FINAL JUDGEMENT OF CIVIL CASE NUMBER 83-15905-7 ..". ,.", -I -- to.... IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA CIRCUIT CIVIL NO. 83-15905-7 CHEEZEM INVESTMENT PROr,RA~ I, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, and CHEEZEM LAND CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, Plaintiffs, vs. CITY OF CLEARWATER, a municipal corporation, Defendant. FINAL JUDGMENT THIS ACTION coming on to be heard upon the Settlement Stipulation betwee~ the parties CHEEZEM INVESTMENT PROGRAM I, LTD. and CHEEZEM LAND CORPORATION and the CITY OF CLEARWATER and the Court being fully advised in the premises, it is ADJUDGED THAT: 1. This Court has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject . matter of the litiqation. 2. The Plaintiffs and the Defendant were and are fully authorized to enter into the Settlement Stipulation, and the Settlement Stipulation is valid and binding upon the Plaintiffs and Defendant. 3. The Court accepts, confirms and incorporates the terms of the Settlement Stipulation dated MarchE-, lQS4, filed herein, and the parties are hereby ordered to comply with the terms and conditions of the Settlement Stipulation as if said terms and provisions were fully set forth herein. 4. All claims, damages, actions, and causes of action of any kind, including claims for costs and attorneys' fees, arising out of the subject matter of this litigation, with the exception of the riqhts of the parties acquired by this Judgment, are hereby forever discharged. EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 4 v /(P -~ .111 11..1111. I . .... ,.... I l- 5. The Court shall retain jurisdiction of this cause for purposes of enforcement of the prov i s ions of th is Fi nal Judgment and the Sett 1 ement Stipulation which is incorporated herein. 6. This Final Judgment is intended, and shall be construed, as creatinq a covenant which runs with the land, and same shall be hindinq upon Plaintiffs, Oefendant and any and all successors in title to the real property located in Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida, which property is more fully described in Exhibits I and II attached hereto. "7. Any party hereto, or any successor in title to the real property described in Exhibits I and II, shall have the riqht to enforce this Final Judgment by motion for injunctive relief, or by any other civil leaal remedy. DONE AND ORDERED, in Chambers, at Cl ean...ater, Pine 11 as County, Florida, this~~~ day of March, 1984. lL- ITRL'UIT JUDGE Cop i es to: ~ rrRUE COpy /bliA ' ~ - ~~--- C. 't I, no (rel!!. . ,L'be John T. Allen, Jr., ESQ. Frank X. Kowalski, ESQ. EXHIBIT A Page 2 of 4 /2 111111 .1. " . ,-or I " EXHIBIT J I '-' TRACT A-4 LEGAL DESCRIPT)O~ A portion of Section 19, To~nship 29 South, RAnge IS East, b~in; I urther descr i bed as foJ 10'\015: From the Southeast corner of Section 19, To~nship 29 South, R~nge 15 E III 5 t, the Sill m e be i ng t. he nor the a 8 t cor r~ rot 5 ec ~ j 0 n J 0, To.... n s hip 2 9 South, Range l~ East, Run N. 89-04 '07. W., 2819.60 feet, along the llorth.boundar)' o( said Section JO; thence South.1012.67 feet to a point on the centerl ine of State Rood' 694 ICounty Road' 208h thence along the centerline of said Stote HOdd, by 0 curve to the riqht, radius 1909.86 feet., arc 572.]J feet, chord N. 23-23'25" E., 569.99 fee t: the nc e a 1 on'] sa ide en t e r 11 rI eN. ) 1 D 5 B ' 20" E., 1) 9 3 . 