The Zoning Ordinance - Ordinance No. 283 ',~ -/. .') .:' > ','. ~,,:)-.\~~.( _', .i',"/"~: ".~,:,jtij:_,-.t 1~~~ :. ..;'-:':')i.'~!.t' ).' ': {_1: ,.t.{^<J~~{~;' ::~~.~~<. ~(;,~:~^:./:ilp.'.i3:: ,,~./~" '~},,-:,:,'~:~,-~~~~rr .' :.~ :. .."" ",": r!"r""-- :,,~,,~r~~ (=~ :\, t "', ~ -- ~.:. ~~""':~~t:1... ~/.' ....'" #~ 't...t;~ ~ ~./ ; I ,. "': ;. "~ A,<':~:-~:'~~":~,: ;, ,J'!;)'~'.,~)~ .... " <',rl>HE:,,:~~~~~,z..t)'N'~ll\T Lt.. lJ:l<,,:i~Jt~;i~i,l~~: .., '"~_. . j\.,," . ' : .~.~ ~~ ..,. . < . ;~;.~ 't'. /~,' ~I~ Rtf" >. '@". i ..: ", "'.('.~. rV<~':':," t t '''1 >, ,j~ ~ ~~i;:',: \" );,~ ;}f:/"I f1~1 ': ."" . ,t". . ';t:~;j ;.~!. '.C, , ~,;, . 1i-:.'- :, ~j .~ - ..) $i.. ~-~. e, .!~~} ,,~.,:;~; .. 1\. ..1;:;',.;.~,\: \'/;<;:C:.r: .,' ..~ ' ;.~':: '" ';e, . ..' '. . ,...,.:..);;c:':; ":.' ..... t ~:,:' :;-' : .;-}},"',::':':..;:j.~:':~:~.;~ "'ji>"" "~., 'c.::' .. :,,.;,.,.'\ ~ . .,;( .' [{')'i~\ r" ;.;.:~<;;.<>...,; d '<',i"';,)":; " ;.,;.;;;,- ? .;.:~~': .,{ i.'.;";l,~;:'~ r~;"". " . :,." " ,;::.;e;';'" ,.;-,;;.. :..;. Jr:"1"'\'; .-. ~'~:;,' ;.. ;;,J~~i ';,> ::,,::<,'-:'c:j:. r:' ;';l~~\";/";} : . '." ".:'" .~ .'<D:., ;',{"',;):<,.?':.:,..',:,.,'"c;,;.;\{.t:.... L.....:.".':..';:.,;;.::::'':'~..C . ..... .. :,......".' :j)i:.;;, "\X:", . " ,';'>+': . ~>". ., "', ;.:, yi;:" ,., ',. ",',; ..:,.;:T;,i"".:' '.' , ...." , ';"";;':;' ., ,.......>.:::, ;'>'" .:'. .' ; ,.' ." r,.. i: :~')}})~f< '''''.;" ':"'\~Vf>r ." . . ': " /' ":"i.~t~~l;::'J ..' .....';.... ~,.-:~.i",.:~.,;.,.,.':.-;:;;\ .; " '.,.:::~'::;" .. .~~~ .~j;;:.\~.,.'::;:..,:r.... ;,.'1. .,. "'~ ",\' (,; r.,. ~':n.t=lt ;'~:'h~; J;;t"'.....:; .:6*:,"), f"", '., ,:,~_,;':-':;"J 'i:; :~ ": ..u~.,;~ ~i) .~\" < ;-:';(:~. '. ,.){:: ;",' ,,",.;, .;', ",.".'.,:.....j:i '{:i;' , 7',. ,,['::1 ;", ;,':T',.., ',' ""'::.: \:~::.';:. ";;":;",.:.' ." '." .... "f};:>< 'i' -.,... "f' R.Dl. . :;:~ },' . ~. ..f' ~: :t:}J.;..~l ! :. . ~. ~-- "" ;..:-/ ~.;:I ;' ';--" :~~f:~ :.! ~ ,.~. (':\t~, Zoning't,@rdiI?an'ce No. '283 ;:', .'-J~','~ ~ ". ~~ AN OHlHNANCJ!J ItEGULATINd'.' ,l;unlcI\Ung doors or wlmlowlI or AND IU'RTHICTING 'TlIEUSE OP'w similar openings ; and the word shall L^ ND AND THg 1-<:iCATION AND)', Include the word "structure." USI.; Or<' BUILDINGS AND, STRUC.)~:~ (e) DWELLING HOUSFJ OR RFJSI- TURICS IN nm CITY OF CLEAR-P,DENCE. ,A bulldlnll^ use,1 as a home "'ATI~H, FLOHIDA, . CREATING",;'orreBldenc/l for a single famlly In DISTHICTS OR ZONIJlS THEREFOR:~,I;whlch .all livIng rooms nre accessible HEGlJLATING THE INTENSITY OFr"','; to each other 'from within the bulld- liSIC OF' LOT ARI':AS AND THE LO.h'~, lng, and Hi whIch such IIvlnll^ roomll CATION OF BUIIjDIIGS AND' are aecenlble wIthout using an en- RTRUCTUHI~S THI~RFJON, ESTAB- trance vestibule. staIrway or hall-' I,ISIUNO BIJII,DING LlNNS: PRO- waY that Is dPAlll^ned I\S a common V[DING Fon TIn~ lNTERPRETA- entrance vestlhule or common stal..- 'rtON. APPLICA'I'lON, AND EN- way or common hallway for more Jo'ORCEMENT OF ITS PROVISIONS, than one fnmll~', and In which the ,\ND FIXING' PENALTIES FOR' use and mnnagl'ment of all sleeping VTOLA'l'IONS : AND. . PROVIDING '~:, quarters. all appliances for cooklnll^, FOn A SPECIAl.. ELECTION' .'1'0';., 'ventilating, heatln", or lighting, oth- D1~TFJRMINEWHETHER. OR ,NOT!4i-'er than a public service, are under IT SHALL. GO INTO EF1l'EC'I'. ' i ..~, one control. In pursunnce ot. allthority contdr.: (f) 'FAMIL~, One or more Indl- rNI by Section 79, ot thEl'.J:lhli.rter ot ;" vlduals living, sleepln/!', cooking and the City of Clearwater as amended,,,,: 'eatlnl!' ,on thA premises as a sIngle by special act of the Legislature ap.~; houBekeeplng unit. proverl the 2(\th day ot~, Junel031.fi . (g) GARAGE. A public garage, nn,! for the purpose of prom~tlng thde:'~{except all otherwise provided by thl.!l health. safety. morals, prOsperIty. an to paragraph Is a building or premises gener.al welfare Of. Ilald. joC..I. ty: and. if'i. arranged,' desIgned or Intended .to ns a prelimInary to a mOl'econlpre-;\f~be used for. the storage of motor ve- henslve zoning antI Pla~n.!!lg..8cheme,):',: hlcles tor hire or reward. or Which, for salr! City: . .....b.rl~lt,"II;"..,.lt "'<itdo8snot come within the definition q; BI': IT ORDAINFJD. v;t .t!lEl" v Ya;i. ot. a prIvate garal!'e as herein IIet, ' Commission of the