SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (291) ... I I (' ,:~J.,4--f--,/\J C I T Y OF CLEARWATER POST OFFICE BOX 4748 C LEA R W ATE R, F LOR IDA 335 1 B CITY MANAGER ~ I') l J ("(" It, ,,/ :,) March 29, 1984 i.-'- Mrs. Eileen Dimmitt Magidson Vice President Larry Dimmitt Cadillac, Inc. Dimmitt Chevrolet, Inc. 603 South Ft. Harrison Avenue Clearwater, Florida 33516 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Reference: First Avenue North, Third Avenue North, and Main Street Legal Descriptions Attached 2200 Block U. S. Highway 19 North--Proposed New Location of Dimmitt Dealerships Dear Mrs. Magidson: In accordance with Section 133.09(e) of the City of Clearwater Code of Ordinances, I have reviewed your request for a temporary waiver of the sidewalk installation requirements. Your request is for waivers of sidewalks along public rights-of-way knO\ffl as First Avenue North, Third Avenue North, and Main Street. In accordance with the appropriate section of the Code, it has been deter- mined that your request for a temporary waiver of sidewalk installation on Third Street is approved. All parties concerned agree that the sidewalk adjacent to U. S. 19 will be installed when that highway is completely renovated. At the time of the U.S. 19 installation, a sidewalk will be required on First Street North and that First Street sidewalk will then require the one on Main Street. However, since the U. S. 19 sidewalk has not been installed, I hereby grant a temporary sidewalk waiver for First Street North and Main Street. You should specifically understand that the granting of this waiver is temporary in nature and should the factors which I stated previously come into play, the City may install the sidewalks on the waived rights-of-way by the assessment method. RECEIVED APR 3 1984 cc: Elizabeth S . Haeseker , Assistant City Manager Ed V. Bethel, Building Director Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director "E qual Employment and ..Affirmative Action Lucille Williams, C1ty Clerkv' CITY CLERK Employer" ()7();;"~ Oq2 ----------,-- ./ Fee - $2 r; CJ 0 Date Paid 2- s-s ~ Receipt No. ~ 27 ~- / I CITY OF CLEARWATER I APPLICATION FOR SIDEWAI.K WAIVER ADDRESS (Sidewalk Location) 2200 block U.S. Highway 19 North LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Sidewalk Location) (Lot, Elock, Subdivision) See attachment 1: legal description of Dimmitt Dealerships Waivers requested along 1st Avenue No., 3rd Avenue No. and Main Street Larry Dimni tt Cadillac, Inc., arrl OWNER I S NAME Dirnd.tt ChSvrolet. Inc.. PHONE (813 )442-3143 ADDRESS 603 South Ft. Harrison Avenue, Clearwater, Florida 33516 REPRESENTATIVE (If any) ADDRESS REASON FOR REQUEST There are no schools in the ara and no apparent foot traffic. There ex is t no s i dewa lks on ei ther side of 1 st Avenue North, 3rd -Avenue ~, or Main Street. 1st Avenue North was recently paved, but no sldewalk lnstal led, indicating that the designers and City officials concurred that there was negligible foot traffic expected on that roadway. Foot traffic on Main Street, further from Cypress Point. would be even less. Main Street also dead-ends at the marsh south of the site, and this marsh will remain. Most of 3rd Avenue North is vacated and it is probable that the remainder will be vacated in the course of dev~lopment. The Dimmitt development also would not attract foot traffic. Section 133.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City requires that all land that abuts a public right-of-way, which is to have new construction on it, either for residential, commercial, industrial or other purposes, shall have sidewalks constructed by the Owner on, across or adjacent thereto. The OWner understands and agrees that if the waiver is granted, the City may install sidewalks at a future date and assess the owner for the full cost of said sidewalks. ~~wCmJ~vrY\fln/rO~ OWner ",,'" OWner I s Rep~e Eileen Di.rrr::-..i.tt Magidsan, Vice President of Larry Dimnitt Cadillac, Inc., and Dimnitt Chevrolet, Inc. