DEDICATION IN EAGLE ESTATES OF STREETS AND EASEMENTS V" " I 8829891,~6 OFi ,.",890 pi; I 99 I DEDICATION IN EAGLE ESTATES OF STREETS AND EASEMENTS The undersigned hereby certify that they are the owners of the property legally described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Said property is platted as Eagle Estates which plat is recorded at Plat Book 74, pages 40 and 41 of the Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida. Beside their interest therein, there are no other outstanding interests in said property except for the undersigned mortgagees. The undersigned owners hereby dedicate, for the use of the public in general, 'the streets, roadway access easement, sidewalks, and easements, including therein easements for side~alks, drainage and utilities, all as shown on Exhibit "A". The mortgagees hereby join in such dedication in order to release; and hereby do release any interest they may have in the above-referenced dedicated streets, roadway access easements, sidewalks, and easements. DATED this 1'~ day of C:::l ~ ,1986. 1- '.,..,~.- ( i ~ " CJ r ,'- ~-; tC) O~:X~ I-C;;O UJ cc 2--l -l \~~~;, a:uol- / <( ~$ 00:: c...<( " LU <; --' S:::' u EAGLE ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION >. '"'" ""0 C) "" o:l . c.. "" Q.) ....., "" ~ c...;:: en ,;: E p..; M e-= ~ 0 .' ~;3.;g ~~ ... ~ ~ ~ t:~ >,~ ~ Q) .... ~ ~ S -< '... o:l 2 ;::I ,u Q.) o:l J-l ~ 0 ~ 'tZ ~ ~ .S '0 i3 en t,O :.E U E-i co """ !'-co ~""" ~ !'- o "f ~ c~ '"" >. ''0 C)c-r 11 RFC\JR;Jl>,:'(] CHG j~Q~ZP C:(;iJ:. L REC ~'6.9/ FEE:;, .9C:?QO },'fTF l'TG .,. P/l: T()lt\~30 l/~~1:J (Je~ ~.t1~.~, ~ c. c- : 'f6 0>;) ~,~~ , ., # '1/ C{j f~Be~,~~" /) . ',', .', ,;'; , . I I' ( ,1 .. - ...r'le ~..J' f' ,- . ""./-, ~i~,,"- ," " i / --o?C/ . C (. ~3~ f' \ ."........ --' ';-j :;-) 1 .'J" '-1:1 ~-'," ~ 0' :'::J C~) (I) I RE : Lot Iln ;:)9 D 200 ? COUNTY (::-~?f1'u Lyy~L Witness Jordan Vice President STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PASCO ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, .an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take aC~p'owledgments, Daniel J. Jordan, Executive Vice l'r,esident the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing docum~nt for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixE!<'-d~:Y official seal at sa~d~; ;~o,gPtr':~nd State, this .:u:wa..:, ':0 .' \t ~"ro Il..l ~', j, _.,' , ~," ...."',~.. l'%""ff.. ~',," - " ,,.. ~~">j~i~2 I~~ ~,'" - '},f:.' ;~'.;;. \.1 ,'-\ ~i,}'- _oj':J ',~ '). ',: :':: . r .~ , : " -,,,,, , IiJ '" ..~ .iY j~ ,: ",' ;'~~/~,/ .- N" ,ar>."h~IPu~)..~c., ,," J ,",.- ..." " ,," Il' ~ '>!' ~ '"" ,',' - *,". ""; , My c~&;nn~\;i'On Expires: I have hereunto set my hand and Pasco County, Florida 14th day of September , Notary Public, State of Florida My Commission Expires Feb. 3. 1989 pond.d Thro T,oy Fain, In,o,on.., IAct RE : Lot ::a. ~ 4L.~ J) d~djf STATE OF F~ COUNTY OF I 1 HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an 0, fficer dula aut, hO, rizeg., to admi,nister ~ath~, nd take1\.&Ckn, OWledq~,n ts , /..:>~ uce, I-~ Lu \N I't-{;- ") ,f ~ I€!I..)~ -- .."'!;.> -' "" f-..;j vi I , the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, a~fixed my official seal at saiq County and State, this 19~t3 , " , , 'I ",' 'My, Commissio~ MtlO/EA2 ._J I I, ~' O fi r,' R 9 0 ;.' i; 1 ? 0 I \ ,t". " " , ,_ :J ~"{/ ~ cr ~ "" :J ""^' 1. ~.& 'Q REI Lot STATE OF FLOR~A COUNTY OF Riwl/o.J I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, ~11l.r-JL€"" A, -p1MK I tEL-- ~A/IIIIJF- I'lY\A k' I pL , the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at said County and State, this 1988. " / ~ ~ ~ / 'W Public My Commissioni~~~ [;Y" ',>c~'.;i'; ~ .),'j: VI,' .. . -lJa&L~EU fdR0 ilL"'~"~ .';J - ....',/1.1" I have hereunto set my hand and el~KvJATE~ 11- day of SF;PTl2M~ , , r- I RE : LOtS' / ~858 9, ;'G 2 0 2 ,:::> :=c :::;';:"\ ex> \.D o i'v C) N STATE OF F7!.RIf!.A COUNTY OF ~tV~~~,~ oregoing IN WITNESS affixed,my official said County and Stat 1986. r e Notary Public, State of r.cr;d~ My Commission Expires J'..rc' 'i ';)'" rLl~.-.. 18.., '~.I' I.', lJ\,;!O ~ &IlLPy, ftl.a,iT~!!.J15.! J~.A; ~.&,1,. Jill J1r~'~ Wl nes ( F"11n ~ ~ 1 ~f 18~:,~ /1 ',,' '. ~~,~ (Nc'.<c J RE: Lot STATE OF F~A ) COUNTY OF 1;/ $ ) I HEREBY CERTIFY before me,an officer d ta e ac~nowledgments, per sonally appeared i ister oaths and Ie <- thepersonCs) d cribed in and who executed the document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affix~d my official seal at ", i, i 's;q.idCounty and State, this 19'86 . ' Commission Expires: """'Notary Public, State of Florida My Commission Expires Idy 17, 19'36 ~, ~ 1Jraa 1M. fMI: ~ iMf ~ M#lO/EA2 ~ 1- I RE: Lot 1/7 // ~ Wit~ s d. STATE OF F~~D~ COUNTY OF IMlJ day personally appeared o administer oaths and 0.. ~ foregoing document WHEREOF, affixed my offic' 1 seal at said County tate, this " ;" 1986. l' i-,.. set my hand and , " ..'>'.',.~ ,.;:~t, Public M~,Conunission Expires: Notary PUbliC State Of F My CommIsSIon Ex londa At Large 8011<I00 ij, SAffC{, pires Nov 30 1986 \uranCtl Compan~ 01 Amt'fJ<':d Id~ ---,i2 ~ ~~- Sf'. \ ~,,"", ' . ~~,j1 jijJ ,((dL(j df: E-;l~~ W 1. tn s ' , / RE: Lot d'l0'~ witn s STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF ~~j::::rNlE LLAS ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take. acknowledgments, JAM~ 5 L. ~t.SL6Y Vf~c;'INfA. 1-+, LE~Ll-=-f the personCs) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixe,d my official seal at said County and State, this 1986.. I have hereunto set my hand C-LE A.RW A'ItS1<.. .;s.".., day of , A'^5~ t- and Expires: , S t Of Florida At Large Notary Public. ta e , I" 30 1990 C mission ExpIres ..ov, , My e~: By SAFECO Insurance Company 01 AmerICa M#10/EA2 " ~,'t. ~.... "- _ u'" ~- .. J ~;. ...."~~~.I:.l'I;I>lJ CJ I",;'''', 0:::, 1...0 I::J (~. -: ("'-.) CJ W , , STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF ) I RE : Lot .::.::> ::1:." -' Witness (:',f.) c.D :::.:J '..-1 } Witness :-0 o .