CllY'1IPt.;ii;Cle~r:;~~forth... A private garage Is a build,:, water. Florl,la. as follows,,>, "'; ,l\~'1nll'wlth:. ground area not In excess t, Section 1;, This Ordinance. .llhli.11 ~l)~ot . eIght. hundred (ROO) square. feet' known as The Zoning Ordlna~ce" '~'" arranll'ed, destgnerl or Intended to be " Section 2, DFJFINITIONS. ~,CElt~ "l1se,l for thl! storall'e on the ground ' tnln words In thIs ordlnari(!e aredeil",:ndor of not more, than four Indl- . fln.ed for the purpollell. .thereof ,(un~'>f';".'vldUallY owne,' paslli!l1ger automobl.IElll less therl' Is expreBS provlslol1' ex-; ~ devoted to the private use of the,' elUding such construction. .0.'.1'. th..e .IUb.....~. ','.owner when Imch garllge Is ..Iocntl"d: ject matter or context. III .'repugnant 141 on th~ same premIses wllh and ail thereto) as follows: .... Ji',:", "'.' ",;".'an auxilIary UBe to the resIdence or (a) \Vordll used In'ithepre8l!nt~: apartment of the owner of such aut"" tense Include the future".ltheslngu-i{ nlobllell 110 stored, and where notul"l. lnr number Includes the ;~plurli.l: and r: lubricants or accesllorles arA MId. ' the plural the slng,~lad:;theWOrdS~ (h) LOT, A pnrcel of lI\nd or "use" and "occupy In' eIther.. the'*>I'remll!e8 OCCUPlfl" hy onA bUlldln,1l^ pnllt or present tense IIhall Include~,:, wIth IhI ulluar auxiliAry bul\itlngs or the words "arranged, designed or In-it! 1ISM cUlltomarlly Inclitent to It, In- tended to he, orcapllble.>'of.. beln'!'r,:\: cluitlnll' ..uch oflCn space.. as lire rf!- , used or occupied"! .the,wo,l'/I'. other '~,You'red by thIs orillnance and snch IIhllll not be limIted" to.Jiithlngs".Ofll(c;,open spllces as Ill''' -Ilrranll'ed and de.. slmllllr character. ,,' l . II'A l'lllR'ne<1 .t" be USl"d In connection with (bl. A PA RTMFJNT . . HOlTSFJ. .,,:' such bulldlnll^. l!Iha1\ be dep.med a lot buildIng which Is used or Intended to >_ for the purposes of thlll OrdinAnce he used as a home or resl6ence .for:( except 8.Il herein Ilpeclflca1\y provld- two or more tamlltell Ilvlng',lnsElP..t \ ed 8rllteapartments. . F',J.~"'" '. ,i,;:' C NFORMING USFJ A' (c) AUXILIARY lJ'SE.\iUl!Ie cus.' (I) NON-.O T ,. tomarlly tncldf!ntR.1 to. and . ACCp.nory ;' hon-conformlnll^, use Is a',use. which to thp principal use ot a bnlldlnll^ 01'1'; rloes not comply with the rell'ulatlons prem'-8e~ An,l located ori i. the ..same,i'" of th,e use dIstrIct In which It Is 'premIse.. with such principal lIlIe. situated. (d) BUILDING. A building Is . a',' . ('j) No.TICE. Where notice Is re- structure entirely separated. from,,: qull'edh]t thll!l orrllnancEl to be given anv other structure by space' or by,', Itma]t . hI' given actually or by de- wa1\s In .whlch 'thereilLrl!\~,nd~com. posit ot ,wrlttenilnotlce In the mati ' 4ri} , ' "~ff:;" " ,h~l'1 "I ',i r~.:";" ~--~ ~~~-- ~-- .~ "~-'.~'.- -- .-. "~ .~ _ II.. B I! :I I ~;. .1,; " ". ll> the Illst known address of the per- ..on required to be notlfltld ai' by ad- vertl..ement In any dally newspaper regularly pllbllshed Iln \: the City of Clearwatel' for two consecutive pub- lication dIlY.. (k) PI~HSON, Shall Inclllde cor- .,,)rute al,,1 other legal entities, their oUlcers, rel'resentlltlves and agents. 0) STIU~E'r. As actually laid out or projectell to. be laid out or ex- tended. Section 3, USI~ DISTRICTS. (a) }o'or the purpose of das"lfylng, regu- lating amI restricting the location of trade.., Industries Ilnd other u.e., aJlll the loc"don of bulhllngs usell for specific purposes, the City of Clearwlltel Is hereby divided Into the following c1llsses of zones pI' dis- trlcts: Residence distrIcts. Business distrIcts. Manufacturing districts, Public dlctrlcts, as shown In the map, consisting of un Inllex sheet !Lnd sheets, said sheets datell A prll 14th, 1932. and slg-ned by the City Auditor and Clerk. 111111 which accompanIes and Is made Il IllU.t of this Onllnance: and which Illap Is hereby lleslll"nated. and shall be known liS, the "Zoning Map of the City of Clearwater." The use ,Ustrlcts lleveloped on saId map. are herehy established. Wherever practical boundllrles of the ..everaJ dl..Illcts hereIn establlsh- ell shall follow cenler lines of blocks, slreets or alleys, Hnd If mllrglnal along a street or highway. shall rlln to the rears of the marglnlLl lotl.