BOND -. '!' '. 1-."- :1jjJ.Wft~:'~i"?'&~!\ji,l~.Rt!!,\W"':'~.ljLY}~iYiW.HY'\1~,,*:'JnR\jfZj~SEillffi;1~i:~';;11jJ ~":~~;:::"~\W;i!l~1';~1R07'f:~'."N!.IIBi'S[ffL';~:i'::J1}.\;i."",:::;~'S1j~\jfj~ i : ,rri("i;:i:'S!jfl:"!:li'!jHiiWi:~~'''':E!!l!fi/';'':!Hiil:::liii'Wlli:'1:ilY\1!!,ii!!": t, ti ~ ;:;=~ f:?! :'tl~1 --,.,. i .~ [t( ~~ ;i'.~ 1~~1 -~~ "'I :;."-', ~;" I I~ !i'!l I f~~ ~! II , i I r1 l~ I;f!". ,3 .-.t;;, ,,'" I ~~ [;,~':;. t,~;], ~ill ,"'"' I"". ..." -~~~'} "I' '..:.... '---. ,<:;. :::2" "-~. -'-.,; :~~" ,,':t' ~ iit2 t. ~: -,,;,. ,""'"' :;:~. !I~ ~: IARANTY COMPANY UlNIITIED ST A TIES IFIIDIEIl: No r)o ,-, (-, i ;i jj' .! / (~) :<:j ,-., $ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, Engineered Recycling Systems, Inc, (hereinafter called the Principal), and United States Fidelity and Guaranty CDmpany, a --'t- .:'~ Maryland Corporation (hereinafter called the Surety), are held and firmly bound untD ',' the City of Clearwater, Florida (hereinafter called the Obligee), in the full and just ;; -"f':;] ::3'~1 sum of ten thousand and no/100ths---------------------($10,000)---------------dollars, s, ,"!~ lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, ~,f:!"..,;,I.i.:' we bind Durselves, our heirs, administratDrs, executors, successors and assigns, i I@t i~ ~:.~ ~~~ ff' w~ ~~ I." jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Whereas, said Principal has entered intD a certain agreement with the Obligee to monitor the North East Spray IrrigatiDn Fields. Now, therefore, the condition of the fDregoing obligation is such that if said Principal shall well and truly indemnify and save harmless the said Obligee from any pecuniary lDSS resulting frDm the breach of any of the terms, covenants and conditions ~~ :f:f~':' '-.-"l Df the said agreement on the part Df the Principal tD be performed, then this obliga- ti on shall be voi d; Dtherwi se to remain in full force and effect in 1 aw. Provi ded "'1 however, that this bond is issued subject to the following conditions and limitations: ~ 1, This Bond shall be renewed, at the option of the Surety, by li'''j continuation certificate each year to be in force, otherwise it will ri automatically expire, '1 2. The liability of the Surety shall not exceed, in the aggregate, the ~ penal sum of this Bond. :~ 3, The Surety, at its Dption, may wish to terminate this Bond by"'; giving thirty (30) days written notice to the Obligee.../u i l ,'~ Signed, sealed and delivered September 29, 1978 // "~~ -" EN~IN~~;' S~!<S:~'~-<..~i Pnnclpal ~'<' ;',"':':.._'.. ..,.'" ,c UNITED TES F DELITY ANGlli\~:!1NT\' COMPANl f-;i i'0! ~:'~. , :c~ -:~,,: %'" I~:I ",,: I~t'l IF: 11:1 [I r ':;;;:i :-;--.0:. ~%liK":"I~;~//mi(\\\;~i/}jiitit\,;\,'I~~"#1H~jA~r~;::\,:iJi]i~\):.!~;;,,4milt~\~im;~t~~~t.:,)mH(~~ik~ifljilii~';",'~~,/MiilW,'~:i",HjlW~\''0.'N,iKihhi~\4iKiW,},.'i~:wj}g;i,\;\~lml-i~i\\t;z,'/iMgt~~"r,iiNjm\\\:;,1~\Nmil%M!..ji~liiW,,',;;>:,"!i,,;ii~~" If,.,lfl" ',-",; ~Il I''"'~~, :r~ I' [jEt 1~lj "'''11 ;:,,'';';. ~"zl""..,)11% F..-S 26 (7-62) 0 '~:r~' . "-..1 Iii lEi ~~ -",'... "i; :!;~ ,-:~.: 'f~ :1:."- '> .." ~1 &;;'>i: "f':", I:;'''-~' ;8t~ ~~~~ .,,,~, ~~m ""'; ~ 't-~-;; '''-" ,,';,"': c:" I CERTIFIED COPY ~ GENERAL POWER OF ATIORNEY No.,..,., ,~.T.~ .~.~.....,.. ,.......,.." Know all Men by rheN Presenu: That UNITED STATES nnELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY, & corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Maryland, and having its principal office at the. City of Baltimore, in the State of Maryland" does hereby constitute and appoint Joseph Underwood Moore, James M. Moore, Jack A. Pate and E. Paul Kennedy, Jr. oj the City 01 Tampa ,Stat. oj Flori da i.. true and IawJuI attorney S in and lor the State oj F lor i d a for the following purposes, to wit: To sign its name as surety to, and to execute, seal and acknowledge my and all bonds. and to respectively do 8J1d perform my and all acts and things set forth in the resolution of the Board of Directon of the said UNITED S1 A TES FIDEUTY AND GUARANTY COMPANY, a certified copy of which is hereto annexed and made a part of this Power of Attorney;. and the said UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY, through us. ita Board of Directors. hereby ratifies and confirms all and wbatsoever ~ anyone of the said Joseph Underwood Moore and the said Jack A. Pate and the said E. and the said James Paul Kennedy, Jr. M. Moore may lawfully do in the premises by virtue of these presents. In Wi__ W"ereof. the said UNITED STATES flOWTY AND GUARANTY COMPANY ha. ""...d thIa in.trument to he ..a1ed with its corporate ..al. duly .....ted by the .Ignatures ol Ita Vice-PtesidenlllJld As.istant Secretary, this 17th day.f June . A. D, 1977 UNITED STATES nDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY. Charles W. Boone Br....,..".......,....".".."""...."