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Anthony Shoemaker
Ci ty Manager
R.o bert G. Draga
Decade, Inc.
DBA Barney's Goodtime Emp:rium
519 Cleveland st.
Clearwater, Fl. 33516
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November 1, 1978
Dear V..r. Shoemaker,
I represent Decade Corporation, the builders of
Barney's Goodtime Emporium, a nay family we attraction
scheduled to open in dowto'Wl1 Clearwater.
Our arch! tecture is based on a victoriD.:l style with
blendings of Ney Orleans French Quarter.
As indicated by the attached dravings, ye 'Would like
to install ornamental iron posts from the existing marquee
to the sidelola1k. These iron posts lJi th oak leaf' patterns are
strictly ornzmental in nature. They 'Would be surrounded by
small brick planters at the sidewalk.
It is our understanding that an ornamental str"..J.Cture of
this we will require a variance from the ci't\1 comrl.ssion
in that it yould be resting on a ci't\1 easement.
By this letter lJe are requesting a hearing by the ci't\1
commission to' consider the proposed variance.
We have secured liabili ~ insurance to the curb and a
copy is enclosed along lJi th details of the building plan.
We lJould appreciate hearing fi'om you as soon as possible.
11.0 bert G. . Dra.;a ,/ v
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