- ..,.. I HEREBY CERTI that on t 's day personally appeared before me, an officer uly authorize to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, the person(s) descr bed in and who execute the foregoing document for the rposes therein expressed. IN WIT affixed my off' said County a a 1986. SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto ia1 seal at State, this day of , M~iSSion Expires: i RE : Lot ? /l{-~ ;;;~ ICt~\7I_ _ (; STATE OF .7PRIQ" ) COUNTY OF/-<A~~ ) i HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared me, an officer duly admin'ster oaths and w1edgme ts, ~ ex cuted the foregoing expressed. ,; , I~ WITNESS WHEREOF, I affjix~di,~y official seal at 8, ,aid ,C, 6~nty and State ,this . tfl /1./, 1986. ' ' v _ \ C,; i /\/'j \" ~ .' '.I set my hand and , , ~. MYiGQmmission M#10!EA2 !"':"" Notary Public, State of fl~~:f~~ My Commission Expires l:.:fr ; , '036 ~ io_nd_'.Q, Jhrq Iroy fa-In - I(\$l.mwf.g, IR~ ...-I I RE : Lot '7 r o :::::; -;-, ,::;-::) \".J~,) ;I'~':J 2:kL, " ,ry 177 . ''ff)u-iltA ) W1.t:ness ~./ ~t~ :;:~"") ;,.) c:> CJI STATE OF FL~~A COUNTY OF ~ ) ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgmen ts , Ferll\a..tAcI.o "} r"ro~ ~ C1.At\d. P~l'< f'ti''t^OtJo the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at sa;i.d;:CQ]Jnty and State, this .1986.: r< ,< "li ~..It <it . . e ~ €&-~i~.,...~J ~;:P~~~c };:..~:~';;." t r. s:' ~~ ~:.:;J, __.~\>. My:reornrn~$S'ion Expires: ~ pave hereunto set my e"t -eMvJ ~ \c; day of JLL.ttr hand and , , Notary Public State at FiU'IIi" i\t l."':ie My Commission Expires Nov 30 1986 -. llonded ill )MEw _uranee COm~a<l1 01 ArnerOCJ RE : Lot witness STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF I HEREBY CERT before me, an officer take acknowledgments on this day personally appeared rized to administer oaths and ( the person(s) desc ibed in and who ex uted the foregoing document urposes therein expre ed. IN WIT. ESS WHEREOF, I have affixed my of cial seal at said County d State, this day of 1986. , , Expires: I RE : Lot 11 o ;::''j ~,fl.:ft7 W.J1J,'//l~ tnes ~(~ ~ Afr---. ,,:/ &fIt? e~ ',,,,,,i ~ co \.0 (=' ~/~,.; e", ~ A ""~, o 0-\ STATE OF F~ID~.I'A ) COUNTY OF ~~ ) / I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments,'; 6\;CA.,(,\CA.~ (Y\. I'-<u:.. \<.'K.<A.Y\C>..t. evv-...& m CA.. '(' :s . a... \::- n c....T- the person(s) described i and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at said County and State, this < 1:9~,6. I here~et my hand and />~ day of 'My Co~ission Expiz:es: '<:\:tl " r Notary Pubb(, State lit · '~~".~ .' E" ,"", 1; i9U6 My Commis~um :(.:\fe'"'J " ' . 1" 'cnded Thru "fr)f r..."Jt.. ir,s..:,,'''''- . l",:". RE: Lot /0 , ~AL .c: /f~ - f~h j' J1-_ ~l61~ j ~.t1J." '1J. .!~.ll4, J1 i/ ~0 U STATE OF FLoRio~~~ ) COUNTY OF 17t~~ ) ( , ' I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer dul'Y,\authorized to a<!IPinister oath and take acknowled nts, J...-btJA:t 0 1-.. ~1t/6L~ , t.he person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ';affixed my official seal at said County and State, this 1986. , , 'My conunission Expires. 11., tal'j Publlt, ::'1.;,. '. I'll) ,',' di10 tAu Commidoll h~\!~~ .' 'lC~ ,'6~ -,.\ Ihru "!PI ~~;n .lr.",j"'''''''-'' .1 . ~,.~<2,~11.oC."'I" . MtlOjEA2 I ~~:J7JU'-~L Witness . ' STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PASCO ) o , , ~..~- ';'" "...., j ,:;::> "..0 c:::> ('0 c:> .......J I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, Daniel J. Jordan, Executive Vice President the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. , I have hereunto set my hand and Pasco County, Florida 14th day of September IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at said Coun~y, and State, this " ,'", ,i ' .', . ~".-\", 'c..,w /.1 1 ()-o- G,">~' ~.''''''.:,~'!l. ~;: -<,., , " ' :E-q Q'"".~' c ,. -,?~ ~// .-:~~ ~\ ~/ ,~<j~,: _,,_, -: ' ' , .' : '.:j-.';,' ,', l~ '. ~~~ff~ ~ My CO~~8~i~n Expires: 6" I-i : ' I -. \," '. Notilry~ubrK, 'State of Aorida My CommiuioJl Expires Feb. 3, ,1939 .....lohd.d Thru Troy fala' 1m.",,,,,,, Inc. STATE OF FLQ,RIDA COUNTY OF T'rJl..-IlM ) ) , , i (J~~~;!~ ~~ 9/~ RE: Lot I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take ackpow1edgments, J)r4YI~ L, l=rc<.,,,<- ~ <~,^L. 1\,v M < _J, {::- {e:'<. (L the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hav~,hereunto set my hand affixed my official seal at C '0G--c.<...~~_~ s""a" id ,C, ounty and State, this p. g~ day of l -f.Jil <j-1/ 19$" ~ , ' ,', , ..\ 'Ji' .',' i'" I:" NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF fLORIUA , ,\ MY COMMISSION EXP JULY 17,1990 BONDED THRU GENERAL INS. UNO. ( and , Mi10/EA2 I RE : Lot III JUJ~ 1;14A;T'~ ?:="- --i c.:> ",~ .~J ..)"'\ "'::::) ",0 .'::::J STATE OF F~ID~J ) COUNTY OF (AM.PA~J ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly ut,orized to ,~inister oaths aQd take acknow edgment << /<~ ~ the person(s) descri d in and who e cuted the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at saidC;q1-1i~ty and State, this l~.9-6~: ~.I,,~.. . ....~ ,""1. ' - ' ',',) o co set my hand and , (j 4. Public \ () MY'Co~ission Expires: 'it ~iJVt "il'JlIiIimft :U~ :<oq Ii1tfl ".-pllOt-~- 986l ' It A1nr saJ!dx3 uO!SS!WWO) AW i:.i..._'Ip!JOIJ lo~aJelS ')!fI1ld NtloH ... STATE OF F~ID~ COUNTY OF', ir--t ) RE: Lot /1- /f!2- ~ / ~ ~' -;> , -4 ~ _J' '- P ./ 7~~-c-t:..-~..... ~~ ---......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and taJUfaCknOW1~enti' E..IA,I'{.S, l3alh!~ ~, ~i?P~~~(S~ de~~d in and who executed the foregoing , , document for the purposes therein expressed. _, " ., I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ,a,f:fi.xeg, 'my official seal at ;~~id' Coci~ty and State, this , l~jJf;. ," " . . ill./ My Cofumission Expire : ,..,..- Notary Public, !;tat~ of n:,>'a Mv Commission Expi~..:s id'i 17, 'is):}, b.i..~ lRadtJllImI b!>y f;si!l; .....