<, anll It rlparl/ln Rhllll Include the ahuttln!l' lancl unllcl' wllter. (b) No I)remlses or build In!'; shall be uRel1 or occupll',l or any bul1clln~ ereetl\cl, aller",l nr exten(ll\d to be uRed or oC'C'upl",1 for /lny use or pur- Ill'SI\ olh"r Ihun Ih/lt permlttl\cl In the dlstrlC'1 In whlC'h "l1ch bulldlnK t~. or n1'pnlt~(\A n f'P' lnrA.tfl!I1. Sl\ctlnn 4. HF.RIDI.:NCF. DIS- TRICTS. (a) In Il Residence dla- trlct no hl1llllln~ or pr"mlse" Rhall be used or ol'cupled. or anY bullll- Ing erectell. all..rll(l or en1urll'ecl to he I1scd or occuplecl exeept for R. UR... exclusively as hereinafter de- fined, (b) For the purposes of this ordinance. R uses are he,'ebY defln"cl as I1ses deHlgnetl tot' amI perm1ttell In Resilience lllslrlcts and contonn- Ing 10 the provlHlon" r..lutlng to such ,lIlllrlcls l'espectlvelY; Rnll all n. 111l"S Ilre dasslfled an,J .letll1cll as follows: It-I Use-An H-' \Ise Rhall Include evel'Y 11"1' as a dwelllnK house. H-2 Use-An n-2 use shlLlI Illcl1ulc evel'y use IlS !L hotel, aplll'tment house, bOIlI',lIng hOllse, lodging house, church, hospital. private school unless opcrated sO as to bring It within the definItion of a l:l u..c. a. private club exceptlng one the ellle! activity of which il~ a service l;ustomal'lIy carrlell on as a buslnc..s and a community center. (c) In all are..s allocated Oil sahl Illa!> to it-I uses, no premIses shall ue used or snY bulllllng' occupiell, or !lny bulllling bEl erected, altered 01' extended to be used 01' occupleu cx- cellt for R-I uses exclusivelY. (d) In all areas allocated on sllld mllP to R-2 uses. no premises shall be used or any butllllng occupied. 01' llny building be erected, !lltereu 01' extended to be usell Ol' occuplell ex- cept for R-l or R-2 uses. Section :i" AUXILIARY USES IN HI!:SIDENCI~ DISTRICTS. Auxiliary uses whIch do not alter the charactcr of the premises In respect to their use for residential purposes shall be permitted In Residence lllstrlcts, Auxiliary uses shall Include the fol- lowing. but the enumeration of such uses shall not be Ileemet! to pl'even t proper audllary uses that are not referred to, Signs not exceeding six ([I) feet In area. ad vertlslng the premises for sale or for rent, and signs not ex- ceedlnp, twelve feet In area, stlltlllg the name of the building, If an apartmen: house or hotel; provided that neither be prohibited by any vllllll ordinance. The office of a surgeon, physlcl..n or dentist or other similar profes- sional, 10catAd In the dwelJlng or apartment used es the prIvate resi- dence of such person ant! the u..ual Inconspicuous signs. Customary. hOllle occupation lo- cated In a dwelling or apllrtment, ancl carrlell "n onlY by the members of the householil of the person occn- pylng such dwelJlng or apartment aR his private resilIence, pl'ovided no window or other dIsplay or slim bf' used to advprtlse such occupation. The renting of one or more rOClms. or the provlt!lng of table hoar,l In fl dwelling or apartment house occ'n- plet! as .. private reslllence In an R-2 area, and the usual Inconspkn- ous wlnrlow sign be used to advertise f'uch use; A pnbllc illnlnll' room or restllurant located In en hotel. 'Such facilities as are reqnl..ed tor the operatlor: of an hotel 0" apart. . ment house, or tor the use or entp,'- talnment uf I!'uests or lenants of th" hotel 01' apartment house, when con- <lnctell, anll enterel] only trom within the hullrllng: provlllel1 no street, wlnclow or other entertainment dls- pIny. or other f'xte,'lor sign be us",l to at! vertlse such use. A private garage, with or wlthont servants qUllrtors above, In connec- tion with nn H-t use, IhnitC'd In groun,1 ar('ll, to len per cenl of the arca of the lo~. but not In "xcess of 2 ~ . :.. 'It. .