LAND USE AGREEMENT : I r =-:i1.'-TD 'L'<'::-, '",';"'f"I ~;^:~"",-de this '7.tL,'e,.-., "l~.h. .'~'." . - '_lc.;.,~i U,__ __ _ __, , .L :'-;:;r :;~:r.ld bc.-t",,"T(.; :-~!.1 I,:-;ni-'-,.~c, 9. -';i.r:i-dev."j, .;G.:-...t~;-;- of tl18 :fIX'f:t ~-i~.G~t, L;::.;:_' e:L,'J.:?ft. ex'" co.. if Oi_',J:n'~~jrf~ J ar.d. '::~- (, ',:1... ,i'lr'lJ T-,"1 ") , f'.., 8. ';]:1.:;n:1.-(; :~:-)8.-~: e GT' _~: (,l':'::. t:L o:~)_, 1~.'-f:','1,'e'inPlot'.",,1' co1"l".ced !1(~'i-t',.J..lI:, 1)~~t. 01 tf D '"'ecoj,'l "cl,t .L__ .L__<:~ _ '-'~__ _~~, ;'~~_"::j":_--~-;_-~'_.l...... .::)'~ ---:;.-.:'_-.;..'-'".:.._---.- i_'ll~n};L:''';, " ,!.=:~id ::)~IIl1CJJ:' n G(;::~:>-:~~'"::i-:, p::' ()p2J2:'-CY l-181'G irlE; rt8X' (te.s eY'5..bed v!-lt;hin--sa1d Gj~t7T-\i,~hi.ch -~l:.e ls l,ilj_!__lin}~ .to 8.11-oY.'-E:(;1.~.(i C:~~t.",t to ;-i13tG S-l-,::_t-: --tfble' !'-'or' ~lJlcl \iBC 8.il 1?8.r1::i.ng pla'bes _i'6r its iJehicJ.,/::::'? e.1:-1(J.. ~~,LhJ v',ehicle:::!- 01. ,i+-c< ,L'-'>-'> c:i.. t1.'~.~e] !:=) ~l.Il':l V:L[j]" ':,:,: orfl . AI:'J) 1.-v:'r~ '. '~I,:_', blTcT'c; :_,S ';-'lfH::J:d for addi':.:::<1-e:,;:.-i.:':tl iX1.:C' 3 " area iu ssid (~it~r and ~:..t :18 tc t:~:H) 1: O[Jt inter':::-st +' o~ ,S"3.:1...1 '"J.t.,.,. _._","1 it:;. r:~::',':::;i:~,::, -,:-< t tl~JI ,S 8.g:r'e(-':Ill8~"1t l)f~ ej"~.te2:E:",d :_11,I:U '..j,"--;dn:::--' T:~ 1(: ,_.12.: '~.-'-l c,r.J.--:'i;lit:~,r::\rL'3 h8:'-'>e5.nf':~ft;f;11 ,Sl.~,t Oi.Jt:. .. i:To!,,:',r, r.r,iT;:'~,:};l:":..,E'!~, in consj/Le:;,--'at5.cn~ of tlH~ p:::--'cl:l.Ise8 ,~L:/ld Df' ':L-'.8 i tl1f";J.l peri.'orma.nce of tho- cO"l/enants and 2g:r>eenent8 '.bere1nn.f.'teI' S8~ fO:L"t;}:J., it .'-,'") CO\"i"8r13nt'3c1 .s.J"J.::l n:~;rE;ed ,~is i'ollow8: J ~ ;:(it:.at on 8,:ncJ. clftcJ." the o:':::6e:,t5.or,- ,of ttJ.\~'E~(~ nl""(;'5';;~;:,:,t.n t:-J:-:L'2 C:5_t"f,T 11 YL3-V,e Ule- ::.~j. te the 8:;(c1 U,S ~_':J'e l-~SC <.'i' tl11,3 .fol1 ov.rin,g '~,:_e 2"c~'ic_'8d p::'opert:,T cf O'\'JJ1';=)r' ~IJnc1(~r ~:;l1e t:;n'lJlS a:~ld co:n{3.~__t:1_()rl''J 1--'-811:::-;~_n~:.ft(~J' c,,::;'~ Cl).t: I_ot8 l :;I.nd 2, l~::=-C-G~'= '7, (':-O',-~,~d, ,'. .'