CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (2) . Ce'tificate of Insurance-1 [vJFLORIOA FARM BUREAU MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY [J FLORIDA FARM BUREAU CASUAL TV INSURANCE COMPANY P.O. Box 730 Gainesville, FL 32602 DATE: M"y' 1 qR~ . THIS IS TO CERTI FY that the Company named above has issued policy (ies) to the insured named below. If such policy (ies) are canceled or changed during the period(s) of coverage as stated herein, such a manner as to effect this certificate, lQ days written notice will be mailed to the party designated below for whom this certificate is issued. Name and Address of Party to Whom This Certificate is Issued - -- ,. ill The City of Clearwater P. O. Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 33518 RECEIVED MAY 12 1983 ATTENTION: Terry Jenning Engineering Departm~ITYCLERK Descriptio.':; of Insured Operations: Policy Numbers t cc: Policyholder Producing Agent File 65 acres on State Road 580 and County Road 77 in Pinellas County, Florida. Kind of I nsu ran ce AUTOMOBILE BODilY INJ URY LIABILITY Each Person $ Each Accident $ PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY Each Accident $ Name and Address of Insured Robert E. Smith Evelio Palomino d/b/a E. Palomino Dairy 366 Garden L K Circle Odessa, Florida 33556 <- '" ""\1 ,1 \;;,)!". \.. _? i' ~~ ., ~ ~' ,\/ \" ~~"\ ~\;~ /,\ .~. *' ,~L IJ Y (-\ \.]J\ Limits * Eff. Date PUBLIC L1ABI L1TY BODILY INJURY LIABILITY Each Occurrence 'iOO; oon PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY Each Occurrence 5; 0- PRODUCTS -Col11pleted Operations Liability BODILY INJURY LIABILITY Each Occurrence $ Aggregate $ PROPE,RTY DAMAGE LIABILITY Each Occurrence $ Aggregate $ CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY BOOILY INJURY LIABILITY PROPERTY OAMAGE LIABILITY Each Occurrence $ Each Occurrence $ Aggregate $ Covered: WORKERS' COMPENSATION Expiration Date $ STATUTORY THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE IS NOT VALID UNLESS IT IS COUNTERSIGNED 'UAY 0 s. 1983 BY A OULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COMPANY. ~., t If more than one kind of insurance is written on one policy, the policy number need nQt be repeated. * Absence of an entry in these spaces means that insurance is not afforded with respect to the coverage opposite thereto. 29/dsg Serviced by Florida Farm Bureau at Valrico, FL 93.7-692 (Rev. 1/81) ,~ ..,. DjlRR~T J RY~R Authorized Signature if D-f'&~A fA'M _U"AU CASUALTY INSURANCE COJANY ~ FLORIDA FARM BUREAU MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY ENDORseMENT ~ I Subject" to all other terms and conditions of the pol icy to which th is endorsement is attached it is understood and agreed by and between the Company and the Named Insured that ADDITIOliAL INSURED: The Insured U hereby --.Jed to iDclude: City of Clearwater, P. o. Sox 4748. Clearwater. Florida. j,TTENTION: Terry Jenning Enllineering Depar~t. _ (an) Additional Insured (8), but only with respect to LiahUity .a their intereat IlIaY appear in 500 aerea on Patteraon Road, qd 65 8cr.. 011 State !load 580 SlId County lload 77 in Pinella. County. Florida. Attached to and forming part of policy number GL 639383 issued to Nothing herein contained slr:J11 .:=llter( vary, waive, o~ exte~ld any prcvisio,-I or condi~ion of the policy except as herein provided. Robert E. Smith and EveUo of l'aloa1no dlb'a E. Pal_iDo Dairy Od_. FL ----"---------._-~,- Effective dote of this endorsement OS/24/83 Countersigned ot Gainesville, Florida on 04/26/83 29/wbj Aul'lorized Represenratl'le 93-7-131 (REV. 4/82)