- the grounu areOJ. prescdbeu for, or in excess of, tho capacity Ilmlts of a private garage, pl'Ovlded, however, that a private garag.e in connection with an H-l use shall not be located on the same lot with another private garago, A private garage or garage apart- Illent In connection with an R-~ use Iimiteu In grounJ area to fifteen (15cl,,) per cent of the arca of the lot. (b) Auxiliary uses shall not In- clude: A garage or stable In connection with a non-conforming use, a drive- way 01' walk used for egress fl'OIll "I' Ingress to a B or M use, a blll- boar'd, postcr or other advertising sign or structure, a store, trade, business, garage or stable; except such as are hereinbefore specifically permitteu, Section (I, BUSINI~SS DISTRICTS, (a) In a Business district no building or premises shall be used or any buildings be erected. alt ered. or en- Illl'ged to be used except for R or B uses exclusively as ljerelnafter de- fined, (b) POI' the purposes of this onlinance, B uses are hflreby defined as uses other than R, 10.1 anr! P uses, designed for and permitted In Bnsl- ness dlstrlct~ and conforming' to the provisions relating to such districts, (c) A B use shall Include every use q sa: Retail' or whoh;sale business, In- clUding lI!rht lTIanufacturlng; pro- vldcd that such business be conducted wholly In a substantial building completely enclosecl with walls ancl a roof, and pl'ovldecl that the operation or conduct thereof shall not be of such a nature as to become offensive or noxlolls to the occnpants of neighboring premises usecl lor R uses. by l'eaHOn of the emlHsion 01 odors. furnes ur g-ases, .lust, smoke, noise or vlbl'atlons. ancl pl'Ovldeu that an unclue fire haza,'d be not cl'eatec] thm'eby, and as fin office bul'dlng, Section .7, MANUFACTlJRING DISTRICTS, (a) In a Manufactur'- Ing district, any building or premises may be occupied 01' used or any hulldlng bc ercclell, hltered or en- larged to be devoted to flny use not prohibited In the City of Clearwater by any otiler' ol'IlInance except as hereinafter cleflned, (b) M U~e, For the purpose of thl~ Ol'dlnanee an 1\1 IIse IH her"by deflnee] as finy use for an occupa- tion. busln..ss or activity oth"r thAn nn R, n or P use. that may lawfUlly be cal'l'lec] on within the City, find shall includ~ "ltrus "" oth"r pAcklnl': plants, fa~t()I'h~R, llllllhel' yn.r,ls and tr'uck gal'd(\lIll1g os H buslo(1ss. Section R, PUBLIC DISTHICTS, (a) In a Public cHstdct no hulldlnl': 01' premises shall Iw occupieel or used, or any bullulng be erecleu, al- tered or enlarged to be devoted to any othel' than a P USIl exclusively, as hereInafter deflnetl. (b) 1<'01' the PUl'poses of this ordlllance a 1-' Use la herebY defined as a Uae designed for antl permitted In Publtc ulstrlcts and conforml ng to the proviSions relating to such dls- tl'icts; and all P uses lue c1asslfieu as follows: 1'-1 USIJJ, A pol use shall Indude th" pUblic streets and highways and every use as a pUblic park, public, bulluing, public recreation groulllls, al'latlon field, golf courae, baseball field or training Quarter's, P-2 USK A P-2 use Sh~1 Include every use as l\ bathln beuch. a. musement park and re,reational en terprlsea. P-3 lJSK A P-3 use sha I Include every use as a rallwa~', other than a street I'all way, Pi USK A P-4 use shall Include all places ot scenic beauty, calculut<HI to attract visitors, tourists, anll per- manent residents and to bulll1 up the welfare and prosperity of the City of Clearwater. In such ar'eas no building or prem- Ises shall be used or occupied. 01' any building be erected, altered, enlal'ged 01' maintained so as to obstruct Ihe view or to ma~ the scene 01' pros- pect, or which In any way may mill. tate against the attractive features of the 10ca1l1Y. And In partlcul"r. tho' not In limitation upon the fore- going. no auvel'tlsln!\, posters. bill- boards 01' other signs 01' stl'uct UI'I'S ot whatever description shall he erected or matntnlned tn such arellS or within :\00 feet therefrom, Section 0, TEMPORARY USES, Nothing herein contained shall bc construed to prevent the erection or malntenanct: ot temporary structures Inclelental to the prosecution of pub- lic works or to building ope,'atlonR.- or, In any other than Hesl<lence dis- trIcts, for religious meetings, open all' gatherings. tent shows or other purely temporary uses 01' purposes: provided that a permit theretoI' be first pl'ocnred from the Building In- spector. Such a permit shall he Ruh- ject to revocation by the City ]\[/lU- agel', Section 10, NON -CONFOR1\IINO USES, The lawful use of a building existing on the eftectlve date of this ordinance, or authorized by a build- Ing per'mlt Issued prior thereto, Illay be continued, although such use does not conform with the provisions of this ordInance. and such use may be extended throughout the building. No notl-conformlng use shall be extenr!