AGREEMENT INCLUDING THE DOSSIER OF ENGINEERED RECYCLING SYSTEMS INC. (DRAWINGS IN FILE) , . I I AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this ~ay of lr~ A. D. 1976, b~a between ENGINEERED RECYCLING SYSTEMS, INC., a 'l':>lS MARoN 'BL.VD. Florida carpor ion, 3i~J L' .L ~ -:1 TT 11 rl _.1, Clearwater, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "CorporationW, and the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "City"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City of Clearwater is a Florida municipal corpora- tion and has advertised for and received bids for professional and scientific monitoring and evaluation of the Northeast Sewage Spray Irrigation Fields as described in Exhibit A. attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Corporation is in the business of furnishing and providing such services and has submitted an acceptable bid; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and other good and valuable considerations, and the full and faithful performance by each of the parties of the covenants and agreements between each other made, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: 1. The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of four (4) years from date hereof, unles s the City must terminate such activity because of regulations or directions of State, Federal or other regulatory agencies, or if the property is needed by the City for other purposes. i 2. The Corporation at its own expense and cost agrees to furnish all labor, materials, tools and equipment to accomplish the 'environmental rnanage- ment and monitoring project at the Northeast Sewage Spray Irrigation Fields, in accordance with the Bid Specifications and scope of activities and conditions set out in the Bid Specifications, which document is marked Exhibit A and made a part of this agreement as if fully rewritten herein, the proposal form attached to this agreement as Ekhibit B and made a part hereof as if fully rewritten herein, a map entitled "Treatment Units Schematic" attached hereto as Exhibit C and made a part hereof a s if fully rewri tten herein, and a Performance Bond in the -1- i),')' './ , ), I I amount of $10, 000.00 made payable to the City which bond is attached hereto as Exhibit D and made a part of this agreement as if fully rewritten herein. 3. In connection with ,~the performance of work under this agreement, the Corporation agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, sex, religion, color or national origin. The aforesaid provision shall include; but not be limited to, the follow- ing: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruit- ment advertising; lay-off or termination; rates of payor other forms of com- pensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Corpora1:ian agrees to post hereafter in conspicuous places, available for employees or applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the contracting officer setting forth the provisions of the nondiscrimination clause. 4. It is further mutually agreed between the parties hereto that if, at any time after the execution of this agreement and the surety bond hereto attached for its faithful performance, the City shall deem the surety or sureties upon such bond to be unsatisfactory or if, for any reason, such bond ceases to be adequate to cover the performance of the work, the Corporation shall, at its expense, within ten (10) days after the receipt of such notice from the City so to do, furnish an additional bond or bonds in such form and amount, and with such surety or sureties as shall be satisfactory to the City. 5. In accordance with paragraph'S' of the Bid Specifications, the Corporation shall provide the City at the time of submitting each $10.00 payment, a report setting forth all revenues derived during that month. The report shall be set forth on a form prescribed for that purpose and provided by the City. 6. In accordance with paragraph'S' of the Bid Specifications, the Corporation agrees to provide all reports and analyses that may be required by City, State, Federal or other allied regulatory agencies. 7. All notices to be furnished hereunder shall be furnl::~ to Mr. 49 Zs}S "Y:",t,;l,Michael J. Gaylor, President, Engineer:ld ecycling Systems, Inc., ~85~ vJf'J !laM lJdL..!-eva,...f 3'35/6 E~~t 2...ail R.,ll..... R,;.:..J, Clearwater, Flo ida :33519, and to the City of Clearwater, care of the City Manager, P. O. Box 4748, Clearwater, Florida 33518. -2- I I 8. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their personal representatives, successors and assigns, where permitted. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the date first above written. At.test: {~:(i}~5~.~~ ~ : ::: ,se- '.eia.r.y . ':~ ::: ~ 0_ 0 e..- ENGINEERED RECYCLING SYSTEMS, INC. By ?