Scan of Application . ~ CJfJ(J7~/tt1J7 CITY OF CLEARWATER APPLICATION FOR ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING, 100 SOUTH MYRTLE A VENUE, 2nd FLOOR PHONE (727) 562-4567 FAX (727) 562-4576 APPLICANT, PROPERTY OWNERS, AND AGENT INFORMATION: Andrew R. Duff, Trustee U/A/O 9/7/88 known as Trust No. 202D229 APPLICANT NAME: r./n r.nnt:in~nt-;:)l Wi..,,)';:)t-/'> nl':C!n,..;;:,t-/'>C! 63 Kendrick Street, Needham, MA 02494-2708 MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: See Exhibit "A" attached. PROPERTY OWNERS: (List all owners) AGENT NAME: E. D. Armstronq III, Esquire. Johnson, Pope, Bokor. Rup~e1 & Burns, LLP MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. Box 1368, Clearwater, FL 33757-1368 PHONE NUMBER: 727-46b18l8 FAX NUMBER: 727-462-0365 SITE INFORMATION: LOCATION: Easterly side of Gulf Boulevard, south of Sand Key Bridge STREET ADDRESS: 1201 and 1241 Gulf BOll] evard LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See Exhibit" B" attached. PARCEL NUMBER: 20/29/15/73427/000/0020 and 20/29/15/73427/000/0010 EXISTING ZONING: (Not zoned) PROPOSED ZONING: Tourist (T) LAND USE PLAN CLASSIFICATION: Resort Facilities Hiqh (RFH) Approx. 7,73[ acres ORIGINAL AiCSVJ=t'> OCT 0 1 2007 SIZE OF SITE: PlANNING DEPARTMENT CRY OF CLEARWATER REASON FOR REQUEST: See Exhibit "C" attached. igned. acknowledge that all n$made in this application accurate to the best of my STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PINELLAS Sworn to and subscribed before me this '2.. f/."...... day of September . A.D,.~ 2007 to me and/or by E. D. Armstronq III ,who is personally known h~ _ _______ as identification, N~t.~ my commission expires: i~' Jay~e .E. Sears ~ . Expires September 2, 2009 .".18 --""'IiIl.'-...... eoo.aIW01t Page 1 of 2 - . CITY OF CLEARWATER AFFIDAVIT TO AUTHORIZE AGENT PLANNING It DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING, 100 SOUI'H MYR1LE AVENUE. zwi FLOOR PHONE (727)-562-4567 FAX (727) 562-4576 ANDREW R. DUFF, TRUSTEE U/A/D 9/7/88, KNOWN AS TRUST NO. 20330229 (Imne of .. property _rII) 1. That (I am/we are) the owner(s} and record title holder(s} of the following described property: 1201 Gulf Boulevard parcel No. 20/29/15/73427/000/0020 (Acldreu or Gen_ 1.IlcIIIIon) 2. That this property constitutes the property for which a request for a: Rezoning to Tourist (T) (N8ture of ........., 3. That the undersigned (haslhave) appointed and (doeslclo) appoint E. D. Armstronq III. Esquire, Johnson, Pope, Bokor, Ruppel & Burns, LLP, 911 Chestnut Street, C1ea:nrater, FL 33756 .. (/I111lhl1i') 1gent(a) to __ any petIllonIl or oilier dClcu-a _ry to lItrect auell petition; 4. That this affidavit has been executed to induce the City of Clearwater. Florida to consider and act on the above desaibed property; S. That (1Iwe), the undersigned authority. hereby certify that the , Truste Ct-tlO ~OUr Trust No. 2 aTA TE OF ....A1aA.- . L COUNTY OF...... ~T Before me the lIndJU'Bial18d. an officer duly commissioned by the IIlWI of the State ~ on this a I dllY of Septe2llb8r , ~ personally appeared Andrew"R. OUff, Trustee* who having been ft~t duly lIWOm depol88 and sa~ thathel8he fully underltandl the contents of the affidavit that helshe signed. 9/7/88, known as ,j? f_ .J. . NO. 2030229 r Le.A.JtJ ~ "-l:Jtl-fU.---^-' "'C7 U Notary Public ~~ JENNIFER R.GREEN ~ nrvlBlrlAIlIdavIIto Au1horiItI Agent I ~ :' " '(" ReSident StIMIl'Iit CountY t. * I NotarY Public. State 01 OhiQ '" C) ! My Commission Expires 08/261~ "'-':~I: ~ ,,~' ""l,;E 0 f ~,."" "II'!IO'))',' ORIGINAL RECEIVED OCI 0 1 2007 PlANNING DEPARTMENT CITY Of ClEARWATER e 41 CITY OF CLEARWATER AFFIDAVIT TO AUTHORIZE AGENT PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING. 100 SOUTH MYRTLE AVENUE. 2'" flOOR PHONE (727)-562-4561 FAX (727) 562-4576 D. A. BENNETT COMPANY, a Florida corporat!on (N8m8 01811 propel1y own....) 1. That (I amlwe are) the owner(s) and record title holder(s) of the following described property: 1241 G~lf Boulevard Parcel No. 20/29/15/73427/000/0010 ~a.., G8IllmII Loc8I1an) 2. That this property constitutes the property tor which a request for a: Rezoning to Tourist (T) (N8t1n of l'8q....t) That the undersigned (haslhave) appointed and (does/do) appoint E. D. Arms.tron9 n.r, Esquire, Pope, Boko~, Ruppel & Burns, LLP, 911 Chestnut Street, Clearwater, FL 33756 .nl(a) III gpc8ClIla lift)' pgII\Ionl 01 !'