SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (36) ~...... -~ :~... ftl l , 4 15 fH '1' 71016137 I Q,R 3484PAGE 645 , \\;' ' k(COROEO "IMEllA~ co. flORIDA I'll I ~t.llK~':>>1J~~O,O~~~~ 11 cl (' n 1 ere cI in L 0 1 his by an(l llC't\!ccn tIll' ClTY OF CLEI\lU-!/\TEIZ, rcfcrn~d to as "City"; ,:1I1d hereinaf t('r rc [erred to as A G It E E n I: N T WITNESSETH: City \~HERE^S, the ();'.'1lcr mms the [ollO\,lin~ described r('3l property situated, in the of C 1 e a no/ .1 t c r, Pin c 11 a see u n t y, F 1 or i d a : . . "I /3~/(1q c{~1 ~~~'~ ~'~J5~,{J~ .' and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1219 of the City rcqtdrcs that all land that' abuts a public right o[ \,'ay, uhich is to have nc\,} construction on it, either [or residential, commercial, indus trinl or otllCr purposes._ shnll hJve sideHalk" cons truc ted by the owner on, across 6r adjacenc thereto; and HIlEREIIS, the O,:ll1er is ci'ceting certain nc\Y construction on snid property and has reCjtH?1;ted the City ;1t this time not to require the immediate installation and construe tion of sidc\'?.:llks in connec tion therc\"i th; and >, ~ ~~~. ~JEREAS, the Odncr has agreed that if in the future tIle Ci~y,.in its sole dis~' ~ i~ cretion, determines that it is advisable and necessary to have such sidewalks 13:;~ ,,: ~nsta11ed, toatt11e O,'llWL" Hill) upon notification by the City) hove side\valks P'": ,.'.... .Lt~ . ~~',' . i'": :]mllediately instdllcd at Id,s ('):pcnse, and if he slloulcl fail to do so, then t11e City ~: ) ~'!Jay havesaicl ins tall.:ltion made and impose a lien agains t the described real, property ~'." ; :~or the cost thereof; , r') " ,'.. ~ N. 011 'I'l'J'r>'r'~O')J" . 1 t' f tl f ' . d tIll -<_." -'r,-; ~ ...,.: ',,\1',)_' ;\~, 1.n conSlC era 'lon 0' ~_le 'oregolng prennses an 0 '1er gooe anc ~ ~B Q, :; ~aluablc con!;icleratioR beL'\vcen the parties, rec(~ipt of \lhich is hereby ackno';.]lec1ged) ~ r.~ i'; ~he par ties here to covenant and agH:c as follm'ls:. ~E'lG~ . .S Li 'd G f. The City Hill not at this tin,e 1:('CJl15xe t11(' installation and constnlction .;!:) ~3 ~_., of side\'lalks [\5 petrt of the erection of the building LInd improvC'ments by the o.;mer ..s::: v,-~ ,8 ~6 on the above described real proper ty. ~' - , ~;':. 2. 'rhe City ll1<JY at any time in the future notify tllO O,mer, his heirs, personal represcnti1tive!)) 5UCec.ssOl:S or assign~; th<11: the City in iJ-,s sol(~ dif;cretion has determined tll~t it is ndvisable and neccss~~y to h~ve sidewalks installed in connection \Vith saiil ~lcscril)ed real pJ~operty'. 3. 1'he Ol,mer or Ids heirs, personal rcprescntntivC's, successors or aSf;igns shal.1,' at l1is expense \'iithin ninety (90) ebys from the notification by the City have sidc\'iall,s installed for saiel described re0.1 property in aceonlance \-lith City sp,eci[iea lions and, standards itS es tabli shed. 4. If the O.