':.'..' \~'t-,>'.-':,..~ I. 0.'0'_- ;...~
. 'rHlS ACR!-~L'v!!-~NT, made and enterod into this ~___~__ day of a~~ c/y
_ 19 gc/ ' by 2.vd bl~wct:n the CITY OF CLEAR A TER, FLORIDA, a municij
A~~-ora~creinafter referred to as :ICity"; and ;t.'/' 'f?/E l//1f~~o___
~t9K'f7I"vr/;O// .' ~Ar~. referred to as "Owner";
WHERE:-A,5, the ~~er owns the foll6w-in.g described real property 5itn<"ted !.
oe -City. of Clearwater, Pinella5 County, Florida, to 'Wit: .
Lo.t 13, Block A, Fairmont Sub.
Commonly known as--- 1636 N. Washington Ave.
I ?) ,,2.( ,/. .~ I ---(- / . ~ c::: f.
"" \ t _ \",. t.-U. (. .' .\-l")\.. f:::. ~uv. _
/ ()/cJCf. -; d
WJIEREAS, Section 7-6 of the Cod e of Orr1i-";>T1ces of the City r eq,uire 5 tb3.t
12....nd that abuts a public right-of-way, which is to neW' co~strudion on it, eitbf
for reside.!)tial, com:rnerciu, industrial or other purp06es, sb2.11 have side~L1cs
consTructed by the Ow-ner on. across or 2dj2ce~t.thereto; 2..:':ld
~~ ,C-+::-
2..TI d .
w-EEREAS, tbe affected prope~ty o'wJ:ler b:Ls ;;.ppe2.led requesting 2. teL"J.pOrrl.~
-;:T;3..1 ver of tbe side-_-2..l-1.;: DStG.ll2. tion requireme!)t; 2.TId
W-.r-:=EREAS. the City M2L..2ger pursu.a.Dt to Section 7 -6 (4) (a) has fOU2Jd ~~e
foUD'Wing cODciitions ers't. as set out in his i'indi.; ~ttacbed hereto 2S '"r:,hibit A,
such a s ~~:r2..TIt tbe gr2.:!1t:i::lg of a temporary wc-i ver; a:!J.d
wrIER.EAS. the owner of the property desc:r-ibed herein underst:2.TIds t.bat tbe
vn.iver granted herein is only temporary in character a.nd.that this agreeme:::1t ~""US~
provide a. reason:a.b~e period of time for the w2.iver to be effective;
NOW, THEREFORE, in. consideration of the premises and oilier
good and valuable cOllsicieration beh;ree~ the parties. receipt of which is hereby
ackn.owledged, the parties hereto cove~t and agree as follOW's: .
1. The City in ligbt of ilie facts fou:::nd 2.5 set forth in Exhibit A a~L-d.ched
berdo ~d m.ade a part herein as if fully rewritten. gr:2.TIts to the ()-wner a tempo:ra.
-=-ai ver of the 5ide~ inst2l1atio~ requi.:Lement i.rr1posed by Secti on 7 - 6 of the Code
of Ordinance s of the City of Clea:r--wa.ter.
2._ The teIJ::porary ~"'er g::-22ted sbill commence on
and rc.n Until the ccm.d..ition or reason for;,the 'W2.iver a:
lS re.rnoved or otbe::rwise cb.2.nged.
17. '1 g I
out in Exhibit ;.
3 _ -:-be CP----;:J cr und er s ~ ds a.D. d 2gr e e 5 th.a t tl:J e "<;:;;" 2..J. v e r grant e d her e in is
tCIJ::?orary in chAr2-cter ~d th.2.t it docs Dot tbe or successors in
U:.terest from tbe !>~do~\;:. requirements ~posed by Section 7-6 of tbe Code of
OrciiI:..ances of Clcay-o;....---;atcr. The C),;;..'"Ler.fu.....-t.her 2grees e:at abould the cODcEti.OD
~et out in E:xbibit A 'Q"hich pre:5c:!)t1y e::C.sts an the ::>roper-ty <Uld v;-rIDch ""W"2S 5u~ilcic=
to =-2rr2-=t gra:r::ting tbc ~ivcr be cor:-ccted Cl1.TDg tbe pcrioo. of this -;:;-;?i7er. then
~e CP.:.-ncr ~ ~c65.:atcly cor::::.?ly ~:tb the :-e~LU.r~-::-Jc:;::.ts 01 SeGion 7-6 :as it
rcJ2.te:s to ~ioe~ i.::5~2..lLa.ED"D-
4.. 11 6e O'C"7Der or his bci:-s. per:sc::J.a.l reprC:lCDtat"i~c:s. :succeSSor:s or
:2..:l5is-n!l !Ib..Al1 fail to C2,VC ~ide=-alk:s bst..2.l!ec. for the de:lcribcd real pTcpe~~Y in
~ccorda:;::lce ~th City epecifiC:2..e.ODS ;LJd t>t...2..=C2rd:s -c;;-jtli.::l -n;:-lety (90) ci.:tY:l {rom t~c
::J at US C A. h 0 n by t l::..c City. tD c D tb c City ma y b v c ~ e li ice -::;- in:l till e d ~ d .:2..:1 1\ C ~ :l
~d i.rn po I! e :a li cD '2. ga.i.n:l t t...!1I: C C:!i c"':" ibc d r e:al pr ope rty ! or tb c CO:5 t of the -=:-ork.