&rlfJ f1J~ - - ' :(C,<J~po~~~e$eal) ~. "-~--' ~ -" CITY, SF CLEA, R,W A~;Z,,', FLORIDA By b~J~' ~ " 477_9 City Manager " , ~ /~ Attest: As to Engineered Recycling Systems, Inc. L/~ ~,C:l??e~ As to City Countersigned: ~~0-1a~ Mayor -Commis sio.!j:;7r ' , -3 - '. .cITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORlnA ~NVIT ATION TO BID BID SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL MANAGEi\1ENT AND SCIENTIFIC MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF NORTHEAST SEWAGE SPRAY IRRIGATION FIELDS 1. Sealed bids li'l' DUPLICATE, will be received by the City of Clearwater, Florida ,ui1~1 2 :O().!:~~'n.r~ursda'l ,_May 2], 19}(a tjf1~-!'tJrchas i ng_Off ice, for a contract to manage, operate and scientifically monitor crop growth patterns, nut:rient uptake levels, nutrient removal. etc., in coniormance with all regulations of the City of Clearwater, Florida, the Department of Environmental Regulations and the U. S. Environ- mental Protection Agency in accordance with the stipulations herein. 2. The contract shall be for a period of four (4) year s from date of award and may be renewed for succes sive twelve (12) month periods by mutual agreement in writing, between the contractor and the City. 3. Bids shall be submitted on the "Proposal Forni' provided herewith. 4. The award of this contract will be to the bidder that offers the highest payment to the City in return ror the rights and privileges set forth herein and providing the payment and qualifications of the firm are acceptable to the City. ~ SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES AND CONDITIONS I. City agrees to operate and maintain its spray irrigation system in the manner hereinafter outlined and described for a period of four (4) years from date hereof, unless the City must terminate such activitity because of regulations or dire-ctions of State# Federal or other regulatory agencies, orii the property is needed by the City for other purposes; for farming purposes and use for other approved practices as described below, a tract' of land'containing-approximately-SO acres owned by the City oi-' Clearwater, Florida, which is mo.re particula.rly desc~ibed in attached Exhibit IIA.II, V'.rhich land is being used as a sp.ray irrigation systern or the City's Northeast Interim Wastewater Tr eatment Plant. A-. The City agr ees to spray irrigate on a re-gular rotating basis_ in a manner that is not offensive to the neighborhood, mth efnuent from its wastewater treatrnent'plant, and to provTde' sludge'C!fSposaT material as available. The City agrees to exercise ordinary care to insure that the effluent being sprayed meets standards set by the applicable regulatory agencies. B. The City agrees to bear ail responsibility ior any fines, penalties or .other sanctions imposed by regula.tory a.gencies in connection with the spraying oi effluent which does not meet regulatory stand- ards. C. The City agrees to control the rotation of portions of the tract Fxl,l~r A -c ~ ". '." I I being spray irrigated with effluent in such a manner as to facilitate the uptake of nutrients by the crops planted by the contractor with the approval of the City, and to facilitate the growth of such crops to such extent as is compatible with the efficient operation of its wastewater treatment plant. The CIty further agrees that it will make every reasonable effort to rotate such sprinklers in a manner as will preclude an overload ot effluent in anyone area. D. The City agrees to assume responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the sprinklers used in the process of such spray irrigation, except that contractor shall accept full financial respon- sibility for damage to such sprinklers caused by contractor's operations of the spray field. E. The City agrees to monitor any test wells as may be normally required for spray irrigation from such a sewage treatment plan,t by the Department of Environmental Regulation or other applicable regulatory agenciesatid will make any c:hanges in its procedures which are necessary or desirable to keep ,the operation of the sys~ tem within the guidelines set by the applicable regulatory agencies. F. The City agrees to permit the contractor to plant the eighty (80) acres which are to be spray irrigated with Coastal Bermuda grass or other crops, including nursery plants, subject to approval by the City, its consulting engineers and other regulatory authorities if required, it being understood and agreed that at no time will the growing of vegetables or crops for direct human nutritional consumption be permitted on the spray irrigated lands. G. The City agrees to make available to the contractor a small parcel contiguous to or upon said tract, for construction or location b contractor of a maintenance and storage building, which shall be the property, of the contractor, subject to removal by the contrac- tor uponieXPiration of this contract. II. FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of making available the approximately eighty (80) acre tract for farming and other City approved uses of such tractby the contractor, as aforesaid, The contractor agrees as follows: A. To save and hold the City harmless from any loss or claim by any person, agency ,or entity of any kind whatsoever in any way