SIDEWALK WAIVER GRANTED (361) ,"" ( I ~ ',~ I . ~ . ~'.' .'II IJ" ,\C;IZEJ.:;.;;.;;nl ",,,.I,. ,:?,j~~~~~to [hi" ..~;1~ d"y ~:rl.~~3_~. '''19~, hy aod hclw....o 1ft,. cr~'Y OF C~j;a\\\'~TE~ j.'jIJltJll , a ""'~ lO or"';,,,. hCl'cina{rkr referred io as "C~t.y"; alH.l. ~:t:i ' hereinaJ21er referred to as '''Owner"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the: O\.TTJer owns the following dcscribed rcal property sihl~d:cc1 in the City of Clcarwater, P~'i'.::nas County, Florida, to wit: Lot 45 Skyline Groves and the W 150' of E 1,947' of South 189' of NE 1/4 of Section 6-29-16 COMMON L Y KNOWN AS: 2460 Sunset Pt. Rd. and WHERE~S, Section 7 -6 of the Code of Ordinances of the City requires that all land that abuts a public right-of-way, wbich is to have ne\v constn.1ction on it, either for resi- dential, COmJYlerc12.J, industrial or other purposes, s:ball have side"vvalks constructed by the owner on, aCl.OSS or adjacent thereto; and '\VTIEREAS,. 'fuc Owner is erecting certaiJ) ne\v' construction on said prope rty ancll:2 S reqpested the City :2t this time not tD require the in-n:ncdiate installation and construction of [j:idewalks in crx:J:'lection therewi,tb; and . WHEREA.:S" the Owner ha'~- :agreed that if TIl the future the City, in its sole discret::::.:: ddexmine s that fa is advisable 3:JDd neces sary to ha,,'c s'uch side'.valks installed, that the Ovmer will, upon notification by ti1J.e City, have sidewalks in1.mediately installed at his ex- pense, and if he should fail to dQ) ;s'o then,the City n1.ay have said installation made and ir::l-:;c, " . a lien against the des cribed reaI l-01'0perty for the cost hereof; NOW, THEREFORE, i1~ C'Qrnsideration of the foregoing premises and other good 2::d valuable consideration between f}~l,e parties, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto covenant and agree ;JlS follows: 1. The City will not at t:rhiJ tiIne require the instal12tion and construction of sid~ewalks as part of the erection: oJ tbe building a11d improvements by the Ovme)~ on the above described re;ol pl"Operty. 2. The Cit'Tlnay at any 1Yilnf;! in th~ future notify the Owner, his heirs, personal representatives, StLl:CeSSOrs or 2s.s~gns that the City in its sole discretion has deter:millec. that it is advisabl~ 2nd nccessar'5 to) have sidewalks installed in connection with said described real property, 3. The O\'.1ner or his heb:::, personal representatives, successors or assigns sl:2-~l at hi:; expense within ninety (90) ..:hJ.Ys' fro11.1 the notification by the City have side\valks b- stallc,cl for said described real property in accordance with Ci:y specifications and standa:'c: as es"]ablished. 4. If the Owner or his heirs, personal representative:::, successors or assigns SL?i.~ fail to have sichwalks installed for the, described real propcrt-/ in accordance with City speciDcations and standards within ninety (90) clays horn the l:otification by the City, then tbe City 11.1ay have t11c sidewalks installed and assess and irnposc a lien against the described real property for the cost of the work. 5. This agreement is to be regarded as a covenant rUT,J1ingn~vith the land regardles~ of whether it is specifi.cally HlCntioned in any deeds or convcY2.nce subsequently executed, and this agreement shall be binding on all parties, the heirs, personal representatives, successors or asslgns. 