SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (218) >f' llECORPrn PlNlLVS co. :U.t,;J'" , . ~")'_.... 4\- .. ~," i..u....i_. CLPK CIRCUli COUl ~,2008920 I ~""":"".~.-..~. :;'.' ~ J31' 108 PA~E 401 " ~ . ~tD.R. ) (jJ v , $\?;/ J . . . '.. -' all 4 21 ~}M 'll !Ie ]\[) :rlJ:IIT '}' II J- co ^ (' l' )") , 1 'I' ).1 'J' ) _ ,) ')J\ " ,', I.', " milC (~ bV and bcL:\-,'cen tlle CI'i':,: OF )l~;):'eiJ)Cl.ftc~l' r(~fcrr'cd to (t~) ]lcpcinafter> rc~fQrrcd to as (lnd cnter>cd into this 17th duy cif January ,1972, CLF:^!\\INn:n., FLOJUD^) ~;-)1~iI11c ipul CO)'POrilt 3:c;jl, >-- 11 City"; and Charles R.. McCue &, Lucille M. McCue (His Wife) .- II O\.Jnci' II'; HI'l'lJESSCl'lI-: .. WJEP.E^S> 'the O',.mer o'~m~~ ,the follO\oJilll!: dc~:;cl"ibc~d real property situated l-- the City of CIe o.1.'\'J(1 tel", P incllu. s County, Flo'f'ida: Lcit, 7 ,Block 17, Manda1ay Sub., C1earwateF Beach, F1ori'da 844 Bruce St., and WHEREAS, Ordinanc~ No. 1219 of the City requires that all land tllat abut~ a public right, of \':ay) \.,lj)ich is to havc ne\,] constr'uct.ion on it 5 either' for- )'.'csideJrtial, eOIr:i:'.crci<il) indu~:;tl"'iaJ. or otlW1." purposes, shall have sidc\'Jalks COllstructed by the ownrir on, across or adjacqnt thereto; an~ \',lj-lERE^S, the O\.mer is erecting certain ne\" constl'uct.ion on said pY'OpcT't:/ find ))<:1S requested the City at this time not to r-ccJuil'e the. immediate inf3tallE:- tion and construction of sic]c\;]alh:; in connection -(}1Cl'c\-lith; and H]-IEHE!\S) th(~ O\.,ncp 11a5 agreed i~llat if in th(~ future the City, J,n its sole ,d i scpeLLon, de t e~:'):Line s that it is aelv is able iJ ncl neccc.s ~,;ary to have such side'\-7alks instal:Lc.;ci) ~chat the O\,me:c \.Jill" upon not~r:i-cati.on by' the City, have ~-~idc\-7al)(s imrnl2d:i.2tcly installed at his cx'pcno.:;e, and if he should fail to db ~)C . .., 1 . ] . '-1 I h ''chen the Clty may }-lCwe 5tLl.d lnf:;talla,tlon mace-and ll1lpOSe a ,.lcn agaJ_n~;~;;:.~':'J e described rea.l p:coper'ty fop the cost thereof,~p~:~=:-;> - NO\.], TIIEI~ErORE) in. consideration of the foregoing premi~es cl})d' ot)lCP goe::: 011d vciluable eon~ideration between the p~rtie8, receipt of which .is hereby __ ackno\Jleclgcd ~ the papties hereto covenant and' agree' as. follo\o15: ,1. The City Hill not at this time require the installation and construction of sidewalks as part of the erection of the building and irnpro\'emen.ts by the O\.mer ~:)T1 the, above d'es'cl"ibed real pr'operty. . 2_. The City J:...c1Y at any time in the futu:r.c notify the O\'mer, his heirs) pert9n~1 representativess successors or as~i~jls that the City in its sole discretion has determined that it is advisable and neccessarv to have sidewal~: installed in connect.ion vJith said descr-ibec1 real property. 3. The Ownc~ or his heirs) personal represenative~, successors or aSSl~~ shall at his cxpcn~~e\"ithin ninety (90) clav;, from the notificcJ.tion by the Ci~~' )lavc,sidewalks installed for scJ.ic1 described ,real property in accordance with City specifications and standards as established. . : l{. If the O\,'nel' or 11:\.5 heir~;, per'son2.1 representatives) succeSSOl-"S or clssigns shall fail toh2VC sidewc11ks in;,tal1ed f()r the descrihed reell Pr'ol;c:;>Jc:. in accordancc \.:ith Citv sDccifications and stanc}.],rds \-litflin ninetv (90) da'ls fr'omthe lloi:ification by the City, then the City f'lay have the sid~\-lalks - installed and ,assess c1nd impose a li.en against the crcsc~ribcd rCcJ.l p~OpCl'ty fo: thc cost of the \'iork. [,. ,Thi~~ 2 p,l'ecr.ien t i;; to be :rei:<\ rel ed a ~3 c1 covcn" nt r'u nning \,,1. t h the lar.d l'egZl:c'dlcs;; of \Jhetr;cr it i~; ~;I)(~ci[ical1'y r~,entionccl in ~l.n:1 deed:) 01" conVCV':lIlCC:: sub~;equcntly