CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE AND LETTERS BRUCE TAYLOR, INC. P.O.DRAWER 119 CLEARWATER, FL. 33517 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGES 0/ '1-,...-- 7-1 t> f COMPA"Y A LETTER COMPA"Y B LETTER COMPAN' C l[nUl COMPANY D ,.f"TEfI Aetna Casua1t & Surety Company ECE\'1f.O INSURED EMIL MARQUARDT, JR., TRUSTEE P.O.Box 1669 Clearwater, Fl. 33517 ~o Q 1980 'S{;.r 0 COMPANY E LETTER ._-------~. ,-.---- Clrt ~ -- This is to c-;'rtify that policies of insurance listed below have been issued to the insured named above and a~ein forcealtilistirne- ~~otWifhstanding anyrequirerrient;-termOrcondition of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued or may pertain, the insurance aHorced by the policies described herein is subject to ail the terms, exclusions and conditions of such policies. I AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY o COMPREHENSIVE FORM DOWNED o HIRED o NON-OWNED Unassigned ~ wd-f r~a44 ~ rr&'~ -# (U t!_~ 9/r ~~ 8/13/81 f~~'~u~~mits oJ Li~}fJn ThousaTlQ~f~--'-:__ ..- - . ...--.-- '--1 ()Ec:~~~~NCE, ..... .i'~l~'~GATr: EODIIY IN.JURY $ 300, oat. $ 300,00 PI,OPr.RIY ['AMAGE $ 25'Ofe ~~~~;f;~~i~)~~.. :~~:r- $ ----.--- COMf1\'<ED TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER PO lICY EXPIRAT ION DATE --- ----...,.--.,-.--.--,---., ,---~~- - GENERAL LIABILITY A B COMPREHENSIVE COf!'.' [, f'Rf.MISES--.OPERt,TIO"i' D EXPLOSION AND CULLM'5E H AZA f~D o UNDERGROUND HAZARD o PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS HAZARD o CONTRACTUAL INSlJR~NCE o BROAD FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE o IND[PENDEN''- cn'FRM: T ,)RS o PERSONAL IN.JIJf~', \q, \ \rV 1 \J ~ {ff-tY f'UISI)Ni<!. INJURY BODILY INJU'IY (EACH PEf/SON, BODILY INJURY (EACH ACCI DENT) I'ROPERTY DAMAGE BODILY INJURY IIND PROPERTY DAMAGE COMBINED $ EXCESS LIABILITY o UMBRELLA FORM D OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM IWORKERS' COMPENSATION .-----a-nr-.--- ----- EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY OTHER BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE COMBINED DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLES Additional Insured: City of Clearwater under Permits issued to owners or Lessees. ___.___.____.____n Property: 5) q Cl eve1and SU:e,g.t.,-- C:L~.cI'_~"!t~!J.~_________.____ Cancellation: Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the eXpiration date thereof, the issuing com- pany w,il endeavor to mail ---30- days written notice to the below narned certificate holder, but failure to mail SUCil 110tice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company. I NAME AND ADDRESS OF C.ERi-IFIC:::.l-Ef!;iflE:q---n_--- _____n_, . L City of Clearwater City Clerk P.O.Box 4748 Clearwater, F1.33518 Att: Lu~ille 1 1ams ,___l9.80_._ I , ... August 22, 1980 Mr. Emil Marquardt, Trustee 400 Cleveland Street Clearwater, FL 33515 Dear Mr. Marquardt; In reply to your request, attached is copy of a letter dated November 1, 1978, from Robert G. Draga, President of Decade, Inc. ;;also copy of agenda memo dated December 7,1978, at which Commi ssion !'1eeting the request for iron posts and planters was approved. Please note the last two paragraphs in the agenda memo. The previous insurance policy provided liability in the amount of $500,000 and the City was named co-insured lifoI' the liability at the described location which extends to the curb of the premises fl . The City is holding in escrow $200.00 received from Decade, Inc. We will appreciate your supplying a certificate of insurance as soon as possible. Very truly yours, Lucille ~villia);:s City Clerk LW/sl/cb cc: Elizabeth Haeseker Barbara Weston Enc . ( 1 ) \\ \\ \" '- I August 5, 1980 Mr. David Deveney Deveney Consultants 817 Court Street Clearwater, FL 33516 Dear Mr. Deveney: Reference is made to a phone conversation on June 10, 1980, between you and Mrs. Lamkin of this office concerning the four planter-pylons which extend into the right-of-way of Prospect Avenue. Attached for your files is a copy of the agreement between the former owner of the building and the City of Clearwater. We call your attention to paragraph three (3) which requires the City be listed as an additional insured on a liability policy with limits of at least $100,000/$300,000. May we have your cooperation in providing evidence of this coverage? Lucille Williams City Clerk LW/sl/eb Ene. ( 1 ) <J~ . ~;J- J ~ 0 /'" t ~~ ~lvV _ ~r ? o Very truly yours,