\Ira~<o. ~ o set my hand and , MilO/EA2 I RE : Lot 'IV l ~~~<.. _ ~~ I~' ~'Q~;,~.Q'7.kw ~ .li~ tJ~;l'l ,:::::> STATE OF FL9RJDA 1 ) :'::) COUNTY OF rv:vJ 1/;.4. tt:JJ )~D . \.0 I HEREBY CERTIFY that on th1s day personally appeared ,~'::> before me, an officer duly authorized to administer: oaths a_nd I "A":' take acknowledgments, ?4jA ~lO~k O~~ a ~ t~~., the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing l~ document for the purposes therein expressed. ~ '-.0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I affixed my official seal at said County and State, this 1986. , Expires: , '" Lj' q,',., "'. rr' Notary !i-IIt., te, ."',,~, ' u" Comm~"j(ln ht:;,ru" \'1'1 " " "" "" i'l;liH, f,.,~ltr.;"!i~\.11 :~'~t;.. ", "r'J ,iLll C ",: ... j>Otl~""'U, , . ,.;........ RE: Witness STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF I HEREB before me, an 0 take acknow1ed CERTIFY that on this icer duly authorized to ents, personally appeared inister oaths and , described in and who executed the the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto my official seal at unty and State, this day of , Expires: Mt10/EA2 I I, / / .,.-/ RE : Lot 1 ~ Witness Ji{tJ;'t/~ 'oh,kr ;HIRLEY '" Ja;ES I / ~ 11,' <,/A.L, ,Y) ~" vi;t C~s , - STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF '-PI~\e:LLAS ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, (5H rRL~Y tl:. JONc5 the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at said County and State, this 1988. I have hereunto set my hand and Q.L-EARwA~ .31~ day of Cc:ro13~R .,~" . _H~~~~ '~~ '~Mi',~cp~~ ssion Expires: ".', ::;.,~:~ .~ ::. .? ' , IiilAiv PUBUCSTATE OF FLORIDA , ,,~. M(:cQMMISSION EXP. OCT. 1.1990 ~ONOED THRU GENERAL INS. UNO. , , , STREET ANP EASEMENT PEDICATION , o ;::':J ,::0 \..0 ,:::> ,- rv o , , I RE : Lot Ii.! Witness c:::> , . ,...-' Witness CO \~ ':=> i'0 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at said County and State, this day of 1986. , Notary Public My Commission Expires: ~''0~ Witnes ~( ~, /-1 L RE: Lot ~,', /DA Vj, ~:f~ W1t ss . /~] R~ ,~ e /".UL- STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PI NE'U-AS ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, r<.e.NE'E Tiel:;:: t< Ai MeN ~ S. T."c.E << the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at said County and State, this 1986. .'Ii"'., I have hereunto set my hand and e.LGARwA;-rer<. 2.cgijV day of AU')Ll-sr , , , , .:i,...."':::~l~{.~,"",,',,' , ,.' -:. < .;c .. ...MataIlf'P~blic . "'" ,'" :~ ~,,~I'-t :'::" ~:~,'; ,':: .:'~' ~. MY"' S~~,issi.on ..i. ,.. .J,.:~: .-~'~.....'~. ~\';' . iI. __. ~. '. ~ I ',_ \ t I ~ 'd 1 Expire, s: Notary Publi~, State Of Florida At Large My Commission Expires Nov, 30, 1990 Bonded By SAFEGO InsllI,nce Company of Am,t/u MilO/EA2 I RE : Lot I IS ~ wi e. ss ,! ~~LMIu~-,) ~ ;{J 1h,~ it'e~ c~ \.D :';:) ."-' - STATE OF FJ.~IDA COUNTY OF ~f'Vl ) ) i~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, L({'fnG L. B\o..o<"S+-one]--f. f\'\\'cWt~ 'Blai<s.\-of\e, , the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affix;ed my official seal at ~j'SaAd"c,~u~ty and State, this 1.9-86.,... " '_~/":'j_'; ~~ t~1,{'\. ' ;. -- : J. have hereunto set my hand and U-eQ.{ IIJ ~ l~ day of j"~l't , , ',,"';';" Expires: Notary Public Staie Of h:,;, I(li:, /\ ',It My Commission Expires 1'10\1 30 L~6 !loqdNl 8, SAHCO ,ur.nc. CO"'Dan, of Ame"," RE : Lot /~ ~!(~ 1(lt41'''ilf7' fi~ STATE OF F~ ) COUNTY OF ) / . , I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly take acknowled ments, personally appeared minister oaths and IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ""~Jf,~IlC~d my official seal at ,.safd"'~,Qunty and State, this ..' , ,', :',.." ','" 1986 " , , executed the foregoing expressed. , , I}. 'My i:,,::,:,:,';"',,'\:', '," ,"''''. ,:,':..'::'::, C0111D\ission Expires: ", . 1:\ te of f ,I;~~ It-' .'o\ary PubliC, .;J II " '; 1 "; 3 C f' _ n . tieS ~~;,\~iV .., Ill,' v, (om;r.is~!Gn Ell~.ln: ,.,.'0.'.' W' \"1 d lor" 1'01 ' ,- . ~~06 "',' i>~-- MtlO/EA2 RE : Lot '/1 I ~AK~J1 If>> ~~t~ Wl.tness c::> ,:;:J tJJ2Y&UAJ t!)/~4'- V.nU/~ :::) ."-'"'. \,.~ ,. ,'0 STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF ""P,..J~ ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take, acknowledgments, 00 1-\ N <1". ~A"'sf)tJ E. &RSAleA A. s~ r150 ne., , the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. w IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at said County and State, this 1986. I have hereunto set my hand and C2L..,r::::ARV\I A rER ~ day of ALl5'.l~t- :> . I::'~u.,"( ~ ~ , , It ; l _ ~ < , '""'" " /'j ':NO~ y Public ..;. '.', ; ,..\ .;." "~iyJtommission Expires: ~ , ,. ;, .... .', ~'" ~J ;.~ ,~i ...'~ ~ ~ \0. 101.' - :.. -'-"':- ~ _..:": - Notary Public, State Of Florida At Large My Commission Expires Nov, 30. 1990 Bonded By WfCO Insurance Company of Ameflca .' 1/IIij, I,',.,; ~;'l'\ . ,.\ RE: Lot ~8 Witness Witness STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at said County and State, this day of 1986. , Notary Public My Commission Expires: M*lO/EA2 I I, /'/ --.--./ C> NU 1\~ 1\0+ 'f\Jn).J1 'i?'~ Witne J ;/ ~// if ~/ru-1 , " ::0 ,....0 .:::> GO) .'V .- +- STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF::Ej ()~ \\0.:-) ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer dul authorized to administer oaths and take aCknowledgments, . F +- ~" -BC\f <\ the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I affixed my official seal at said Qpunty and State, this 198~.C"6 hand and , , ~~ Avrvo~ ota Public - My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUllIC STATE Of FLORIDA NY COMM1SSl01 EXPJUl T22, 1991 BOHOtD THRU GENER4L liS. UNO. -,:'::: -~-(:'" ~~~..!, ":;~," , ,~ , -\ ~,. "fl :- ... ,'I.id..;.~j; I ~~ ' W tnes teL. 7'~ o :::u _L~A, ~Ld :X) '..0 => i'0 Ul STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF P.LNCLL-A--5 I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer dul authorized to administer oaths and take ackno edgments, \ \ ..', " ~ ; ; : : ; J the person(s) escribed in and who executed the foregoing · document , for the purposes therein expressed. 