arising out of or in any way related to contractor's operations, except that the City shall accept the responsibility of exercising ordinary care in regard to the strength of the sprayed effluent so that the strength of such effluent will remain within the buidelines set by the appro- priate regulatory agencies. B...., To save and hold the.CityJ:>a~mless, froIncany loss or, claim9f_any_ --'..kind..whatsoever 'a-rising-out-'ofor-in'-any-way related to a temporary- , shutdown of the irrigation system occasioned by breakdown or upset in the treatment system. C. To save and hold the City harmless from any loss or claim of any kind whatsoever arising out of or in any way related to the fertiliza- tion ability of the treated effluent sprayed by the City on the lands to be irrigated. --=~ I I D. To accept all responsibility for becoming informed about and being in compliance with such regulations of the Soil Conservation Service, Department of Environmental Regulation, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and U. S. Geological Survey as are applicable to the use of the tract in connection with the operation of a wastewater treatment spray irrigation system and spreading of sludge disposal. E. To accept all responsibility for the prevention of land erosion withi n the spray irrigation tract. F. To accept all responsibility for land preparation in connection with the planting of the spray irrigation tract. G. To plant said tract with Coastal Bermuda grass or, other crop approved by the City, its consulting engineers ~nd other regulatory agencies if required. H. To accept all responsibility for any replanting, soil aeration, or other procedures as may be required in connection with the effect of sprayed effluent on contractor's planted crop, except for pro- cedures necessitated by virtue of the City's failure to exercise or- dinary care in ,keeping the strength of the sprayed effluent within guidelines set by the applicable regulatory agencies. I. To harvest such approved crop on the afo'I'ementioned tract in a manner consistent with the objective of removing nutrients from the soil in accordance with regulatory agency guidelines. J. To remove harvested crop from the irrigated land within a reason- able time and at no time to use any portion of the irrigated land for the storage of such harvested crop. K. To accept all, responsibility for fines levied by regulatory agencies because of the contractor's improper operations upon the spray field. L. To solicit research organizations to perform research in connection with nutrient removal from spray irrigated lands in order that the effect of varying crops and flow rates might be ascertained. M. To make any changes in procedure or method of operation of the, 'spray field as the City, its consulting engineers or other regulat ory agencies may deem necessary to keep such operation within the guidelines ,set by the applicable regulatory agencies. N. The contractor agrees to do all the work and furnish all the materials, equipment, supplies and labor to keep an approved crop growing on the tract being used as a spray field. O. The contractor agrees to make payment of all proper charges for labor and materials required in the aforementioned work and defend, indemnify and save harmless the City and all of its officers, agents and servants, and each and everyone of them, against and from all ,suits and costs of every kind and description, and from all da!IE.ges to which the City or any of its officers, agents or servants may be put" by reason of the injury to the persons or property of others result ing from the performance of said work or through the negli- gence of the contractor, or through any improper or defective machin- ery or improper procedures followed by the contractor in the afore- said work, or through any act of omission on the part of the contractor, his agent or agents, employees or servants. P. The contractor agrees to accept full financial responsibility for damage to the sprinkler system caused by his employees or agents or caused by his method of operating the spray field. , I ( Q. The contractor agrees to neither commit nor permit any waste, un- lawful or offensive use of said premises, and to quit, vacate and surrender the same at the expiration of this contract in at least as good condition as exists upon the date of execution hereof, ordinary wear and tear and damage by the elements excepted. R. The contractor shall not assign this contract or sub-contract without the written consent of the Gity. S. The City, by and through its City Manager or other designated re- presentative. shall have the right to enter into and upon the tract and every part thereof, at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting same and performing its duties and obligations hereunder. The contractor agrees to provide the City with .such reports as it may require,.) T. The contractor agrees to provide the City with a Perforrrn.nce Bond in the amount of $10, 000 and in the event the contractor becomes in default in the