-mer or his heirs, personal represcntDtives, successors or nssir,ns shall fail to ,hove 5ioc,..:.:111:s installed for the c1cscribc,c1 real property in acconl.Jnce with City specifications and standnrds uitllin ninety (90) days from the notification :by the _City,_~hcn the City Fl<ly.havc the side"i!.:llks inst:nUccl and <lSSCSS and impose a lien Clr,ains t thcocscribeu rcalpyoperty--{cyt- the-cost ofthc\,'ork. 5. This .:lGreemcnt is to bc~ rcgClrded as a covenant runninG \-lith the lanel) regardless of \.'hether it is spccif.ic.:l1IYlil(~ntioncd in ;1ny deeds' or conveYJnccs suhsC'cj'lIent]v c:':'.~c\lt:C'c1, o:ld L11i~; :':':'C'(>::~:'nt: 'il',ll be' ;)(!1(~;n" on (]lll;;:n:tics, their .. . ," '-) hei r f;,. pc::r ~;on21 rC'-rJrc ~~cn L:i ~:i\'{~'~:) ~'~lC Cl' ~~ ,(,er~' 01. (l~,:::-; ign~; I 6. All noticC'~; pursuetnt to this ,1~n~C'mcntsb<'lll be furnish(~d to the rC'~;pective parties at the follo'.-ling .1ddresSc1;, until receipt of \oJrittcn instructions notifyinr, the other party of <J different .:lddrc~~;s: City: 1-IL" , l-IerretL It. Sticrhd,m City Jlan;lr,er 1',0. Box /,7/18 Cl(~:Irwlter J Florid:1 33518 o-.,mcr: ~f~ ;s&{) ~)J ~114, '. -1- ((p\ tJ,7....0l!rOd , . ~-~'::""-~~ I lo.~ 3484 PAGt646 TN \HTln:SS WIElU:ClF, the p.,rties Ill'l"cto !l;1VC c<1l1scd these prcscntfi to be executed the d.1)' nnd ycar In~t .1hovc \-11"ittcn. . ,.f.~OR I DA :/' \ correctness: . ~~ Z5.~~J Z<~~C- ~ ~MJ1~~- . ()~~~ C!a~ ~ OivIlcr " ....~I /);;N/ :JH4 .}t",_ \ntnesses: Owner STATE OF FLm.IDA' ) COUNTY OF PH\ELLAS) 1"1 '/ ) ~ ' , I HEREBY CERTIFY, thi1t on this '7' . ' A.D. ~, before me pc~rson.:111y nppcarcd 1,lcrrctt'lZ. SI::i.crlwilll, Ikrbc.rt: H. 1\1: Yn, R. G. Hili tchcac1 and H. ,Everett Hougen, respectively City l-13113gcr, City Attorney, City Clerk and l-layOJ:- Co.mnissioner of: the City of Clean-!ater, Cl 1itunicipal cm:-pc)):-ation existing under the lC:Ms of the State of JUori<l;:-:, to mc kno.m to be the indivic1u:.1.1s and officers described i.n and \,]110 c>:ccutcc1 tllC foregoing Agreement and ~;evcri1lly acknO\vJ.cclg(>~l tll(" execution thereof t.o be tbei1:- free act Dncl cleed as snell officer's tlwrcunl:o clulY'<lutbol-izcd; and that the offici.:11 sOCll of said municipal corporation is duly ,affixed thereto; and the said <:lB:r(~\{.1rK~nt is the ac t and deed of saidcorpoJ:o lion. ! . ~ ,Ii":> ~, /1,,\ , ',' ' ,;\HTNI1SS'lllysignatll1:-e Clnd official !;c(11 at Clean~l(ltcr in tlJe County of Pinel1as andStatc/bJ F'1orid.:1, t.he day [lnd year. last above m~itL(',n. l 111. ,t )':~:; -. .~.,~~ . Notary Public Hy'ColJ1mission Exni1:cs: Nolary Pubk S\ab 01 f1oni!a at large My C9mo:s:i;1l E:.;.ires Od, 22, 1974 .....Jed b. AlIloricu Fire, & ea..... Co. STATE or FLOIunA ) COUNTY OF Pr:~ELLAS) BcfMC W' pcn,o,dly apI'(' ,,,-,,,1 _~;__~~:;"-:-+;-,~, to me Hell l~nCl'dn .l\)d Imm.'n to 1:1e to b(~ llw indjviciuels de!;cd.:t61/i;t [J1~J:\'rn(>.--:e:,.~C:Cl1t:cd " loo., ~. ~ ..- -- - the foregoing .<"!01"C'cl:lcnt .:ll1dacl~11Oi".'lcd0ctl bcfore me thnt tllCY i1>:~3cl1le-cf-..lffic s~l;;~~for the purpo!;cs thC'rc.dn cxprc'!;scd. . ~ \ ---1' ~ ,{ . ",'<. ;; --- , / - . -- '" ~. v~. '*' "'" ',< ./ -', -""'- A.D. 197(. WITNESS my hanel. <:Ine! oHic.i~l sC<:Il this .,~ .~ t, - dny "'- lly C(J11ll1I1~;~;lol1 F>:pir('~;: < y' I ".!;;~(::i.\11~','jCi:.... ,J I-i~'> _Jr..,