SIDEWALK WAIVER (52) - -. ~:! , I AI) ,1.I11-""J>. .~~\~LOF""~_~ l~~0.'\ lC:Sd I '" ~ ~,...........,r._,,1 .... ~ ~~~":- ~~ \~ ---~ ~~ '\,~ ."~ ......~ '\.~I.#:--- ~ ~ ~~ TE\\~llllljj~ """,,11 C I T Y OF CLEARWATER POST OFFICE BOX 4748 CLEARWATER. FLORIDA 34618-4748 City Manager REClrIVED March 2, 1989 MAR 3 1989 CITY CLEEK Mr. Charles W. Fisher 4708 Grainary Avenue Tampa, Florida 33624 Reference: 1496 Michigan Avenue S CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Dear Mr. Fisher: \ In accordance with Section 138.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clearwater, I have reviewed your request for a temporary sidewalk installation waiver. Since the above-referenced property is not part of a school walk route, there is no sidewalk along the west side of Michigan Avenue in this area and the absence of a sidewalk does not create a pedestrian hazard, this location meets the requirements set forth in Section 138.09. Therefore, I am pleased to inform you that a temporary waiver of the sidewalk requirement is granted on the above- referenced property. Should it be determined that a sidewalk is required at this location in the future, it will be installed by the assessment process. Very truly yours, -ca /t v?/ Ron H. Rabun City Manager IlCn11ql C::~nln\!mPnt ~nrl Affirn:8tivA cc: Charles A. Hunsicker, Assistant City Victor Chodora, Building Official Keith Crawford, Assistant Public Works Cynthia Goudeau, City Clerk ., - .. ,-.. , I _-' s p! s-c~ r"\=-"-~ ___ -, -/7 _ 0-:'1 ......'-...._ c:- c. I.( ::.e::ei::-:. ~. ' C~mV o~ C-~.~G~~~' F"/J /..3'D-- _.:.- - ..._.-...,,'----L'- do /? P ;.-PPL~C.;':'ION ;C~ sr::::H;'.LK 'i'1 ;:.:i:V;:?' g'90d () c/I S/ .::~DESSS (Side'.-lal:-: Locat.io!"'.) ) 'fCj~ )'Y\..lc.l-.( lC,..A.\/ ;",Vt.. ~. CLu, I~L i.......,',- 7""c;A... E::\.;..; J t' ,JJ" 5 I ,:, ~ /..uA i.. < I " _~,..,,_ D-S"'''"'-''"'~TO'' (S' - l' ') ( 3" S'" . ~) - r- ~':'I.;.-..L .::. \-:.."-.:'.:._.. J..ce'{,'a_.:': Locat.J..on Lot., _oc.":, UDCJ..'lJ..slon [;./::"';1 S Il)C 0,- C I" -;- ~i Dc 01--' ~(C!-Irc,,,.- 6..(/::;'. I 7 7) LoG.- V'( miNER I S N;'..:.V~C JI/>... t.LL::. 5' z- e ~).J '\1 R 1-11 LL ~l./ 7? J)( vi 5dO,u I l' Lr:,. -r i~dZl _ ;:2'-+, )'>, ' ':) 'i-- . I , ;~ 1"-<: Lu-... f w . ~ 1 S J-/ Er~ PEONE 1- q (" f- 0 7 I "] ;'.DDRESS ii(J ;:r- &. P...... /:::::,.. r A/ h.. (-'~'Yl! { (If any) f-.fl':.. ... ^-V~ .7A..:-v, /J ~ ,'Pi- f..- 3 -3 c.: '2. (,i.. I I ?:2? RES:::NT~.':'IV;: ;'.D 0 ?.ES S ?.EF-.SON FOR REQUES'!' I~ G c=. Y- ( <;" III J r ,'); b~ Lv ,':;"., 1...'-<- (') (; IJ (/-.I C:, /.=;r~)/ 5'1't;,r? Or=- tv1r r ;...II c-AIJ .f... vi- I IHr-..t?e IS N-tJ SI1)G WN I{ Of-J THO f.,J.J~<;TSIrx!:. i. ~ ~:,..,. ::,.. ,~ "^ r F'"' f~-fr J, "^ , If!" I 5 I- 1>" "-"h ENb 571:";::;: d- -r,4 (,;,. &....::. er:.({ G ;J L ~ / r t..I (I Iy ~- (--)1 HOc' ~' c.J (J 1./ MV. S; I bc.. of ;7ft: (" :-/? t:.. c]- ( ( Sect.ion ~S.09 of the Code of Ordinances of the City =ec~i=es that. all la~c 'h' . , 'Co:. a"C a.ou~s a 9~~ric =ight-of-way, which is to have new const=~cticn on ; ~ - ~, The Owne= ~nderstands anc ag=ees ~hat if the waive= is s=anted, the Cit.y may sidewalks co~st.=ucted by the Owne~ on, across 0= adjacent. the=eto. resiaentiall cO!lU'11ercial" indust=ial 0= othe~ perposes, shall have either for i~stall siaewalks at a future date and assess the owner for the full cost of s?p~a::.1-~2A ~ or Owner'ls Re?resenta::ive ~ -{ 7 -8-1 Da~e Subscribed and sworn to before me thisl!7 day OfcJ-~ ., 19 J7 ~4 M/d!-d-- No-ca=y .:'UD.!..:'C My Commission Expires: ; ~ ~ ~ of Ronda .. y ,~ "Ir-- E..~ utf ~ ~ ~ r.... t_ fo,O". '-'- .... ?,ev. 6 IS 3 ~ f,. -- I I CITY OF CLEARWATER Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet ~ Q, r-- 0 '0i- I ~~~.." frN .:: t ():. $ III :.::i ! 1"\'- 1 ~I i \ I, --=:J \.-, '-.~ 1J t~-;,;;-" I ~ " I n ~ ~ 'r-""....-,..~"...- --,---- '; ( ; ~ \i !.r, l i ! ,". \ t~AR - I 1989 .; I j I : UL----i..::> ~ \ - CITY MANAGER J TO: FROM: COPIES: SUBJECT: Charles Hunsicker, ACM/Operations Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineer Vic Chodora, Building Dept. Sidewalk Waiver Request - 1496 Michigan Avenue S DATE: March 1, 1989 We have reviewed the subject sidewalk waiver request and found that there is no sidewalk along the west side of Michigan Avenue in this area, it is not part of a school walk route, and the absence of a sidewalk does not create a pedestrian hazard. Since the requirements for a waiver are met, it is my recommendation that it be granted. (Copy)