'ii, r .' ,'/, ':'1,,. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, , affixedniy official seal at ,,$iatd i~9pntyand State, this ",~986 I , I have hereunto set my hand and A~ t7"/ .. '. Comm.~ssion E , .,..- Notary Public St t My Co " ' a e of florida' ~"-~, ' ~m:o~ Expires July 17, 1986 -~o>y t'!l!l:~,.., ----------~-.,~ .....--.. RE: c10 Lot STATE OF~~~ ,) COUNTY 0 , ) / ./ ' I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized tB admiqister take acknowled e ts, , ale Kl~ ,i ,""",,:, ";'';'i.' ( xecuted the foregoing expressed. hand and , , MtlO/EA2 I l ,_./ Witness a :::0 ."J""') co \..0 ::::> -.. 1'''V ~~-UYJ'~'r' 0"' STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF M iJ~ LL...AS ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly a~thoriled to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, ~dwo...v-d. C-CLSt-c....~~c.... 0..."'<:\ Ph~l\;$ C.o...skY'c...... , the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at said County and State, this 1988. I have hereunto set my hand and ~Lr:c-AfZ. vJ A1"EF.- I;;L. day of &t!;/l)AL'i/C , , w~~~ -I.iY'"C~ission Expires: :..., ~~, ~ "::J . --- t~:: ~ -;";: r '~, ") ~~i.\ -'~, '""'.l'--'~-''' "">.. ';~ ,.) ~NOTA~.Y"f!U!LIC STATE Of FLORIDA , f"'. ~,.,' ':-,,' MY ~O~I~ION EXP. OCT. 1,1990 '~'\ ", 'i";::,:' BOil!\&,ti'lRU GENERAL HIS. UIIO. ~, ",'1 "~,"" ", ,"'~-:- <~,; ~ ~ ",. t ~ . ' ~ ' ,,' -'". \,' ,/ .. I J i f I I " : i ~ : : ' ' " ' I ~'1J U), jfr4L' tness RE : Lot OR ~ 8 9 n !J:~ I ? I 7 (ii::~ \ , ' . "', t.> ~ ,_ ~'Tj"" I .;L I ~ rl J .;; j ;;;r;'T!j , STATE OF ~IW I~. ) COUNTY OF ~ ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly and ke ~cknowledgments IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at said County and State, this ,1986 . >:,:,,~i~'J, : "i. ~""""""L' ~ Witness STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF set my hand and , , " ,.l, I.: ~ ~ ~ .;S "; ,.....dI RE : Lot I HEREBY CERTIE that 0 this day personally appeared before me, an officer ly authori d to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, the person(s) desc bed in and who execu d the foregoing document for the rposes therein expresse , IN WIT ESS WHEREOF, I have affixed my of cial seal at said County d State, this day of 1986. Expires: ,.' t my hand and , I RE : Lot ,;::) '~ <",,-"'... co \,.Q ,:::::> Witness :'0 co STATE OF FLORI COUNTY OF I HEREBY CER before me, an officer take acknowledgments, that on this day personally appeared y authorized to administer oaths and document , IN WIT SS WHEREOF, affixed my off'cial seal at said County d State, this 1986. set my hand and , Expires: ~7U~ wi nes . ~ - ~ (!. d-~ Witness RE: Lot c1( p~/ C>cj!eu< lo), ~71 STATE OF F~RID~A COUNTY OF ~ I HEREBY CERTIFY before me, an officer dul take acknowledgments, L the person(s) de cri ed document for the purposes that on this day personally appeared authorized to administer oaths and €'" FS ~ ( and who executed the foregoing therein expressed. I~O ~~ day of set my hand and ~/ , , 'a. My eommfss ion Expires: <'1" ".. ",1 " . State 0' r10: 'c '.. ~ 1lI-'ary PublIC, ," ,',',~, F" nul . Jut'" ~,~, ,.. ~ ( issiOi\ tllPlfti .'" ~ .... _ _ fAy omm I ii,,' iR!ij!On". ..,.. ~ ~ l\\I~ I."y. I "ngOW .' MtlOjEA2 RE : Lot I 0 R'~ B 9 0 ;) (~ I ? I' 9 ~ .. "',. ,- .z. I ~1Vb41 witn s ~.hT)~~.. WJ., ess ",/ ~/ 0 01~iLf- (1uttRf , ;?ttvu~ &AMZ/pJ STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PI ~ e:LL-A5 ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, RA'IMON DR, (7 Pi.sTF-l L J\\AR,'L..'/NN ~i.sn::. L.L the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at said County and State, this :198;6., I have hereunto set my hand and C!.Lr~i<w A-n:::~ .;z..qo/ day of Au:3tl~t- , E' Notary Pu~lic, Sb,tc ~f Fiwk:J At Large xpJ.res: My Comml!itllOn F.XPl'fI', N.w, :10, !990 lIijnrl~d P, ~AftUJ 1fI"jfsrt.'h [01'11';111' M AI''':CI RE: Lot ..2.' 'I. ~Jt;:~~r- ~'(1- - -'1./7 'f.///r ./ . STATE OF~~RID~ COUNTY oy~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer d YJ!uthorize t administ r oaths and t~/~~noWledgmen ts , f\ () t2; ~I ft. r I~ / ~ j{ ~ C:::Or/ ~{ ..<e- the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed. my official seal at sE;ljqCounty and State, this ,"1~8, Q,,-, " 'i,:", , U.. set my hand and , , ;L.. '/'~Y ,CQ~i.ssion J.res: , . '1"'1 PU8:.IC,;'"" 2;' :'Vi,'.','[. MJ Ht' 'I ., . 7 1.',]lJ " ~'\II~'Slnll txP J"l. , . " 1Ij, ....v.....',', c. ~'t"'AI ~~i~. ~li;l. iG~I'tO ~BhU .,L",. , .' MtlOjEA2 RE: OR ,'~ R 9 0 D:~ j ? 2 0 (" ""~'- ~7 I f2uJ ~ Lot I ~~ WI. n ss ~111.~ witness ~)Jt~ STATE OF FLqR~9,A ) COUNTY OF ~) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly author'z~d to administer oaths and take acknowledgments , \ h rd odif~ 1)0 &.. M, "8odcre.k the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at s,aid CO\lnty and State, this 19.a6>' '.',::,. " <~ ~ ,..... ~ ", t "~.\ ~,have hereunto set my t.\elfw tbA l(" day of 'J u...~- hand and , ~: I .~. --w.. '1 ""_"~,',' .,', ".".~',',!1',',',,:.,"j ,;',",','+'.",~',,".,..',,' ,. , , ,~ " . '" , A'/' ,,".,,', , . ,,',~.'; o~ ,',YPubliC ,'. 'My Commission Expires: Notary Public State Of Flonda At Large My Commission Expires No,>, 30, 1986 llono.., 81 ~AHCu IUlaOC. Companl 01 AIllt"c~ RE: LotS o?7(J7; 5?- A- ffo('(';. 'cS I (NC... STATE OF FL~D~ In, V COUNTY OF ~ I HEREBY CERTIFY before me, an officer dul take~ck~owle ~e_ts, ~ the person(s) described i document for the purposes therein ( : '-.1 ' ,,'....., IN WITNESS WHEREOF, , affixed my official seal at said"County and State, this ,.:;; 19'8'61. , , Commission Expire , P' Notary Public, State of noriclB My. Commission Expires hty 17, ;9~tI biL.1I!!.Ildl!!! lima JIOY f.i~ ~ I.."...n.... lnc, M#lO/EA2 I RE : Lot lOR~\ 890 P[; 22 I :zr ~{.~ witnes --- Gitnr \#}.