BOAT OWNERS PETITION REGARDING CHANNEL MARKERS .~. -.,. ... ,. .''''' I , f...I..t..U'.ll '1'01 ..... J..... J. _,....at Chief. U. s. 0trN ., ~. Jacu...Y1l1., n;.ri* c~- ,......" WUlt. 'I. Cel'fieJ.cl otl1ov La CMIwt U. S. Cout ..... 316 Fr~~1f1 b ......t '1'00.... J, rlorilk . c.... ... tM Ci tJ' .f O1euvlatv .. Pett Uour. Jol.Md by the ......t_eeI ~t ....1'. ...&*_ frea the alarwat.r liar... _~U' leuh, ud. wlWi.... tat Uttle Pua 1)"iag IIIRth of al..rwater I.laM... ben.. 4"'JI'UMble folt ..y"'" 1a tM Yicuu.t,. 01 ~q-\ -.,. ... .Ie:" .. .10., tat _ ......t of ttdu ... natval nll11tiau of tM e1w.ta tale Qu-l h W. Yi.Wty .. Milt.. to tM _at ,....t ft...u an ,....ur.. to Aft.... tMir _11II1 ..v-~.~f.p ud ........ttoMl nil.. h 0.1' .. ..tar (Q~T"1MtM Hul:lu ill tar. rio1aU,. .f MiclllUun, tMt kqu ......18 aotu11,. .. .1l0WlCl 1a ....U.tu. a tua lleM. o"ti..l ....tv "').0" aacl oN~.l II&I'Icw ..... ad....t "a__p hu ..... eaaed to auh .....1Al ....U .. pillllU. bTDaQD1..e .... dlulge1' to Ute ad PNJlN't,.. ft.U lI_ditioA hu flhN1led for . ,.d,ed of _n tMll eo 4a78 .... it 18 .......t that t_ ei_tift 1ri11 ut .. _1'I'..t.. _q.t by uW1dal M.... 1rmIIJDfOlE. 1t upra7'!d tJaat 1-...UU. aation be taken by tIae Ueft ........._ .. t1lo11' juUlUoU_ ... peu.f te do uci ,.do.. tM fel1tMr1av t'~~1 1. R.1oMt. ou-~.l ....tv ..... ,. . PD"" ....1- Ue.. 1111-48t tile __ hJ_". , OO-Oi.f7 ( l) '~ r' . . ......e' ! c" J , 1. lel...ta ...."~l auDr .10" to . PAPer po.t. Un or r....tat the ... re4. J. >>r... or deu tM G1Iua.l benna U. Up .f "ruti.. protn-ti.. tna Cleuvatar Idaad .. tM .outh 4-.1U.tel,. a4j..eat to aluuulel ...rbJ' ..... D&ted at Cleuwate.r, PloddA. tlU.. Ii tt da,. of flit J ...d · lMO. /s;/~/J~ a."J'..~-..Gi1.aer Aita.t t JJrzj~ tj Clerk ~rUfied oopio. btJiJIq eat to the followiaq i.a &Clcor". with ~i&l ...tuv 01 CU.. ~-4..iOJl. City of Cleuwetw''O Ho..reh1e Gee.". ..ther. U. S. SUater al '1.1'1_ 8eIlate Offl.. s.,Udi., ft.h1aqtoa 18. D. C. BeMrehlo ~er L. Hollaacl U. 8. Suator of Plod. hute OIlioe Bltild4-o- lI.oiagtoa 25, D. C. Honorable VUlt_ euaor U. S. Repre...UUWl rtnt c.crre..1oMl Dlftricrt of Florida Hove oftl" JlUldiJag w..~tnotOA II, D. C. (Regi.tered N.il) Attaoa.d hereto ad. made . put hereof are _t ownora &ad htitt.Rn. ". U. ""'1'..1,. .,,.,tect by thi. ooaditioa. --- , ,r ." -', ':... ,;01";:</,,,:, ~ I . ~ or ~.'.OI ....Qt.IdII .1 l'Il&tA.,,, "..utIiJ. ~ -/j/ a ~"~~4'" ~Y:~ d~e....'~~ ('1,~~te.(~i(\,~ . 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'~ liI'!lT . , ''f( ~= . , . ,... . / \1 V . .. .oo\.....q , " I I ~.or { -,,~,~''''l .......,.~'" -_.~........-~~_... ~ T ,I, Iii, '\1.1 t' ,;IIi JJJ ~[j J J. J i l . J;._J. r ,I ,. J' :n ~ Jt ,',1.4 If n ~, J" II l I 11 11. 1 r III "' rr ~.~~II' .'__---....."*'*'-"i"I, I 'I~..r l~~..~...:~~..... Jl_~ ,i'l _' 'i7' - ~l" "r ;.1.',._.rJI>...'..........~.......,"',. .~'.tl .........~~"'-.........'M<1'I~,..",.w.. 'tI' "il!I,-li._ tw'; j ,Ii! ~' - ~ ,t,q:tJ, r_~~.lI . ...............,..... .....""""~~' (l )" p.-...""""~~~"'~,~~''''~,~~~~~'....~,~..~'._... 'J.,I:I J.. ~~'~if>'; T li u -: 111 " .T fT, L_........ ,'" l"U,ltl\J'L , 1",1 nr"i,t 1 t. - ll' J "~.'i-.1. ti.