6. All notices pun;uant to this <lgrecnient ~hall be furdshed to the respective p;:l.Ttie, at the following addresses, until receipt of written instruction~; notifying the other party of a diffcTent address: ~lCURli!D ~": PINUUS CO. fLORIQA ~d ktf).41,_~ CLFRII CIRCUIT COURT City;: City'Manager PO Box .171 g Clea:Twa{cr, Flol'itla Ownc':: 3 ::;~) 1 8 1111 3 09 Nt '14 Charles E. Johnson 885 Island Way Clearwater, Fla. 33515 I~" ,,;I > . to. Ri <, ..... .,.J ' ',,",1;:': r::' ," t- ",_ L ~ t" ,'" '. ......; ;;..; ". ",~ ,~ ~... -, . T'hl~- ;_;",::,:.r~~:r'?,:l~". '",T,~(L: ~-1 :n'~~: ... 1 (\\' , i\ ~ t'__\\ :;~::~." Ii I~;.~}~ >-:, !,:~~; .:~-~, 'T . .i-~:; I,\. \,_J - I \' ~ <. '- i . ,_ ,( ~ C't ,C (~,,'1, 0'("'\'" \ ','" :' i 1" f!,I):\ ,'" '13 ] l,l (" ! I ......' (' ! ~ ~t ,'. . J.' _ " . Cle:ll'water, Flor:,i;1 60518 ", -L nJ:T~: ;;1{r\( .(":.": . c~rrrY CI>ET~ 1',~ P. o. BOX 4';'.':F m.Ji!~ 'PUT A mTIT> h,~ ',' . - ~, Ol03l ~tl~ '- ,I"~ u. A. 4213 PAGE 793 C:\l~'l.'d 1!I('::c' J)r":,:,!/JIL:t1 :(11,,' .. ,,',. Ii'! \\')'1 ;'n;,<;:; '.',}!I-:I:I(\l', 111" p:lrli.:~ II\'rdp'h,\\T .(':~(,Cll!l'd t lll~ d.l)' ;~l1d )'(':tJ' 'l.lf,! ;l1Jl\\'l' writ t I'll. , F I,OJUDA , ) .-"'" APP1~SS: '<,.", ,,- ",-" ,..-' 0 City AttOrllCY " t,.,4 ,', '. ~' f . I Ii" J /,;' , . City Clerk . , I'"...:.... ,..:' " l!': " " \\Titnes 5C::>: o~~ ~~17?-~ wdt~~~~ As to Owner .t . WEAL) (S EA L) , Owner " ST ATE OF F Y:...,OJRIDA COUNTY (OF F'iN'ELLAS I J"lE:R~-:iE,Y CERTl.F1Y, thC1.~ on thiis 9th day of September , 19 74 befo:ec 1Tee :,per:3':cmally appc-.:':!..:red Picot B. Floyd. Herbert M. Brown. R. G. Whitehead and H. Ever~t.:t Hougen ,r'C'spectiv'ely City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk and l\'~ayor.-Gorrn'Ilissionel. oi th,2 City of Clearwater, a municipal corporation existing uncle:;: the b,v5 ~'J5 ~[}s':;, 2.:bte of FITJ:!i:da, 'w me IG10wn to be the individl'.<lls and officers described i::. ai1.d who excCl.:ted the for egoing AgreenJent and severally ar;knowledged the execution the l' C c: to be their free act and deed as such officers thereunto duly a:u.thorized; and that the ()ffici::..l scalof saiC!. rnunicipal corporation is duly affixed thereto, and the said Agreeri::rent is the 'act and deed of said cox"poration. 1.1y Cornmil~sion EX1Jires: Notary PI1blic, Sta'" of Florida at large My Commluion bpi,es Sept, 29, 1977 Bond..! b~" ' Fi iii e me"."n ,e .nualty Co. K:~;i~ in th e C oU~1~~.'of" Pine lIas ';/{;!ii. :/~~~~~:~,~< "~::):::, ,. ~', '0 Ii ", V'" ' :: ~ ',., , ' \;f , ['I : ;,'" <.;, ::n ,1 ~ "',,-.., '-. --"{ j.' ".I: ':. \ ' t. '-..!' l:l I r) ~,,~ o' ~ \\\ . -..... \ . t;,,.. r:!,. .... ~I 0 .0...., 1,.1/ .~ l' ", "1,/ "'"' l ,A... 1"'111' " wr:n'lESS my signature and official seal at Clearw'ater and State oE. :Jtlorida,the day and year last above written. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PINELLAS ,MA L (TaC;--O ~ IV;; 0/1/ Before 111e personally appeared C ial-/e$ '76L/V<7 6 /L/ to Ine well l;:nowl1 and known to ~e to be the-inclividuals-dcE;c.rd>GQ,innand who executed foregoing agrecnlCnt and ac1;:nowlcdgcd before nlc that they Cx(:cutec1 the s,anlC for the purposcs therein expresscd. t1..e WITNESS my hand and official seal thi s.l- '3 4.1a yol d:tJ 1/1 S ~,~::.;, ':';:::,;,9 7 ~ c- ...' "..\ ';""10/. . \oj i i"'" )'., 'i! U/~ ,.....~_.}:' ,<~v,.,~, . (;,;; " _~ -!'l~~ ,..... ..... '>wi ~ J (~-,' _. ... . (i ... Notary l'chiic ~'; ,&,~,:.'Q<j~~ -,; "', Vi 0 V: -,"' ~~,..' ,t'O" ,..... .... ,;."c' ~...~. """ '," ',',::': '.:, :\<~,::"~ j , , ~'~ '..' ~ \, 1 ',\. ~J, I tt H,.t\ ,,-,~ ,," My CC)l)1.rnis sion Expire s: ?~~~~7;/ -7..-