PERMIT - DOT r. " DATE SUBJECT: PERMITTEE -~' /' /~ ':) ~', r"L STATiOF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSl'lllTATION PERMIT March 2, 1981 Seetion 15040 Stat~ Hoad 60 City of Clearwater, P.O. Box 4748 Clearwater, Fl. PEltMIT NO. 1&-1' '.81 Pinellas Count\. 33518 . Requesting permission {rom the State of Florida Departmmlt of Transportation, hen~inaftu called the Department, to City of Clearwater P.O. Box 4748 Clearwater, Fl 33518 d .. Decorative columns as part of downtown revitalization (:onstruct, operate an mamtam from MP Station IYI p . (91( to I\1P Station 1J'I1'.2.DE (423 Cleveland St.) 1. Proposed work is within the corporate limits of a municipality. Yell ( ) No ( ) Name of municipality Clearwater . 2. Applicant dedares that prior to submitting this application he has ascerlailwd the location of all existing utilities, both at~rial and underground. A letter of noti fication Ilnd pllln of improvl~ment was mailed on to the following u til itil~s/ municipal i tit~ll. N/A Columns are non-loadbearing resting on top of sidewalk. 3. 4. Is JnLel'8tiltt~ or Toll Road right.of-way involvt:d? Yt~S ( ) No (X ) It iH exprl~ssly stipulatl:d that this pcnnit is a licl'n!;c for pennillBivl: ww only and that thl~ pla(:ing of fllCilitil'S upon public property pUl'Ruan t to this permit shall not opl~rate to t:reatl~ or wsL lIUY property right in said holder. Whenevt:r nl~cessary for the construction, repair, improvement, maintcnancl~, safl~ aud dficil:nt operation, alteration or rdoeation of all, or any portion of said highway as detennilu:d by tlw Director of the Division of Road OperaLions any or all facilitics and appurtenances auLhorizl~d hert~under, shall Lt~ immediately n:moved from said highway, reset or rdocatl,d thereon as rt:quire{) by the Director of the Division of Road Operations and at the expense of the permittee. The confltruction and maintenance of fluch facility shall not interfere with the property and righL~ of a prior permittee. It is undel'8tood and agreed that the rights and privileges herein !;et out are granted only to the extent of the State's right, Litle and interest in the land to be ontered upon and used by the holder, and the holder will, at all times, assume all risk of and indt:rnnify, defend, and save harmless thl~ State of Florida and Dt~partment from and against any and all loss, damage, cost or expense arising in any manner on account of the exercise or attempted exercises by said holder of thl~ aforesaid rights and privileges. During eonstruetion, all safdy regulations of the Departm':ntshall be observed and the holder must take mt~asurl'S, induding placing and display of safely deviet.s, and may be nee(~ssary in order to safely (~ondud the public through thl~ projl~ctllrea in a('eordunce with the DI~purLrncllt'H Manual on Traffk Controls and Safe Pradiees for street and highway construdion, rnaintenunct: and utility opnation. In ('lISe of noncompliance with tht: Department's reqnifl~n\t'nls this pt~nnil is void und the facility will have to be Imlllght into compliance or rt'moved from tJw RjW at no l~ostto Lhl~ Dqlllrtllwnt. All work shall med Dl~partlllcnt standards and be perform.." under thl' SlIlll'rvision of Mainlt'IIIlIH~e or Residcnt Engincl~r, located at , Florida. All materials and equipment .hall be tluLjeetlo inllpeetion by the Mainkuanct" or Residf'ntE.~!,eer. The office of the Maintenance or Resident Engineer named in paragTaph nine (9) Ilhalllie notified twenty-foW' (24) houl'8 in advance before starting work and immediately upon completion. All Department property Rhall he reRtored to ibl original condition as far lIll practical, in keeping with Department specifications, and in a manner satisfactory to the Dt~partmcnt. Thl~ atwehed sketch and special provisions covering ddails of this installation shall be madt: a part of this permit. Thl~ pamittce shall commence actual construction in l!ood fAith within sixty (60) days from the date of said permit approval and shall be eompleted within dayI'. Special conditions: Instal~~~nA~~ ~~~vate dev~~ope~~ permit applicatiopby City W,i', S; flEPLACrr ( . wi...... . \- ,i'~ Spl'cial instructions: TO O,O,T. ',; f.,"'L. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Submitted by: City of Clearwater '~ '" A ./"') Pd~nitll~e ~~~ /./ ~ ~ n~___L__ _~ m_~~~~ft ~"" -r.I ace Corporate .. ~ ~ ." !f .' ~:; i J.:,':'~ .~,~' 1.', \;., . '- ~:J .':.., - .. ~--VI' ~--l'ffi~' '7-i--:-:~lT~~.n -'_ .,;. '.: I -. II -j I ~_.---- -., L. I - - i -- l~--:-';- I l --, i~l ~; .. ;'~' . ;_,n~l: ~ -fdf-' . .:~~._~~:"_~ . . -. . r---- _. .. '- . =-- - -... ljj' '. \,: II . ::-1 .' '---11 ., ---I :~ I ~~:.:. 1;. '~ >: -I; -=~:;; I r-.. 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