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I 7.1017657 , O.R. 3486 PAGE 910
TillS ACJ~EEm:N'r, 111.'1U(, nlld
by <\lHl bC't\.Jl'en lilt' CITY OF
H!fclTCU lo as Ilti lyll; .1nu
hcrcinaf tc~r rc ferred to <1S
entered inlo thi!; ~d<lY of f'e& , 197 ,
[ -,
C~A1U-.'i\TER, FLOIU~\, a 1I1L1llicip.l1 corpol~ilU.on, l1et'cillL1 tel'
UCN"a.. 1(. "-ItS. . ~ ...U W.".
Il l' II ; S ....... . " ". ~ IC.S
\~lERE^S, the ();mer 0\.)05 the. follO\,~inG described ren1 property situated. in the
City of Clc<lI:\,'atc.r, Pine llas County, Flori cia:
'''3 '&,,\1 SI DC a....,t""-
....0 -r , $' - &A'I" ID"
t.'.II'IIIJ,~~nrAL , Fl...
~U. .:. UItl.T' 'I-
HHEREAS, Cn:dinance No. 1219 of the. City requires all land that abuts a public
right of ,,'.1y, \-]hich is to have ne.u. construction on it, either for residential,
COlTh'l1cl'cii.ll, industrial or other purposes, shClll have sidcualks constructed by the
owner on, across 6r adjacent thereto; and
\mERE^S, the ();.mer is ci'cctin3 ccrtuin n<::\'] constl'uction on said propcrty Clnd
has requC'!>tc.d the City at this time not to require the immcdiate installCltion and
construction of sidc"]Llll;:s in connection thcrc\vith; and.
WIJEREAS, tlw O,mer has agreed that if in the futm:e the City) in i.ts sole dis..,'
>, crction, determines that it is advis3ble :1nd necessary to have such :,idc\'Talks
;;, ~ ~ installed, that the O;,mcr Hill, upon notification by the City, have siclc\valks
.0 -8 ~ immediately installed at his expense, and if he should fail to do so) then the City
~~ ~~ may have said installLlt5_on made and impose a lien against the described real property
r-, OlO -
~Ls>pq 00 for the cost thereof;
<ll ,< ,00
p. ~
~ ~-J~-;'; ]
NOH, TI1EnEFOJ~J,::, in considcJ:ntion of the foregoing premises and other good [ind
valuable consicleration bCU'Tcen the pm:tics, rcccdpt of uhich is hereby ac1mO\'lledged,
the parties hereto covenant cmd <If,ree as follm.}s:
~ i'-;~~; ;V ~
S >s:i ~~ ~
~ ~.; In ~
~ c-! ~
~8 U ~
~ ~ e.'__J Cl) o-
n P:J U
5 P=< 17
~ I'il .-<
1". The
of sideHalks
on the above
City \d.ll not at this time
AS part of the erection of
described real property.
require the installation <Jnd construction
thc building and improvements by the o.;.mcr
2. '1'he City nwy at any time in tb'c future notify the O;'Tl1cr) his heirs) personal
. .
reprcsenLltive!3, successors or nssir,ns thelt the City in its sole disci-etion has
determined that it is advisable and necess~ry to hive sidewalks installed in
connection with said ~es~ribed real property.
3. 'l'hc Ovmer or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns
shall at 11is expense \-lithin ninety (90) days from the notification by the City have
sidewalks installed for said described real property in accordance with City
. s~ecifications and. standards as established.
4. If the Q;,mcr or his heirs, personal representatives, sllccessors or assigns
shall fail to .1wve' sidc\.]alks installed for the describe.d' real property in accorcl,mcc
with City specifications and st.1ndnrds uitl1in ninety (90) days from the notification
-by-tllcCIty,---then theuGity may have thc-side"'l.JLks :in~J.:(111Gtl.~md_<l~~~_S~__il11(1 impo~e 3____.
lien against t~e described real prope!ty for the cost of the work.