performance of any covenant or condition on its part to be performed or fulfilled as provided for iil this contract, the City shall notify the contractor in writing of such default and the contractor shall correct such default within thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice. If the contractor fails to correct said default within said period, then said contractor ohall become imme- diately a tenant at sufferance and the City may reenter and retake possession of said tract and remove contractor's equip rrent, materials, storage building, etc., in which event this, contre.ct shall be terminated; or the City may. at its option, exercise any and all other rights it may have pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida. U. The contractor agrees to obtain and keep in force during the term of the contract, a liability and property damage insurance policy cover- ing aforesaid operations and spray irrigation fields and facilities in the minimum limits of $100,000/$300,000, and $10,000, which said policy shall name the City of Clearwater as an additional insured. V. The contractor agrees to pay any real estate taxes that may be levied on the spray irrigation tract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this contract the day and year,first above written. CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence as witnesses: By City Manager Contractor By I I PROPOSAL FORM (Submit in Duplicate) City of Clearwater, Florida: - BID ON PROFESSIONAL AJ.'lD SCIENTIFIC MONITORING AND E:V ALUATION OF THE NORTHEAST SEW AGE SPRAY IRRIGATION FIELDS. The undersigned, as Bidder, hereby declares that he has examined and fully' understands the terms and conditions detailed in "Invitation to Bid", dated , titled "CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL N[ANAGEMENT JI..1'lD SCIENTIFIC MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF NORTHEAST SEWAGE SPRA Y UtRIGATION FIELDS." Said "Invitation to Bid" shall. in its entirety, become a part of this contract and the terms and conditions contained therei n shall appl y for the duration of this contract. The undersigned attaches a complete proposal outlining the manner in which the bidder proposed to ful fill the terms of the contract, said proposal to include a. swnmary of the education and technical qualifications of the firms principals. In return for the rights and privileges set forth in the above mentioned "Invitation to Bid", the undersigned will pay" the City of Clearwater, Florida, a. flat sum of $ /d. CJ(') per month, plus Z, (9 % of all gross revenues that may be derived pursuant to this contract. Exc eptions to Specifications: _ r n n () dt1lY1 OJ e ',Io+Ir~ eJ.t" r1 e !a" If. /A)e flue k re a fer-forrnanre bon),. t\Vr QJ () I flllll'") -f-h~ n; ivl II be , (:(r]\.lrfi c[,"" .-,hilVld -I- /, e -L {(/ e" C-e 0 f/()Y/ /..., ;)Y"Vli H) I I Submitted by /; n1,nnyr~i l2ec'ilc (,"1 1'':'/''#1''1 e1C, Date 2Jl,C:2.. &..1 rf()(J,/ flJL e~ f!;;'41'w<i~, 7 '3, -"')9 3/ /ll LzJA~' , , /. '!LZ, ..-l- ~," ,~_ ~ (/' , f Y~~UI-1,J ' 5"/27/7(,. ( I Address Telephone Signature Title Ex h,Jlr 15 '" ^- t\<' 1 J 3 , 1"- C I CLfARWA TER NOUIiEA ST INTERIM TRf'A1'M~NT FACI LITY TREATMENT UN1TS SCt-lEMAT1C ____.__ .____ _.. .._._' _..____4_ _ ____ __.. --. CLEARW ATER \ FLOR IDA ~'" '\ ','1'\1 ,\..v: i .' --~-r-~l /~<:-' -::- . j , ,',I",F" "~i . I . 'I ~-,- . - -! - 'I" I - _' , . I . -- , ,-' - I ,..,', .,..- ',',', I ;:.-!.;...:-;..., - j' i I' i.: ,,-,.,':, i _ ...-.'...- I . d:f~:;W. I - i . :;<<1-./"-'" -.... i ..- i ..1 ~fk.,fUS ' . ! -' ~,}-::::---., j '! : 0 " .' .J",,,, .,.,..' ". 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A Florida Corporation 2802 East, Quail Hollow Road Clearwater Florida 33519 Phone: 813/733-5931 I I ENGINEERED RECYCLING SYSTEMS, INC. A Florida Corporation "Clean Water and Public Health through Treated Wastewater Recycling" Corporate Principals: Eugene S. Caudell, R.L.S. James J. Gaylor Hichael J. Gaylor, P.E. Edmunds Whitson, Jr., Esquire Consultants: Tom Furman. , Water and Research, Inc. Marion Bishop, Farmer and Cattleman Governing Regulatory Agencies: Environmental Protection Agency Department of Environmental Regulation Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Cooperative Area Agencies: Soil Conservation Service - Lakeland Alachua County Agricultural Agent University of Florida - Department of Agriculture I I EUGENE S. CAUDELL Eugene Caudell was born in Washington D.C., June 25, 1934. During his early years his family relocated in Greenbelt, Maryland, where Mr. Caudell attended both elementary and high school. Mr. Caudell's employment background consists of experience as a Party Chief with L.R. Kimball & Associates; Chief of Highway Construction surveys with Porter, Urquhart, McCreary & O'Brien, Engineers; Surveyor and Designer with C.B.C. Engineering; and Construction Superintendent with Marolf Hygienic. During Mr. Caudell's employment with Marolf Hygienic his duties included the construction and maintenance of aerobic wastewater treatment