PROPOSED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1997-1998 I , EASTLAKE OAKS Community Development District Proposed Budget Fiscal Year 1997/98 May 27, 1997 1 GENERAL FUND DEBT SERVICE FUND - TABLE OF CONTENTS . Page 1-5 Page 6-7 I I .~ EASTLAKE OAKS Community Development District Proposed General Fund Budget Fiscal Year 1997-98 REVENUES: Maintenance Assessments The District levy a maintenance assessment on the County Tax Roll for the platted lots within the District and the balance of the operating budget will be assessed directly to the landowner. EXPENDITURES Administrative: Supervisor's Fees Chapter 190 of the Florida Statutes allows for a member of the Board of Supervisors to be compensated $200 per meeting, not to exceed $4,800 per year. Based on 2 supervisor's and 12 meetings per year, the amount should not exceed $4,800. Engineering Fees The District's engineer will be providing general engineering services to the District, Le., attendance and preparation for monthly meetings, reviewing invoices, and various projects assigned as directed by the Board of Supervisors. Attorneys Fees The District's legal counsel will be providing general services to the District, Le., attendance and preparation for monthly meetings, reviewing contracts, agreements, resolutions, etc. Annual Audit The District is required by Florida Statue to arrange for an Independent audit of its financial records on an annual basis. The amount is based on the audit fee of the prior fiscal year. Page 2 I I EASTLAKE OAKS Community Development District General Fund Management Fees The following services are provided to the District under the Management Contract with Gary 1. Moyer, P.A., the amount for the Fiscal Year is as follows: Accounting Recording Secretary Manager $ 8,000 $ 4,000 $20,000 Trustee The District's Series 1996, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds are held by a Trustee at First Union National Bank. The amount for the fiscal year is based on the prior years cost. Financial Advisor The District currently has a contract with Rizzetta & Company for financial advisory services which is based on an hourly rate and should not exceed $2,500 for the fiscal year. Travel & Per Diem Certain travel related expenditures are reimbursable, Le. mileage, tolls, attendance of special meetings, etc. Telephone Telephone and fax machine. Postage Mailing of agenda packages, overnight deliveries, correspondence, etc. Rentals & Leases The District will be charged $200 per month for office rent form Coral Springs Improvement District where the District's administrative office is located. Insurance The District currently has its General Liability/Errors and Omissions with the Florida League of Cities, Inc. Based on prior years premium and the current activity level, the following is the estimated cost: General Liability Errors & Omissions Property $2,000 $2,000 Page 3 I I .f"';'" EASTLAKE OAKS Community Development District General Fund Printing and Binding Accounts payable checks, stationary, envelopes, photocopies, etc. Legal Advertising Advertising of monthly board meetings, public hearings and any other legal advertising that may be required. Other Current Charges Bank charges and any other miscellaneous expenses that incur during the year. Office Su.pplies Miscellaneous office supplies. Dues. License. Subscriptions The District will required to pay a annual fee to the Department of Community Affairs for $175. This is the only anticipated expenditure in this category. Capital Outlay File cabinet or other miscellaneous capital items. Maintenance: Landscape Maintenance The District currently has a contract with Central Florida Landscaping of Tampa, Inc. to maintain the common areas of the District. The amount for the fiscal year is based on the following: Contract Amount Contingency (10%) Total Total Monthly $2,057.75 $ 205.77 $2.263.52 Annual $24,693.00 $ 2.469.24 $27.162.24 Page 4 I I .;., EASTLAKE OAKS Community Development District General Fund Utilities The District currently has 3 utility accounts with the City of Oldsmar and 1 utility account with Tampa Electric. The estimated amount for the fiscal year should not exceed $7,920. Street Lighting The District currently has 1 account with Tampa Electric Company for 40 street lights in Phase One. The amount for the fiscal year is based upon Street Lighting Agreement for these 40 units. Mitigation The District currently has a contract with Ecological Consultants, Inc. for Mitigation Monitoring and Maintenance. The amount for the fiscal year is based upon 3 events for monitoring at $600 per event and 4 events for maintenance at $500 per event. Pool Maintenance The District currently has with Rick's Pool Service for the maintenance