~':Y"~_n,~,~s ?,ec-oi1c1 Addition to ~J_s3r~Rte~, ~~80r ~ to -~ap cr ")1,0), t ther-c o=- l~e(~oJ"ded ij:. ;.::,I.~l t bc'o~< 1 ,S?,t _:;,'3.g8 5,'2, p11b1i C ,rec ords o.'f' I' 1rJc =- lD fj c.; ount:l ~ '?1-()p~.c'l.n.. .::.... 'r!:.',at t'J:H3 :,~:~Lt:r ,~\r;:r.>E;e8 Vl:~_t]:_i:J a rGD.8DnalJls t~_,rle ~::,c' r.,!1O'e-;,18.1") .20.5_,:::1 )roperty fo]: 'L:S~:: ':'~~ .s. jJarr::..nc; let ~':'C:.' "':~~ __. ~~~'_':;{~: to J.j'.f~:_\,-:18 clea::e:i..DL~, clF;arI~:!'6' i'5_l1:L::.,.g, L::U,:/il!.~~:; 1:11t:t--.:. :;',1[\2.--.1 ::'_Ed rc,]_,t()J:8t~_Oll~ to ~'l:,::''-'" ,~, [,\EC1. ~!1.::.C::'- ",T8.:_~;- \',~>.:.er8 ~,leGQ,~,~j:;?_r;,T; _.<:t' t:-,c~'ee:['tO::J: ~~,?:.:.':-:-~ '-::tt.;r apJ'C8f1 to O_":\~:'f~r 8atd pl~Op'::: Pt.:: -l.~O "f.' '>:'; n::=~ ::,',o:,',~. I;'_'-.::::'~. j~ c r.-.," _> f:r~ -:: c; -,.01~ .':.:..C,C1. :-.r;, 8upe:c',:,'-:! its "\),86 fc;r t!.'Yat "t)1;.rpOS8.. 3. ;T _~_" l-:: ',-11 ~!}' -:,1 ,". C -." C':,: r: .~ ,c' .; ~ ,~, r: '--"~:> ;:: r' ~_Cl ~:;I' C'; ,"nl'~ t~ ;'.I.'i::!DTIe descP:U:::'E-,;d ~_n-',rrHJ88 ;<-!:'_"i'l i,-'-:J~-r:,--;;- ,":'-':~~;reo:] ~=.Ci Pn7 (:J" :>~1.". ,',:e "GO ;1r:) c.'::i.r~.c~G~.~'_:.~c:1 8.2_~t ,:,:';.t:r 0:~ ;=::~;3aJ."',:',~.9_tF~r 9,d ~~nlOl'ern '-ta.:-:e.f1 .G.g[-:lln~1-t ~,~a:1.c1 -n:eo-c;~" .D,d !"~nrthE.1r a '!';ree3 te DJ:'oF!::Jtl;r ':,i)H~n rJ.t'":.:; 8.J.l ,'?',l_~_cL_ D.r~~ -:,'.n.J.C'~~e:'{L tH.Y.C'S ?;-~, !:l~"':r ;',p. l::-:-r.licd t:::.8 ,':~tat9 or: rl(r:i_'l~~ 2:n~j. ',jC'-ll.?lt:.,T r,:'" l"':~-'I,oJ.lcrn ~1.gain8t P'~l:_~C.~ _ 1 _ t7i\'iT) ."'."CO I (, '1 ; (!" ,t., . ,- L,' ,-~-' ',_~,) I 1 , "~ ' prOI)E)rty; S[~::_J. '~j ~ r.',T ~- ~'.j further ~-~g~ees cll.1.r:Lng s,:;tid. 1)or5_od to Si.,,-,.re the cv.rner l1arLllesc from an~r c-lairn- suit, or judgne:tJt 8:--i2ing as res"ult of t~e use cf said proporty as a park~ng lot. L~. TIm t tills agree-m,eut 1!ktY 1::0 ee.nce lled b~r 8 i thcr pnrt~r upon thirty da:is written---notic-e-'to the other; t;l:~t~ -Llpon the carcccllatj_on thepeof all h"provements ~placedon saId ;,'1'opert~, )n Cit;rsl:all paso to . . __::t.h.e-- OY.