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.. ;. ~rl~tGRE:LM}~lr, Ir.2.d~ ;llld CIJtcrud tbjl'3 _ ._.1:.7/ _d;ty of.~
.' ~ by and bd.wcl.:n the CITY OF CJ...JSJ\R'I'ATER, FLOJUDA
~~~p-orl:ti.on, b~rein2.fter referred to as :'City"; and __J:t:II~~L, .~/1A!e.llf.2 ".
. berein3..ftcr re(cTTcd to as "Owner"i
.. .
D.R.5 1 58 PAGE
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!~ ~.B ~ WT{EREAS, Section 7-6 of tbe Code of Ordi:::1..c....J.J.ces of tbe City requi::i:es that .c.
~:~f-l~" -.
c, ~ ~:.jlb.,d that abuts a. public rloht-of--w-ay which is to b; TIe'W" COL,st:cuction on it, eithe:
;:; ~ 0 I
~ ~ ~~r residential, comrnerci2.l, indlL'3trial or othe r pUI pose s, sr.u>,ll have side'\,,~alJ<:.s
~ ~~c~stTucted by tbe OwJ:ler on, across or adjace2.'lttbereto; and
.......; -~ 0 ~
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WHEREA5, the
City. of Clearwater,
Ov.Tner awns the followug described
Finell2..s COUD,ty, Ylorida, to wit: .
,- /;
P t. A-1 i ). ~ P A b-f 6 7 U .'
A~ot1CP.e f~AGe- i?f/t;r-
L ,,-( '17 c? d d'1- I '"
real property o5ituc_ted l.:::
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.:.u.....~ 11'1 L".
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AI 6 .II 54 AH ,'81
Wl~REAS, the affected prope:::-ty oYri'ner }~CJ..S 2.ppec..led Tcqnc3ti.."J.g 2. ten-~por?-:;:-~
of tbe side~~"21k i::2sta..l.L3.tion requi.:reme~t; 2nd
W}-<::::EREAS, llie City M2.:c2.ger pUrSU2.Dt to Section 7-6 (4:) (a) h2_S fO\..1r:ld ~~Je
ioUo-w"'ing conciitions e::cist, as set out in his 2.tt2.cbed heTeto a'3 E.:rhbit A,
such 2. '3 v,--aY:;:2..:!J.t the gra:!J.ting of a te~poTary wc.i ver; 2..2J.d
W}--1.....6REAS, the owner of the property described herein underst2Il2.s that tbe
'W'2.1Ver granted herein is only temporary in character 2.TId' this agreeme.::J.t ;
provide a reasoTI2. b~e period of time for the w2i ver to be eft ecti ve;
NOW, TH1---:REYORE, in cOL,sider2.tion of the ioregoi-"'g premises and other
good 2..J'Jd valu.a..ble considera.tion bet-wee!:l. the parties, receipt of which is hereby
acknow-ledged, the parties herei:o coveTI2.!:l.t and 2..gree as follaw-s:
L Tbe City in light of t.he facts f01,md as set for::h in Exbibit A attAched
he r do 2.:Jd a part ber ein 2.S if fully rewritten, g:i:2..Ilts to the Owner a teD.....1po:;:;o.:;:
-;:;raiver of the side-.;;-alk installation requirement imposed by Section 7 -6 of the Code
of Or Oi:nance s of the City of Clearwater.
~_ 2. The te:c::porary --waiver gr~ted shill corn.Ell':nCe on
"~~~Dd:n=.n until the condition or reason for gra:::l~ng t}].e -y;'aiver 2..S se~ut ;G.hibi-t-=~-
5 ~ ~s l' emovcd or othe:r-w--ise cW..Ilged.
