SANITARY SEWER (51) . .. .:JIt '.;J I I AGHEEMENT THIS ACJZEEMENT, made and entered into thisl/dclay of 1974, by and bet\'/ecn DON S. HENDERSON and JANET MARIE his wife of 2357 Dora Drive, Clearwater, Florida , hereinafter refcl'l'cd to as "O\'nlCr II, and the CITY OF CLEARVl ATEl\, FLOIZIDA, a I11U11icipal cOl"J<lration, hereinafter referred to as "City"; ", WITNESSETH: V1HEHE/,~:~, the Owner presently owns the following describe l'cal pro- perty situated in the City of Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida, to wit: Lot 9, Rolling Heights Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 43, page 1, of the Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida; and WHEHEj,~:, the Owner is desirous of and has requested the City to install ? :.>c;lHary sewer line and facility to Inake sanitary sc\ver service available to serve their saici property and that they be permitted to tap .into said sanit<<ry sewer line upon installation; and WHEREA~;, the Owner is agreeable to have the City of Clearwater com- plete said speci,cl improvement and upon completion thereof to have the City immediately file a lien against their said property in the amount of tbdr pro- rata share of the cost of the installation of said sanitary sewer line and facility; and WHEREAS, the City is willing to install said sanitary sewer line and facilIty to serve said property under certain conditions; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premIses and other good and valuable considerations, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: ' 1. The Owner agrees that the City may immediately commence and complct~ the installation of a sanitary sewer line and facility to serve the real o &- - OO~' {)() . (;4) ~ + ...~ I I property o\vncc1 by tIlen1, legally dcscriLcd a~> follows: I Lot 9, Rqlling Heights Subdi vis ion, as recorded in Plat Book 43, page 1, df the Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida; , I and that upon completion of said work that the City may irnmcdiately file a lien against the said real property in tbe a11'lOunt of the Owner's pro,. rata share for the installation of said sanitary sewer line and facility. Said licn shall provide " that it may be paid in ten, equal annual paymcnts in tbe officc of thc City Clcrh:: with intcre~;t at the rate of 80;'0 per annun1 fr~ln the date of the lien until paid and in case of default in the payn1cnt of said n1inin1\ln1 annual paY11'18nts, to- gcthcr witb thc interest thereon, that thc City may take imrnediate steps to enforce said licn by foreclosure or other procccdings. Said licn shall also providc that if thc City is req\lired to cnforce the collectiuen thereof by [ore- closure or otber legal proceedings, that the Owner shall be responsible [or ~-t..... ~ .. "J.. l~ payn-'cnt rlf leg,{l fees and all costs of said proceedings. '2, Theqwner by this Agreen1ent hereby specifically grants unto the Qity of Clearwater a lien in the an10unt of the Owner's pro-rata share for the installation of said sanitary sewer line and facility against the above described real property owned by them and waives all requiren1.ents and entitlenJcnt to the conduct of and notice of any public hearing or hearings by the City of Cleanvate l' for a special improvernent as se s sment against their said prope rty for the installation of said sanitary sewer line and facility. The Owner further agrees u}nn tne request of tne City to execute all additional instruments, if any, which may be required to formally grant \mto the City a lien against their described real property. 3. The City agrees to permit the Owner upon the completion of said installation to connect to said sanitary sewer line und,~r the same conditions as othe r owne r s a re pc rmi Hed to do so. 4. This Agreement sh~lll be bindinG upon the heirs, administrators, -2- ... -." ~ '" I I pc r[jQlJal rep re S cllta ti ve 1;, succ e s SO r s and a~ f;j gll~; of the par ti e s he 1'e to and a copy thereof, may be immediately filed hl tbe Public Records of PilJ<:llas County, }'loricla, by the City so as to serve as notice thereof to all other persons. IN WITNESS WHEHEOF, the parties 1~2rcto have ca',lsed these pr(~sents to be executed on the date first above ~(J.. As to enders ns (SEAL) a ~, WJfJ.JJ7V ?~ City LEAHWATER, FLORIDA By_ Approved as to forn1 and . corre~~ ~orney . STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) I HEREBY CER TIFY, that on this da)', before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowl_ edgments, personally appeared Don S. Henderson and Janet Marie Henderson, his wife to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing Agreement and acknowledged before me that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official sealm the County and State last afore- said this / 2 ~day of ~ ~ , 1974. r A~0.~ X Notary Public ' My Commist;jon Expircs: ~3- ~:c i:,.~ j MYCOi\;:, b0NULu , CoL, J97'1 , - ,~- rc.LHOf/S r '. .~ <' ~ .-- I I STATE OF FL01UDA COUNTY OF PINELLAS I HEREBY CER TIFY, that on this nJ::..day of cJdo 1 <)74, before me personally appeared Picot B. Floyd, Herbert M. Bro\vn, H. G. \Vhitchcad and H. Everett HOl~g~n, respectively City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk and Mayor-Commissioner, of the City of Clearwater, Florida, a n1unicipal corpor<:l;tion, to n.le known to be the individuals and officers describ(~d in and who executed the .foregoing Agreem,ent' and severally aclcnowl- edged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers there.. , unto ellll)' authorized; and that the official seal of saidluunicipal corporation is duly affixed thereto, and the said Agreerl1cnt is the act and deed of said cor- poration. \/fITNESS my signature and official seal at Cleanvater in the County of Pinellas and State of Florida, the day and year last above written. ?~c ~~u- Notary Publi 'c' .-. =- ~' My Commission Expires;=-~ ~ NotarY '"bUe, State of florIda .t L.rge: My Commission Expires Sept, 29, 1977 &ended br Am.ricon Fire & Casualty Co. " '0 ..4-