~ ~ ~ n hl ~_I:,i..T___ f 11, j ft," ..{J~ ~_ .In .1 1, II ,Ill ... J.:,1.IIIn I. 1l ~. \0.", ....', I ,r illl ' ~iA" j7",~1 r, fiP'..J,' 1,. ,r ,11 rnlt lJ ~ J J H J[I ...[.. r.. " . , P' ],11 , .. JL",J", ~lU~ ',II.:" I 'J !rl1l.~ k .... In .- .lJI.llI..:L I Ir(, Wl tIu.! 11_ .Jill. j ,~ " 'j I!.J ~;.',,'" JW] 1 , ~ I II! J 17'"......~1...,~. j ~ ~ ~ c.' 't. Tr r. J,' L)U"-A' U.t " ,"'!Ii'-' . "u~ IT'T ,:" 1 rI , ...._11' ,\ 4-.1- I 1 'l~rr .J.. 11"( 1, U '" . - JlL J :.._ r ]1 . f1 ~rr .dl i'QJ . ') ~," 'j ,; Lt. ,r! A. iIIIir '~ u ~ ~~ III ,.~ ,._,,-_...._~,..."-,-" ,!'-~- Form No. C,4G2,A (GM-O-30.4G) I I Ii oEEU14ml PAGE 401(' TAX DEED (Chapter 20722) COUNTY OF .S.~::l~~~~~~~"..".."""""""'" \ " KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That whereas, the following Tax Certificatel!; towit: Certificate Number Date Issued . .M..~Y.'., .~~. ~.. .~..P.. "J9,5.~".,....,."... ,,,...,,.,,..It.86..,,......,,...,.,,.,.....,,.,,..,,.,, . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................,...................,..................,., ........,.............,.....,............................. ...............,......, ....,.............................. was, WH duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of this County and application made for the issuance of a tax deed thel'eon: and the applicant having paid or redeemed all other taxes on the lands hereinafter described required by law to be paid or redeemed, and the costs and expenses of this sale; and due notice of sale having been published as required by law, and no penon entitled so to do hav- ing appeared to.redeem said lands; such lands were on the,,,q:\;:\Lday oLS.eJlt.emb.er""."". 19"SlJ,.. of- fered for sale at the Courthouse door for cash to the highest bidder. ami were then and there struck off and so Id to .., .C.l.ty,-.. .Qf.. ,Cl~Il,:r.w.;;l, t.~.r..."..,....". "......,..".,...".",...., "..,."...,....."".",.".,."..."..."....".,,,...,",,..., X!l(being the highest bidder for the same and having paicl the sum of lii1!:bid. it its NOW, THEREFORE. the County of.."J~;Ln~.:j,).~~",,,,,,,.,,. State of Florida, in consider;:B/lBbthe premises. and in consideration of the sum of ($,,19.00..00 ,,,,.)Nine.te,en,, hundr.ed"and!"". Dollal's. being the amount paid upon the said tax certificate mxdIli~ amI for costs and charges. and in pur. suance of the statutes in such cases TIlade and provided. has given. gmnted. bargained and sold. and does hel'ehy give, grant, bargain and Rcll, and eOllVCY to the Raiel .............................-........,..................'................ """.."".." "..".".... ". 9.Hy....C?f. ".C.ll?~~~.'!;~::r.:... "..". ".,."." ""..,.".",...,,,,,.,,,.,,..,...,,,.,,... "..:..".... ".".,,,....' "......" and to lJI!:!lJJdrs and af\Siwis forever. to their own propel' use. benefit ami behoof the following lands sit: uated iitnre eI?Jln1;iftd's~ate aforesaid and described as follows: ' "..."..,.".... "......."... ,,""'"'''' g.9.Y.'\;. ~.. .1()J., ,?...""......". ".,......,.......,..,..."...,."...,......"....,'"..., "..,. ".........., "..,.."".,. ,,,..............,. "....,.......,,,.,,.,,. .S.ec,." .17.,., .T..,. .29" S. .,. .Rge.. .15.. E..".....,..".,......., "..,....."