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of February 3, 1984 Date February , 198:4 . ,"- My Commission Expires: .. ~~k Notary Pur) ic ~"::." ~_::." ' 5-7-87 1910-62 Rev.6/83 590-344.50 SECTION 34.01 J . 5/0tfcJ,-tLk 6J,4/J/Z~!EqC)L-'5T .41i,.4:.4't#e-..vr A .. L&"64L- I?L~c.,RIPr/OAJ ~ (a) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (1) The legal description of the site is shown below: LEGAL DESCRIPTION - DIMMITT NORTH P ARea A tract of land lying within Section 32~ Township 28 South, Range 16 East, Pinellas County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Northwest corner of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 32; thence S 89034' 50" E, for 100.00 feet to a point on the easterly right-of-way line of U.S. 19 (a 200-foot right~f-way), said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence northwesterly along the arc of a curve concave to the West, said curve having a radius of 2964.91 feet, a central angle of 04034' 18", an arc length of 236.58 feet and a chord bearing N 02029' 06" W, for 236.51 feet to a point on the southerly right-of-way line of First Avenue North, as recorded in the Plat of Ul\TfI' NO.1 - SECTION A - CHAUTAUQUA "ON TBE LAKE", as recorded in Plat Book 9, page 52 of the Public Records of Pinellas ~ounty, Florida; thence S 89034' 50" E along said right-of-way line, for 546.51 feet to a point on the westerly right-of-way line of Main Street, as recorded in said plat; thence SOOo01' 50" E along said right-of-way line and alonlir a line 30.00 feet West of and parallel to the East line of the West 1/4 of said Section 32, for- 1033.23 feet to a point on the norther-ly right~f-way line of Third Avenue South, as recorded in said plat; thence N 890571 07" W along said right-of-way line, for 230.05 feet to the Southeast corner of that certain property conveyed in O.R. Book 5221 on page 117; thence N 00001' 50" W alonlir the East boundary line of said pro?erty, for 238.10 feet to the Northeast corner of said property; thence N 89057' 07" W along the North boundary line of those tracts conveyed in O.R. Book 5221, page 117; O.~. Book 3141, page 357; n.R.. Book 5134, page 315 and O.R. Book 3141, page 356, respectively, for 306.77 feet to a point on the easterly right-of-way line of U.S. 19; thence N 000 DO' 58" E along said right-of-way line, for 562.40 feet to the POINT OF BEGlliNING, and containing 11.09 acres, more or less. LEGAL DESCRIPTION - DIMMIIT SOUTH PARCEL A tract of land lying within Section 32, Township 28 South, Range 16 East, Pinellas County,Florida, and being mOl"e particularly described as follows: Commence at the NOr'thwest corner- of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 32; thence S 00000' 58rT W along the West line of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 32, said West line also being the centerline of U.s. 19, for' 964.55 feet; thence leaving said centerline S 89034' 50rT E, for- 100.00 feet to a point on the eastel"ly right-of-way line of u.s. 19 (a 200-foot right~f-way)~ said point being the POINT OF BEGlliNING; thence leaving said right-of-way line S 89057' 07" E along the South line of those tracts conveyed in O.