~~ ~V~Pu 7/ 4 STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF ~J,.je:l-L...A'6 ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, -:PE"~R A, PROL'I !:::L.E;ANOR \/. ~OL.'1 ' the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affi,xed my official seal at said County and State, this 1986. I have hereunto set my hand and Co LE A.R 'VJ .Ar"eR 2Sf 0/ day of A,SU.S t- , !!';' ,. .,_..",.,;'l)"""" "".' I . , .'>0 .:.~~~u~J '~" ,,', . '~.>. :;.,' LJI~~~O~ission Expires: .' ~ - ~.., Notary Public, State Of Florida At Large My CommIssion Expires Nov, 30, 1990 &oded By WECO Insurance Compony of Amefl\:1 .:.. .,-," " , ' "I; ;1'" RE: Lot~ Witness Witness STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. ( IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at said County and State, this day of 1986. , Notary Public My Commission Expires: M#lO/EA2 I RE: Lot ~J AuxtL ~,rib OR ,; 8 9 0 ;)C ! 222 .Ji:!.bJi /)~ 1n.~ Witnes~ STATE OF FLqR~9~ ) COUNTY OF ~) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, 1)a,,:d 'Rdk:.hu5, M."D. the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affl,:.xed my official seal at -.:,s.a.iq,LCO'untyand State, this ""1986/;-'., ' _ . c- "';':, '.'....a ~-;[ i; l set my hand and , ~""~~ '., ~'~oer,ii~~b 1 i c ... ,",,, 'tiff! " My Commission Expires: Notary Public State 01 Florida At large My Commission Expires Nov 30 1986 90ncled 8t SAf!ClJ '"'ance COfI1/Ianv 01 Amer"a RE: Lot Sa d~rl6-e &'r 7!/~ '/7 I STATE OF ~~ID~G~ )) COUNTY OF ptJJl L ~ ' ) , I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared befor.e me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take cknowledgments, f1(~~ANOf(,q. CuIJ..r<.y' ~ , L. , , , the persQn(s) des ribed in and who executed the foregoing document for the urposes therein expressed. , ,IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixe:d'my official seal at ~aid Cbunty and State, this '1986. . :Ji~~~ s~nd and ~ ':';' day of ' , -..-::::: . , o. .. My Commission Expires: Notar, ?li'~,: ~"F,' ,', My (cmmIs;I"':' bT:~ I',::, , ' ~~~dtii lb[l.l JJ('Y, f_O,;h _l!li.~,.:;:,;'h't ~[~~::. M#lO/EA2 I t, 0 R .:, 8 9 0 " I ~2 2 3 -_// RE : Lot d/ ~~,~-"#~ , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at said County and State, this 1986. I have hereunto set my hand and CL..E:A'R W AIEr< IOL- clay of ~rt;"MRl=:R , , 7 I My Commission '^_ _,,'\ -'W i) ..,;" the person(s) describe document for the purpo I on ': 8 9 0 224 "1---'" '. RE : Lot "Y~ ~ , I~ '{YI. witness STATE OF F~f= COUNTY OF " ) sonally appeared ister oaths and , IN WITNESS affixed my official said County and St 1986. set my hand and , =~ ~ ..~.- , . 'NO ary' Public My Commission Expires: t Of Florida AI Large Notary PubliC Sta e 30 1986 My ~d~I~I~~~ ~I~~~;~!;~~ 01 Amellu RE: Lot :J~ {jJ~/~ ~,,'~m.jo'~ W1 ness STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF 'f-ttJ'i:L./;M I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknow1edgmentA t.--.J NO (-l. wE:., fAt...:LNI<../tS ~,m ~ LItJ<k the person(s) escribed in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. ( IN WITNESS WHEREOF, afflxed my official seal at 'saidCOl.mty and State, this 1986. ' , set my hand and , , -- My " I , , ~ \,,~! .. '.' ',', . . COJ91U1ss.wn_ EXQ1;f s. , :' r' Notary1>tu,;-tlc ...,ale af Fkm:!a Mv Commis.;,,;;; ':qlU;; L!'1 11, 1936 ~qi!!j _Ih!~):'"Y hi~: In..r./I..., U _..-. , M#10/EA2 I OR :,.~ 8 9 0 f='['; i 225 I 3<~ Lot / RE: , (/tl/ftV2,.d~ ~ vft 'fi~~tJ ~dd, (l ZJ. j(r'~' W1 ness HEREBY CERTIFY before me, an officer dul take acknowledgment the person(s) desc ib document for thep r , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at said County and State, this 1986. , f ~:'.. ~' CdB1tnislifion "P"r: .f" f~ l,.:'l -~'j the person(s) described and who ex uted the foregoing document for the purpos s therein expre ed. RE: Lot Witness Witness STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF I HEREBY CERTIFY tha before me, an officer duly a take acknowledgments, on this day personally appeared h ized to administer oaths and IN WITNESS affixed my officia said County and S 1986. EREOF, I have seal at te, this day of , Notary My Commission Expires: M#lO/EA2 RE: OR '.~ 8 9 0 Fr; I"" ?2-- - b I Lot I ~ IJ"",I.II,;1'( ~. ,~ (, 1\.Xt'l, witnes ~ ...~~~t/5~~ '"....,..,-_.... STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF r"PI"h~.LLAs ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, J'OltN llNDGJU '"ST' <SEt<DA A. [....iI'lDQu i5 r the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, a,ffixed my official seal at said Coupty and State, this 1986. I have hereunto set my hand and <2.LrEA r<. \AI A T8<- ,..;2S?'~lY day of A I JU-S l- , Expires: Notary Public, State Of Florida At Large My Commission Expires Nov, 30, 1990 Booded By SAfECO Insurance Comp,ny of AmerICa ~-~.:,;.-- . ;: I. '" ' 'I",,\r" RE: Lot .., ~,'Bv\~,/, " Wit 'ss CX~~ ' ' , -' . W1t .ss . ~~ W. W~ 1'L C2Y\ c.A 1> .1tV ~ STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF ?,tJFLU4 <:. ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, LA W~#J(l..e w. V,,'~c..DrJ N At\lc.i K U.) l L<o.nN the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at said County and State, this 1986. I have hereunto set my hand and ~e:AK..W^ n:::=-B.. ~7 day of "AlA5u~t , ,. '~-I~;:':~"" "f {( ~~ '~t~~~~:. f ! ~'~~I,~,' ='- ' OJ, / ~J ,~,: .' " " 'r'. "J,,', K ,L,\ ;' ~c'~. \1?f:1bllC ; ;~:..: ... ~ \.; " ";"\.,, '"'~!. f<&~ission Expires: . "~,;>:-~~;:::~;:~\",..:;> dIll Notary Public, Statc: Cj] f:(.ridz; At L1i';,:'.1 My Commission Expires Nov 3D, 19~O Bonded By SAfECO Insur.nc~ COIr.p,ny ui Amcnc. MilO/EA2 I O R /" 0 9 0 n r' \", 0 , "'tJ Lot 1;3 ~ 227 RE: ~17, ZtJ. .f~mk W1.t ess 0. C. STATE OF FL~~ COUNTY OF, , ) ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared b",efore me, an officer dU~ authorized to administe,~aths and take aCkno~d~ts, -' ,ANI lI1 ~L. Sztl1 / ~.4 r:. .'fJRE.4- thepersonCs) Jdescribed in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. , set my hand and IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ,a!ff~ixe9my official seal at , '.satd County and State, this 1986.