THIS AGJ\EE1-lENT, made and entered into this
by ,\0(1 be !:\.}('cn Lite CITY OF C\:,\ ~J\1'ER,
referred La ;]" .'Ci l)".; and
hcrcin<lfter referred to <lS
\~HERE^S, the (A.mer O\.JnS the [ol1O\,.'in[; described real properly situated in the
of Cl"m'~,; Pin&~s~Ou? ~ .~ ~~:
\VlIEREAS, Ol-dinance No. 1219 of the City requires t11.:1t all l<lnd th.1t abuts a public
right or ','3Y, ,.}hich is to have. nCH construction on it, either for residentiQl,
corrunerci<1l, indus tri a1. or other purposes, sh<lll have sidcua1.b; cons truc ted by t11e
owuer on, across 6r adjacenc thereto; and
\~lERE^S, the Oi~ner is e~ecting certain new construction on said property and
has reC)tlC'!;ted the City at this time not to require the immediate installation .1nd
constrtlC tion of sidc'i'l<1lks in counec tion there\,1i th; and.
W11EREAS, t1w Oaner has cll;reed t11at if in the future the City, in its sole dis..,'
creU.on, determines that it is advis3ble :111U necC'ss<1ry to have such :d.dc\oJ<11ks
installed, that t11C O;.;ner I,)ill, upon notification by the City, bnve sicle\Vi1lks
>> immediately installed at his cXI)ense, and if he s110uld fail to do so, then the City
... Q) 00 '"
E e ~ may l1[1v('. said installat;ion nwde and impose a lien against the described real property
o .
"0 :t:~ "1' oofor the cos t thereof;
~ ~ ,('~ tCr
~":e~ ~ NO\'J, T]1EnEFO;~J;:, in consideration of the foregoing
~ u () CIlva1uablc consideration beU'lcen. the parties, reci~ipt of
>_ -. . "0 . ' .
rf; Z:; p..., .cthe partl.cs hereto covenant and agree as f:ollm'ls:'
~ ~ . ;,~~ ~
premises and other good and
\lhich is hereby aclmO\llec1gcd)
~ :','.1 "':~ ;:.......
8 f.'~ '': ~~of
E."..i ,j CIl
::: r-'; OJ ~on
~E' ~u;...
<fl ~ CIl
.5 &S d G 2~ The City DWY at any time in tl)c future notify tl1C O;mcr, his heirs, personal
:E.~ t;>reprcscnt<ltivcs, succeSSOJ:s or assir,ns that the City in its sole discretion klS
8 ~C3 . determined t11Cl tit is. <1c1visable and neces snry to have side\val1cs ins talled in
connection \\lith said descrihed real property.
f. rfhe
the above
City "Jill not <1t this time
as part of the erection of
described real property.
require the installation and construction
tbe building and improvements by the O..mCl:
3. 'I'he O~mel: or his heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns
shall' at his expense Ivithin ninety (90) days from the notification by the City have
sidewalks installed for said described real property in accOrdance with City
s~ccifications and,standard~ as established.
I~. If the CT.-mer or his heirs, personal represent.1t:ives, s\.lccessors or <1ssigns
shall fail to .h':lVe' side\...all~s installed for the describC',c1- real property in accon1.:mce
"1ith City specifications and st<1ncl:lrcls "liU1in ninety (90) days from the notifico.tion
by the City, then the City Day have the sidc,lLllks in51:<111cd and .1ssess and impose a
- - licn--again-stt-l:redesGTibed realprQpe:rty_f.pr_tbecos .1:.. oL_~J}e \~O:r:-I<.__
5. ~lis agreement is tci'be regarded as a covenant running \lith t11e land,
regardless of \,'hether it is specifically mentioned in <Jny ,deedi;' or conveyances
suT)sequently executed, and this agreement shall be binding on <111 parties, their
heirs, pCl:[;onal rcpre~;entatives, !;UCC(,s[;ors or a~;signs.
4 ~ PH '1 \
3 {J 7 cL c75l"~ u4
d . ~~
6. All notices pursu<1nt to this ::lgrec'l::cnt shall be furnishc~d to the
parties al the follO'.\1ing ,1ddresse~;, until receipt of '.-]ritten instructions
the oUler party of a different address:
Mr. Merrett R. Stierheim
Ci ly Han;lger
1'.0. Box LI748
C1.c ilrl"ll tet', Florida 33518
- 1.-
. (7)
07... ot.3-00
OR, 3499 PAGE 727
IN \HTNESS HIII]~EOF, the p:1rties hereto h:1vC caused these present.s to be
executed t1w day nnd YC.:lr l:Ist above ,,,ritten.
As to City
I HEREBY CEn,TlFY, that on this ~J./--dc"_day of _~, A.D. 197L,
before me personDl1y appeareel 1.1crrott R. S1:icrhcim, Herbert: H. Brol.,l11) R.G.\vhitehead
anel n. ,Everett Houge:n, respectively City Hanngcr, City Attorney, City Clerk and 1-1a)'or-
Commissioner of the City of Clcor\va1:er, a munid,pal corporation existing under the
lm....s of the State of FJ.~ri<la, to me knO\lll to be the individuals and officers described
in and "lho e:xecuted the foregoing Ap,reCincnt nnel ~;cvcrally ClcknO\'llcc1gec1 the execution
thereof to be their free act and deed as sue]) officers thereunto duly.authorized; and
t113t the offici31 seal of said municipal corporation is duly ',affixed thereto; 3nd the
osai,~,,\llgrel(',l,lwnt is the act 'and deed of said corpoJ:iltion.
WITNESS my signntlll'c and official seal at: Clean:1atcr in t1)c County of Pinellas
andStatc' of Fltlrida, the day C'md year last above '.nitl:.c.~n.
\' .
~~j :6d/
Notary Public
}1Yflb~Q~~~1'~t~~ ~~ta ,ot~1llla EAt> brge
" .,'I"'"le!'! C",:!", v;.. 22, 1974
. t,;,., - ,-_~" .< ;J,,; v- j,;".i" . Co
. . [,ooJed by American fife & Casualty.!.
Before me personally appcarcclCHiltLLc5 tv, 5TJ(Jf"ffeut.1? f- Oi:-&/tJ4t-1
to me "lell 1~no\oln and 1<110\'.'11 to l:lC to be t1w indiviciu~~l[j c1c:;cd.!Jc<1 in :111<1 \-Iho CXcct,tcd
the foregoing nr;rcciIlent .:md .:lcknol-lledgcd before I,le thiJ t they execu ted the SDllle for
the purposcs therein c}:prcssed.
'L 4-.,~ - '. ~ I _;..
:.~ L. ,i '\:Il$tlESS
- .. . '.. "~'.,' t ,,';
my hand and offic,ial seal this
day of
F f:'iS
A.D. 197)
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, Notary Public
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"ii:~'~Gmlf1f\l~~I:~\i';,ct,QG~Y.)fl~0',~f 'ZJ, 19J1
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