of the District's swimming pool at $585 per month. Page 5 . . I EASTLAKE OAKS 1 v~ Community Development District PROPOSED BUDGET Debt Service Fund Fiscal Year 1997-98 ADOPTED ACTUAL PROJECTED TOTAL PROPOSED BUDGET THRU NEXT 5 THRU BUDGET DESCRIPTION F /Y 1996/97 4/30/97 MONTH'S 9/30/97 F /Y 1997/98 REVENUES: CARRY FORWARD $133,068 $132,044 $0 $132,044 $73,517 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT $51,202 $61,556 $0 $61,556 $138,558 INTEREST INCOME -Reserve Fund $7,769 $6,148 $0 $6,148 $0 -Capitalized Interest $0 $1,810 $250 $2,060 $0 -Revenue $0 $635 $1,525 $2,160 $3,500 OPERATING TRANSFER IN $0 $4 $0 $4 $0 I REVENUES $192,039 $202,197 $1,775 $203,972 $215,5751 EXPENDITURES: INTEREST-11 /1 $70,751 $69,812 $0 $69,812 $60,644 PRINCIPAL-5/1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $35,000 INTEREST -5/1 $60,644 $0 $60,644 $60,644 $60,644 I EXPENDITURES $131,395 $69,812 $60,644 $130,455 $156,288 I (1)1 NET INCOME $60,644 $132,386 ($58,869) $73,517 $59,2881 Interest-11-1 $59,288 (1) Net income will be used to pay to 11/1 interest payment due in the next Fiscal Year. Page 6 . . . I I ., EASTLAKE OAKS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT SERIES 1996, SPECIAL ASSESSMENT REVENUE BONDS AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE I DATE BALANCE RATE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL I 11/1/96 $1,565,000.00 7.75% $0.00 $70,751.04 $70,751.04 5/1/97 $1,565,000.00 7.75% $0.00 $60,643.75 $60,643.75 11/1/97 $1,565,000.00 7.75% $0.00 $60,643.75 $60,643.75 5/1/98 $1,565,000.00 7.75% $35,000.00 $60,643.75 $95,643.75 11/1/98 $1,530,000.00 7.75% $0.00 $59,287.50 $59,287.50 5/1/99 $1,530,000.00 7.75% $40,000.00 $59,287.50 $99,287.50 11/1/99 $1,490,000.00 7.75% $0.00 $57,737.50 $57,737.50 5/1/00 $1,490,000.00 7.75% $40,000.00 $57,737.50 $97,737.50 11/1/00 $1,450,000.00 7.75% $0.00 $56,187.50 $56,187.50 5/1/01 $1,450,000.00 7.75% $45,000.00 $56,187.50 $101,187.50 11/1/01 $1,405,000.00 7.75% $0.00 $54,443.75 $54,443.75 5/1/02 $1,405,000.00 7.75% $45,000.00 $54,443.75 $99,443.75 11/1/02 $1,360,000.00 7.75% $0.00 $52,700.00 $52,700.00 5/1/03 $1,360,000.00 7.75% $50,000.00 $52,700.00 $102,700.00 11/1/03 $1,310,000.00 7.75% $0.00 $50,762.50 $50,762.50 5/1/04 $1,310,000.00 7.75% $55,000.00 $50,762.50 $105,762.50 11/1/04 $1,255,000.00 7.75% $0.00 $48,631.25 $48,631.25 5/1/05 $1,255,000.00 7.75% $60,000.00 $48,631.25 $108,631.25 11/1/05 $1,195,000.00 7.75% $0.00 $46,306.25 $46,306.25 5/1/06 $1,195,000.00 7.75% $65,000.00 $46,306.25 $111,306.25 11/1/06 $1,130,000.00 7.75% $0.00 $43,787.50 $43,787.50 5/1/07 $1,130,000.00 7.75% $70,000.00 $43,787.50 $113,787.50 11/1/07 $1,060,000.00 7.75% $0.00 $41,075.00 $41,075.00 5/1/08 $1,060,000.00 7.75% $75,000.00 $41,075.00 $116,075.00 11/1/08 $985,000.00 7.75% $0.00 $38,168.75 $38,168.75 5/1/09 $985,000.00 7.75% $80,000.00 $38,168.75 $118,168.75 11/1/09 $905,000.00 7.75% $0.00 $35,068.75 $35,068.75 5/1/10 $905,000.00 7.75% $85,000.00 $35,068.75 $120,068.75 11/1/10 $820,000.00 7.75% $0.00 $31,775.00 $31,775.00 5/1/11 $820,000.00 7.75% $95,000.00 $31,775.00 $126,775.00 11/1/11 $725,000.00 7.75% $0.00 $28,093.75 $28,093.75 5/1/12 $725,000.00 7.75% $100,000.00 $28,093.75 $128,093.75 11/1/12 $625,000.00 7.75% $0.00 $24,218.75 $24,218.75 5/1/13 $625,000.00 7.75% $105,000.00 $24,218.75 $129,218.75 11/1/13 $520,000.00 7.75% $0.00 $20,150.00 $20,150.00 5/1/14 $520,000.00 7.75% $115,000.00 $20,150.00 $135,150.00 11/1/14 $405,000.00 7.75% $0.00 $15,693.75 $15,693.75 5/1/15 $405,000.00 7.75% $125,000.00 $15,693.75 $140,693.75 11/1/15 $280,000.00 7.75% $0.00 $10,850.00 $10,850.00 5/1/16 $280,000.00 7.75% $135,000.00 $10,850.00 $145,850.00 11/1/16 $145,000.00 7.75% $0.00 $5,618.75 $5,618.75 5/1/17 $145,000.00 7.75% $145,000.00 $5,618.75 $150,618.75 I $1,565,000.00 $1,693,794.79 $3,258,794.79 I Page 7 I , DISTRICT FINANCIAL CORPORATION June 3, 1997 RECEIVED JUN 12 1997 CITY MANAGER Pinellas County Fred Marquis County Administrator 315 Court Street 6th Floor Clearwater, Florida 34616 City of Clearwater Elizabeth Deptula 112 South Osceola Avenue Clearwater, Florida 34616 Re: Eastlake Oaks Community Development District Proposed Budget Fiscal Year 1997-98 Dear Mr. Marquis and Ms. Deptula: In accordance with chapter 190.008(2)(b), Florida Statutes, enclosed please find one copy of the District's proposed budget for Fiscal Year 1997-98 for purposes of disclosure and information only. The District will schedule a public hearing in August for the adoption of the same. Should you have any questions regarding the enclosed, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, D~.MOSS~~~ District Accountant /dm enclosure I0300N.W.llTHMANOR . CORAL SPRINGS, FLORIDA 33071 . TU.Ei'H01';E954-753-0380 . FAX 954.755-6701