:::l >( -
~c.:~ 3. -::::-hc Ow'nc:lll:!)derS~Lld9 and agrees ~b.a..t tbe -';;;"C'.lver granted herein is
5~~eJTc,?orary U:1 cha:Lacter 2.:=1d tb.?_t it does Dot eXCuse tbe Q--;;:"iler or succeSsors in
c.. ~-:::t c:r c st fr am tbe 1>:.d cwraL~ r eqlli r C:r:::L1 C:ilt S iTnpo 5 e d by Section 7 - 6 of tbe Cod c of
~rciir:.aDces of Clea~--ater. Tbe ~IJer,fu::.t..':1er ?_grees t~at should the cODdit-ion
5et OU~ in :Sx.hibit A -.;::;rbich prcse2:1t1y c::csts on t!:1e :?roper-ty .3.2:1d ';VDicb "W2.S o511f::1cic=~
to"'" ?_ r r :a.::J t g r a..:c. tin g th C -='2. i vcr bee 0 r :: e ct e d 2. ~ i:::1 6' t b e peri 06 0 f t hi S ~"""'2 i -".. e r. t be n
t...l:1e O=ner ",-i.11 u::nr.ncQiatcly coc"!.?ly w~tb tbe :rc~12j_ru:::;.e=ts or Section 7-6 as it
r cl ". t e::\ t 0 ~ i d c =-2.~k i:s 5 t ;>...lla E G'TI...
4. U ~e O,'7':)C1' or bi~ ~ci=-s. pcr~c::}2J. rc?re~C!)t2t-:ve:5. ~L}CCC5S0r':5 or
~ ~ .5 i ';'iJ ~ ~ h;Jl fail to c..2. v C :'! i d ccc-c. 11::. ~ L"l 5 u,l! c c. for t h c d c ~ c 1"5. bed rea 1 p:r C? c ;:-'L y tn
ace 0 r d ,'-.7.1 C e ,,---i th City F. P c ci GeL t: 0 ~ 5 ;;;:::J d t> b.= c..2. r c.:5 '\::,,-j, t1:jj71 r:.l.:::J. c ty (9 0) ciA y:-, i r 0 = t':: c
::Jctt5cAt-ion by tu City, tneD tbe City :rD2.Y h,' t':1e !Sicc....:,;2.L\::5 iD:,;talled ;uJd ~~ ~c ~ ~
2.::-}d LL"pOt!C a lien .2.tS<,..i.:J.~t tbc c.~lScribcd real property [or tbe cost of the ',;:,;ork_
c. '.!.~ hi:5 2. g r cern CD t i g to be :< c g a. r d c d ::l..? a C 0 v C :::.;>.. D t n.l'.~ g 'Wi th t.b e 1 a. ::J .::
reg :2.. ~. -<31 c :<, l\ 0 f '1;..7 bet ~ c r it i ~ IS ? c c in c :a 11 y L l C ::J ti 0:; c d in d. ::J Y C c. e C j 0 reo D V e y'a ::c c c :I U b -
:<'cquc:ltlyexecuted. d:Jd lb.i~ agrccI:JeDt sh~ll be bi..J,d1~g on <l.Jl p-a.I-t:C~. the bei;-:'I.
per :I CD .'\ 1 r cpr C IS cD t .a ti v c s, sue c c 5 ~ 0 r::l 0 r a.:I:<' i g-::c ::l: tS:..~, ':' ,
"?~~v- 2' e\,L'-":')~
,.~ 'C~P.,'..;y \
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"::':J ....'..." '\ < \
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,./ ()l O} ~ () 1(7)
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I o. R. 5 1 5 a P AG E 2 6 6
6. All nati~:C9 pUT:3Uant to' this 2.greernent shall be furnish(~d to' the
rcspectiye pa:i:-tics at the fallO'wL"lg. cH'ld~C3SC9, .until receipt O'f written rnstructic
notifying the ather parcy of a diff(~rent address:
City Man.ctger
PO Bax 4748
CleaTW"2.ter. Flarida 33518
eRNe S I ~~lfllc 'f~. b-
13 c!1 3 0 111 t- It r:{ ~11 " s"...
6 L i:-It,z 11\. kIt>'~ fI-A- n 14
'1.1'1 WiTNESS 'N}-I=:ERSOF, tbe p~2.-ties herda uve caused these pres e:sts
to' be exeQ-rted the day <,_nd year l?":st abO've W'2:'itten.
