MEMORANDUM OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 't KEN BURKE, CLERK OF COURT PINELLAS COUNTY FLORIDA INST# 200806638603/1112008 at 03"43 PM OFF REC BK: 16178 PG: 1561-1566 DocType:GOV RECORDING: $52.50 MEMORANDUM OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT [MOP] This Memorandum of Agreel11ent for Development and Disposition of Property ("Memorandum") is made this ~day of J-{Q rd, ,2008, by and between the COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, a public body corporate and politic of the State of Florida (the "Agency"), whose address is 112 S. Osceola Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33756, and MDP CLEARWATER, LLC, a Georgia limited liability company, whose address is 3280 Peachtree Road, NW, Suite 600, Atlanta, GA 30305. This Memorandum pertains to an Agreement for Development and Disposition of Property, by and between the Agency and the Developer, dated as of ~ l () , 2008, (the "Development Agreement"), which provides, among other things, for the sale of property within a project site as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for the development and construction of the Project, as same is defined in the Development Agreement. The Development Agreement is incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference as fully as though it were set forth herein in its entirety. It is the intention of the parties to hereby ratify, approve and confirm the Development Agreement as a matter of public notice and record. Nothing herein shall in any way affect or modify the Development Agreement, nor shall the provisions of this Memorandum be used to interpret the Development Agreement. In the event of conflict between the terms of this document and those contained in the Development Agreement, the terms in the Development Agreement shall control. A copy of the fully-executed Development Agreement is on file with the City Clerk, City of Clearwater, Florida, located at City Hall, 112 S. Osceola Avenue, Clearwater, Florida, which is available for review and copying by the public. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and their respective seals affixed as of the J ~ day of _(Y'arc.f'"\ , 2008. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOllOWS] (SEAL) ATTEST: By: Its: Executive Director WITNESSES: ~~ Signature --r;;() (!H-t4-'V btAf- Print name /)I2J__ ~b( ~ ../ Signature .:Jvtl BUrntH- Print na~e . COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA BY:.~~ Its Chairman Byl City C erk , as MOP CLEARWATER, LLC, a Georgia limited liability company , as ,\\\\1' 1111I 1111", "" OPMEN.,. 1111 ", ~\,.; \J\l AI r'1 II" ,$''';~ ~~....... l~8 Q~"'~ ~Qv'<N" "'f'" 1!. ~ ~cJji" QAATE "O:~ =>-IL,t ,.r;;,~~{t \~: -'-01 v '0:;:,- =~ 1 ~1 .I~ = %Z,.\ S-C ~ i ~~ :;.-:a~.. IP / f1j~ ~ ~t:I-~. S ~- ~o ..... . {r ~ *:r;,; v............ r:J""" ~~ 011'11111 {:c FLO~~ """ 111111/11111111' \\\\ By: MDP Clearwater Manager, LLC, its Manager By: .~~ Daniel J. Miles Manager 2 STATE OF GEORGIA ) COUNTY OF UIix- ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1 day of March, 2008, by Daniel J. Miles, as Manager of MOP Clearwater Manager, LLC, Manager of MDP CLEARWATE~LLC, a Georgia limited liability company, on behalf of the corporation. He ~ is personally known to me or D has produced as identification. \\\'''''''''1. ,,\' CE. St: ",'- " o..J, ........ v~ ~ ~ )..~~:~,~,\S>SIO~.~~(' \ :: lC ~\OTAR~1.1 ': - .;... \'" , - = :~ ...... = :()~ c: -- 0 ". PUBLIC f5 ~ ~ ~.<\"'~,e <:;OJ..... g:; ;: ~ \J'" ... ',Cf/L ?\JD ~ ..-/.;0 ~ Of, a ....;~..... 