SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (115) -, " "" ~: I t7;1016111. J O.R_ 3484 P~G[ 65~ -r-; . /97( 11tIS AGREEHENT, m.:lde and entered into this 2C-fAday of tlANLI/f)le.~,~, by nnd betIVcen tllc' CITY OF C,LEAI{\~^TER, FLORIDA,..J'l 1I111nicip.:lI corpol"Dtion, hCl"cin.:lftcr referred to as "City"; ilnd {), /I. .lA as' ~./h.r W/~E CArHP/'2//-.{l,2' S A'?C..'.r hereinafter referred to as lI(};vner"; A G It E E 1'1 E N T WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the DImeI.' o~vns the foHm,linG described real property situated in the City of Clearwater, Pincllas County, Florida: tvr, / S- A> L-O-c..P- ~ " i 1//;Z(7/H/4 G;~I;!?~,' 7E/.i~c~ . ' ST~ /!-PLJ and HllEREAS, Ordinance No. 1219 of the City requires tl13t all land that 'abuts a public right of W.:lY, wllich is to have new construction on it, either for residential, commercial, indus trial or other purposes, shall have sideHal1cs cons tructed by the owner on, across or adjacent thereto; and HHEREAS, the O,vner is ci"ectin3 certain ne\o1 construction on said property and has requet;tcd tl1e City at this time not to require the immediate installation and construction of sidewolks in connection therewith; and >. ..<lloo >.::::~ ,.al"<t- o~ ~~_x~ ~lEREAS, the O~ner has agreed that if in the future the Ci~y, in its sole dis~' rl .0 l!tl 8.t>iX1 ~retion) determines that it is advisable. and necessary to have such sidcHalks ~ t3 0 Jnstall(~d) that t11e O;vner Hill, upon notific<1tion by the City) have side\l7alks ::::.;~~ ~nm1ediat:e.ly in~,tal1ed at his expense.) and if he should fail to do so, then the City ~::: ,~,;~nay have said installati_on made and impose a lien against the described re<11 property :.:: ;,? -:~ ~or the cas t thereof; C ~.~'; ~~ ~ r . +-> 2 ;~j ~ ; NOH) Tl1E~EFORE~ in consideration o~ the fOl"c:going premises and other good and -8 ~:.-: U ~a1uable consu1cratl.on.. be:t\.Jce.n the. pm:t:lcs, recc:lpt of: \Jhich is hereby aclolo\llec1ged, .S r~ ~ ~he parties hcreto covenant and agree. as fol'1O\l7s:.' mP.':! QJ :a ~-.j~ E-di.l U p::j of 1. Th e sic1c\.Jalks the above City will not at this time as part of the erection of described real property. require the il1stallcltion iJnd construction the building iJnd improvements by the O.;-mer on 2. The City m<1Y <1t any ti.me in the futu1"c notify 1:11e O;mer) his heirs) personal representatives, SUCCC.SS01:S or assigns that the City in it.s sole discretion 11GS detel"mined that it is ac1visable and necess:lry to have side\l7alks installed in connection with said acs~ribed real property. 3. The. O"mer or his heirs, pcrsonal r(~prcscntativC's, successors or assigns shall at his expense. Hithin ninety (90) days from the 'notification by the. City have. si_de\.Jall\s installed for said described reol p~-operty in acc()rc1ance \-lith City srecifications and,standards as established. 4. If the o.-mer or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns shall fail to _hnve sidc\'lalks installed for the describc,c1 real property in accordnnce with City specifications and standards witl1in ninety (90) days from the notification by the City, then the City l:1ay havc the side\'Jolks installed ~md <1ssess and impose a lien against tl:lC described real property for the cost of the \vork. 5. 