5. This ogreement is to' be regarded as a covenant runnin~ uith the land)
regardless of \.,'hether it is specifically mentioned in .:lny ,deed!;' or. convcY<lnccs
suT>scquently c):ecutccl, ,md thi~ (l~ree101cnt sh[lll be bindin(; on all parties, their
heirs, per ~;onal rcpreDent:l'lti ve s, !;ucce SS61'~~ or as!; iijn;..
6. All notices pursuant to tbis (1grec~mcnt sholl be furni::;lwc1 to the rc'!;pcctivc
parties at the follo\Vin(; .1dc.1rcsse!;, until receipt of \-lrittcn instructions notifyinG
the other pnrty of a different ac.1drc:ss:
City: " "
Hr. Herrett n. Sticrhcim
City 2.!an;1f,('r
1'.0. Box !.j7l18
CJ.c:ln,ratel", Flori.u.:l 33518
1Jo^,~'D K. PA-~~'..s
I' S Q4v"lJr D~.
&4'*~,.,"""~, 1414
o 7-00i-{X:)(C,)
O.R_ 3486 PAGE 911
IN \UTNESS HI1El~EOF, the p:ll:-tics hereto h<1vC caused these presents to be
executed the d.:1)' <1nd year last above \-Jritten.
. t/
X / ~D--/
. .
,,-d.. ' ~
I HEREBY CEH.TIFY, tfwt on this -1~_ day of dd:;;_, A. D. 1 97...L,
before me person011y appeared Herrett R. S1::i.erheim, Herbert: H. B- \<1n, R.G.Hhitehcac1
and H. .Everet.t Hou[',en, respectively City Hal13ger, City Attorney, City Clerk and Hayor-
Commissioner of the City of Clcor\<1atcr, a munid,pal corporation existing under the
laws of the State bf Florida, to me known to be ~hc individuals and officers described
in and 1"}lO C'>;ccuted tIle foregoing AGreement and sc?_vcj'a11y acJmoHlcc1gccl the execution
thereof to be their freo. act and clecc1 as such officcn; thereunto c1uly,autllOrizcd; aud
that the official se.:11 of said municipal corporation is clulyaffi.xed thcreto,- and the
said <lgrecmcnt is the act 'and deed of said corpori1tion.
WITNESS wi signatll1:'c and official seal at Clean:.'ater in t]1C County of Pinellas
an.d Statc?,~;;}'1.6ricla, the day ,md year last above Hl"it:Len.
. '. '..,:fj:7/
" ,
Notary Public
1;'it<:l'y ,.p~(, Sht~ of f!~li~iJ al large
.:<" '-,.",'.,..... ".,...-. ,"\.... '1 '974
~(...~, Y ~'!:'~T:.:~_~-,.:__.; ..~:.~.;~;;...J ~d.. -:- ' I
N,:- 1'.< &.,..:l~'a ~r .6_,,~n.. .Fi('::,_l:. C~"'liailY Co.
~, -I
to me Hell ]~n(J\.,n and knO\m to J:le to b0. the indi.viclu.:-~ls clc~;cribecl in :111.U \.lh6execlltcd
the foregoing agrC'ement o.ncl ac:kno\-lleclgcd before me tha t they exccut(~d;;.',~~&:;~~Q)llC for
. . ,.,' "-; U J ~ '; !, ',,~ .
the purposes therein c):prcsscd ./'~, ..,:......<:V '~
,-' ,.". ,<.;I""" -f"f ",,',
, ~,'" ,.'" ~......~ r -, G' ..~ .~.
_ .J" \#"" 'Jf , :. .;,
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'; Jr.e 1?;. 197 I
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WITNESS my hand and offic,ia1 seal this
By COllllnf~;f;fon Expires:
Notary PUbllC,S~ate f. .
My Cornmis~hn E- 0 Flonda at L;:m!A
p""" " .., '" Xp!res O(;t. 30, 19 7~
, r, '~" ;..." ! ~,',_' '-