[nr::3-1~ _s-nd tl1.9._'C C,it~r ,',S0.a-1r" -1ia ve- no ohlig2~ti on to reT:lo<re the- sarite or tOY- 88t01'6 s~c:lei. p::'~.8Ll:~_,2 88 to t':1 ~jl.r c:'::'~Lg:ir:,c:.l e,)llcli t, :l.on. 5. That in t'18 eventovmer cancels t:'lie ogreeDent\':ith:tn the fJ.rst 7!-€nr of- its term she shall -pa:.~T ~-d---d"Oes hpl'eb-;r acree. to 'po.y -to Cit~l tl1,e 8_ct,ual cost to c-lt~r of its irllprGy-e~j6nt8 cr: said p)~'(Jpe:;.."t:I. riot to eJ,:.ceed the SUII', cf :ii7oo.oo (lnd likewiso ogrees that if t1.1(O same be cancelled within the eecoI:'.d "JT€ar o~ i.tn terrl to pa:T C::tt::r 66...2/3 (5f said 808tS not to exeoed ~'::,4GG. 6G" and 111- 0\7::"::-;1€ agreE8 that if the SaT.,10 ()E. (',['J:::"cc ::LIed within the thir(l "!-C9r of j_1-.s ter::l to D0.""." rJit'T 7->:-')-1//3 "-' - -' - --'- - <,- ,-,-' of S8.~Jt cost.s net to exched ":co:z;;o; :;;1, ';1"<--./~" . -' "",., L' t' 1 t t 1 . 1 ' t .l-- r'l :",..--.,'t(, (',r. ..,.:J_e o:.::a amOTill ,0)8 )blC' oy C!~Nnp;'r 1:10- L-O 8):eo(-;;u.. ;(J('_.' '."",'---- in an;! case. G. That upon the termination cf t>.is agr.eer;1ont both par-ties h(n~eto sgree ~h~~,.t:; th~i 8it:....., n~:1.d i:1t-E~t.e .s-.nd GO-'I)::1~;~T r::'.d vnlCi~~';E;-l~l t,a,}:,c~~1 1)1.\3pC;lQ c:~ to 'be, pa-id:'by oaid City for the current year shall '08 prorated ['nd "'~o~ P" ~ et'" ~:~:c,,_ be '''0 eie "ot"'eer tbE' "art'1 f'O ;;,._..1." 1:-".i. .....' ,--,:,_\.,~.,,J.:;....LJ.<-" _' ~ ~,u:::<. -',~ 'IV j _..J. J.., ~.:-'c_ - ~'.'. IlT .t:rr'-I'l';n~_'::":C';::'.'i;T'T,'PJ:;n~ t1c'e l,nI't:L4 pc' l' (P--'cto ~ot .... ,"t.. .,,'-'-____),i-_.__ '.,;.-Li.',':' ''''''_L' ....L _CI. - I.) _ J__ , '- '.--' the:Ll" hands G.nd seals, !:tt". Cl~f,rvJf.iJ]rL.Plcrid['-., the dn~,r f:lllc1 lTen~: f::i.rst y'';P:tttCL- abo'le. v _ . . ('l ~"'T";'--z.:." ".,~"'.'!' '''n ('d ' ~.___,.......~;--lrL'''-'-"'-->-''':''b '--'-" :~d/~/ ~ ~- - 1'. " - L ......- l'1 ~'.t'- r- ~ Eo ;:,d _~ -'_..8.....lIe" _. .J.~i ~,_a,"_d.-GLr . ~,,,1a:Jc c:O~!:li.lJ..S-S :loner li.ttest: 1/ L//. . . /f2Il !(/6f4f-- -------- - ~" t ,'! '.' .'."1'1, //.. J,_ ';1 v.cv I- -~_.~,_.iCn..~-~r.~.' Or/1.'181' and correotness: Krentzmsn -2-