cxecutcd~ and thi~; Zl;~l:~c:cf,:cnt shall.be binding on all parties) ;:::! he i)' s, p (~ J:' son u 1 x' e p f' e ~; c n t il t i ~/ e s, sue c e ;; so r S 01--' a f'; ;:;i I~ n~; . " G . ^ 11 not :i c c s pur c~ U U 11 t tot his a F. r e e P.1 e n1.: s 11 a 11 be hI r n i s 11 e r1 t () the )'e:..q)cctivc P<lPt::i.c;; at t}lC foJ.JoHin)~ cldrl;'es;;c;)} until l'C:cc:i.pt of vn....ittcn :I.!l:;tr'uct:ion~~ notifying tllC other pill'ty of Q' (\i[fcl~c:nt cldc1re;,;,:, City: 0\-,lI)C1': 11p. 11c 1:'1:'C t t Ie ::;'t i cdw irn City l'i(llldr:(~r P.O. Be)): 'Ir/llD (~l(~iJ r'\.J(j t C]', rJ.ul',j,d ,'t :I 3 S 1!3 '-r! Mr. & Mrs. Charles 844 Bruce Street Clearwater Beach, This instrument was prepared by : HERBERT M, BR()Vi~N, City Attorl1cy" City of Clearwater, p, 0, Box 4748 (Hearwater~ Fl,orida 33518 ."" " " '- "":,, .~ R. McCue Clearwater Fla. 33515 ..i") -.-7. 'J/ /) /w .", .' ,.' 'I'H.\n.Tll):~;~; \'iI]L1~r:Cll', 1L11(~ J~nptjJ~~) )Wr'('!:D )](\',1(' e>:ecntcd the 'lY (tlld YCllr' LI:;t: <lbovc 1.J}"ittcll t ~~ 't"'ed t1:~,~}79~}~H~q? \.. r LO 1: J ! ~. -,t,. 'j:~ ,,:,',7....,,'.,: <\'~"'T~'t"'.;: : 11 q~ f 'Ie l~;--.._._~.- ~....u~~ .. .. .), ,~."- :{7f<'~'; Q9 :&', -..r-' c;r 1\ 'wt ~ p t; ~, .' , ~' :~ .~ u < ,~:~ J....' ..,. '. D~p~ff~~~ , . ,. ,.,'t hpproved as to for'ln & CCH'T.'Cctness:. ~.. 'ex _y ,.-t L:Ol"ncy --:- ,~ ",.' \.litnesses: t j . . . KatLr" C'. JJtLe'v~ ~</-(/ -ie~/ 1\5 tocTIY-- ( -.7 1i:1;rJ; ~CCeA . '. '~m ~~ -~.- . ~(;r~?LL-- STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY or PI1U-:LL!\S) *Lucille Bell **Deputy I }JE}~EBY CEP.TlfY, that on this 21 dtlY of Ja'nuary ~ A.D. li;f2 ~'. 'before lnc personally, a.ppec\l'ed ]':erret-:"t-'jf; St ic~dl(~:U:l-;--FrcrECJ:::t 1'1. Bro\.m) . J~t(h- 1.~!LiH,L~ad 2nd II. Lver'ctt HOUGen, rospec-l::i_vcUy 'City Hanager~ City Attor'n8y~o:City Clerk c-~ncl 1-!clyor-Comm:Lss:Loner.'o.f the C)'ty of Clcap\)Clter'> a municipa.l co:cpor'ation existing under' the ).a'I'ls of thc StCltc of rlo)7.:i~l"l;---to me kno',.Jl1 to be the individu21sand office:cs' descr':Lbcd in_ and \\1110 czccutcd t11 'fo1:"cgoing I\grcemcnt and sevcr-ally ackno'\.:lc;dgccl the execution thereof to I)e tlleir'free act and deed as such officer'S thereunto duly authorized; ond that _the offi.cial se~l of said municipal corpor~tion is duly affixed ther'cto) and 'tJle said agreCmCJl't is t}')e act and eked, of said cCH'por'ation. . 'fHTNESS my signature and official seal at Cleari'later' in the County ,of Pinellas and Sta~e of _~lorida, the day and year laS~i7~:,~~~~:XtRL;v __ __'____ N9-~ .Y"'!Jub~(C' l' / -S. : 2: r; ,/.,\~'n ~ .: ,,:.,1,'__: I "r;"...,) I ; ;. 't ~I~). .:J ~ ",; Il, ""1 1 1 , ,..-:-', . \.,', -::.J;; .1.V" -' ", -"'<.;,-, c';" ':';' ' ' . . ~ :" '.' , ~' , M* Com~ission Expires: olary Public, State of Florida at LlIrge My Commission Expires Sept. 29 1973 Ioad.d,~~v A~~r,i~ ~.!.~:~ .~ .. .~ STATE OF FLORID!\ )' COUNTY OF PINELLAS) '.:: "'Be{oreln~'pcrs6nally appcare~~~f?~~ 71/-;j/~~- to me l,.lel1 blO'..m 2nd );.no\.Jfl to );,:c to be the )_lldivic1uals clescr'ihcc1 :in and \'1110 executed t~)e fOl'c~;~oins agrec:;'.cnt and clC,~kr~ol:llc:clf-ecl befope,:Nr~ '~~'i~~f 'the:v executed the S<.lIne for the PUT.-'Doses therein expressed. ,<:.~~~,>"o"'"_,<.., . . J ~'~,..""';'.". ~ .., "., WI'fIIl:SS my hilnd aJid official seal this~lay of " ~;~,)~~",3'?~p--. . / :..)--S:":i' ;...- ",'" ....r:" "J . 41 . ' '- :,Z> " (; ,. · < , I ... ' /,; 101 ... :~ No't(~J'Y; "['VI}:!, :l e .h. ~/ C" il .. .c' c' .. ~_..' }'." ..""\ <'... , l iV. Olll,,)l.> '-' ).VJ j,,',P),l C oJ . N'otary'pubJ'c, St,,'co of Florida Clt Larrr~ My Comrr;::.:sIUfl E."--::jres Ost. .:?~), lr:."'. 3 Bonded DY Transanierica Insurance' Co, ...-------.- .-..-.,-------- "f