!her documenl6 neceSS8l)' III 81111d IUCh pelilllln: That this affidaVit has been executed to induce the City of Clearwater, Florida to consider and act .ol"lthe above described property; STATE OF FLORIDA. COUHTY OF PlNfUAS ~ Before me the undel1ligned, an officer duly COlTlf1'i....;oned by the laws of the Slate of Florida. on this ~ 7 day of September, 2001pel1lOnally appeared ~ f". aennett,~ who having beitn 1\1111 duly sworn .._...._~.,_..,_..._al.. .........-. ...... 4..~. '.. Vice P.r:es.of D. A. Bennett ,,-,",y, ~ ' a Flo.r id~ corporatio.", on beh., of the ~. Z;,. . corporat1.on, , L I .. Notary Public My CommIssion Expires: 7/2bIO? (I/we), the undersigned authority, hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct. ~~qz;e:F10rida prnperl'J~ A. Bennett, II, Vice Pres. s: lIPplication lllrmsIdawlopman1 review1Allld8Y11 to AuthoIlze Agenl MI"~"t.re.. Notary .Public StIle of Florida ~...~ NlIIlCJWl~1n 'l C .. .I My ConllnlI*ftD0431810 .~ ., ,., . Explrea 0712t12OO8 ORIGINAl.. RECEIVED OCT 0 1 2007 PlANNJNe DEPARlMENr cnv (')l: CL~A,~A~ e EXHIBIT "A" TO APPLICATION FOR ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENT Parcel 1 Owner: Andrew R. Duff, Trustee, U1A1D 9/7/88, known as Trust No. 2030229 c/o Continental Wingate Associates 63 Kendrick Street Needham, MA 02494-2708 Address of Property: Parcell D #: 1201 Gulf Boulevard 20/29/15/73427/000/0020 Parcel 2 Owner: D.A. Bennett Company 2623 McCormick Drive #101 Clearwater, FL 33759-1046 Address of Property: ParcellD #: 1241 Gulf Boulevard 20/29/15/73427/000/0010 ORIGINAl. RECEIVED Gel u 1 2007 PlANNING DEPARTMENT CRY Of CLEARWATER e EXHIBIT "B" TO APPLICATION FOR ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENT Parcel 1 Lot 2 of the recorded plat of SUBDIVISION OF RADISSON BA YSIDE HOTEL, in Section 17 and 20, Township 29 South, Range 15 East, Pinellas County, Florida; more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Southwest corner of said Section 20, thence N. 01044'32" W., a distance of 4182.26 feet along the Westerly right of way line of said Section 20 to a point on the Easterly right of way line of Gulf Boulevard, State Road No. 699 (a 100 foot right of way); thence along said Easterly right of way line, N. 42013'31"E., a distance of 1 078.05 feet for a Point of Beginning; thence continuing along said right of way line, 1074.72 feet; thence S.47046'29"E., a distance of 195.07 feet to an "X" cut on a concrete seawall; thence continue S. 47046'29"E., to the mean high water line to a point hereinafter referred to as POINT "A" as convenience, thence returning to the Point of Beginning, run thence S. 47046'29"E., a distance of 107.10 feet; thence N. 42013'31"E., a distance of 5.00 feet; thence S.4r46'29"E., a distance of 87.99 feet to an "X" cut on the seawall; thence meandering along said seawall and the mean high water line to POINT "A", Containing 4.8 acres, more or less. Parcel 2 Lot 1, SUBDIVISION OF RADISSON BA YSIDE HOTEL, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 101, Page 35, Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: A portion of Section 20, Township 29 South, Range 15 East, Pinellas County, Florida, being more fully described as follows: Commence at the Southwest corner of said Section 20; thence N01044'32" W., 4182.26 feet along the Westerly line of said Section to a point on the Easterly right of way line of Gulf Boulevard, a 100 foot right of way; thence along said Easterly right of way line, N42013'31"E., 426.71 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing along said right of way line, 651.34 feet; then S.47046'29"E., 107.10 feet; thence N 42013'31"E, 5.00 feet; thence S. 47046'29"E., 87.99 feet to an "X" cut on a concrete seawall; thence continue S. 47a46'29"E to the mean high water line to a point hereinafter referred to as point "An for convenience; thence returning to the POINT OF BEGINNING; run S.47046'29"E., 195.1Q feet to an "X" cut on a concrete seawall; thence continue S.4r46'29" E. to the mean high water line; thence along said water and winding therewith in a NQrtheasterly direction to the aforementioned