'l11is agreement is to be regnrded as a covenant runninG '.Jith the land) regardless of \-lhether it is specificaily mentioned il1 .1ny deeds' or conveyances subsequently executed, Dnd t11if; agrC('Ti1ent s11,111 be bindinG on all parties, their heirs) personal rcprc~entntivc~, succcssor~ or assiGns. 6. All notices pursuant: to this <.IlFccllicnt shall be furni.shed to the respective parties at the foUoHing addr~sscs, until receipt of written instructions notifying the other party of a different addrc~ss: City: Mr. Merrett R. Stierhcim City l'lanap,er P.O. Box ll748 Cl.c :lnv.1 ter, fior icJ.1 3351'" II 4 J5 PH '71 O.mer : ". . citJ3 )J,~ ~ Fi. r" 11 ');' [' P'''EL - ".' /,,:,.1.: II " LAS "0 ::.Ior HAROL.D ~(JldHO'O' "'!,JItIOA . RtJCL.ER~ ..~. 'I,: ,...J \1 D 7 '-'0-3 O-cc~!) j _~~_..._,._-= """'~~~'~""-"""""7"-~ n.Jl'.......".'Itll~~"t..~'NJlill~'.~;!'"""...::",__~~ ..........",... ~ I , . ~,~ 3484 p~,GE65~ . ~--~ IN HITNESS HIIEREOF, the p:trties h('rc to h:tve c<lllsed these present:; to be executed the d~y llncl YCllr l11st llbovc \-lritten. By I,,' ' . '\ .. N x:~ ~~ A7r:~ c, ~ .~~ As to. O;,'Ilcr \ /~. 4.Jfi ~. c Jlu;~ ><L~ /)-/ -<< ...L. / .. Owner ~ '~itnesscs : S'fATE OF FL01UDA ) COUNTY OF PI~ELLAS) , a--' 1<971 I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this' f~_day of ~~~~ A.D. ~ before me pcrsonDlly appeared Herrett R. Stierheirn, lIer:bcrt H. Brain, R.G.Hhitehead and H. .Everett Hougen, respectively City l-1.:m<lger, City Attorney, City Clerk and Hayor- Conunissioncr of: the City of Clc3nvater) <l municipal corponltion existing under the l~Ms of the Stute of ~loricl(1) to me Imo~m to, he the individuals and officers described in and \\lho c>:eCll ted tbe foregoing AgrcClIle11 t ,mcl sever ally aclmoH1.cdgc~l the cxe ell U_on thereof to be their fn~c ac t and deecl <15 such officers thereunto duly. <lutl,101"izcd; and that the offici~l seal of ~:aic1 municipal corporation is duly.affixed thereto; and the said DgrcCE1(~nt is the act and deed of said corporDtfon. 'UTNESS my signnture and official seal at Clcan~Tater in the County of PincJ.1as a11(~tate:0,~ Florida) the day [Iud year last nboye \-lJ~itten. ~~.7S~ Notary Public l-1y Commissi.o1'! E::-:~ire.s: Notary Pllhk State of Florida at Large My Cq:llu,iiul1 h;;;:rcs Od. 22, 1974 R_ ..I_...t hv "mArie-An Fire & Casually Co4 ,- - -----..-'.- '. STATE OF FLOIUDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS) Before me personally aprc~rcd D. A. SALT,S and CATHF.RlNE SATJLS, his wife to me \'lell J~nown .1I1d knm..'l1 to 1:1(: to be the: indivichi~l!i dC~jcribl~d in nnd \'lho cxecl'ted the foregoi.ng "1[;1'(,(:I;ll~nt .:lIld acknOi,!lcd(;ed before mc that they c>:ecuted thc S.IITlC f:or the purposes therein e.{.JV{~.s.sccl'~: .... /'1'11 . WITNESS ~;:l~:~od a'ud;;;f~ic,ial seal this . 0: ':. 26th day of January A.D. ~ 1971.. (!;l)~' - 1)4,. NOt:l!"y l'ublic \>...:; ,~ Hy COJn/fd.::d On Expi !"C'!>: NOTARY PUBLI4, STATE OF FLORIDA Al' tARdt .. MY COMMISSLON EXPIRE.S DEC. 12. ~1973 'BONDED m:m r~::O W. D'ESTELHORSl