Mayar-CO'DlII1is sianer
& carrectne s s:
. - '"
A i-t est:. '< . ~."
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As to'
fi." c!i~~(;y{2~(SBLJ
A( O'\VN..t..R .
I HEREL3 Y CER TTI Y. that an this }9th day of February , 19B_.
befare H1e pers allally c.ppeaI'ed Anthony L. Sho~J!lE-l_~X~omas A. Bustin, Luci11e
Williams a.::ld ~a!le~..f_'._1eCher __~___.__~, respectively City Mc.=::Jager, City At7or:1ey, Cit;.
Clerk 2.'Lld Mayor-Com....~~ssioTIer af the City af C1Crl.I"';:,.ater, a municipal corpor<=.:
c.xi sting =de r tbe 1a -;;.- s of the Sb..te of FIa ri cia, to' Cle hO'Wil to be the inc:i vi(~u <'.ls
a=::Jd officers described in. ;;:...nd ,;.,ha e:::::ccuted tbe faregaing AgreerTH':nt aDd ~ever~~
aCDovledged the execution thereaf to be their free act and deed a~ such officers duly a:.::thari:z:cd; <'Dd that tbe cfiic:al seal of said Ec.L'.aicipl corpo:<atic=
duly aL.-F!::ced thereto, and the said P..greCI-'le!lt i:5 the act ac=:d deed of said cO'"-.-pa:r-<,.=
My Caln....~i~siail Expires:
Notary Public, State of Florida at [arge
My Commission Expires Aug. 28, 1982
___ Bonded By American Fire & .Ca,walty ~ompeny
WITNE::SS D'1Y sig-n2.ture and afiicia1 scal at Cleal"-'2.ter in the Cc-c.nty af
P1Dell?s 2.c-::ld St.ate af Fla:r1.(~, t~c C?..y 2.c-:ld year last aoa.e L rn
/~:,?' ,~J' ';<\ ~~
\" . ~ r ~'l': Wf': '",- "
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tt~) t n t ~:~~-:};~"r;'f,tllo~7-'~~'S~~.
Tot /, ' <LOo.
. .
~ , '
o.R.5 1 58 PAGE 267
Before ~e per3cnally appc?rcd JR~t::S_~3.t1~C;;EZ ____~_~______
to me ~e~ known ~J:ld kna--wn. to rile to be the inclividu.a.1s described in and who
executed the foregoJ..:.:1g agreement 2nd achowledged before me t..h..?t they execut'ed
the s2.IDe for the pu.rposes tberein expressed.
'WITNESS my ~J.d ;:;~d official seal tbis __~.;d_~~day of
J;;.uU/lA... v
My Commis sion E'x.J.Ji::-es:
f,'f ~l:H'~'~~J i~t "C~:-tJt'
t/ .. ':1983
Notary Public .>>'~,.CC".."~:':,:"
" c ", '/
~ ..... ..' ~'sJ1 ".
~? 24: ......
-:" .:..;..,.... ~~......
O.R. 5 1 58 PAGE 268
~ebruary 5, 1981
Anthony L. Shoemaker, City Manager .
Ernest Sanchez, 1303 Milton Street, Clearwater 33516
Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineer
Roy Ayres, Building Directorj
Lucille Williams, City Clerk
MEMO ORDER - Waiver of Sidewalk Installation
Ernest Sanchez
Lot 47, Ardmore Place Rep1at
1303 Milton Street
In response to a request from Ernest Sanchez for a waiver of requirement
for installation of a sidewalk at the subject property in conjunction
with new construction as required by City of Clearwater Code, I have
examined this property and the following are my findings:
1) There are no sidewalks within 200 feet of the property,
and this is the last lot to be developed in this area.
2) A sidewalk on this property, at this time, would not form
a part of a route leading to a school; and
3) The absence of such a sidewalk would not present a pedes-
trian hazard.
In my judgment, the above findings meet the conditions prescribed in the
City of Clearwater Code of Ordinances, Section 7-6 and therefore a waiver
of installation of a sidewalk at this time ~i::*.uted.
"Exhibit A"
J-I q I 0