- ed so as to dlspiace a conformIng rcsldential use, A non-conformIng use may bechan~ed to a use of the same or higher classification accord- Ing to the provisions of this or'cUn- 3 '. ." ~.. nnce. \Vhenever a district shall hereaCter' be changed, any then exist- Ing non-conConnlng ,,\se, In such changed <.llstrlct may be continued or "hange<.l to a use oC a similar or htghm' classlClcatlon. provided all other regulations governing the new U"tl artl complied with. Whenever a non-conCormlng use oC a building has been discontinued or changed to a higher classlClcatlon or to a con- Cormlng use, such use shall not ther't'after be changed to II. use oC a lower classlClcatlon. No building which has been dama&,ed by Clre or other causes to the extent oC more than sixty-five per centum oC Its ,'alue IIhall IJ" repaired to rebull t ex- cept III conCormlty with the regula- tions or this ordinance. Section ]1. LOCATION AREAS AND VOULME OF DWELLING AND APARTMJ'~N'r HOUSES, (a) Bulld- In~L1nell. The building lines Indl- catell on the said map al'e hereby AstaIJllshed as the building lines In Residence districts. (b) Where I' block Is occupied or partiallY occupied by. buildings at the time this ordinance becomes eC- Cectlve, the average oC the distances from the street line to the Cront sHcet walls oC such buildings shall be the established bulhllng line. Lots occupied by blllldlngs designed tor ,'csldence uses permitted In a Resi- dence district, unless the aggregate C,'ontage of such lots exceeds 110 per cent ot the total frontage In the Illock, shall be considered as though vacant tor tbe purpose of establish- Ing the building line where IOCllte11 In such a district. (c) Location ot such Buildings. No building shall be occupied or used. or erecterl. altererl or extenl)ed, or /lny structure whatever be erected or malntalnel) so as to be nearer to the street line. or. If on a corner lot nearer to the street lines, than all so InlHcated tor the given lot nor nearer than three (3) teet to elthf>r ..llle line, or rear Itnp. at any lot. But one dwelling or apartment house sh/111 b... erecte,) 01' occupied' on a slngl\! lot. ((I) No building 'tor auxiliary use In such a rlllltrlct shall be nearer to thA bulldlnll' line. or If on a corner lot nearer to the' building lines In either dlrp.ctlon. than one halt at the r"malnder at the ,1I,pth of the lot. (e) Area and Volume. No bulld- .Inll( shall be userl or occuplerl. or ,erccte,l. altererl or enlargerl tor R ,Ulles. on' premises less In area than twenly.tl\'\l(21\) teet. by one hun- 'drp.rl (100) feet. nOJ; shall any such hullrllng contain .Iesa than sIxteen . hundrerl (1(100\ cubIc ~eet on the .A'rounrl floor tor eacl1f'ndlvlllual oc- <1upant. Sf>"tl"', 12, Rl':STHICTIONS. MISCFJI,T ,ANruOUS (a) Bl11boardl!.' No bl11boards, posters 01' other ad- vertising signs or structures shall be erected or maintained In a Residence district except as herein specificallY permitted or In a Public district and In no case within 1100 teet of the City's main approaches and highways Inclu(\lng Fort' Harrison Avenue, North and South, Betty Lane north of Drew Street, Cleveland Street, North East Cleveland Street. Drew Street. ,Tampa' Boulevard. Park Street, Druid Rd. west of the At- lantic Coast Line right ot way. Man- dalay Boulevard. and the rights of way, stations and yards ot the At- lantic Coast Line or the Seaboard AirLIne Ratlroad, and none nlong the approaches to or on the Cause- .way. " No such blllboard, poster or other advertising sIgn or structure shall exceed thIrty (30) teet In area, be nearer than six teet trom any bullll- Ing or any side lot or In the absence ot a bulltllng line, within tlfteen teet trom any street; or shall be nearer than three teet trom the ground, or higher than sll[ teet trom the ground. or shall he at other than fire proof materIal or Incapable of wlthstanll- lug an etfectlve wind pressure of 80 pounrls to the square toot. and It shall rest upon supports and founda- tions not subject to rot or rust or other forms ot. deterioration atfect- Ing or tenrllng .to atfect the securIty thereat. , ' ' . . No 'non.llonformlng structures of sRlrl class shall be altered or extenll- ed except In contormlty wIth the pro- visions of thIs section. (b) I,t shall' be the duty of tM Rull<lIng Inspector to examine from time to time all exlstln!!' blllboa/'llR, poster S 01 other