...."""..,.....'.""....". ".............................................,................................................,.....,.....,.,.....,..................,...............................,.......... .................................................,.................."..........................................,................................................................. containing ....",........................,......,....,,,....,,acres. more or less. provided. however. that said lands shall continue subject and liable for any unpaid general taxes or equal dignity with county taxes represented by the certificate ~ above described. - ' , . ,'i - '\ ~. .~;' ",/ '.. " / . ~:.". ~.. ~' r.' (l \P' ' IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. by virtue of authority l. in me vested by law. and for and on behalf of .the __,q C~unj.._oL Pine~la$"",""""". State of FJonda. . the undersigned. as Clerk of the Circuit Court for the County and State aforesaid. have executed this deed and have hereunto set my official signa. ture arid seal. at...C.learw.at.er....., in the County oL...l'.1nellas...,...",...."..... and State of Florida. this the...6.th"."day of.S.eJl:t.ember A. D. 19..5.I:t. .Av.e.ry...W,....G1lker.aon.... "..., ...... ,........ (SEAL) Clerk of Circl .t CourtPinellaS.County. Florida. Sifned. sealed and fe1ivered in the presence of: By "~..~~..~.~.~.....,........,.. ....~~~~............."...,......,,',.......,..... . '\\ \ !' f;, ' " " \.. ~ '. ~ . . . . :. ., ~ .. i '. "......,'<.\:,.~ (VI,. '~, .-<. ;: I ',.~.:~;~ :1,);' C" 1'/:1":\ J.. ~:' ,', ,,'''', ": j .'.' I........ :' '. - ..' .' .: r'~' ~:', :'~ ~ . S ;70 ,"' -~ '. ,. ,~.. >-- ,'" (' ...., ,'-1.: ... s"/ \ "'i': ",\' G9096036 Oft 3180 PAGF131 EXECUTRIX'S DEED " thl.8 _,F day of October, 1969, betw('<('n THIS INDENTURE, Msde the Estate of Ed. C. Wright, d. cceAsed, RUTH B. KIRBY, as Executrix of TED STATES STEEl- CORPORATION,s"""" ..'"Party~of-th. FlrstPart"an!LUlU"co _ ,_ ", """ . L>~1J Xl; /? 5"9? J / 11 ( 'I .~ - QUI I'.,eIJ\ 1 M DEE]) THIS INUF1flURE, Mad" t hi.. ;"7 dl'lY Of~-""I Il.n., J 95f' j-,..tw'len ill.. City 01 Cln,,,,,,,t.,,. Florid'!" " "'''n!'''hi~,l CO.I)"'O' "I 1,," created ,u1.d e"j"tin'J unci", 1h... 1"",,, of the SII'J" {'If florId", )'iiidy ~Jt_~~(_.... of F](:,f{.j,lr l'i1rfy "r iI,'" :'~''-'_\rlr1 J\'lrt; of the f,ir~r r11rt, i'nd Ed. C. Wriaht, ()f I:he Com,I'" of Pln<>ll"ls, /'" r ..~. "'._~-::,,-;-;.-~,-',- . "it" I Ii ';'"'-r"" .li;Tl~J;rlA I , '" YI) 1. "',,.1'\ .,' ,..1 o ~, 'to' , ')'71 r:: 07 D./"!. r.. _ 1/.tll),:J , , . QUI T-CLI\IM DEED ij (; l' ": TlIIS INDEIITURE, Mado this;!.? day of.~"'1 I\.D., 1958 betwoon the City of Clearwater, Florida, a municipal corporation j j oj " , j ,j created and exi sting under the law~ of the Stllte of Florida, p'ut)' of the first part, llnd .E~ Co. Wr.".'.g, ht~ of. t. ho County of Pinellas, ~1;:; c) P_(1:X".2 4__ ~2._.:j:].~7J:."~"~ I?j" L'..., - ~ _ ___..Q,J,. ...L____ ~ _.. [JEEU1495 PAGr40~( Form No, C,452-A (5M-6-30,45) " TAX DEED - 1_ . (Chap~ 20722) (,4L-6 /1-~9-1S;; :Do tv CT I /J DE'^.