MEMO FROM ASST. CITY MANAGER TO ASST CITY CLERK RE COLONY BUILDING TO: FROM: COPIES: SUBJECT: DATE: (} I ---, , I.' f .' i \./ fl U I ~l I~ ~705 CITY AF CLEARWATER Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet Sue Lampkin, Assistant City Clerk Elizabeth S. Haeseker, Assistant City Manager 423 Cleveland Street--Colony Building MAY 5 1983 May 4, 1983 CITY CLERK Attached is a letter of April 14, 1981, which I think was signed by the City Manager and sent to Mr. Stiff. My file doesn't show any insurance beyond that mentioned in the letter. Does yours? Regardless of what you find, the insurance is obviously out of date. Will you please give Mr. Stiff a telephone call and see if you can work this out with the power of the City Clerk's Office behind you. He is not too happy with me at this time. Let me know what happens. Attachment (I ~' i .'.e "';' < /' cj/ -j ,t (1 () () I 0 L ,) .-: ./ , ~ {-I V I I <' vi\(? ~7 j I { "\ \., -~ ./i _ /,i c I , I I C I T Y OF CJ~EARWATER POST OFFICE BOX 47"8 C LEA R W ATE R, F LOR I D A 3 35 1 8 CITY '-4ANA'ER April 14, 1981 Mr. Robert Stiff Stiff, Morri1 & Wolkind Development Company 33 No. Ft. Harrison Clearwater, FL 33516 Dear Mr. Stiff: I have received the certificate of insurance from the Veghte Agency which responds to our request for appropriate coverage on that portion of your building, 423 Cleveland Street, which encroaches on State of Florida right-of-way. The certificate indicates that your p~licy will expire on June 9, 1981. At that time it would be appropriate to provide me with a copy of your insurance policy as requested. Until then the certificate of insurance will be adequate for our purposes. Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, (-...1 " ! Anthony L. Shoemaker Ci ty l'1anager _/ . . "Equal Employment and Affirmative Action Employer"