IKON PRODUCT SCHEDULE .,....i.., j The Way Buslnes. Gels Communicated- IKON 0lllc8 Solutions, Inc. 1738 B~s Road Macon, Georgia 31210 P.O.Box9115 Macon, Georgia 31208-9115 T elep/1one BOO 800 1060 Fax 478 471 2375 www.lkon.ccm Dear Valued Customer, Thank you for the new agreement you recently signed with IKON Office Solutions. Your first invoice has been mailed and should have reached you by now. E~closed is a copy of your recently executed lease agreement. Please take a few minutes to review the paperwork and your first invoice. If your records do not agree with the information provided, or additional billing information is required, please feel free to contact us at 1-800-595-1011. As a valued customer, we appreciate your business and will do our best to meet your needs. We look forward to serving you. Sincerely, IKON Office Solutions 1-' ,,, ,. \; (!.,..~,.-".---_.. t.. c.'..... . ~,. t.. . Document Efficiency At Work.... Product Schedule Number: /tiJtJ~7J'1/)4c.; Master Agreement Number: /t)Z)~ 0 This Scr~ule ("Sch.edule") is mad:J:art of the Master Agreement ("Mastel Agreement") identified on.~ Schedule between IKON Offic~ Solutions, ~c. ("w~" or "us") and C I ry of. C I ~:I1J!uJ;lcfIfJt , as Customer ("you"). All termS and condlboos of the Master Agreement are Incorporated mto this Schedule and made a part Iiereof. It is the intent of the parties that this Schedule be separately enforceable IS a complete and independent agreement, independent of all other Product Schedules to tho Master Agreement. CUSTOMER INFORMATION Cl'ry /lr CwA-~wA-"7C7~ Customer (Ifill To) . AA .b ~ ''71/ !!!L C.I::.Cf ~ Addr~ A ~.. c.;.t.FKJt~ 7,v/:;u.I.f ,L-, City County State Customer Contact N arne: G;.y ar-d.c:~~ Product LocatiglJ . J't 7/1 M,.rLf ~r; Ad<!ress IJ ..J.J7f8 c~ p",~~ A. Zip City County State Customer Telephone Number: Fax Number/E-mail Address: 7.l7- ~b4' 1/&7(4 7-'/- yt.,-<... ""65 "H;"'" $'" 4-c/' . . .JJ158 Zip PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ("PRODUCTS") Quantity Description: Make, Model & Serial Number Quantity Description: Make, Model & Serial Number I j). ., /"....". :'"7}1- /IJlj)..lloo I f!.Ic.tJ!I r~fVfA- A.lP .' /!(/{) Minimum Term (mos.) Minimum Payment Payment Due: Advance Payment (with tax) (Without Tax) /Monthly _Quarterly _ Apply to 1st Month's Pmt. bOo S /,3/7~.JfJ _ Other _Other Sales Tax Exempt: Ili Yes (Attach Exemption Certificate) Customer Billing Reference Number (p.O.#, etc.) Addendum(s) Attached: 0 Yes (Check if yes and indicate total number of pagc~ TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The first Payment will be due on the Effective Date. The delivery date is to be indicated by signing a separate acceptance form. 2. You, the undersigned Customer, have applied to us to rent the above-described items ("Products") for commercial (non-consumer) purposes. Except with respect to the express non-appropriations rights set forth in the Agreement, THIS IS AN UNCONDITIONAL, NON-CANCELABLE AGREEMENT FOR THE MINIMUM TERM INDICATED ABOVE. If we accept this Schedule, you agree to rent the above Product(s) from us, and we agree to rent such Product(s) to you, on all the terms hereof, including the Terms and Conditions on the Master Agreement. THIS ~ ACKNOWLEDGE TIIAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS SCHEDULE AND THE MASTER. AGREEMENT AND HAVE RECEIVED A COPY OF THIS SCHEDULE AND THE MASTER AGREEMENT. 3. Additional Provisions (if any) are: PAYMENT SCHEDULE THE PERSON SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF TIlE cUsTOMER REPRESENTS THA: HFlSHE HAS THE AUTHORITY TO DO SO. CUSTOMER X Tide: Date: ONS, INC. A _ II Tide: frV ( t'P,{"2r [,1 "' Date: ~" ( (Autnorized Signer\; printed name) IKON. Document Efficiency At Work" and IKON Office SOlutions" are trademarks of IKON Office Solutions, Ine. 5a:LG Product Schedul. 4.04 . Document Efficiency At Work.... . Product Schedule Number: /t:70~<70/1~ Master Agreement Number: 100 5JY:3 /) This S~edule ("SchedJJ4:") is made./,ar:.. of the Master Agreement ("Master Agreement") identified on this Schedule between IKON Office Solutions, Inc. ("we" or "us") and c:../"~ tlJ~ c.: f-r:',1~ 1'- , as Customer ("you"). All teml5 and conditions of the Muter Agreement are incorporated into this Schedule and made a part ereof. It is the intent of the parties that this Schedule be separately enforceable as a complete and mdependent agreement, mdependent of all other Product Schedules to the Master Agreement. ' CUSTOMER INFORMATION Customer (Bill To) C ~ '''1 Of' /./W-{ P ~ fl- Address /VI.,.b f' G1' "1/1 nrW, '. . City 'W.v~County P/~et--Llr{ State Customer Contact Name: M~.;; .,;6 Product Location C'I-ry /)~ Ci.J~~A- Address 711 M"'~f.-.tr 57, rt.-, Zip JJ%"8 CilJCt(..~ft1ft7tCounty /. ~ State h. Zip J J7rp Customer Telephone Number: Fax NumberlE-mail Address: 7.l"? - S-E..,;{ - 6. (, 'I ".,<7 - ~'..t.- hI',) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ("PRODUCTS") Quantity Description: Make, Model & Serial Number Quantity Description: Make, Model & Serial Number PAYMENT SCHEDULE Minimum Term (mos.) Minimum Payment b Payment Due: Advance Payment (with tax) (Without Tax:) onthly _Quarterly _ Apply to 1st Month's Proto ~{J $ /~/. ~8 _ Other _Other Sales Tax: Exempt: !f Yes (Attach Exemption Certificate) Customer Billing Reference Nunlber (p.O.i#, etc.) Addendwn(s) Attached: 0 Yes (Check if yes and indicate total number of pages: TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The first Payment will be due on the Effective Date. The delivery date is to be indicated by signing a separate acceptance form. 2. You, the undersigned Customer, have applied ro us to rent the above-described items ("Products" for commercial (non-consumer) purposes. Except with respect to the express non-appropriations rights set forth in the Agreement, TInS IS AN UNCONDmONAL, NON-CANCELABLE AGREEMENT FOR THE MINIMUM TERM INDICATED ABOVE. If we accept this Schedule, you agree to rent the above Product(s) from us, and we agree to rent such Product(s) to you, on all the terms hereof, including the Teqns and Conditions on the Master Agreement. TInS wn.I.. ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS SCHEDULE.AND THE MASTER AGREEMENT AND HAVE RECEIVED A COPY OF THIS SCHEDULE AND THE MASTER AGREEMENT. 3. Additional Provisions (if any) are: AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CUSTOMER REPRESENTS THAT HElSHE HAS THE AunIORITY Aa:ep IKO 'lide:~aa.~ \Ol2.'if1 'lirle: .M ".1 D (l.{,~ -: (Authorized Signer's printed name) IKON: Document Efficlancy At Work'" and IKON Office Solutions. are trademarks of IKON Office Solutions. Inc. 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