CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE FOR SPRAY IRRIGATION FIELD THIS CERTIF,CATE MU5T BE .ILED WITH THe OBLIGEE NAMEr BELOW FOR ATTACHMENT TO YOUR BOND, UNITED STA~ES FIDELITY, BALTIlV!1'S CONTINUAT '!LAND RTIFICATE In consideration of O1i agreed premium, United States Fidelity And Guaranty Company hereby contmues in force. for the period described, the Bond designated below. subject to all the agreements, IlmitatlOns and condItions thereof and provided that tt;:~ liobilil'j'" under said Bond and 011 continuations thereof shall not he cumulative. Signed, sealed and dated ~ /J- 19 ~ BOND NUMBER F5 13 (12.70) AGENT NAME AND ADDRESS Joseph Tampa, U. Moore Fla. '~", ":!.:: ~ FROM ~ ;~~ PREMIUM PERIOD __ ~~ t7 ,j ~; ,:~~, 1/;,:.. ~\-" :~, ,:f".:\ -:y;~,''l7\. '.\'.\ :t::L, %:!\\~r.r.;,<, :111,~WP:l. "<'~; I,; I~,,~~i''"#t;:.~ .;::~:, (SEAL) ~.i ATTORNEY.iN.FACT r~f~ I ~~ SYSTEMS ": ENGINEERED RECYCLING INC. Tampa, Fla. .:;,: "';::; OBLIGEE AND ADDRESS City of Clearwater; Fla. ~ , %'ig\S~;'"-jm7i~'jfm~'~'''t'1)fiE~:,,\~;,,t!Jlitr';\'::~:'lti~iWih',,~~_ ~l~I=-~.':u~zI1 ..~~.~. '," ''''',' ,-,~ -~.. ....-~ < ' ....J..,.. '.',., ~:;.~, ....-. ~.~ ~,,~.. ;r'~":' It.'_ :""v::O -/"-'" ~- , ;...~- .~ --'~ 4, .,"-_. ""-:;', ,'-. " .""....... ,~ "'- ~'''-"- '" ,.." , :.--- .""""" -1- .~~ ,,-- "', .-'.'" ".' -- " C_,.~_,.... ~_-""",1_' ., \ ~ ...... - ...._'o-f_.. ""'..- ~ ....,.--....-. ._....,.~ ',-.-.-, -. . .".,......' ~. ,,", ~ .,~. -.. .'~" ..;~ d--" /-',.'.- .~,....;. >,:,