Student Development Center
Annual Report
I. Program overview
The Student Development Center, located at 1250 Holt Avenue, serves students in grades
K through twelve in the North Greenwood area. The majority of these participants are from low
income households, many of which are headed by single parents. A large number of these
parents or care givers lack the skills and background to provide educational support for these
students at home. These factors, when coupled with the economic status of a majority of the
students' households, place these students "at risk" for academic failure. The after school
program and the summer reading camp are designed to assist these students in overcoming these
obstacles to academic success.
II. Programs and Program Results
The calendar for the Student Development Center mirrors the calendar for the Pinellas
District Schools. Program offerings were multi-faceted and included credit recovery, OED, after
school academic coaching and tutoring and a summer reading camp. The teachers providing
services to the targeted students were all certified public school teachers and school district and
community volunteers. All services were provided free of charge to program participants.
Twenty - seven students enrolled in the OED program during the year. Course work for
this program was completed on the computer using independent study course work materials and
in the traditional classroom format. The target population for this program is 16 - 21 year old
young adults residing in the North Greenwood community. Three of the participants completed
required course work and received their high school diplomas in countywide ceremonies held at
Ruth Eckerd Hall.
B. Credit Recovery
The credit recovery program offers high school credit courses to students in grades nine
to twelve who received an "F" grade in any high school course. This program component is on-
going and meets two nights per week as a part of the regular high school program.
Twenty -.six students are currently enrolled in the high school program.
C. Sewing Class
This class met one night per week. There were twenty regular attendees. Sewing
machines were donated and the instructor was a community volunteer. Program participants
made bed spreads. Quilts, drapes, and a myriad of other household items. They also learned
basic sewing and mending techniques.
D. After School Program
The after school program is the center piece of the Student Development Center. One
hundred seventy - six students in grades K - 12 were currently enrolled. The students receive
instruction in reading, math, and computer skills development. Home work is completed at the
end of the prescribed curriculum and each student receives a snack. We have also assembled a
classroom library with over 1500 titles to encourage a love of reading.
Program growth has been stifled as a result of constraints caused by the slowing
economy. Program participants include after school program - 186, OED - 27, and sewing class
- 20 for a total of233. Even Start, a program of the adult education program, also held an
orientation for fourteen new students as well as two parent social functions.