S. "Till:! 2.grccmcnt is to be 7egarded :2..? :a COVC:::lA.Dt rwn""'.;~g ~tb the lane
Tct:;z.r'JJC:lll of wbet~cr it i:5 t.?eci!!caDy mc~hG::Jcd in a'ZJY ceee:! or conveya:;cc :lub
:'.cquc;'Jtly executed. d.:Jd L"U~ d.grccr:")Cilt sb:,U b~ billcli.:Jg on ;>...ll parl:c:!. the bci:-:l.
pCT:lcn;'\l rcprclic..:lt:at-ivcs, succeS~or:l or d.:l.~lb=:l_
CC: 1~~/..J.'~L;14 t//.~/rl
1;:/>! j"A~ :;'Enq~1J.k.)1~/\;:~
II '^^"'UCt' - -. \/
OICD<i ~'O
11AY 15 1981 /1 o. /
07 - (j)q 00 03) oG'-'
I . I
6. All noti~c spur suant to this agr cement shall be furill sh,~d to the
spective parties at the follow-ing add~es ses, -until receipt of wrie:en instructio
re . .
notifying the other party of a different address:
City Manager
PO Box 4748
Clear-w-2.ter, Florida 33518
c.l'A",-~/e tI/J/!.(-d
('o,-v:;T ((/
30 c pu."'( .../.....-- ,.q 1/2--
S U / T E... ;;L.r 1 t3
C/t/1/t. '-<.//f Te~ J ;:-,::,4 .
:r J ~/..J~
-IN "WITNESS Wl-'-LREOF, the parties herdo hve caused these p~e5e..!1ts
to be exeCuted the day 2..Dd year l~st above ~itten_
&:: correcb::ess:
~~ L.Rh* .v'~
City Clerk
~~X~ .
'As to City
.Charlie Harris Construction, Inc.
/f:~~Lb- 4~~
/JO/~L ~~~
As to 'Owner '
~y ~~ ~-- .,:
/. _. _ ~f.--.
t!<-rrtdu~- ~t."
-n17~j r: 'jEt:: G rrl /1
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this 17th d2.y of JUNE ' 19-RL_
before me persoD.2.lly Ci.pp~ared Anthony L. Shoemaker, Thomas A Rllc;;tjn,ll1cille
illiamsand Charles F. LeCher ' respectively City MCi.::Jager, City At'1:or:::Jey, Cit~
Clerk a.:wd Ma yor- Com;--"'~ s s ion er of the City of Clea.r;:;-ate r, a murucip2.1 co r?ore::
c.xisting unde r ilie la'Ws of the St.G.te of FIo ri ca, to me bO"Q'Ll to be the inCi. vieu 2~S
2..:::1d officers described in and "Rho executed ~e foregoing AgTeeme~t and ~ever~
ac.'c::1o~Iedged the execution thereof to be their fTee act a.nd deed a.5 5uch officers
tbereQ:)to d-illy a-..;,t'hoy.;-...:z:ed; 22)d that tbe oUic:al seal of said m~cipa.l co:;:-po.atic:
duly aili.xed tbereto, and tbe said ?_gn:eme::J.t i:s the act ~d deed of co:::--?orc:_=
WlTN::t:::SS my signature and official 15eal a.t Clearwater in tb.e CC'Ql)ty of
Pinellas a.:ad St..2.te of Flori2..a, t:le ay 2..::ld year last above "R-:-ittcn.
Mn; Com.r7:l..b sion Expirc~:
otary Public/ State oJ Florida at largt
My CommiBion Expires Oct. 3.1. 1983
lond(ld 6y Amcdcan fire &. <!UufltT" Cn",,-...y.
(\~c ~~
ot.ary Public
Before me, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared
Charlie Harris and Cydalea Harris
to me well known and known to me to be the individuals described in
and who executed the foregoing instrument as :. President
and Secretary respectively, of.the Corporation
named in the foregoing instrument, and they severally acknowledged to
and before me that they executed said instrument on behalf of and in
the n~e of said corporation as such officers; that the seal 'affixed
to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that
it was affixed thereto by due and regular corporate authority; that
they are duly author 1 zed by said corporation to execute said instrument
and that said instrument is the free act and deed of said corporation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my
official seal this &..7 day of ~ ' A.D. 1981
9f.1aA~ ~C~
Notary Public
My Commission Expires:
MY COMMIS')ION [XPlm JAN. 16 1982
to'~', ~T~~ c:J;:r..:~ JJC. ~~..1.IJW