;:1~ ~haJl fail to C_2_ve :!ide=~l1::.~ i.:J.s~.21].ec. for the de~c:;:-ibcd Teal pro?c=-~Y tn Accord3..TIce ,,-'itb City epccific:Lt::.oD!,; j.:Jd ~t.2.=c2_rd:s w-it~Ji:::l. r::i:1cty (SO) dAY:"! 1.r012') t'::.c .:JotL5c"t~ion by tr.c City, tDen the City rTl.?-y h,.,vc t~e lSidc-':;'2lk~ in~b_J}cd ;>..Dd ::o.,~~c:,>:"I L"'2d nnpol!e :a. lien '2.ga...:..::l~t tbe c.c,lSc::-ibcd rell propcr'.:..y [or the co:st of tbe ,,--ark. r... '!"ms agrccT11cnt 15 to be :.-cga,rdcd :L? :a.co\,'e~::lt l~~!li::lg wiLh L'!--::e l<l.DC Tr:g;u~.d1c:"l~of =bet::'cr it 15 lSpccinc:dJy T:1cr::t-ic::cd in :a.::lY CCcCC:"I or cO~1veYd.:.:;ce jub- :'Scquc;1tlyexecuted, rl.::ld L':ll: :a.grecr:J.cnt 5b~U be bU1Ci..'"g on ^ll p-ar~:es. the bei.:::~:"I. per 5 0 D ;'\. 1 r c p :r c lS en. t :::1 t-i v c 5, S U C c e 5 ~ 0 r ~ 0 r a..:"I ~ i g= :"I : ) , ,~. " , CC: 1y;~dd,rfA~ 'j'"i", .,/ lid .'~ t..C" 01 03Y ~(4~ -_...._----"'--- --,------ '1 c;;?;? i . . " , . r:.'".," j I I r,. 6. All noti~c spur 3uant to this agr eerncnt shall be [urni ~b,~d to the t. aOL-l"CS at the folloH'u"lg add:L'c~,scS, ,until receipt of writ-ten instructic respeclve p n, YY natiiyi.ng the atb.er parly of a. di{fc~ent address: crrY: City Manager .PO Box 4748 Cle2_r-w2.ter, :Florida. 33518 OW~ER: -IN WITNESS VTF-ERSOF, the pz..:0:ies herdo h2.ve caused these prese.c:J.ts to be exeCuted the day 2-ild year 1Z:st above ':v:citten. ::P:la~ vJ# U~~~ayor-CoDlQussioner By -...... A ii: est: '. '. correcbess: c{' . -- -:- "L ' ~ ',-- '. "'~ ~ -~------~ City ..crt~.rk:'" WITNESSES: ~/~~ CITY , (C'~,~ L1 \.J I_...r_ J ~/J/2u'<J n/ (s~,~A L' . r_~ , ovrNER - STATE OF FLORIDA ) C01JNTY OF PINELLAS ) I !JEREB Y CERTIFY. tbt on this. /bJ!! d2 y of _. _ _.~ . . 19!' l_ before me pers on211y 'G. ppeared..!lttm.Oi)V l Sllot:,A?flKE~J 7laml-Js.iL~TltV) AtJCllle !ih//I~l!l~ a=1d (AU).. f/.HIJ70IEIT ' , respectiycly City M'G.:Jager, City AttoG:ley, Cit C1e~2..:ud MK'y~-r---=-Com.G.i-;5ianer of ::be City of Clea:c;:;;:>_ter, a mu:nicip2.l cor?or2.' c.:.cisili"J.g 1].Dder tbe 1a--;;-5 of the St2te of Floriea, to me }-~o"n:l to be tDe i:uCiviGu.?,I~ a::ud officers described in and '>-'.Tho executed t~e forego'~g ~.\g::-ee!nc::'.)t and ~ever?,: aL-icJ.o\':;'ledged tbc eXEC\:rtian tbercof to be their free act dud aeed a~ such ofiice=-~ thercu:;.J.to d'uly a~lthoriz;cd; 2..!::d tn2t the cfiic5.a.l 5e::>..1 of said Ec.u:;:;icip,3J corpor~d-:c duly aw-.:xcd thcreto, and tbe said P_grt::crnc!J.t i:s the 2cC!:: 2~d deed of said co::.?o:;:;:, WITNE::SS my Sil;.-n;:>.tuIc ?~nd ofiicia1 scal at Clear";;'-2t.e'r. i:.r:i.!~e C=nty of :ecll:::h:::S~~:t::~;i:~::"'a. t~c c'.y ,~d Yca:i:~]~~:,&~,~~'+;A,,_ T ..~ I _ _ N aU r y v..;.. '6.]';;c. ,- " ", i"xl'", T'CErTC, St-Ite of F]ol'lda At Lal'ge ~ /~ ---'-~ - - ",' - tiiy CC~]];.,:::j')Li:~i"E,3 D2Cd'llUel' 20th, 1983. " "'. -- -', ~ -. '0 \' -2- -. ~--;;;;--- , - ~, " ..! f', ,r I - STATE OF FLORIDA ) C01JNT Y OF PINELLAS ) I )( - bmIL'~ bE/GAJd- ) __ ~/--eJ --- to me "'Ye~l known ~d 'knawn to rne to be the individuals dcscribed in and who c-"'"(:ecuted the foregoi:>:1g agrcement 2..nd acknowledged before me tilid tbcy execut"cd the same for the purposes therein expressed. 'Before ~e per3on.a.lly appc2.red WITNESS P-.:lY h;}d ;>--,-'~d official seal this __~. j/, day of mKJ.IC(// 19_<:JL-~. -- -2- -LUJI' L2'______ My COIJ::J.I:0is sion ~i::-es: Notary Public, State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires Sept. 11, 1984 T' ~-- .- - - - .. - --- ;t- Wdi2~ atary Pub c~" -~:.,: _ .:- .,/ ,..- . \. '. , 'I April 3, 1981 FROH: Anthony L. Shoemaker, City 11 \""' ~~~ HEHO TO FILE COPIES TO: Emil O. Bernard Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineer Roy Ayr;es ,Building Dixector Lucille Williams, City Clerk SUBJECT: MEMO ORDER - Waiver of Sidewalk Installation Emil o. Bernard Lot 42, Del Oro Groves 3137 San Pedro In response to a request from Emil o. Bernard for a waiver of requirement for installation of a sidewalk at the subject property i.n conjunction with new construction as required by City of Clearwater Code, I have examined this property and the following are my findings; 1) There are no sidewalks wi,thin 200 feet of the property, and this is the last lot to be developed in this area~ 2) A sidewalk on this property, at this time, would not form a part of a route leading to a school; and 3) The absence of such a sidewalk would not present a pedestrian hazard. In my judgment, the above findings meet the conditions prescribed in the City of Clearwater Code of Ordinances, Section 133.09 (e) (I) and therefore, a waiver of ins.tallation of a sidewalk at this timei4[S' granted. "Exhib itA" TO: FROM: COPI ES: I CITy'OF CLEARWATER Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet Anthony L. Shoemaker, City Manager Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Assistant City Manage / / SUBJECT: Request for Waiver of Sidewalk Installation - Emil o. Bernard _ 3137 San Pedro " DATE: April 2, 1981 Recommendation Sign the attached waiver of installation of sidewalk and initial the attached memo order. Background See the attached memo order. /'