plant construction throughout the south- eastern United States. Mr. Caudell left employment with Marolf and began work with Black, Crow & Eidsness, Inc., in the Clearwater office during 1964. During his employment with Black, Crow & Eidsness, Inc., Mr. Caudell acted as Assistant Director of Aerial and Land Planning Divisions, and Project, Engineer. Mr. Caudell was responsible for the complete design of subdivisions, including streets, drainage, water distribution systems, and gravity sewerage collection systems, aerial photograrnmetric survey, complete survey design and field construction to include grading, paving, drainage, water distribution, and sewer collection systems. During 1976 Mr. Caudell left employment with Black, Crow & Eidsness, Inc., in order to pursue private practice. Professional Affiliations: Florida Engineering Society Florida Society of Professional Land Surveyors Tampa Bay Society of Professional Land Surveyors Water Pollution Control Federation American Congress of Surveying and Mapping American Society of Photogramrnetry Professional Registrations: Registered Land Surveyor - State of Florida, Wyoming, West Virginia, Arkansas, Mar'yland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Mississippi, and South Carolina I I JAMES J. GAYLOR Jim Gaylor was born in Tennessee on August 9, 1916. During his childhood his family moved to Indiana where schooling was completed. College courses were later taken at Florida State University in Industrial and Vocational education. During World War II, Mr. Gaylor joined the Army where he ultimately served as an instructor for German Prisoners of War. After the war Mr. Gaylor taught carpentry until 1950, when he assumed the position of Director of vocational Schools for Putnam County, Florida. After thirteen years in this position Mr. Gaylor accepted the position of Area Supervisor for Manpower Development Training for North and Central Florida for the State Department of Education. Mr Gaylor later became Area Supervisor for Industrial and Vocational Education for twelve counties in Florida, a position which he still maintains. Professional Affiliations: Past President of Rotary Florida Vocational Association American vocational Association I I MICHAEL J. GAYLOR, P.E. Mike Gaylor was born in Daytona Beach, Florida on August 14, 1945, but was raised in Palatka, Florida. E,ducation requirements were fulfilled in Palatka public schools, at Johns River Junior College, and culminated with a degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Florida in 1968. Upon graduation, Mr. Gaylor assumed engineering responsibilities with Black, Crow & Eidsness, Inc., in Clearwater, Florida. In January of 1969 Mr. Gaylor entered the U.S. Navy, received a commission in the Civil,Engineer Crops and served approximately three years as an Assistant Public Works Officer responsible for a l30-man work force. During this time he married the former Dianne Fisher. In 1972 Mr. Gaylor returned to Black, Crow & Eidsness, Inc., in Clearwater and assumed duties as Project Engineer for several municipal clients. In early 1974 he moved to Boca Raton as District Manager in charge of the Black, Crow & Eidsness branch office there. In September 1974 Mr. Gaylor resigned from Black, Crow & Eidsness and assumed position as Executive vice President of Smith-Sweger, Inc., a local utility construction firm. Mr. Gaylor became President of Smith-Sweger, Inc., in December 1975. Professional Affiliations: American Society of Civil Engineers Florida Engineering Society National Society for Professional Engineers Florida Pollution Control Assoc. Suncoast Utility Contractors Assoc. I I EDMUND S. WHITSON, JR. Mr. Whitson is a 34-year old attorney and a native of Clearwater. He was admitted to the Bar in 1965 and elected to the Florida House of Representatives in 1966, serving until 1974. A graduate of St. Petersburg Junior College, he attended the University of South Florida and graduated from Stetson University College of Law in January 1965. At Stetson, he was president of his law school graduating class and was named to appear in the publication of "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities". Upon law school graduation, Mr. Whitsoll was appointed Special Assistant to the Attorney General of Florida, serving during 1965 until his return to Clearwater to enter private practice. Prior to his service in the Legislature, he also served as Assistant Public Defender of pinellas County. He has also served as a member of the Executive Board of the Pinellas Industrial Council, as Vice-Chairman of the Central Pinellas Transit Authority, as a member of the Greater Clearwater Chamber of Commerce and various other local civic groups. During his service in,the Legislature, Representative Whitson was a member of numerous House Committees: among them; the Committee on Business Regulation, the Commerce Committee, the Insurance Committee, Conservation Committee, Environmental Protection Committee and the Education Committee. He was Chairman of the