a,lvertlslng struc- tures to determIne whether or not thp.)' conform to the requirements. hereot anrl If not, he shall cause their removal. (c) Fl11lnll( Statlonll. RepaIr Shops Rnrl Publl" Osrall'es. No building 0" pl'Amlses ShRll be occuplerl or use,\. or Anv hullrllng be el'ecterl, Illlpre,1 or enlarllred to he usecl or occulll,,<1, ns II. gasoline /lnrl 011 fillIng or serv- I<'e Iltatlon. TeWllr shoP or public Kar- aKe In n. Real~"nce cllstrlct enll In a Ruslness 'or ManutacturlnK rlllltrlct only wIth the written consent of thp. ownera or lessors pf the propertv on both slrlea of the street adjacent to the aalll block tlrst procured anrl t\lerl with the Building Inspector; . (d) Offensive Buslnesa or Manu- tacturlng Uses:, No use otherwise permItted by this orrllnanlle shall be utlllzecl or avallerl of tor purposes calclllatec:'t to ,create a punllc nulR- ance, unduly "to Increase fire hazard or trattlc' conJestlon, 01' to enrlanller th.. s"tety, hAalth', morels or genp.ral wp.lfllre of the CIty of CIMrwntH. (e) AIrports and Aviation Fldrls. 'J' ~,;n ,,' 4 , '. .. " j l ,- , , .. .-' No Smoke stacl<, Clagpole, elevate,l tank, radio masts or station build- ing or other structure or obstruction to the operation of aircraft of a height of more than fifty (50) feet shall be placell within one thousand (WOO) feet from the exterior boun- daries of the Municipal Aviation I"leld In ,mill City, (f) Multiple Garages, Multiple garages shall not be erected, main- tained or occuple,l 01' used In any of tne areas classified by this oJ'(lInance, except such as may be Incidental or auxiliary to M uses ami within the lllstrlcts allocated on salll map to such uses. (g) Tourists Camps, etc, None of the w,!es classlflell In this oJ'(llnance shall be ,Icemed to Include a ceme- tery or a tourist camp, or cottage system having common facilities, Section 13 ADMINISTRA TION, (a) 'l'he administration anll enforce- ment of ,this ordinance shall devolve upon the Bulldlnl{ Inspector of the City of Clearwater; or, In his ab- sence or disability, upon such other officer ot like qualifications as may be appointell according to law, (b). Such Bulhllng I nspcctor Is hereby empower"d, and It shall be his duty, to all minister this ordin- ance In conjunction with the admin- Istration of the Bulhll'hg Code of the City of Clearwater In such a mllnner as to .facllitlite their Joint admlnls- ,tratlon For the purpose of enforc- Ing this orlllnance the authority vest- ed In him unller the said Building Code Is hereby declared to be vested in him under this ordinance. (cl In case of a conflict between any of the provisions of this ordln- fince and those of the Bulllllng Code In a given Instance, the more re- strleth'e of the two shall govern. Section 14, CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY.-PRRMITS. (a) It shall be unlawful to use 0" permit the use ot allY building- or premises or part thereof, herllfter created, .crecte,1, charll\,ed or converted wholly or partly In Its use or structure, un tll a certificate of occupancy, to the ef- fect that the building- or premises or the part thereof, conf'il'm to the pro- visions of this ordlnli"hce. shall have .been Issued by the Bulldlng Inspec-. tor. No permit for excavation for, or .erectlon of, any building or part of a bUlldlng, or for repairs to, or al- ation of, a buihltng, shall be Issued until after a statement of Its Intend- ell use has been flied with the appli- cation. No change or extension of IIse and no alterations shall be made In a non-conforming use 01' premises without a certificate of occupancy having first been Issued by the Bulld- Inl\' Inspector that such chlinge, ex- tension or alteration Is In conformity with the p,'ovlslons of this ol',lInance. (b) Certlflca tea of qccupancy shall be applied for at the same time that the bulldlng permit Is appllell for und shall be Issued within 10 duys after the crection or alteration of the bull ding shall have been completed. A record of all certificates shall be kept on file In the office of the Bulldlng Inspector and copies shall he fut'nlshe,l upon requcst to any per- sons havln/{ a proprietary or tenlillCY Interest In the bulldlnl\' affected. (c) Each application for a b\llhl~ Ing permit shall be accompanlod hy Il plat In duplicate, drawn to sCltle and In such form as may be 1'1'11- scribed by the Bulldlng Inspector, showing the actual dimensions of the lot to be built upon, the size of the building to be erected, and such oth- cr Information as may be nec"ssal'y to provide for the enforcement of the regulations contained In this ol'llln- ance. A careful record of such ap- plications and plats shall be kept In the office of the Building Inspecto,'. (d) Pending the Issuance of are/.