67 fee t : thence along said centerline by a curve to the lelt, r~dius 1909.86 feet, arc 304.27 feet., chord N. 27-26'JO" .E., 303.94 {(:'et to a:.point of tangency on said centerline of Stote R~d '694; thence along said .centerline, N. 22-50'39"' E., 1843.70 feet: thence N. 67-12'17" ~.; .50.00 feet to t~e Northwesterly rlght-ot-~ay line at said St~te Road; thence ". 22-50'39- E_, along said right-of-way line, 615.50 feet to the Point of BL~9innin9: thence N. ~7.12'17- W., 165.10 feet to an "X. cut on a concrete se~.....all; thence S. 2?]9'-43- H., olong I:l!id .....all, 201.~2 feet to an "X. cut; thence l~~ving 5~1~ wall N.67-12'17- W., 49.70 fet:;t to a point on the me~n high water 1 ine of the Gulf oC Mexico as of September 9, 1972 said point being herein~(ter referred to, as point '..A"' for convenience: return thence to the Point of Begin- ning: thence along the afoIementioned r19ht-of-.....ay line by the fo]lo~.- ing two courses; N. 22-50')9- E., 80.05 feet to a point of curve; thence along tht" arc of 11 curve to the right, TlJdius 2914.79 feet,. aTe 97.B5 feel, chord N. 23-48'21"' C., 97.85 feet: th~nce Jeaving said line N. 67-12"17" \0."'." 303.83 feet to the /IleAn hi9h ....oter line of the Gulf of He~ico as of September 9, 1912; thence South~esterly along said mean 'hi'3h ....0 ler 1 ine and binding there",.j th to the ~forementioned po i n t. - A "' . - . TRACT A-S LEGAL DESCRIPTION . A portion of Sect.ion 19, To.....nship 29 South, f further described as follows: Range 15 E~st, being iIcm the Southeast c~rner of Section 19, To.....nship 29 South, Rdoye IS.EaSt, the same belng,thelJortheast cor-ner of Section 30, To.....n- Shlp 29 South, R~nge lS Last, run t.. .89"04'07" H., 2819.60 feet, along the 7Jo~th boundar)' of said Section 30; thence South 1012.67 feet to a pO'lnt on the center} ine of State Po~d .694 (County RObd t20B!; t~ence a)O~1) the centerline o~ said State RCdd, by a curve to the flgh~, radlUs 1909.86 fee~, arc 572.13 feet, chord 1:.23D23'25" E., 5 6 9 . 99 fee t. ; t h (:- n c- e 0 1 0 n Q 5 a 1 d C U1 t e r ) i n eN. 3 1 " 5 e ' 20" r 1 39 ? . 6 7 (c. e t; t h c nee a 1 0 n 9 s a i n c e n t c r 1 i n e by a cur vet 0 the. i eft :' a d l U S 1 9 0 9 . 8 6 f C' ~ l: .:J C C ) 0 4 . "2 7 fee t, c II 0 r d N. 2 7 . 2 6 ' J 0" L., , ;0).94 {eet to a pOln~ of t.)flg<:ncy on s~id centerline of St;o.tc Road t694; lll~ncf' clcnq 5dJd ccntcrli....e N. 22.50'J9" E., 1343.70 ff:et. t h C' n c ~ N.. (.7. 1 ~ ' 1 7 - h.., SO. 0 ~ f 2 c l tot he 110 r t h \.. e b t e r 1 y =-! g h t -0 f: \.'" V " n nor r..., d r l .J' l r> ..,,-.. d' II . -, . d . -.I .".. : - - - .J ... J'\ ~.J. I. II C C (~. en CJ ~.~ 1. !' 1 S h t - 0 f .. ",.:.:: y 11 r. t:: b. l;e fG)Jn'-'ln.~ t\-lO L-ULlrl><..'S N. '2.~O'39" ,-., G9S.5S'(cct to A [,o!nt,) cu;vc; thence alo/lY a curve Lo the: r5<Jht, r~dju6 2~14.79 feet. c.97:85 (eet, chord N. 2)..;8'11- E., 97.85 feet to the Point of ~9)Jlnlng: thence r;. (,,'1}'17- OW., 303.8) feet to a ~oinl or, the C':o hi~h ......ater 1 inc of tht: Culf of .~cxico ~s of SeptL.lJer 9, 1972, l J d pOl nth t: r e j n a [ t ~ r r e ! err (: d l 0 c 9 p.o i n t - B.' [ 0 r c c t I V f: n i (; nee. ~turn l~ence to t.he Point of EC'giz:ning; thence G)ong s~id ri~h~- .-.....ar l.lne along .0 curve to the rlght, rodiur: 2914.79 fet:t, )4?,)) reet. chcrd N. 2S'06'~5" E., )~O.lJ fect; t}-.ence le~vin!) j r)c"hl-of-....ay.line N. 67"12'1'. W.. 32).31 feet to 0 point on me~n hj~h ~~l~r line of lh~ Culf of gcxico 06 of SeFt~~bt:r 9, I}~ 111I'ncr ~,c:--\.:l~l""'::t(:r])' ..dr.n9 ~;dd mC.111 hi9h ....tlter lint .1t1d I~J 1 ns the:r l..