Subcommittee on Game and Fresh Water Fish and also served as Chairman on other special sub- committees. I I SCOPE AND PROPOSAL OF CORPORATE ACTIVITIES Engineered Recycling Systems, Inc. is a new corporation, established for the purpose of developing and managing land utilized for irrigating treated wastewater effluent. Commonly known as spray irrigation, the relatively new method of effluent disposal offers a vast potential for crop growth with unlimited water and nutrients available. Hay sod, nursery plants, etc., can be grown rapidly, offering a product for harvest and resale which has effectively cleansed the effluent of approximately seventy-five percent of the nutrients phosphorous, nitrogen, etc., through plant "uptake". It is the intention of this corporation to enter into a lease arrangement with municipalities in Florida, using spray irrigation as effluent disposal. The corporation will plant various cover crops, closely monitor growth patterns, nutrient uptake, ground water nutrient levels, etc., and harvest the ,crop periodically, based on nutrient removal levels. Crop harvesting will be governed by regulatory requirements for nutrient removal, rather than normal farming time frames. The corporation will assume full responsibility for monitoring the performance of the field and will agree in writing to meet all regulatory requirements established for the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Environmental Regulation. I I LAND PREPARATION Most irrigation sites exist now in an uncultivated state, with varying overgrowth. Though contracts for the construction of wastewater facilities ususally include the initial clearing of the area, considerable preparation is required before a complete and operating nutrient removing irrigation field is realized. Double discing, terracing, leveling and drainage ditching operations must be carried out in order to fully prepare the land to receive a crop. Some fields will require fertilization before planting, due to soil conditions. This corporation, with the assistance of the Soil Conservation Service, will fully investigate each proposed irrigation site and will conduct all operations required to fully prepare the field for a cover crop. COVER CROP Most fields are designed to be planted in Coastal Bermudagrass in anticipation of harvesting hay periodically. This crop offers good nitrogen and phosphorous removal and is easily grown. The hay can be cut, baled and sold in area markets to defray the costs of managing the field. Other grasses can also be grown for hay, depending on the areas and can offer equally good nutrient removal rates. I I COVER CROP - (continued) In addition to hay farming, a sod field can be cultivated which offers good nutrient removal as long as the sod is cut periodically and removed from the site. The sod can then be sold locally to aid in new construction. EFFLUENT MONITORING It should be clearly understood that spray irrigation fields are a part of the wastewater treatment process and, as such, must be properly managed and closely monitored. Regulatory agencies have and will continue to place stringent require- ments on these fields to ensure that nutrient removal levels meet state and local standards. Monitoring will therefore be required to ensure that the cover crop is removing nturients and that the groundwater nutrient level is kept within drinking water standards. Monitoring wells must be constructed and maintained and laboratory tests run periodically. In addition, the cover crop must be harvested based on nutrient uptake rates rather than farming convenience. RESEARCH Most irrigation fields are designed around hay farming. It is our intention, however, to conduct research on sod farms, nursery plants, vegetable crops, etc. Sod farming should prove an equal method of nutrient removal and should provide a crop that can be rapidly replenished. I I RESEARCH - (continued) Experimentation with vegetable crops and nursery plants will be conducted to determine nutrient uptake capabilities and virus contact. In addition, a small cattle operation will be run to determine the effects of grazing cattle on irrigation fields. It should be noted that most information concerning nutrient removal by plants has been based on. average annual rainfall and minimum quantities of fertilizer required for adequate crop growth. Research can now be conducted to determine how much water and nutrient addition a plant can stand before passing nutrients into the groundeater table in excessive amounts. REGULATORY AGENCIES It is the intention of the corporation to work closely with the regulatory agencies involved in the control of irrigation fields to jointly develop information concerning loading rates per acre, nutrient uptake of different crops, buffer zone requirements, etc. Hopefully, a joint effort can be'conducted that will result in the development of guidelines that can be accepted throughout the state in the practical application of spray irrigation fields as wastewater effluent disposal facilities.