<,' . , ; , , COmmissionExpi re :State of f\cr:a~ r Notary. ~ ICE' xpires Mv n, I)(,~ AI, (ommlSSlon ,,'Y. c' ~ \C'I"U'.RC"~ In!1 , cI9lI.1hlll mY ,~I!!.- ,,' - ~!\__. RE: Lot witness Witness STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF ) I HEREBY CERTIFY before me, an officer du take acknowledgments, day personally appeared administer oaths and the personCs) descri document for the pu d in and who executed oses therein expressed. IN WITNE S WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my offic'al seal at said County an State, this day of 1986. , , Notary Expires: M#lO/EA2 -~ I I Or? 'j B 9 0 ?28 DEDICATION IN EAGLE ESTATES OF STREETS AND EASEMENTS (" The undersigned hereby certify that they are the owners of the property legally described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Said property is platted as Eagle Estates which plat is recorded at Plat Book 74, pages 40 and 41 of the Public Records of PinellasCounty, Florida. Beside their interest therein, there are no other outstanding interests in said property except for the undersigned mortgagees. The undersigned owners hereby dedicate, for the use of the public in general, the streets, roadway access easement, sidewalks, and easements, including therein easements for sidewalks, drainage and utilities, all as shown on Exhibit "A". The mortgagees hereby join in such dedication in order to release, and hereby do release any interest they may have in the above-referenced dedicated streets, roadway access easements, sidewalks, and easements. LL~ r -;:::; day of ~/ ,1986. DATED this EAGLE ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ~40~ nt /7U4JuU_/~ witness 3tb ~ . 1 r - ....(}~?J4 ~.wJr RE: Lot ~~~ ltne s " STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ',-:p ,,l(;;l-LAS I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to ad~inister oaths and take acknowledgments, G,tC'RALD A, 'Flbl.."rRSI<', Mr;;.1-0DY yJ, F'1.6Ll~~ K'I the person(s) described in and who execute the foregoing document of the purposes therein expressed. ;:~. .' " , ,'"'''' " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, '\~,"""'" af'f.,i~ed my official seal at . ,.'-" ,", 'sa~([j County and State, this . ' ~,';" .; '"" 19B..6\. --" -- ,e..;",. 4:-~\ ,"',"",,',.,../> 'A -,-" ~' -"."~ I:; "~:.S I:~ ~/~,(.. ,~,.;':&' - ,,,,. (') , ~" , '" ,'; , I I have hereunto set my hand and CLEAR\AJ,AT~ If+Y day of vOL'! NOTARY PUBLIC STAlE Of FLORIDA MY COftHISSIOn EXP. OCT. 1,1l1iO BOIDED JHRU GENERAL lIS. UID. ,,' ""My't6mmission Expires: M#lO/EAl I I On r g 9 n ,-,', l n ''') i' , , ~1" . 1. '... '.... '.~' 229 DEDICATION IN EAGLE ESTATES OF STREETS AND EASEMENTS (' The undersigned hereby certify that they are the owners of the property legally described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Said property is platted as Eagle Estates which plat is recorded at Plat Book 74, pages 40 and 41 of the Public Records of PinellasCounty, Florida. Beside their interest therein, there are no other outstanding interests in said property except for the undersigned mortgagees. The undersigned owners hereby dedicate, for the use of the public in genera1,the streets, roadway access easement, sidewalks, and easements, including therein easements for side,walks, drainage n<3.Ild utili-ties, all as shown on Exhibit n An . The mortgagees hereby join in suchdedic~tloh in order to releaBe~ -and~ereby do release any interest they may have in the above-referenced dedicated streets, roadway access easements, sidewalks, and easements. DATED this 1L~ day of b~/ ,1986. RE : Lot ~'df,~ l' ness . fa,,: ' ,iltJ, ).}..{).. 11'-- ~ W:l.tne s -. -=:::> 6\. 4. \. R , ~\t,~~N,\C~ ~~ ~ STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF <,\N~t...\.~) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me! an officer duly authorized to adm, injster oaths and take acknowledgments! _ -S'~~\ R ~ 'Rv...~\)'OG:r;. M.,,~y ~\'\.\J\~\J\C~ the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, aft~~~~my official seal at ".$l:\'1.K'i~!tf,}ln,,~Y, and State! this 19 13 '6 '.. 'I',L' Rtf ~,...- ./ ~ \ "'';'~, : .. ?>: .. n \,.: - -' :' (;,' .~..II ,,'):,v~~ . ~t~ 1,~rr4- ,- . " '",0, ~ ota t ' ""p. ' >T,:'~(I ~ '. ~:,~"~',> ,.,,>' 'MY';C6iiurr~,ss ion Expires: \ ~. ' I have hereunto set my hand C'..LE R lZ Ll"\~,e.. ~~"'~ day of _ , ;tpr- s<a and .OIARY PUBLIC STAlE Of fLORIDA O. EXP. OCI. 1,1990 IOIDED IIlRU 6EIERAL IllS. UID. 1< 0 f\~ 8 9 0 H_~ --, ,~., I: , I .l 230 " t REI Lot cae; , ~~ "P.ARY'- IN, BL.UWle:' ~Y)~ &hO(l(}CL frWnfl'o:JU ) Witness . STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF ~ ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer dul~ authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, 4/~ lU g~ the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at said County and State, this 1981! ~ve ,hereunto set my hand and /2-- day of ~ , , ~~ Notary Public My Commission Expires: ''''1\.."'',. i." ARL YNE GRANT State of Florida My Comm, uP', December ~ 1!l8!l I I, ".,-// OP- D 9 n 231 RB: Lot 1.'D c'~~ x##~) (/ // , X~~ ~ STATE OF FLOaIDA ) COUNTY OF :t'/NELL-AS ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer d ,y authori ed to administer o~s and take acknowledgments, ah...J. S' SCH the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at said County and State, this 1986. I have hereunto set my hand and CLCA1et.1.i ATE e 1.;1.. day of :SCPTEII/\REi2-. , , ..~)J}. otary Public , My Commission Expires: NOJARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLO~IDA MY COMMISSION EXP Jut Y17, [9Nl- BONDED THRU GENERAL INS. UJ!D. f ,~~ , ~ ,~, w , ....: .... I I 0 F;~, 8 9 CI ? 3 2 RE: Lot 1( tf;~ f. (J/L- ~,~ /t~~. ~~_/ ~,y~ STATE OF FL9RlfPA ) COUNTY OF ~) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to a~i~ oaths and take acknowledgments, 1}.h\\llI.W\F W(.,~ ~ f/ ~e G . the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at said County and State, this , 19,~ 6. ~f,have hereunto s,et my Q{AA'W~ \(; day of .:r;k1t/ hand and , ,.' \ '~..;;;>., ki.~~ ;),,'(' ~ '.