(- ular certificate, a temporary cedlfl- cate of occupancy may be Issued for a period not exceeding six months. during the cOmpletion of alterations or during partial occupancy of a building pending the completion, Such temporary certificates shall not be construed as In any way alterlnl{ the respective rh\'hts, duties or ob- ligations of the owners or of the city relating to the use or OCCUIl/l- tlon of the premises or any otllor matter covered by this ordinance. and such temporary certificate shll II not be Issued except und"r BIlCh re- strictions and provisions as will alle- quately Insure the safety of Ihe oc- cupants. No temporary certificate shall be Issued If 1'1'101' to Its com- pletion the building should fall to conform to the provisions of the Building Code or of this ordinance to such a degree as to render It unsafe for the occupancy proposed. (e) Completion and Restoration of Existing Buildings. Nothing herein contained sha.1l require any chan~e In the plans, construction or Intellll- cd use of a building for which a building permit has been heretofore IRRued and the construction of which shall have been diligently prosecutell within one year of the date of sllch permit and diligently prosecuted to completion. Section 11\. ADJUSTMENTS AND RELIEF. (a) Where, In a particu- lar Instance. there ILre practical dif- ficulties, unnecessary hardship, or an Injustice In carrying out the strict letter or application of any of the provisions or regulations of this ordinance: or where It be found that the safety, health, morals and gen-. eral welfare of the CI ty of Clear- water would not be subserved by a strict Interpretation or application thereof; or where a reasonable doubt 5 f. I ~ ",-" .."~ .". __. .. tI , ~~Lli.~~~.mnIlIII'n""-"'_ may fairly arise as to the Interpre- tation or application thereof; or where an Illegality would or might "csult; the established Zoning' and Planning Board of the City of Clear- water shall have power, and It shall be the duty of said JJoard, to dc- tel'llllne the proper Intent, Interpre- tation 01 apl,lIcatlon of any oC such provision. or regulations, and to grant rdleC In the premises; so that the spirit of this ol'lllnance shall be obse ved; public safety, health, mor- als allll general weltlutl secured, sub- stantlallustlce uone anu litigation a voided, Iu) A p\leal. Hub.1t'ct tu Hueh rule>! alH] regulations as the City Com- miSSIOn may adopt from time to time, a review oC the determination of the DOll I'll by the City Commis- sion nlllY he had at the Instance of an agrleveJ party; provided that wl'ltten aplJlIclltlon thereCor, settln/{ Corth the grounds for the appeal and sh:-neu by such party or his duly aU- thol-Ized agent, be CIled with the City Auditor and Clerk within ten (10) days acter such determination, Section In, li't1NCTIONS OJ;' THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD, (8) Thtl Zoning /lnu Planllln/{ Board sllflll select Crom Its members, a vlce- chairman, who shall act In the ab- sence or disability oC the Chalnnan, The City Auditor and Clerk shall be the SeCI'Potal')', whose duty It shall be to attenl] all meetings und take and keep, subj...ct to the cull of salll Board, the minutes oC Its proceed- Ings, Such minutes, or a copy there- of or oC any portion thereof at- tested by the salll Secretary, shall be evidentiary of the matters and things ther.dn recorded, 1t shall pro- vide for re/{ular. and special meet- Ings. Special meetings shall be call- ed upon the request of not less than three members, and upon not less than forty-eight hours notice, Four regul..r members of the Board shall constitute a Quorum and Ii. major'lty ii. of those present shall control Its oC- flclal action, It sh..lI adopt from tlme to tlme, such rules and regula- tions as It may deem necessary or deli'lrable for the pertol'mance of Its llutles and for the conduct