REZ2007-10001 Letter of Incompleteness
October 08, 2007
E.D. Armstrong III
Johnson, Pope, Bokor, Ruppel & Burns, LLP
P.O. Box 1368
Clearwater, FL 33757
RE: Application for a Zoning Atlas Amendment (REZ2007-10001), located at 1201 and
1241 Gulf Boulevard, to change the Zoning Atlas designation of Business (B) to
Tourist (T)
Mr. Armstrong:
The Planning Department has reviewed your application for a Zoning Atlas Amendment
(REZ2007-10001) for two properties located at 1201 and 1241 Gulf Boulevard. After a
preliminary review, it is determined that your petition is .
The following item needs to be provided in order for your petition for a Zoning Atlas Amendment
to be processed and considered:
A signed and sealed survey of the property including the dimensions, acreage and location
of the property prepared by a registered land surveyor showing all current
Without receipt of the material requested and 14 copies, your application will not be processed
Please provide all requested materials no later than 10 am on Friday, October 12,
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (727) 562-4547.
Steven Everitt
Planner II
C:\DOCUME~1\SUSAN~1.CHA\LOCALS~1\Temp\ELF5E1\REZ2007-10001 Letter of Incompleteness.doc