point "A". ORIGINAl. RECEIVED OCT 0 1 2007 PlANNING OFP.6PTMENr em \,,'0 e EXHIBIT "C" TO APPLICATION FOR ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENT The subject property consists of approximately 7.73 acres and is currently developed with a hotel and retail uses. The property was included in the Settlement Agreement between U.S. Steel and City of Clearwater, dated October 17, 1986, No. 78-4765-7 and amended February 4, 1987, No. 83-14905-7 ("Settlement Agreement"). Per the terms of the agreement, the Settlement Agreement expired October 17, 2006. The property was developed in accordance with Sections 12 and 16 of the Settlement Agreement and accordingly, retained a zoning of Business (B). This zoning district no longer exists and therefore the property is currently not zoned. The land use designation of the property is Resort Facilities High (RFH). The Applicant requests rezoning to Tourist in order to zone the property consistent with its existing use and compatible with the existing land use designation. Standards: 1. The proposed amendment is consistent with and furthers the goals, policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and furthers the purposes of the Community Development Code and other City ordinances and actions designed to implement the Plan. The Tourist zoning category allows the existing uses of the property to conform to Code and is reflective of the traditional use of these parcels. Hotel and retail shops have operated at this location since their construction in 1989. The requested Tourist zoning district is compatible with the existing land use designation of Resort Facilities High. The Comprehensive Plan designates land use elements which encourage the renewal of the beach tourist district (Policy 2.1.2) and mixed use development (Obj. 2.2). The Plan provides for the Resort Facilities High land use designation to be paired with zoning categories of High Density Residential, Tourist, or Commercial (Policy 3.2.1). This proposed rezoning reflects the actual use of the site and is compatible with the current land use. 2. The available uses to which the property may be put are appropriate to the property that is subject to the proposed amendment and compatible with existing and planned uses in the area. The current uses have been in existence at this location for 18 years and are compatible with the other residential and tourist uses on Sand Key. ORIGINAl. RECEIVED OCT 0 1 2001. P~NNI~ m'!>^l'l~~ENT t....l,y Ui' """.",~ "~,,,'..;~R e 3. The amendment does not conflict with the needs and character of the neighborhood and the City. The amendment will not impact the current uses, which are compatible with the neighborhood. The current use provides retail and restaurant as well as a hotel. The property is located at the northeast end of Sand Key, just south of the bridge and beach area owned by the City of Clearwater. To the south of the property is a condominium development. The uses across Gulf Boulevard from the property are a public park, hotel, and high- rise condominiums, 4. The amendment will not adversely or unreasonable affect the use of other property in the area. The rezoning will not have an adverse effect on any of the existing improvements, or neighboring properties. 5. The amendment will not adversely burden public facilities, including the traffic-carrying capacities of streets, in an unreasonably or disproportionate manner. The proposed zoning is consistent with the existing use of the property and the underlying land use plan. Consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Section 5, any future development must not negatively impact existing infrastructure. The rezoning of this property does not impact the infrastructure as existing uses are consistent with the zoning and land use. 6. The district boundaries are appropriately drawn with due regard to locations and classifications of streets, ownership lines, existing improvements and the natural environment. The application includes two entire parcels, which is all of the land owned' by the participating land owners. #415686 vi - Cedarwood/Exhibits to Rezoning App ORIGINAl RECENED OCT 0 1 2007 PlANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF ClFA,r:lUI^teR