of Its af- fall's. (b) Exercise of any ot the powers for relief under the preceding section may be Initiated by written applica- tion by an Interest..d person, or by th.. City Manager, or on motion oC thA BoaI'll Itself, and shall be had on- ly atter Ii. puhllc helll'ln~: at which persons Intel'esten shall be RCCol'ded an opportunity to be heard, Public notice oC such mectln/{, lltatln~ the time, place ann purpose, shall be given by puhllcatlon thereof in a dailY newspaper regularly publlli'hp.ll In the City oC Clellrwater, Cor Rt least two consecutive publication uuys. .li:xcellt where the Board pro- elOeull at the Instance oC the City Managcr 01' on It II own 1Il0tion, tiIe COllt of such publication llhall lie uOl'lle by thlO applicant, (c) '1'he Board shall also have the power to review the, action oC the Hullulng Inllpector to ,letenni ne whether or not It Is In accol'dunce with tnls ordinance, ami to take ap- pl'up"iate actlun. (d) The Bl.anl llhall pl'opuse to the Clt)' Commission In ordinance form such amendments oC thlll ord- Inance, all It may, from time to time, delOm auwlsable, Acting through Its ehalrman, the lloard shall have pow- er to ap1><'ar betore the City Com- millslon ami shall be heard In sup- port thereot 0" for 01' against any amendment, however proposed, to this ordinance, Section 17. PJ;:NAl.TlES AND RI~MEDI\i:S. la) Any person wheth- er as principal. agent or employee, violating any of the provisions or regulations of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereoC In the Mu- , nlclpal Court oC the City of Clear'- water, be punished by a Cine not ex- ceeulng $2011,00, or Imprisonment not exceeding sixty da}'s; such fine. or Imprisonment, at the 1I1scretlon oC thA MunicIpal Judge and each day oC duration of such vlolat,lons may be considered as a separate octense, (b) In case any building or struc- ture Is erected, constructed, recon- structed, altered, repaired, converted 0" maintained, or any building, structure or land ts used, In viola- tion of thlll ordinance or oC any oth- er ordinance or lawful regulation, the proper authorltles of the City oC Clearwater, In addition to the reme- dies herein provlrled for or which by law may be available to It, may in- stitute any appl'oprlate action 01' pro- ceeding to prevent or restrain such threatened vIolation or to Impose a penalty for such violation, 01' to reo strain, correct 01' abate such viola- tion, In order to prevent the occu- pancy or use of said bulldlnl{, or land contrary to the provIsions hereoC, or ,to prevent any Illegal act, conduct, business or uie In or about such premises, Section Ill. V A I.IDI'rY OJ!' ORD- INANCE If any section, paragraph, subdivision clause, sentence, pro- vIsion or other part of this ordinance shall be finally adjudged by any court oC competent Jurisdiction to be Invalid sllch judgment shall not aC- Cect, ImpaIr, Invalhlute 01' nullity the remainder of th Is ol',lInunce, bnt the eCfect thereof shall lie eonflne,l ,to the part hnmetllfltely an,1 neces- sarily Involvell In the final detel'llll- nation oC such court. Section lO, INTI'JHPHI'J1'ATION, The headings or captions to the Hev- eral sectlons of the ol'lllnanee lleHll{n- 6 .. l ~ ~ y t"-,.... · -. eu 1ll01'e particularly for convenience shall not be construeu in allY way to limit or qualify the sections to which they respectively apply except where Incorporated by l'eference 01' neces- Hary Implication, It Is not Intenued by this ordinance In allY way to abridge or to sUPer- sede any existing and enforcible covenantlal restr'ictions running with the land with respect to the charac- ter, use or location of buildings. Section 20. WHr';N EFFECTIVE. This oruinance shall take effect from and after Its passage and I ts ap- proval by a majority of the qualified ;' I I i I ~ I ! I I ! L Y i I t electors of the City of Clearwater who are freeholders within said City, voting at a special election to be called and held at such time and In such manner as the City Commis- sion may preserl be for the purpose of determining whether 01' not this ord- Inance shall go Into effect. Passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Clear- water, )j'lorlda, this 14th uay of April, A. D. 1932. ATTEST: II. H. Baskin, Mayor-Commissioner. J. E, SATTERFIELD, City AUditor and ChJrl.. 7