~ '.'.~,9 '.'Y Public . ., , Notary Public State Of Fl~lda ~t ~~~~ III' ' C' . . E' M Comrnlsslon Expires OV n,y>' Omln1SS10n Xp1reS: Y8Qndl'(l615AftC\I \ulanc~CompanloIAme"u the person(s) described in and who exe uted the foregoing document for the purpo es therein expre RE : Lot ~ 11 ' :/J1.~ Wit~ ~/~ STATE OF FLO~ COUNTY OF ~l I ) ) I HEREBY CERTIFY before me, an officer duly take acknowledgments, ( EREOF, I have affixed my officia seal at said County and S ate, this I 198'6. set my hand and , , , ,:fJL~.th1A fuA .." ',- ~~biic " ' 'My{G:ommission Expires: Notary Public State Of Florida At Large My ComrnlsSlon ExpIres Nov 30 198& 8oM'~ Bl SAHClJ \uronc. Componl of AmeflclJ MilO/EA2 RE : Lot I on :~ 8 90 i; ? 13 1/. - ,.- ~ '" I witness f /1 ./ -/i' // /1 STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that 0 before me, an officer duly auth take acknowledgments, his day personally appeared iz to administer oaths and , the person(s) described in document for the purposes d who execut the foregoing erein expressed. IN WITNESS affixed my official said County and Sta 1986. I have hereunto and , day of , Notary Public My Commission Expires: RE: Lot 1/). ~,Mt W1tn s ~~~L- ~ CL (1~ ~-Y?f~~ STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF --:P,NELI A:::'" ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, EkTYc M. K'A/?Li<;; AI~H(...(R A. B4RLI c:.. the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at said County and State, this 1986. I have hereunto set my hand and a L-\:=; A l<-vV ATEK ~g'7 day of AI \5' J C'-.,r , , 'u~ ;, " ~:i~~e~tW? ; "'" W!J,-, ,l~ . ' . ~,j-'" ", ,;.' ," \, t4yfj ct~d.s~ion Expires: .,",.~ .H....~.",,-; ie" f..ti~' '~;\..\li>.\~'" q!; lj;,!H 'Notary Public, State Of Flonda At Large M Commission Expires Nov, 30, 1990 Y BCIlded By SAFECO Insur.nce Comp.ny "I Amen<;ll MtlOjEA2 ",', , ~M o n j.~ 8 9 n ':! r; 1 2 3 l~ I RE: Lot liY Qff! L- 4/J;.~a;;f~ ~<~ Wit ess STATE OF F~~IQA COUNTY OF WUJl~ ) ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer ~ly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, C;::)'r\o.rD'(\ A. Loomi 5Cl.Y\d K€M.'\tK1 A. LccMW , the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at sa~d County and State, this :1)3,86 . " set my hand and ,'"." '. " ~.,~~I:"'~':;;-"'" '., ' " , ,'~ 'L/.. ':', i.. ~, ;' ~<'N l\O:YI\Ul)lic . ':. ~. ' " 't ., 1/ '~,' ,', . 'My, ;cbmm.lssion Notary Public State Of Florida At Lar'le Expires: My Commission Expires Nov 30 1986 iIoAdtd ~y ,AftCU \u"nee Comp.ny 01 Amerlu EREOF, I have affixed my officia seal at said County and ate, this day of 1986. RE: Lot Witness witness STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF I HEREBY CERTIFY tha before me, an officer duly a take acknowledgments, ( the person(s) described n and who exe ted the foregoing document for the purpo es therein expres ed. , , Notary My Commission Expires: OR !" 8 9 0 H; I 235 RE: Lot '# 111.2/.>L~u xl (/J6~c ;-- cL p@:~ W1 t:ness /' ~~Th.~M.-.J ~~~. Witness ~ V ~ I STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, C-hc..r\-e..s T O,sC,::tt."L O--'^-<'\ He..\e..Y\ J, C)\"sc,-tt~ theperson(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at said County and State, this day of 1986. , , :dd{;~~-./ (y Ivu-- ar:y' , ub11c " M1 Cdmmfssion Expires: NoIIryPublle. Clayton County, G90rt1n , t.,ty.Commission Expires Mar. 30, 19~2 ., .". ".' Witness RE: Lot STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF I HEREBY CE before me, an offic take acknow1edgme IFY that on this day personally appeared duly authoriz d to administer oaths and , the person(s) scribed in and who execu d the foregoing document for e purposes therein expresse WITNESS WHEREOF, I have affixed m official seal at said Cou ty and State, this day of 1986. , , My Commission Expires: MilO/EA2 RE: Or~R? i 236 I Lot ~.~ Witn s 4~ 12m d 1dniuJ ~'>>1,~, Witness STATE OF Fl:JLDA COUNTY OF .. /() ) ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, <Ro..:y L. H- ~Mf\t(~~ c~ero~ 4. H--(JY\()e-6'5 the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at , said County and State, this ',1986. ~av~ereunto set my hand and ~ day of ')~ , , , , ")~~~liC _) \;j '. ,.,.-f1 ~~' '~yCa.mmission Expires: ot flonda At large Notary Public State Ires Nov 30 1986 Uy CornlfllSSlon [}l.Poc;COmQ'O, 01 ~me"U ,..' fl1lndod 8~ s~HClJ '." RE : Lot 16 ~t~ 11.. ~~. <10 A ~ &I P'" Witnes ., 'i?~ . ~ ~M~~ P STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF P,np 11a-5 ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, ANN ~ r~L.L-D , ~oBe~T :1. CARDL.LO the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at said County and State, this ~"ge,~. l.:.';':' __.: ,~/ "(. .\ j ~ ~i"',< ":' ':t~'~~ \....' 'W', . ,~ - :!FU~ll'r ,fP\~L'\ ".~:,... '"' (, ~~y Pub11c ~'~~,;';,:'~LL",.-- ~.I:~:", ",.;.'~' , i~'~""~-~'.C6mmission Expires: '/." {'... t ",__-1 "" . .i.i.,l" I have hereunto set my hand and ~~Ar<vJATER 2__ day of A, ~IJ/Jst- ' , M#lO/EA2 I Oliod90'LJ I 237 RE: Lot Y7 '\ < i1fa~ a @,~L tXC^~? ~ ~de."a--- STATE OF F0IDA - ) COUNTY OF ' ~ ) I HEREBY CERTIFY before me, an officer du take ackno ledgments, o executed the foregoing expressed. .: ~ ~~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I affixed my official seal at said County and State, this 198'6.( , , .,\i"): ~,.., , Commission Ex ires. ..~ .' " ;~ f!('lr:.d" t", \lto, \,at;,'~,c~bt!t, .;,~'" ", ".6 ,ftw ('lr-:,~" , ..>,i~- RE : Lot is/' / 47' m.~ /.J{!e:yJ- ~~ witness r9s~ STAT, E OF F~Jl'lPA COUNTY OF ~ ) ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer djlY authorized to,ad~inister oaths and t~ke acknowledgments, _ (l(hP~ J.,,). V<>:?eJ\) 1?a.v\<1 t'\. V 05m the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. ( IN WITNESS WHEREOF,~have hereunto 'affixed my official seal at efJJ"WIf~ said County and State, this \ 0:;- day of l,9.f)6.. .t", !'" set my hand and Jv..O.c. ~ , , , , . , -- ~.,~. C>L "') '."" ", ::~ .