\o'l l h lO l hL. /:) r lJl" ',;,r.L.(, t ion ed f.-0 in t ~ D -. * dC~ f,-4 abo~e inclu~es ~_5!!l.al~ Jla~cel_~~~.J~~..!<..~J_tb.e_J?r@~ad line \.Jith spert to \'Ih1Ch a th1rd pal~ty 15 dlsput1ng the t1tle:~construction is CIte ,plated on the disputed parcel under the "approved plans". EXHJ IT A t~ t . . . . . - " I 1 EXHIBIT I I A survoy of PARCF~ -0- also ~nawn ~& Site V Sand Kay be1n9 a portion of Sections 17 and 20, Township 29 South, Ranq. 15 East, Pinalla. County, ~lorida, core particulllrly dc.cribod ~ tollows. . For a point ot re!ecence co~ence at the Section corner CO~D to Sections 17, 18, 19 ~nd 20 of said Ta~nghlp land Range. a$ now establi8hed as havlnq the coordlnate5 i(based OD the Pinell.. County Grid Syste~) of Horth 116500.72. E~st 31452.98; thonc& run S 89010'31- E. alan the Section liDS d1vidio9 said Sections 17 and 20, a distance of 843.47 faat to aD intersection with the centerline of Gulf Boulevard (Stats Road No. 208) ~ now e5t~1iGhod ~ . loO-toot riqht-of-w~y: thence run S 42013']1- V alonq said centerline a dl:tance at 263.9 feet to . ~int: thence run ~ 47046'29- W. a dlBtanc~ 0 50.00 fcet to the point of Beqinninq; th~nce run ~ 42013'31- E. along the ~orthvester1y r19ht-of-~ay lin of aforesaid Gulf Boulevard, a distance of 650.00 feet; thenca run H 47046'29- W. & dlgt~ce of (776.5 feet ~~r or le~s dQedJ (1169.69- wor~ or less field) to the cean high ~ater line (elevation 1.29 feet N.G.V.D. of the Gulf of Mexico; thence run aoutherly along said Dean high water line. _ dist~nce of (690 foet eore or lesa deed) (724.7' ~re or le3s field) to a point that lic. H 41046'29- W. And (540 fest ~re or le~. deed) (849.21 DOra or less field) diatant from the Point of B~~inning thence run S 47-46'29- E. . distance of (540 fest nor. or less deed) (849.21. ~re or l~s field) to the Point of Beqinnln9_ * *The legal description set forth above includes the accreted p~rtion of the beach to the ~ewl~ established meari high water llne. Developer does not warrant title with respect to the accreted portion, and no construction is contemplated on same , under the "approved plans". L,~~__.. _ ___ EXHIBIT A Page 4 of 4 k I I ...' I I EXHIBIT B ~ , TRACT A-4 LEGAL DESCRIPTI0~ A portion of Section 19, Township 29 South, R~nge 15 Ea6t, being further described as foll~s: from the Southeast corner of S~ctlon 19, Township 29 South, Range 15 East, the same being the northeast corner of Section 30, Township 29 ' South, Range 15 East, Run N. 89.04107. W., 2819.60 feet, along the f1orth.boundary or said Section 30: thence South 1012.67 feet to a point on the centerline of State Road '694 (County Road '208)-; thence along the centerline of said St~te Road, by a curve to the right, radius 1909.86 feet, arc 572.13 feet, chord N. 23.23'25" E., 569.99 feet: thence along said centerlide N. 31059'20. E., 1393.67 feet: thence along said centerline by a curve to the left, radius 1909.86 - feet, arc 304.27 feet, chord N. 27026'30" E., 303.94 {e~t to a:,point of tangency on said centerline ot State R04d '694: thence along said centerline, N. 22050')9. E., 1943.70 feet: thence N. 67012'17" W.,' 50.00 feet to t~e Northwesterly right-ot-way line ot said State Road: thence ~. 