......,...."" Yice-P..riden<. ( Sisned I (S,EAL) (Signed) William J. Phelan .........,............................................. Auistanl S<<cret.ary. STATE OF MARYLAND, BALTIMORE CITY, ' } ..: -On tms 11th day of ~TT.lne . A.. D. 1977. before me :i;iUSCnnlJ:y came Charles W. Bo one , Vice.Ptesident 01 the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY and Wflliam J. Phelan ,A..istant Secretary ol.aid Company, with both.1 whom I am personally acquainted, who being by me severally duly sworn. said that they resided in the City of Baltimore, Marylaad; that they, the .aid Charles W. Boone and William J, Phelan were respectively the Vice,Pre.lcleDt llJId th~ A....taDt Secretary 01 the said UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY, the cor. poration described in and which executed tbe foregoing Power of Attorney; that they each knew the seal of said corporation; that the seal affis:ed to said Power of Attorney was such corporate leal. that it was so fixed by order of the Board of Direct "d corpora~ tion, and that they signed. their names thereto by like order aa Vice-President and Assistant Secretary, respec' ~~)3.cj.fRt1ie J pany. My commission e'Pires the 6rst day in July, A, D, 19,7,8"... ~ -Z-So (SEAL) (Signed) .........,..~~!':~,~,::,e:~...... 'j;)~i~lbi~~" STATE OF MARYLAND ~ """"I...!C } k ~ BALTIMORE an-, 'I, 01/' L Robe rt H. Bo us e . Clerk 01 the Snperior Conn 01 Baltimore . Conn 01 Record, .nd has a ..al. do herehy Certify that Margaret M. Hurst ,Esquire, helore whom the annes:ed affidavits were made, and who bas thereto subscribed his name., was at the time of 80 doing a Notary Public of the State of Maryland, in and for the City of Baltimore, duly commissioned and sworn and authorized by law to administer ci~hs llnd take acknQwledgments, Qr proof Qf deeds to be recorded therein. I further certify that I am acquainted with the handwritin...g of the said Notary, and verily believe tbe signature to be his genuine signature. 'n Te.timon,. Whereof. I hereto set my hand and affix the seal of the Superior Court of Baltimore City. the same being -a Court 01 Record, this 1 7t h cley 01 J un e , A. D, 1977 Robert H. Bouse (SEAL) (Signed) Clerk of the Sup~rior COUTt of Btz.ltimon City. Fa 3 (",7) -'" ...';:" COPY OF RESOLUTION That Whereoa, it is necessary for the effectual tranaaction of business that this Company appoint agents and attorneys with pO-wer and authority to act for it and in its name in States other than Maryland, and in the Territories of the United States and~-rn Jhe Provinces of the Dominion of Csnada and in the Colony of Newfoundland. ., Therefore, be it Re6olved, that thi8 Company do, and it hereby does, authorize and empower its President or either of its Vice- Presidents in - conjunction with its Secretary or one or its Assistant Secretaries, under its corporate seal, to appoint any person or- persons as attorney or attorneys-in.fact, or agent or agents of said Company, in its name and .u its act, to execute and deliver- any and aU con- tracts guaranteeing the fidelity of persona holding positions of public or private trust. guaranteeing the performances of contracts other than insurance policies and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings, required or permitted in all actions or proceedings, or by law allowed, aDd .4l.0, in its name and as its attorney or atto.meY8.in.fa~ or agent or apnts to necute and guarantee the conditions of any and all bonds, recognizances, obligations. stipulations, undertakings or anything in the nature of either of the same, which are or may by law. municipal or otherwise, or by any Statute of the United States or of any State or Territory of the United States or of the Provinces of the Dominion of Canada or of the Colony of Newfoundland. or by the rules, regulationl, orders, customs, practice or discretion of any board, body, organization. office or officer, local, municipal or otherwise, be allowed. required or permitted. to be executed, made, taken, given, tendered, accepted, filed or recorded for the security or protection of, by or for any penon or persons, corporation, body, office, interest, municipality or other al58Ociation or organization whatsoever, in any 8.Dd all capacities whatsoever, conditioned for the doing or not dOing of anything or any conditions which may be provided for in any such bond, recognizance, obligation. stipulation, or undertaking, or anything in the nature of either of the same. " Hi chard Cal der ,aD A....laD' Secretary of the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true IInd correct copy of the original power of attorney given by.aid Company to Joseph Underwood Moore, James M. Moore, Jack A. Pate and E. Paul Kennedy, Jr. 01 Tampa Florida . aDthorizinc IlIId empowering them :forth, which po'wer 0/ attorney has never been revoked and :is still in .fuU force and ellect. And I do further certify that said Power of Attorney Wll5 given in pursuance of a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Bovd of Directors of said Company, duly called and held at the office of the Company in the City of Baltimore, on the 11th day of July, 1910, ~t which meeting a quorum of the Board. of Directors was present, and that the foregoing is a true and correct cop'y of said resolution, aud. the whole thereof as recorded in the minutes of said meeting. I.. Tad......,. lFT.."",I. I have hereunto oe' my hand aDd the oea! of the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY on September 29, 1978 (Date) to sign bonda as therein set --.----...---------- ,._------..~-_._-'"---- ~ 7 I , .