-' ~t:t Public " r. " My COlIlI1\ission Expires: Notary Public State Of FlOrida At Large My Commission Expires Nov 30 1986 llOAd.o 8. SAHCl! ,,'i"". Company Of Am.uCl M#10/EA2 I 0[;" 8 9 0 ,',."~ . ') 3 8 fl11 '. :.;) ; '- _/~ BE I Lot 1/9 STATE OF PL'ffnI~fo COUNTY OP q j ) ) I HEREBY CERTIPY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authori~ed to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, iAlCiIlr/ QJ l'q fRfRq..s the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. , IN WITNESS WHEREOP, affixed my official seal at said County and State, this 1988. I have hereunto set my hand and C!L./97L'.k.J/l TEe /~ day of ttJ(!Tog.c~ , , ...."N.. Lt~~p i~ oa~y u c ~ ~. - ;, y ~ 1"""""''''''''' ',- ,.~; ~'Cf\m\ission Expires: -.-ell -::j' , :. -;,' i'i:, IOTAR~ilttsmnll' flOR!Oi ,- '" ::-; IV .t~ISSIO" F.XP. OCT. 1,1990 ~<."" "Q1;8 iMllu GENERAL IllS. UNO. 'I' -" 80ll',~ '; - ,~. ..... ,;- ,,," ~ -':l.j. . .~ -. . ',~ ./ ",' " '1,1' IN WITNESS WHE affixed my official se said County and State 1986. J I :~ 890 c;:; 2' 3 9 RE : Lot Witness Witness STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF ) I HEREBY CERTIFY before me, an officer duly take acknowledgments, day personally appeared t administer oaths and the person(s) described in document for the purposes d who executed erein expressed. I have hereunto day of , Expires: RE: Lot ~o frLr-~U-.~ ) f' ~ J ~!~ (Q;~t J \ '; J~vt1v\J ~, ~?1J if'l<A~ ~ '. 1. ess STATE OF FL~IDA COUNTY OF 'riJ€f-"A-? ) ) that on this day personally appeared authorized to administer oaths and .s~~ ~ , the person(s) described in a d who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. I fJ R'; 8 9 0 RE: Lot .' 5' c;c, ? l~ 0 ~ ~~ . "',~,\ \ ~~~~ \~-:' ~;J;~' STATE OF /~DA , COUNTY OF '/ j...!x.- (( ItS ) ) ,'fir,>.";,, ,ii' I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared befc),I"f!me, an officer d ~uthorizedt? dminAs:er o~ths,~nd ta~z~~~~Wledgments, I N~ J LA. ~... I O\J\,p-t)fJ :;. theperson(s) described in and who executed the foregoing Cl()cument for the purposes therein expressed. , ',\\\11" <:' .', "Ii {',IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I haY7A h~reunto set my hand &ffixed ,my, official seal at L---"L~<.,,/~~ "i~b7~~nty and State, this .2~ I~ day OfY '''''',''J!~" and , . _1' "1,P My Commission '!",;f\)" J " ' ' c S \ ~ '\ t c~ ~ '. J ~(\(,"'" " ()lj1.\\~ PUilL1 >~p J\JL'~ ,i, ,'" re'~ : ~ CO~\USSIO\~L~LI\~L IN:'. '.' \l\)\I~\l l\\\\U RE: Lot 6c:3. ~b~ Witn ss ~ ,\<,,~.'\~~tr /~~rt~ ~~L( , Wi to s l'~ ~./ ~ - ./' /' ? .. L-- ~ ' STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF ~i\lE:'L.L.AS ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, FA Y M. NDRS 'fJ(,)R:r1-tY the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. I J/-OR ::; 8 9 0 PG 1 2 l~ I n.~/ RE: Lot sL( ~56---o-0 -57' c~ Witness ,/' ~,1il /~.~e~,^, ~~ ~ 'OJ' STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF /JA/gLL..R <;' ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take aCknowledgments, TeS;~r,(r5e I O-he\ 0.'n€'rj' A, Ise.l the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at said County and State, this 1988. I have hereunto set my hand and {!~E/?etuA rE.e.. / oz. day of oa TtJ liE./:! , , .. ~~ ~T Notar~ blic - ~ _ "'/i> , -'MY-,C~.ssion Expires: _. ;;'''' "'.;; -:: ......., , ~ " ';.~ J - c'....,,;-.r'.~. ~TARY;PU~rc STATE Of FLO~ID~ - ':;::II;Y COflH~rON EXP. OCT. 1,1990 .eONDEo.;;iilRl.I GErlEn~L It's. u~:o. " .'~ ",J .,,,,,<,' ilid\"\ 1 1/ 0 R (~ 8 9 0 p [; ! '2 L} 2 // ....-./ REI Lot 5? wr{kkt~/a~ h~P~~ Witnes !xfJ~~d" 9- f~ STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF I'lll/ELL.AS ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, M&fllW.I. i?EVliT'Tc the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at said County and State, this 1988. \J~\...\\ . 10 f'(\ \> OS\A ) Notary Public My Commission Expires: NotIryPablic. State of Florida ~ Commission Expires Oct. 19:, 1989 lIon4. Th~. Troy f.in: In..,.n.. Inc. I have hereunto set my hand and 1)\l.~~ D)M i4-h day of ~ P\'E.lV\ %.€E.. , , 'C ~" - ~c ;;,", .. <~~,,,l~; ~~", -7 - ;I,~" ;..~~, t .': 011"";0" ~..; . i {;' ,.,fj "--:' '>~ ...; l'fJ;f:-:L . . , I' 0 R ," 8 9 0 n e ' ? l 3 /l ',\ !""l, "r-"\j i f_ i ..,--// RE I Lot S9 A/ /-k/e.-vt- __ ~..bv../ -.;7 , vJ STATE OF FL~RIDf< COUNTY OF 'im/ as ) ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly auth~z,d to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, ,irOin J),,f>/?.J the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at said County and State, this 1988. 9-~ ,/ ! I /' ~, I have he~eunto set my hand and CJ~(JRUJa~) I::J / day of ~ I1IPm k/0 , My Commission ~iresl ~.' :'. ", ',:\' ,,", , , , / ,,/' 'c .''-I,'i 1 RE: Lot J~ ~#7L. <<~ a :::0 If6st~ ~'ih.~ Witness ~.J '" "~ ,:JO U) o '~"",-:::. r"V .~ .j:""" STATE OF FL0~WA COUNTY OF ~ ) ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, ';;rE'PI-\AII"~ RoBeR TO the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, affixed my official seal at said County and State, this 1986. ' '! " ave hereunto set my hand and ct4tWtt&. , L1 day of , , ". '. , ~, ~,' '" '. t. ", ", -~liC , ,}J \; .,,' "..>':.'::'.' "',l'1:tCOI.iunission Expires: '..J; I d8 At La~ie he State 0\ flon II 30 \986 Notary Pub on t.y-p,re" No 01 Amell" J My Comll1'~~'tCIJ ."..ne. companl l\8I10od 81 "" RE : Lot ~ ~~ W1t e s ~~~ f. ~~ 1~1h.~A/' Wftness ' STATE OF FL~ COUNTY OF /II I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer dUly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, DM/I'd p, 5~ the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes therein expressed. , ,','.,',,<, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, In, ~~ye hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at ~~ s,aid County and State, this 1"'- day of T vJ{l ' l~6. " \-.i ' , , :~~ ..~,jN-ot , ':'PubllC ", ' ",.. 1:.1 ~ ,.,'J..," " My Commission Expires: ~"-)'~'; '. Notary Public State Of Florida At la, e My Commission EXPires Nav 30 1916 Bond.., 8~ SAffCO I.'.ne. COmpan~ of Arne/ICI MilO/EA2