22050'39. E., along said right-of-way line, 615.50 feet to the Point oC Beginning; thence N. ~7012.17. W., 165.10 feet to an .x. cut on ~ concrete se4~all; thence S. 2?039'.30 W., Along 54id ~al1, 201.22 feet to an .X. cut; thence leaving said wall N.67-12117- H., 49.70 fe~t to a point on the mean high water line of the Gulf oC Mexico as of September 9, 1972 said point being hereinafter referred to as point "'A. for convenience: return thence to the Point of Begin- ning; thence along the aforementioned ri9ht-of-way line by the !ollow- inq two courscs: N. 22.50')9" E., 80.05 feet to a point of curve: thence along th~ arc of a curve to the right, radius 2914.79 feet, arc 97.85 feel, chord N. 2)048'21" 1:., 97.85 feet; thence leaving said line N. 67-12'17M ~., 303.83 feet to the meAn high water line of the Culf of Mex!co as of September 9, 1972; thence Southwesterly along said mean'hish -4ler line and binding lhere~1th to the ~forementioned po i n ~ .. A.. . , TRACT A-5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION . A portion of Section 19, Township 29 South, Range 15 East, being further described as follows: rrom the Southeast corner of Section 19, TownShip 29 South, Ran~e 15 East, t~e same being. the Northeast corner of Section 30, Town- ship 29 South, R~nge IS East, run ~. 89004107" W., 2819.60 feet, along thc North boundary of said Section 30; thence South 1012.67 feet to a paint on the centerline of State Ro~d .694 (County Road '208~; t~ence alony the centerline o~ said Stote Road, by a curve to the rlght, radius 1909.86 fe~t, arc 572.13 feet, chord r:.23023'~5" E., 569.99 feet; tht:-flce alono,said cent7rline N. Jl.Se'20" F., J)~?67 fcet; thence alon9 saJrl centerllne by d curve to the left, rad.lus 1909.96 !C'~t. .:.acc )04.27 (cet, chord N. 27026')0" C )03. 94 !t:ct to a poillt of tangency on said cenlerline of St~tc Road *694; thence alcnq said centerline N. 22.50'39" E., 1843.70 fE:et. the n c ~ N: Cl')O 1 ~ ' 1 7.' h'., 50. 0 0 f ~ c: t tot h e t ~ 0 C l h ",' e '" t e r 1 y rIg h t - 0 ( : ..' a y 1.1 n C 0 ~ s a .1 d !: t oJ l C R 0 u d; t) I. n c e a 1 0 n CJ ~ did rig h t - 0 f - ...." y 1 i n ~ b, the fo11(,)wln.~ t....o ~u\Jrlics N. 22.~O'39" E., 695.55 feet to a point} of curve; thence aloll'J a curve to the riyht, rad1u6 2~14.79 feet, arc 97.85 feet, chord N. 2)049'21" E., 97.85 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence f.. lJ')012'17- W., )03.83 feet to a fJoint 011 the mean high waterline oC thL. Gulf at ,~cxic:o as of Scpte;nber 9, 1972 sa i d poi nth ere 1 n a ! t err e ! err cd lo 0 S po i n t .. B .. [ 0 r cor I v c:: n i en c e ; , return thence to the Point of Beginning; thence olong soid riCJht- of-way line along 8 curve to the right, rodiu~ 2914.79 fe~t, or~ 34~.)) feet, ch~rdN. 28.06'45.' E., 340.13 feet; thence leovin9 sa.ld rlght-of-....ay l~ne N. 67.12117- W., 323.31 feet to a point on the mc~n hiyh ~ott:r line of the Gulf of ~cxico 06 of SeFt~beT 9, J972; lIwncC' rCH.:t:I\oII~t(:rly n)r.ng .!i.dd me,)" high \o'''tcr line. <l/lci L.1n~ing UH:(C~.-iU'\ to lhL' O(lJl'l.:lfICfltiollcd point "n'.. * *Tra'ct. A-4 above i nc 1 udes 9.-?WiJ 1 Darpce.] -10 tQ~~~d 1 i ne with respect to which a third party is dlsputing th~truction is k contemplated on the disputed parcel under the lIapproved plansll. ./ ..... I l . , EXHIBIT G A survey of PARCEL -D- al.o known a. Site V Sand Key be1n9 a portion of Section. 11 and 20, Township 29 South, aange 15 E..t, Pinellu County, Flor1da, IDOre particularly d..cribe4 .. tollow.' - k