0"'" " #431234 v1- ~rf;:gLi.Nbft'Aat\\\" -"'r; ,ii, " " ~~~~~ My commission expires: If/~f 3 EXHIBIT A MEDrI'BD.ANEANVILIAGB TRAC'I' 2 BEGIN ATTHESO'D'lBBASTCXHtNElUIlfLOT 11. BLOCK 2.MAGNOll.tPAllX AS RBCOJQ>ED INPLATIlOOK 3. PAGB 43 OP''l'HBPOBLICIECO:RDS OP PlNELLAS COONTY. FIDlUDA; 'lHENC'B S.oa-1T5nL.AmsTANCBOF 1.16 FEB'I'.1H!NCB S.I"O'orw~. ADISTANQ OP.:U.42 FBIiT; 'IHHNa S.OQ<(J2'4nE~ ADlSTANC'B Of 25.71 PEBT:. 'l'HENCB SJJDST12"W ~ A . DISTANCE ()ll' 46.67 FBBT; 'l'HENCB S.DO-n'4l1B... A DISTANCE OF 26.04 FEET TOmB soum lUGKTOPWAYUNE O.P PARKSntBET; mENCB S.sgssT12"UT. ALONG SAID BIGHT OF WAY OF P.o\I.K SlRDT. ADJSTANCE OF 19:11 FEET; mBNCBN.21-29"22"W~ ADISTANCE OF 34.41 FIml'; THENCB S..G6.30.3rw~ADISIANCB OP lU4FBBT; THENCBN.23~"W ~A DISTANCE OF 11.19 PBBT; 'IBENCBN.UIlS3"OlrW.A DIS'TAHCE OF lSU7 P'EB'F; TBBNCE N.06-DTOIT'B.. A DlS'INACS OF 3.23 FEET TO APOJNT ON 'IBE NORmltlGHr OF WAY LJNE 0' PAltXS'IRBB'I';THENCE U9-sTU"W. ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAYOP PARK S'IUEl. ADlSTANCE OF SJlSFEEr; TBBNCE S.8101r3rw. ADISTANCE OP 1S7.31llEET; THBNCEN.QNl '23iV.. ADI!n'ANCB OF 4!1U7FEB~ TBENCBN.I11l1S'3TB..ADISTA.l\1CE OF US PEBT TO THE EAST RIGHT OFW_O\YLlNBOP PR.OSPECl' AVENUE; TBENCB N.tIO"lTSnv. ALONG 5.4l!D RIGBTOF \vAY QP PROSPBCi' AVENUE. A mS1'ANCE 002022 FBBT; THBNCBS.llo-1I'JTW..ADlSTANCBOF l.~ FBE'I'; 'l'HEINCBN.0I-41'1l'W.. ADlSTANCB OF 46.67PEE'I'.; 'l'BBNCB.NJl-11'37"B.. A DISTACNE 0F1.91 PEBTTO THB BAST RIGHT QF WAY UNB OF PROSPECT AVBNUB: TBBNCEN.-DO-ITSi5"W..o\LONG SAID.lIlGBT OFWAY OF PROSPECT AVBNUB.A DISrANCE OP 143.'9 Fmn' TO 'IHB SOumlUGBTOPWAYLlNB OP CLEAVBLA..1iID mBBT;THENCB N.J9IlS7'12"'B..ALONGSAlD soum RIGHT OF WAY OF CLBVEL..um S'I'RB2T ADISTANCE OF 401.00 J'EE'j' ro T8BNORTHBA~ CORNER. OFLOT 8. BLOCE.2 OF SAID MAGNOU\PAIX; THENCB S.ooo17"Sn. AlONG THB aUT LlNBOf SAID LOT I.A DJSTANCB OF 101.S01lEE'I'TO nmSOUTHBASr CORNEllOP SAlDI.OTI:"i'BENCE N.I9":iTUi"B.A!.ONG-1'BENO:amIJNB OF LOTS 12.t U.Bl.OCZ2OPSAID MAGNOLIA PAI.K,ADlSTANCB 0' 101.90 FIlET1'O'I'HENOll.'IHUST COINBP.. OF SAID LOT 11; THENCE S.OO-11'S6"B. .ALONG 'lHE EAST LINE OF 5.1\IDI.OT 11,A DISTANCB.OF 13UO TO TBEPOJNT OFBmlNNING. ARBAOFTRACT2: l1o.m.l!2s.P'. M.O.L. 2.711 ACRES M.OL MED~l!ANVJLU.GB TRACT S BEGIN ATNOR.'rHWEST COINEllOPlN1'BRSEC'.ElONOP PIml:.CB STltEET A..lID EUIJNG A~ rmmel N.OO"20'21"W.. ALONG D:IE WSSTBRL YRIGHT OP WAYIJNE OF EWING AVBNUB.ADlSTANCB.0i"36.45 FEET; THENCE SM.IO'OS"'\V..ADIST~~ 01'57.03 PBBT; THENCBN.OSD49'SS'W..A DISTANCE Oll U6.CIO FBET; THENtEN.23-29'%!"W..A DJSTANCE OF U3 FEET: THENCE U6~30'31-W.,A DISTANCE OF 4.40 PEBT.: TBENCE N.13-lf'21"W.. A DlSTANCBOF 126.00 FEB'I';TBENCB N.f6.3Q.1I"B.... A DISTANCE OP 46.67 i'BBT; TBENCBS23c]9'21"R., ADJS.'F..4NCB OF 34.41 FEET TO'J'BB soum RIGHT OF WATUNB OPPAlUtS11UlET;TBBNCE N....STll"S...o\LONG 8.4ID sotJmRIGHT OF WATOP PAlXSDEET. A DISTANCE OF6Ul FEET; 'l'HENCBN.CIO"02'4rW..ADIS'IANCB OF 26.04 FEET; 'IBENCB N,n.ST U"'B., A DlSTANCB or 46.67 FEEl'; TBBNCB S.OQa13'lS"'E..ADISTANCB OJ Pl34FBll1'; 'DIENCHN..I9~T12"E..j\ DISTANCE 139.lJ FEET:: THENCE SJJo-16'l~ADI5'I'ANC! OF 199.70nm' TOTBENOllTRlUGHT OP WAY UNB OllPJBR.CBSI'REET: '!HENCH S.l9'57'l:J"'W. ALONGSAlD RIGHT OF WAY OF PIERCE S'IREBT. A DISTANCE OF 179.16PEBT TO 1HBPOlNT OF BEGlNNING. AREA OF TRAtT S: SUU.49 SF. M.O.L.13f2 .o\CItES H.OL. AlSO: LESS AND BXCEPrTHOSB TWO PARCELS ALONG PllOSPBCT AVENUE SHOWN HERE ON ASIECORDEDlN O.R..l1'1D3-172.. (CONTA1NING 45lS.P. M.OL) 2 PlllilpeIlt AwL ..r!lil"W t4i!.lt S1~ ~'I trlli .... ill' a~ ~ ~ ~.. ... ~ '. ~b Ii !i ~I<- ft ( I. f' fTl IdUO X so- t7' Ile"[ ::r: - fii OJ -f :!II .. .. I~~ )> ~,~ .. >II l 5 i E & i 5 S ; 5 ~ ; ; t ~ ~ ~ i HIIHIHiUIIIII'i lei I I I I I I III I I I I elM ilii.ifill.. I~ I HIIUII i II~t&SIII ·