~. Book 4328, page 1598~ O.R. Book 5221, page 117, G.R. Book 4140, page 1180, r~spectively, fo1"' 442.12 feet to the Southeast corner of that certain pl"operty conveyed in O.R. Book 4140 on page 1180; thence N 00001' 50" W along the easterly line of said property, for 104.05 feet to the Northeast corner' thereof; also being a point on the (CoJVrIN(,/L 0 ) 02:C 4 590-344.70 N I /~. .:- .....,'; 1':-,4/ / ,...., l '- W' W I I.'V V '" L/ V (COI'YTltVtJLO) , s9uth~~1~ right-of-way line of .!ird ~venue South, as reco;d~~ in the Plat of UNIT 1'10.1- SECTION A _ CHAUTAUQUA "ON THE LAKE", as recorded in Plat Book 9, page 52 of the Public Records of PinellaS County, Florida; thence S 89057' 07" E along said right-of-way line, for 95.02 feet to a eoint on the westerly right-of-way of Main Stree!, as recorded in sald plat; thence alan" sald right-of-way line, ana along a line 30.00 feet ',est of and parallel to the East line of the West 1/ ~ of said Section 32, S 000 01' 50" E, for 208.10 feet to the northerly right-of-way line of Fourth Avenue South; thence 1'1 89057' 07" W along said right-of-way line, for 39.10 feet to a point on the westerly right-of-way of Main Street, as recorded in sald plat;, thence along said right-of-way line S 00001' 50" E, for 440.00 feet; thence leaving said right-of-way line N 89057' 07" W along the North line of the Florida power Corporation right-of-way as recorded in Deed Book 1516 on page 581, for 498.48 feet to !l point on the easterly right-of-way line of U.s. 19; thence along said right-of-way line 1'100000' 58" E, for 544.05 feet to the POiNT OF BEGINNING, and containing 6.54 acres, more or less.. .. 2nd Ave. N. ' CYP~ESS POINT ~I . MALL " I t'j ~I . ~ ~ .",. '_' "_':-~ 'u....- ~ N01TH. R7CiJ4el=' D/MM/rr ::3IPLwAL,,IrI tJI'4/IIL,e ezQCJ.t!~1 " "'r7,,1aJA1EAJ/ 15:toaTloAJ 5~rc.A 1st AVf!. N. .,. " X I,JDIc.4/.!~ ~()~fO ~/OLtJ.4t,.It- W.AIY~ d,v I ,r fivE 1J't 3 rr:J AvE tV, A,vO Blvd: /HAIA.I ~r. . PROJECT SITE LAKE CHAUTAUQUA >- Avf!t. s.. a o :' "~ U ..- -. ~ Q ~ .~ . -.- - .. - '" -- ~ - ~>_:-: .'~--- ~ :' . ;..... Sttr Ave. S. QI.TCH- FJ~c.. Rei.:" Power- CorJJ- .- . _ ' . 6tn- Ave-. S- ,-_~;~~C::~Jf~:O~ I 11~ A~._ ~ . -.' ~ . ~ !"lt~!1 :,~r ,_O~r.~._ ~8f'('~~~ ~' _ , '. _' '_ -. .... ',. . ,t . - >- ." . "', -,' -. _...' .. ,. t _ _ ~ .-:,:~.<_ __ _ ':_ ~:~~:;~:~::..t.c~::;:r1 81~ A.~ S. ~= <~Mi;~~:-'-::.'~:;::.,~~.":;<:.-.:': i -, :~ ~I~ A~.. S. : <=7 . ~' FORO- .<,'. ." <:: '.' :/", .::' -- . ~'. . I.. ,'. --,- :.:... ..- . . . ,- - -' . . .-. --. u. : , '. '-'-. .f' I 0 th- Ay.. S. [ . . -~ ".-_ PROJEC T LOCA TrON ~ I r~ -I: . [ FIGURE ~ -- I C I T Y 10 F C LEA R W ATE R Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet TCt Elizabeth Haeseker, Asst. City Manager FROM: Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director COPIES: Ed Bethel, Building Director SUBJECT: Sidewalk Waiver - Dirrmitt Site DATE: March 15, 1984 'tift\< i 6 1983 I have reviewed the request for sidewalk waivers at the Dimmitt site on U.S. 19 and determined the following: 1. It has been agreed by all concerned that the sidewalk adjacent to U.S. 19 will be installed. 2. The installation of that sidewalk will affect the status of the others in a chain reaction. The sidewalk on U.s. 19 will be within 200' of the one on First Avenue N, etc. 3. First Avenue N is a paved road with an auto repair facility located on the north side and Dimmitt on the south side. It is one block long, ending at Main Street by a circuitous route, these two streets provide access to a rural area outside the City limits. 4. Main Street is unopened and appears to be unsuitable for driving in a conventional vehicle. 5. Third Avenue S is unopened. I could not even find it on the site since there is no road connecting to U.S.19. Since I could not drive on Main Street I could not determine whether these two unopened streets connect. Third Street S qualifies for a waiver. First Street N will not when the U.S. 19 sidewalk is in and Main Street will not when the First Street N sidewalk is in. This is a case where the sidewalks are required but will serve no pratica1 purpose. If the City Manager does not have authority to waive the requirement in circumstances such as this, I recommend that it be placed on the City Commission Agenda for approval. 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